HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-01, Page 34T1i4rtOR4OLOSURE 00' THE - writing about the picture its it was. MOBTG .GE." in looting at it, A little toddling visa 'rQ TIII; Att f UDIo. PF un [k, A, liQy of four years shrinks away from ta>�In, the bailiff with that vague fear BO often exhibited by children, and draws • On Saturday afternoon 1, saw The . close to the side of his mother, whose Foreclosure of the Mortgage, as that attitude of grief is peculiarly oxpres- ever•affeating scene is described by the sive, although her face is hidden from brush of Mr G .A Reil, an artist whose view. A younger child is standing works have won more than a cnnti• unconsciously beside the knee of the nenlal reputT,tion. It would be the eldest daughter, who is of that unser. proper thing to tell the subscribers tails age at which girlhoed seems to be who was there, but that is impossible, reaching toward womanhood, Perpet• forthe perpetual stream that entered the nal economy in a household give to handsome studio, during the afternoon, the children an appreciation of pecu- would melte a list as loug as my alloted niary affairs far beyond their years,and space, leaving no room for commeits. she turns her face away from the win - There were distinguished leaders of dow, trying to conceal the share of society, who shed a halo of strong the family sorr3w that she is bearing. light on art itselt by their presence and The baby lies in the cradle, an uncoil.- patronage. ncon.patronage. • There were artists and scions suggestion of the following and art critics. - There were those who probably darker actc in the tragedy. loved art for its Owna sake and those Close beside the rads 't the d t C P. sl a 1e gran who were devotees .because, in the mother—the nurse,• tin.; teacher, the eeptable to the stomach, prompt in. language .of Dr Watte, it is proper to mender and the patcher, and at some its action and truly beneficial in its I do so, ` There was :a sprinkling of the time. the beloved and respected of the effects, prepared only from the most 1 healthyandagreeablelesubstances, hits it disturbers of socie,ty.,•for like all artists, household. Age may have naught her manyexcellentqua sucommendit Mr Reid has feeliugs.iu sympathy with the usual lesson of patience, but as she to all .,and .have made it the most those who think that the highest aim assumes her part of the new family . popular remedy L-nown. in life should be to matte the world burden she seem, mora than any of I Syrup of l+igs is for sale in 750 Vetter. Thus he ,lmu,mbers among his the others, an.object of deep sympathy. bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not friends people who fancy they can see The lamp stud medicine bottle stand have it on hand will procure it 6r any one who wishes anufactured only by the ORNR. FIG SYRUP Cos, SAN FRABTCJIt3OO, 0. L. isVIT4I,Tu, =Y. ,,71:3 .7 "SORE. N.14, • 1110 �oves,Sta►ves,Sov ONO IONJO S Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is talon; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the -Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tom effectually, dispels colds, • head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, plewsin;g to the taste and ac room for improvement in the adjust- on the table, suggesting long nights', ment of the social etructore, and ate of patient watching. The general abhorred by the Vetter classes as ren. surroundings:are those of an ordinary 'dens of the fabric .• of society. And farinhouse,'with many indications of there was the ulaclassable newspaper the months of rigid economy that pre. "© mals, who is found, like the fox, in all ceded the'fatal foreclosure. �,.• chines and latitudes. Mortgaging the Mr Reid is a quiet, unassuming man Old Homesteeaad is' the subject of a of youthful appearance. itis dark painting that added much to Mr Reid's beard is trimmed almost to a point re'put,ation as an artist.. It was given and his dark brown eyes seem unlit -- to the National (Gallery at Ottawa as tentionaldy.to look one through and his academician ooiitribution. The through. T told him I regrett' d my Foreclosure of the- Mortgage is the sulastautial lack of ability t!Rt.,., climax of the second act in the life ct•htc, aaad he said ,t,,;ftiv''s no material. tragedy, and 11'lr,p:id availed himFelf disadv:antag,,;te'iaa3"lie was not fond of a to the fullest ext; t of the greater wordyw„,(f buium that meant little to, scope for his g(0a,-xos the nior' strilr�,,.t uP`crdtie and nothing to anyone else. operir • promptly to,try CAL • ANT 9 lyleigerIS inf; and sagge jst;ee. �,atic .Vigitnation. •The genres in the painting are life" erdi The pict' cc ells .glance the sad size; and the canvas is nine feast by 7�R L L'1J�A�' ory of v 1 .. r. ��i fir and � :,a DAT �N �OVE�T.ISMENT IN ��E • All intending purchasers of stoves fort winter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK to choose from Every stove guaranteed against breaika,ge to give complete satisfaction. D, SUTHERLAND. 0 R ir Wiugham, October 8th, 1891. ti si , 1. _ 4tf ng anxiety !twelve feet. It will be packed today n p� culmina' sting disaster—thepatience, for shipment to Ottawa, where it will.: 1 (NOON FREE PRESS' _ 8ES . KELLY toil all' tfa self sial of the mother, and ' be hung in ,.the academy exhibition. It th �' children ming tt nurden they will be for,Warded 'to the exhibition in Qa %4 f . (,',,�j!( �y'�► (OF GUELPA,} es ,'uld not (-prebend; the father; vjontreal, and will be brought back to' trioken witi liugening illness ; the :Toronto foram exhibition of the On i; ii�lL '�1PUr jform the ladies of Wiugham and that they have purchased the perpetual hoist failing to be met.tario Society of Artisteiu May next. 'lately carried on by •Miss E land l pe e 1 out with a 1 and all cultntins.; itt the arrival of the bailiff wile notice of ejectment. The face andprrssion of the father, ; as he looks lalessly :across at his sorrowing wi ,iendi�ng her head in her Bands on the le,iera sight that would trove any :iaa`xecep4:preihably the of- ficieting hili The p.sle.h,ue of sick. l �uess covers hi,ee and seems tq weal: -1 .en every inlp� except the sorrow ,naiad despair o is position, He is :s�tt;pported in lair by pillows, 'and on.e.ean read his wasted fie the story of week physical s.ufferina, rendered doub severe by the ghostly spectre of the •ht growing larger and larger, and th our of the .dreaded foreclosur a caching nearer and nearer. towliat the blow is :about to fall his tirst4honght is the wife whom sae is heiess to protect, and he looks toilard 1•, all his strength and all his weaklle showing in a look of p During the winter Mr. Reid intends to pat in about as Hauch work on the painting as he has already given to it, and it.wifi be his chief contribution td tate Coluuibis�aa Exhibition in Chi- cago. He may have some other large paintings on sex ail,ition there, but he has not yet finally decided what he - will send. I was really disappointed when he said the work was incomplete, and almost wished 1 had sot spoken to him on the subject. Mrs. Reid is also an artist of note, and A very pleasant assistant to her husband in welcoming the throng that visited the studio to have o u c arge NERVENERVE BEANS aro a sew dis- covert' stat ours the worst cases of Nervous DebilThy Lost Vigor and BEANSNC Falling Manhood; restores the LL�I rilY wi weakness of body or mind caused r E p �7 �a by over -work. or the errors or os--IIN.CIl� .L GOOD . ca`sg.s of youth. This Remedy ab- solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other gists at $i per package, or six for ^da or sent by mail on reoeiptof price by addressing THE JAMES M7'DICINE 00., Toraauo.Ont. Write for pamphlet. Se1C in— winghauaa by A. L. IIAMILTON, TICE.TMENTS have failed evento relieve. :.old bydrug• DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS . OF ALt. KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADO! SwEETA.S .YFtUP AN7 CANNOT HARM i Fl= MSO•.eT• • FRIENDSHIP &• CO., admire his latest and perhaps gt s at- having leased the shop, owned by Mr if Loanmex, est work. Her flower paintings are unsurpassed and the group of roses painted for the'May exhibition of the Ontario Society is so natural that..1 could almost smell their perfume. It for a term of years, beg to notify the public that they aro in a position to turn oat first class Carriages Waggons • Cutters, Sleighs, etc., _ _.. . on snorto a ryu ity of meter will probably be her.. coaltributhon to fel used in theirnutnufacture. aa, .of Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Ghiffrons, Colored Crapes. Irish .teases, Black and Colored Laces, .flings, Jet Flowers and Rett Or - Plain, Spot and Fish Net Veil - gee ,and Bengaline Sills The es in Hats and Bonnets. SES AND MANTLES tale to order in the latest styles. tr onage of the ladles of Wiigham 41v is respectfully solicited, and lioitr best to please. posite the Queen's Hotel. i`, M. & M. KELLY. March 15th, 1892. We are prepared to petty. the HIIlHEST PRICES IN CASH for all kinds •af good, smni d SA WT� LOGS delivered at enr Mill. ALSO FOR Basswood' }leading Bolts, lav the cord, CEDAR POSTS, &C_ CUSTOM SAWING dune chetper than ever and sitttsfac. tion guaranteed. 6a11 and get prices. lengths to cut, &c. McLean & Son. `�`' all kinds of Lcmbst, Shingles, Laths, &c., •kept c�nstantl,y on lias,d, r r • �(��'c�-��r. ala st Horace V n,v the u � t at ^ - the gallery itt the Columbian Exhibi- as TheaBLACKSMITHINGa carrild on clips S —CUT S I 11 11st 14i Ola IV O�1 • On 'hot n despair. TheMilis the next fieure tion. Tl w rooms of the studio ion. He is stand.ng should be described as a work•of art, Horse -Shoeing a Speciality. We have in. stock : to attract atte -in the light of not thought it window and has,Hud all the arran smears both of e , g , .cessary in the plain paintings and artistic furnishings with- surronndings o>v he farmhouse to re. out number, are managed with such 71ove his hat le holds a cane under excellent taste that it becomes a par, We are prepared to sell 20 er cent. cheaper than the cheapest in town, FRIENDSHIP Rt CO. his arm, and is electing the requisite donable offence to linger 'beyony the Y ANT 1 i, document from bunch of papers in allotted span of an ordinary visit. • nun nnlanc+ air wenn.• his hnnd. He } the man who could be depended on'o do everything ac- cording to the '1e21uiretnents of the• At Homo and Abioad. alt, Neither a`�rit justice Cotild I•'hysicians, travellers, pioneers, settlers, y nor J invalids and all classes of people of every draw him away !rem the faithful dis- degree, testily to the medicinal and tonic charge of his d There are fertile virtues of Burdock Blood Bitters, the g CY' most popular and effective medicine extant.• • UNCLE THOMAS. LUU UUiWU u vvuuiJ■ Call and see om stock of l WHIPS, BRUSHES', '` 011•RRu COBMS, nate people Whitecan regard such. a 'tt cures all diseases of the stomach, liver, SLEIGH BELLS, ,1to. Man as one dili nt and exact m maty bowels and blood, florse clothing of all kinds. tees of business, jut a good man at . I(AILNESS,,douhte and single, light or heavy, heart. I don't Wove in the Dr Jekyll nada to order in the Webb styles and of the hest material. Nothing appears more surprisinrr to those who consider human affairs with a philosophical rye, than the easiness with which the roalt.y are governed by the few. and Mr Hyde th'ory myself, I think that one nature s the man and the Truhke, valises, handlings, &c. In stook and wit t he sold as cheap as the Cheapest, other is the moss, and though a bad man may wear argood mask, a • good mail will not and cannot put on the mask of evil. Bat the tendency to. ward rnnralising is almost ae strong in ASTHMACU AF`T'S A4; ss,, Armie rover RE�1lltails; send yournddroes, TAFT MHOS. ROCIIEEIt, N. lttlttle Dlt, ConadSt, W , Welto ro,, 86 Adelaide THE LEADER, THE SILVER STAR, 9 THE LANCE TOOTH, In all its branches, and wIllkccpin et, THE NICKEL ST EEL, class ot first-class goods, such as Tweeds,. We wish to inform the public that we Woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and season live special attention to C V STO.L1lf . WO THE FOREST BEAUTY Flannels, THE LA -ROSE ,PRIDE, Etois, THE IMPROVED -CHAMPION. Blankets, Sheeting's, Stocking Y ALSO A very fine assortment of • AXES, (orate trout puro enengel otlfor b) woCholea.p for cha Customers from a distance ran -We kopniring neatly and promptly done on short notice home with thein no same slay, 'She patronage of the public solicited, and Earle at49 riighest market price in rash ki taction In lace and material a;uerankoeid„ T`� CLINE (� T,1 �i, / 1O SlIOP--Ono door north ot Canadian txproesOdleo Y VLii� �l/ IXr V f �yoot, INGLib ill 1. AMBLER, ' • STONE $L OCK