HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-01, Page 4tinjtm Laddie, and the 11111s A ivl n . Ahy+std de color g;, or whatever they to tens, and reeveHanna, of ..tnghatp, 1 �I
so on we strode tae the tuner o` Hee word halt, so we a' 'tatted, and an i anti Colborne all had large repreeenta- l not a men ne that eeotion who would
'll -' ' e nr • „ , t i a Wi consent to part with
FRIDAY, APRIL. 1a 11303.
Tin bast Journey,other journey, oh my love !
ne more for us to share;
ns. across the blooming land
egether we shall fare.
happy daya come bank to me
ben first wewent away;
two, we ouly,side by sale,hat blessed wedding day.
! bow rapid were the wheels;
w swift the radiant hours;
dear the shy and tender looks;
w sweet the bridal flowers.
atter year wo went again,
anever more alone,
itt little linke of ohitci,ish life
hat bound us to our own.
eliugieg hands, tbe baby words,
he losses and the gain,
anxious, faithful wother.heart
at solaced every pain.
more alone, yet dearer far
han tenderest solitude;
e gathering of that ilook beloved,
he mother with her brood.
d now t Hoty silent are the lips;
ow still without their senile;
word of mine, no thought of thine
'hat silence shall beguile.
close those serious eyes are shut;
be white lids lift no more,
living look of love or peace,
a glances at the sea or shore.
t thou not here ? so near, so far,
mutat face 1 utat see,
e, and yet bidden from my sight—
h God 1 How can it bei
long last journey. She and I
ger, yet apart;
eward and graveward; • she at. rest
Wish my breaking heart !.
an, ;Bailie, 1"tu gled its a' ower ;
heid has been in a. perfect buzz for
last foftnicht shoot `this 'view,
m a volunteer, I may mention tae
in the kilties No that I'm Heel -
ye hen, but like the kilts, it's
a brew dress and quite different
the idler corps wi' red octets and
k tr•ooaers—sorne o' them wi' a
ing brush stuck in the' front o'
• hats, end scene wi' a sort o' gime
ticking up.
ooever, that's neither: here nor
e. t n' a corporal, ye see, I talc' _
t as much pride in the regiment
to Camel him:el', and I'ta greatlyd up tae. But, as I was saying,
ad a bard week's drill, back and
t, up and duou, shoothering
dressing by the left, oto., etu.,
tivis, weary. For tee sake o' the
u ut, hgoever, I stuck in although
rsonally had nae need to ge
ugh' t; a' as I'm an etliuient.
1 ' . pass -ower oor march tae the
v station, and oor hurl through.
riled at last at Edinburg and as
ere marching doon the Canongate,
(ybndy • hurrahed at xis. hurrah
ne kitties! Here's the forty see -
some cr?ecl, and when we heard
we bold up oor heids $n' threw
'oor legs like one man. On our
!aeon, the Coruel got nu beside
an' as We. ,were nrarehiug along
'ere oraeklixg awe', and he Says
tn, Mr. Kaye, if ye werena sae
stout, l: wid mak' ye a sergeant
be, richt afl tale reel. 1'nr obloeged
n, OorneLeI replied, but We've a'
rid o' deticieecies—there's nane o'
erfect ; there's to great lot o' the
bowlie, turd that's fully wear than
stoat. The Centel Iaughedeend
j tired to ask, whaur are we gsstin
, says rte, Mr. Kaye, weatto tae
eview firer, the tae the breweree
la refreshment; ye are aware
Kan 0' ;he brewerees is to be at
et, Cornet, I remarked, it''s sere
better thau a ginger beer tuanu-
y, brit it • wis au awful peety ye
put itt for a distillery. Deer is
ptruglh for them or'nar regiments,.
t' x tie'elan' regiment we should
key. Heenver, 1 hoe a ,rase
It s bottle in my glengarry, mud
hardly eery it's at your service;
, tf ye could corm' into this
k would gier yet .a. bit tette at
illte Cornet, bein' un' ft horse,
tt" tltek' advantage 0' my offer,
etre roar, e
Man, Bailie, I ,vis prood, Dod,. I tkh„m,rides up aril cries -out, is torpor-' though alone, very cordially And ably fiod anlikd tiVo see
the fake ett,iof Agin1;
'toad for .the u,ortheru ternflt us of Lire they were the petite who would get t
Line. The spot selected for the ore.- meet benefit from it, Without .a
molly was just itr 'rear of Beck's bonus from these townships it would
lute knoekit O'Donovan Rossa,and the Second man fine the left in the tennery at the coneneencetaient of the be impossible to build it. We must }i
Lead League, rendd a' their tin oannie• (earth raw ; next the matt wi' the red gully which intersects the big hill back up our member at Ottawa in
tern full o' infernal nutehiuee tae heid, says 1, back of the village, Dr, Holmes, as andlyteg for the (d the bps.teut subsidy,
weand with this and the laotausea we
d'eriebo, if they had come in toy way. So be conies - up an' shook h;at,ds wi' president of the board of directors, could hope to succeed. Wing;ltam
Ae the pipes skirled oot and the drums i me, and said be wid ask the. Corbel's opened the proceedings, and galled on -hast no fear that such a road
rattled, particularly the wee yin (1 jpermiseiou .tae get rue oot o' the racks reeve Hanna to cut the first sod, and as this would cut off its trade by
think they cal a kettle drum), I wit; tae let the Queen see nee, how the old mai did bindle the pick I
building up smaller outside places.•.
It was to the farmer's interest to
far thx tneenit like a second Wallace Ob, 1 Aries, the Come), pair man, Notwithstanding frost in the build up Lire towns where his market
or Bence.. has nae malt to dao wi't than you hap, pound, he raked up a pile .in great was.
. Oh for a' 1-tooshian or a Proosian, I'm a volunteer, free tart go and come style, and reeve Proudfoot,of G.gderioh, ReeveGriffin, of Ashfield, was pro.
1 says to iuysel', 1 wid cling them doon as 1 like, and oot 1 walks ; the plpee with real Irish skill, soon , loaded it pared to .pledge his own services on
tae the ither side o' Portobello wi' yae, struck op, Seo the Conquering Hero intothewheeibarrow,whichthestalwart behalf Lha road, but be felt klrtat
until thee_ route w11the
grippit my gun by the hirr'en, and al Kaye here.
marched on like the best o' themThe Here, says. I.
pipes fairly set my bluid up ; I wid Where? says he,
blow o' this bayonet, 1 Coraies,arcd 1 steps modestly ap tete the reeve Grafin, :Of Ashfield, trundled the extent of the aid likely to be
'1 ileac were twa nay impudent look Qnee, and she'Says-- at, ay down tt:o,gully with a ha a day granted lay Aah(ieid was a question.
' hi' 'lassies =robin" alauaside o' us,and Really, Mr ' Kaye,,i'tu proud tan stride, amidst the hearty cheers of the If the north west part of the township
yin, pointita' tae me, says ; Look at see you. I've tit'en in the Bailie siuee spectators, An adjourn iant'was .then could !,e fairly treated in the i uta
that auld cave! he should be oat hurlin'
the perambulator.
The idea J Me 'write' a pernmhula..
te:r, and thy youngest bairn ten years
the beginning and late them a' bound had to the TeUh erauce Idyll, where Lha a11y, but n'ould, ire wits sure, g'
d ,
g t5 P liberally, but 9#'only the fawr'r end
noo, tuul 1 eften,; thoebt o' orderin' a Dr, Holmes opened this part of the was considered he believed only a
hunnerwecht or twa o' coal free you programme with a vigorous abeeelt sectional bonus could be not, ,Her was,
when Pmdaou at' 1)lmoral, It is a He pointed nut that not alone Gorier- liow�ver, hihnself stroiaglp lir favor' of •
au:d 1 Hooev r, 1 looks at the.Ooruel prood day for meiMr Kaye, and if it ioh, but alt the munieipit1ities inter-• the road any way,
and says iu a pleasant, jocular way ; wisna that a' the seats roon aboot me veiling to Winghaut would res. bald- Deputy ,• reeve Bowers for 1V for
P ,� Wingham P Wawauaslh, and J. hI, Roberta for
D've ye bear what than hizzies are are full o' my graud•chilclren,1 wid ask ed benefits frorn this line, -in the Duu;aunor each spoke strongly in
attain' about ye, Coruel ? But never ye tip. Hooever noo that 1 have sen, improved facilities for shipping their fetor of, tine road, and believed it was
ntind,ye're in a noble cause and ye eau ye, I'tn happy. n products,anteot sequ{;nt' hatter rices. sure of hearty support from the. people
afford to laugh at them, My honored fhddy, 1 says, this is a�' of these sections.
To the tU,yit:rt would mean an increase Mr.. Mahaffy, of Port Albert, Whey.
Bit 1 wacl weary ye, Bailie, wi' a' great day for um that's born o' poor but of wer lake ttafiie, and the fear ex- ed Mr. Gr Mill's statement was a ftiir
the opts and ipso' the Review. We honest parent', and workin' awe' in pressed by some that a load frog; the and squares one, The charter gave
had a Irma stand, and the wee t,ottle an or'nar sora' way in 8410:jingo t north would cut off our county trade .Port Alpert the right of a spur, but
in iiy glengarry wis o' great servic
to ice and my left Latin man—a daceu
bricklayer wi' n xed heid, free Tobor
tnory. There were twa or three wand
tae be freens wi' TOP when they saw
the bottle, but it widna go owe
them a'.
As I stood leauin' ower the neb o'
my gun I surveyed the seene,-and,
Bailie, it wis a graph' yin. In the park
Pre forty thoosan' brave 1 cotchtnen,
gathered free a' quarters. frac Stra'e
bungo in the west tae Peterhead in the
east ; frau the uttermost ends a' the
soot': tae the faurest awe' place in the
north—brave, loyal volunteers, some
Isatin' biscuits, ithers taken' a smoke,
but a' animated with a praiseworthy
desires to do or die in defence o' their
native lan'. When the trumpet o'
the regiment sounded, the eight or
nine hunner teen b' ti:ac regiment, as
if reeved by electricity, grasped their
guns, some by the thick en' and some
by the some en',and a' prepared fee do
what wis asked o' them—march tae
Mussalburgh or Newhaven, or any,
Where, tae repel . the invaders. As
Shakespeare says—
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do or die.
Gallant six hundred I
apd sae on.
' The kin' o' heid offerers, eieh as
generals and sergeants, flew ri,boot on
horses wi' feathers • in their hats, and
big swords and spurs ; and every now
and again yin wid touch bis hat tar.
anithar and hand oot a telegraphic
message, and then wheel awe' again,
and back and forrit and mon 'boot ;
and then yin wid stand up in Ina' stir.
raps and roar oat in French; then the
bugler wid try .tae gie us a bit tut,e,but
sae fair as I could see, a bugle's nae
great instrument tae play a tune on.
Man, the battle _ o' 'Waterloo Gould
hae been needling tae't except, of
course, we had nae rale fechtine.
On the hoeing above Arthur's Seat,
were congregated tbe fathers, mothers,
sisters, and we brithers o' the velum.
teers. Being debarred by reason o'
age or sex free bein' volunteers theme
dad's, they stili -dist what they could tae
exreortrage us , the parasols, the room
al,00t hats, arid the gay dresses 0' the
young ladies ---this wis afore the ram
spited them, ye ken --made up a grand
picture. Of course, I !oohed at the
young wamen wi' a faitherly e'e, but
T must 'loo that if I had been a wTuow-
ter, there was. twa or three that 1. odad,
there and then, have gone up and
offered the hated tad heart o' a brave,
middle+aged volunteer tan— a corporal,
iesa, thin' ye.
At last wis got the word tae Mardis
and nn we marched, the pipers Materia'.
as loud as they could ; the tuae 'oris
The Campbells seri Coming. As we
got appetite the Qu*en we got the
a Little dill I think that 1 wed ever be was, a$ he had always argued, an
t introduced tae oar Queen, and 1 teak absurd one. The direct connection
- aff my glengarry, keepin' the bottle we would (Mein with the towns chid
t wre1• rowed' up in't, and then'strode villages to the north, and. one posittien
proodly back tae the ranks and took •.as the county town, ' would increase
r , my plane. I wis ,delighted tae think •rather them diminish this trade. lie
of a' the volunteers, tete Glasgow recounted the history of this scheme
Highlanders were sae highly honored, front its commencement, and empbati.
The pipes strticl,up again, and we rally stated that • the of ject of the
walked on, the observed of a' observers. present directorate was to secure, the
1 (Beer after cheer rent the sky as oor bnildine of this line either by the 0 P
R or other capable persons. Th"ey
expected and would ask municipal
bonuses in aid of the line, but these
need not be burdensome to any one.
Taking say $20,000 from Colborne as
a basis for calculation it would mean
not more than $3 to each person
assessed for $4,0.00, and no man who
will count, up the benefits possible
from ouch a road could say this would
not be many times counterbalanced
thereby, •
Judge Tows Weis then called upon.
He endorsed the statements of Dr.
Holmes, and dwelt at length on the
necessity for this road if the present,
composition elf the county ofd Huron
was to be maintained, The people in
the south have easy and direct cone
nection with the adunty tower, but
this is not so with the northern and
northeastern mtunicipalities, and an -
less an improvement is made for them
a reformation of the County's boun•
daries was sure to corse; Very few
people indeed had any adequate idea
of tlreamount of business brought to
Goderich through its being the county
seat. Re frankly said the road could
not be built without a • government I
subsidy and liberal aid front the nhuni•.
oipaiities, `The road 'would be for the
benefit of theae total municipalities,
and -they should be willing to contri-,
bite to it,
Reeve Beek was the next speaker
and after defining his own position
towards the road, he asked 'for -the
opinion of the reeves and • other repre-
sentative risen present from the veto
ions municipalities. His own town.
, ship of Colborne Would, he believed,
heartily support the road.
Reeve "Liroudfogt, of Goderic said'
he had always advocated a direct eon..
t ectian with the northern port n the'
county as beim; a neceeeity for' Gorier,.
loh. This was a feasible plan—there
were only 23 miles to build as romper'-
ed with 78 miles involved iu a line
echteett hundred bare legs glistened in
the rain that wis'comin' door in tor-
rents by this time, and oor (aortic' said
time, after this, stoot or nn scoot, I
wid be made a sergeant, preparatory
tae being made general • o' the hale
regimen t. -
Aifter thes°Tteiilew wis. a' ower, we
marched awe' tee the breweres, and 1
being the hero o' the day, I vie pit up
beside the Oornel on the top o' a cask,
and the rest a' sat roon us. We sat a
ggu'd while --we were a' wat tl!rough,.
an' it's r,o every day ye bac the run o'
a .hreweree--and on gettin' cot we
wended oor way tae the station, where
we embarked for. Glasgow amid • the
cheers o' the assembled th.ousau's.
GIasgow was reached safe and soon,and
I for vin, had and have lots 01 plee.
sant memories in spite , o' the rain o'
the great 'Volunteer,Review o' 1881,
Queer world! Queer people'. Here
are men and women by thousands suf.
fering from all sorts of diseases, bear-
ing all manners of pain, spending their
all on physicians and getting no better,
but rather worse, when rigI t at hand
there's a remedy which says it can help
them because it's helped,thonsends like
Went. Another patent•medieine ad.
vertiserhent, you say. Yes—but not
of the ordinary sort, The medicine is
Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
and it's different from the ordinary
nostrums in this
It does what it elaims to do, or it
costs you nothing !
The way is this; You pay your
druggist $1 for a bottle. You read
the directions, and you follow them.
You get be
do, you b
gee you
int t
t, or east don't. If you
another bottle,and perhaps
If you don't get. better, yon
money hack. And the queer
that so tna,ny people aro wine
be sick when the remedy's so
a at hand.
a TITf et`rni;fCrCfi AND wtN0110,18 RAM -
010D8 DaDINNiz o Or rri*lt WORN. •
(0.511orrch Stst.)
from Guelph, and he hetieved the
former road would bring most benefits
to the town. tle urged hearty and
tin:mirnoua work and the road would
The weather on Tuesday last was be built withaut any difenity.'
about as un Iean at rtad A letter of regret from the mayor of
p at utto ahaf art • Wfng;hain was
ljl, and reeve Hann.
ae as r�iaroh
could pr
9duce, but fully Was then called err. He said he bad
the road ought to be deviated more
into Ashfield, and Port Albert put on
the main line. If they could ur,t get
this oil course they would be satisfied
with a spar' from Dungannon, lit if
they did not get what they felt they de-
served they could not be blamed if• they
diel not cot,tribute to the •support of
the line.
Short: speeches. were then made t,y
Messrs Peter Mchlwan, the salt manus
factures, R S. Williams, nu behalf of
the Goderich .Iioartl of Trade,Council-
lors Nicholson and'ktunber, F.Jordan
and the newspaper `°repreeentativi s of
town,and Mr ';'leo' Ri�,,ssey,of Asblel'd,
all favoring the schernei Mr t1uEwen.
gave as one, of the strongest argument
in fav,ot' of the line, that gave us a
vonuection with the 0 1?
direct connection on tlte� rou
our most
h to Great
Britain, which hi>,d roti .bei lwic, our
beet and greatest • market.. - T'a that
market wt, could send every.lti at.
most that we produced,, and amp eyed
facilities for shipment meant batter
prices for onr prodoue. The estimate,.,
cost of a bonus at `$3 oth , each $4,000 `-
assessment was as nothing (tempered
to the benefits: this line would give
every farmer and produeer between
here and • ughetrn.: For himself
be was prepared to give $1,000 out
of his ow rr business toe help this line
and he believed that there were others
who could individually afftrd to do as
wetl in view of the ueuifits it would be
to thein. '
This closed.. the proceedings and
with three cheers for the new road,
and a vote of thutiks to the directors,
the meeting was closed.
IT REST'SMast winch know all
about the misery of wash
�THEs day. To enspgy it means
- Tia.ckache, Sore Hands,
BACKHard Rubbing over a
steaming tub, and long
hours: This falls to the
lot of those who use poor, cheap, and in-
jurious soaps:
This Soap does aasty with Hard leteb•
bing,'X'ired nacks,!Itot Steam, and Sore
Hands. Tt brings atmfort toamillions of
homes, and will does to yours if you will
use it,
lfemeember the Name
300 people resembled at Sattford itt corthe dmmit s.8 a neiStbborly tot towards.
Rusty eta i n earn storm to five years of hard work and a great
witness the formal turnitt of the first deal of expenditure to get the line
sod ethe Goderich and Wingltain extended into that town, but it had
Railway, Ashfield, West Wtwa cosh paid therm Well, ad to.cley there war
the and dre 1 i . C oderieli, It. bed taken Wing ham
zetv-a t aeries., matelot