Wingham Times, 1892-04-01, Page 5i'ORB QLOSURs or THE writing about the plotnre as it was
IVIOlifl.'CxA0B.1 in looking at it. A little toddling -
A vises To Tiili Alli Kunio of sac el. A. boy of four years shrinks away from
WM.the bailiff with that vague fear so
often exhibited by children, and draws
On Saturday afternoon 1 set. The close to the side of his mother, whose
Foreclosure of the Mortgage, as that attitude of grief is peculiarly express
ever -affecting scene is described by the sive, although her face is hidden from
brush of Mr Or A Bela, an artist whose view. A younger child is standing
wotlts Cavo won more than a Conti• unconsciously beside the knee of the
nental reputation, Tt wotald be the eldest daughter, who is of that uncer-
proper thing to tell tate subscribers twin age at which girlhood seems to be
who was there, but that as impossible, reaching toward womanhood. Perpet•
forthe tie perpeua stream to perpetual t tl henere 1 household t d tl a nal economy ina to
l'�Stoves,Stoves, Love
few 4
give oN =clove
handsome studio during the afternoon, the children an appreciation of pecu-
would melte a list as long as my alloted Mary affairs far beyond their years,and BOth the method and results when
space, leaving no room for comments. she turns her face away from the win Syrup of FigsiStayolh; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
There were distinguished leaders of dow, trying to conceal the share of and refreshing
mo the t ste,_ dneys,
society, who shed a halo of strong the family sorr3w that she is bearing. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the syn,
light' on art itself by their presence and The baby lies in the cradle, an ancon'• tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
patronage.aches and fevers and cures habitual
liatronage. • liters were artists and scions sugsrestfon of the following and constipation. B rug of Figs is the =
art critics. There were those who probably darker acts in the tragedy. only remedy 'ti£ its kind ever pro -
loved art for its own salts, and those Close beside the cradle sits the grand- duced, pleasiDgto the taste and ac- ■f
a who were devotees because, in the mother—the nurse,• thri teacher, the ceptable to the stomach, prompt in 'i1 intending purchasers of stoves fort
language •of Dr Watte, it is prpper to mender and the Fetcher, and at some its action and truly beneficial in its 1
do so.. There was alb sprinkling of the time the beloved and respected of the effects, preppared only from the most 1
p o p healthyand agreeable substances, its winter will save money by buying from.
disturbers of society.,,for like all artists, household. Age may have taught her
manyexcellent dualities commen d it
Mr Reid has sympathy with the usual lesson -of patience, but as she to all sand have made it the most
those who think that the highest aim assumes her part of the new family lopular remedy i _mown.
in life should be he ,make the world burden she seem, more than any 'of "�YT11p of Figs io for sale in ?5o
bottles by all leading druggists.
better. Thus he numbers among his the others, an•ehjeet of deep sympathy. Any reliable.druggist who may not;
friends people who fancy they can see The lamp and medicine bottle .stand ; heave i.t on hand will procure it
room for improvement in the adjust- on the 'table, su'ggestii g long nights ; promptly or any one who wishes
meat of the social structure, and are of patient watching. The general � to.t�3.' 1 •��a1nufact�urec+l onlyp��b�yt the
abhorred by the better classes es ren- surrouridi'ngs Are those of hn ordinary �j��. ��bll FIG SYRUP CO
dors of the fabric of society. And rfarrr+laouse,'with many indications of SA.Nzrne�NOLSao, OAL.
there was the-u,nclassable newspaper the months of tigid economy that pre- aSVzT.a, ,u2• •? YORK, ad• Sin
man, who is found, like the fox, in all , ceded the fatal foreclosure.
climes and latitedes. Mortgaging the
Oid Homestead is the subject of a
painting, that added much to Mr Rsid's
reputation as en artist. It was given"
to the National (Gallery at Ottawa as
his academician contribution. The
Foreclosure of the Mortgage is the
climax of the second act ie the life
tragedy, and Mr ;Reid availed himself
to- the fullest ex '' t of the greater
scope for his g
in and sugge
The pieta ; e\1s �t,'lance the sad t size, and the canvas is nine feet byse,
siory offing and anxiety !twelve feet. It will be packed today:
culminr ' Ming disaster -the patience, for shipment to Ottawa, where it will:
toil a aid self sial of the mother, and !be lung in the academy exhibition, it
the ° children wing a ourden they will be forwarded "to the exhibition' in
co / old not •prebend ; the father; Montreal, a and brought, buck tog.
tricker wits liugeriug illness ; the ;Toronto for the exhibition of the On•
perpetual inist failing to be ,net, ' tario Society of Artists in May next.
and all culm ging in the arrival of During the \inter 1r. Reid intends
the bailiff wi .be notice of ejectment. to put in al out as much work on the
The face andoression of the Father, ; painting Cts he has already given to it,
as he looks h1ess:ly :across at his and it ,will be his chief contribution td
sorrowing wi,,endnig.her head in her i the Coluinbiant Exhibition in Chi -
hands on the ,le,is°a sight that would ' sago. Tie may have some other large
move any the xcept:probably the of- paintings on exhibition there, but he
. iciating Idliili The pade.h�ue of sick, • has not yet finally decided what he
mess covers h4ee and seems to weak- i will send, I was really disappointed
en every imp:, except the sorrow' when he said the work was incomplete,
and despair o s position, He is and almost wisla,ed 1 had iot spoken to
supported in lair by pillows, -and him an the subject. Mrs. Reid is also
. on�e.can read his wasted ;fine the I. an artist of note, and a very pleasant
story y,f week physic tl suffering, 1 assistant to her husband in welcoming
rendered (limb severe by the ghostly !the. throng that visited the studio to
spectre of the • ht growing larger and ' admire his latest and perhaps great.
larger, and th our of the dreaded est work. " Her fios,er paintings arts
foreclo.sur a •aching nearer and unsurpassed and the group of roses
nearer. /1Vow>yat the blow is about painted for the. May exhibition of the
to fall his lirsthrhought is the wife Ontario Society is so natural that,I
whom he is he est; to protect, and he could almost smell their perfume. It
Mr Reid is a quiet, unassuming man �
of youthful appearance. itis dark; rr�'
beard is trimmed almost to a paint Yoq
: r
r• .a ,
laud his dark brown eyes seem unite.:ii x ► • �', r•�
tentionaliy to look one through and;
through. iI told him I regrett�cl my
substantial lack of ability
critic, and he said i ;•was no material
;disadvataatag cede was not fond of a,
wordyiibulum that meant little toj
nes the more st1 k�,,.r.lase cratie and nothing to anyone else.,
tta.•0 atic enaton.i
The figures in the painting are life
looks tot4ard 1', all his strength and
all his weakiie showing in a look of
despair. The ilio is the next figure
to attract atts ton. 13`e is
In the light of •e window, and has
not thought it .cessary in the plain
surroundings o he farmhouse tet re•
Move his hat, le holds a cane under
his arm, and is electing the requisite
document from
his hnnd. IT
be depended on
bunch of papers in
the inan who could
o do everything ac•
cording to the' e2]uirements of the
act. Neither crity nor justice could
draw hien away rom the fintlhful dis-
. charge of his dltf. There are fortu-
nate people whe can regard such, a
Man as one dilisrt and exact in teats
tors of business, tut a good man at
heart. I don't lliove in the Dr Jekyll
and Mr Hyde th cry myself. 1 think
t11a One nature 8 the man and the
other is the ilius, and though a bad
man may wear a;good mask, a good
math will not and cannot put on the
mask of evil. But the tendency to•
ward moralising is, almost at strong in
will probably be her . Contribution to
the gallery at the Lolumbiau Exhibi.-
Having bought a very large variety of
to choose from
Every stove guaranteed against breakage
to give complete satisfaction.
Wingba,n, October 8th, 1891.
H NERVE BEANS area new e7ts-
•covery that cure the worst cases of
BEANSNervous Debility Inst Vigor and
L➢ ANw7 Failing Manhood restores the
weakness of body'or mind caused
• by over -work. or the errora or ox,
• ceases of youth. This Remedy ab-
solutely cures :the most obstinate cases when ell other
TREA.TMExxs 'have failed even to relieve. old by drug•
gists at Sipes package, or six for s5 or sent by mail on
reociptoof price by addressing THE JAMES MEDICINE
CO., Toronto.•ont. Write for pamphlet. Sold in--•
Wiughaaar by A. L. IIAMILT•ON.
—• DMt_IC",ATS r:H.;lei')
haying leased the shop, owned by Mr 11 Lemmex,
fora term of years, tel; to notify thepublic that they
aro ill a position to tutu ohs first 0.1559
Carriages, Waggons,
on shortest notice. Only the best quality of matte -
ial used in their ,manufacture.
Cutters, Sleighs, etc.,
The BLAOKSMITHING carried cit,
tion. The two rooms of the studio as usual.
should be described as a work -of art, Horse -Shoeing a Speciality•
and all the arrangements, both of We are prepared to sell 20 or cent. cheaper than
paintings and artistic furnishings with- the Cheapest in town.
ont number, are managed with such
excellent taste that it becomes a par-
donahle offence to linger beyony the
allotted span of an ordinary visit.
At Homo and Abroad,
Physicians, travellers, pioneers, settlers,
invalids awl all classefl of people of every
degree, testiuly to the medicinal and tonic
virtues of Burdock 131ood Bitters, the
most popular and effective medicine extant.
'tt tures all diseases of the stomach, liver,
bowels and blood,
Nettling appears more surprising to
those who consider human affairs with
a philosophical rye, than the easiness
with which the maty are governed by
the few.
r�ru t)It. TA1 T s ASTiId1 N1 never
1 p1 AI,�t+ t�talts;tendyourAddress,
and we will Mtn u Witco trial bottle DR,
Cnuadlau De t, Ind Adelaide 11'' G
lit. w,, Toho: m, CANADA.
Call and ane our stock of
Horse clothing of all kinds,
ItARNESS,.rloeble and single, light at heavy,
made rial. to ardet in the latest styles and of the best
Trunks, Valises, liand•llags, dee. in stock end wit
be sold as cheap as the cheapest.
Itepairbig neatly and promgtly done en short notice
The patronaga of the public tblleitod and retie *
Notion in work and material rtuarnntoeci. d A . CLINE t1 fit, CO,
SHOP—One door north et Canadian RxpreneOthce A V Yll� �i IaXi V
C RO S 5— C U T S A VV S1 Vt H;o'i Vaco
We have in. stock :
We wish to inform the public that we 1
Woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and
season vivo special attention to
In ali its branches, and will keep Inst
THE N ICKEL STEEL, class of arsr,.class goods, such a�
THE LA -ROSE P1UJ)E,» ,. „ Etois,
A very fine assortment of
M. A i BLEB.
&C., &o.,
(snack, from Imre wool only) Cheap for
change for wool.
Custon.ern from a distance can have
home with them the nano 1153'.
it'lifltheet market pricu in enroll teat