HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-25, Page 10GRE. Will Poslitively be JIrTI74.1I.. S oods! 1 of sold at a RE REDUCTION of from 25 to 50 per cent. In order to reduce the stock in the shortest pasible time, we are offering the ove s artling inducements. In the past our aim h. s'been to give as good value as could 1►a,cl be in the market. We are now offering bargains Dab uch as have never yet been placed befcy 'e the public. We want your trade for c h or its equivalent. No effort will bo spared to give entire satisfaction. This is no "Fake" Adyertisin gf Dodge but a BONA FIDE DISCOUNT SAIF, We do all we Advertie1 Note a few of our Prices : 30 pi ces Dress Goods, worth rom 15c, to 20c. all at 10c. per yar. ; 25 pieces all wool Dress Goods, were 200. ti 28c., all at 15c• per yard; • a mac latent range of all wool Henrietta , were 50c„ now 40c per yard ,• Sic cial prices in .lack Dress Goode to clear. Prints and 1 Challies—A. beautiful range at 7c. to 11e., worth 10c. to c, per yard. Staples—A wid heavy Cotton for 4ic Checked Sh.urtingc and .Ginghams from 5 jc, to 1Oc,, worth 7c to 1 14c. The best Cottonades at 23o., usual price 35e. . great range of Tweeds at special prr s to clear without regard to cost. READY MADE CLOTHING AND HATS,—IVl lny lines 20 per cent. less than cost,. hese goods must go. ' . , CARPETS, CURTAINS, ART MUSLINS.—TI•.a being the season for these goods w will refuse no reasonable offei for anythin_ in this department. BOOTS AND SHOES.—A lot of new goods just 5o band: Men's solid leather Bals. t $1 per pair, worth $1.25 to $1.40; Women' Bah, 90c., worth $1.25 ; Slippers, 180, per ' pair. This department -lust be cleared out. tt (;rLASSWARE. AND • CROCKERY.—At and be ow cost. • tr` GROCERIES.—A choice stock of Groceries at cut prices. 'Special value in Teas at 1 , pound and upwards. ' ac • 1 The above is but a small sample of the Unexcelled Barg ns we are offering. A cal is solicited. We guarantee qtr satisfaction. LOOK FOR THE BIG FLAG. 1i/. R. IVIcINDOO. 1. The size of an advertisement cuts no figure., It's not what we are going to do Fn the future, but what we are doing OW. 1 The ladies of Wiugham are invited to• ring in their husbands and look at our ew Spring Outfits now in stock. Or if our husband is too big to .bring, you an suggest ittwill be to his advantage hat you should pass. judgment on the tyle, fit and tailoring in the Spring Suit ad-S/3ring Clvdreoat" kreelects before it s purchased. It is decidedly to,our inter - t to get the best .of critics to examine 'hem. Springopening of German made Jack_' ts, Newmarkots, Wraps and Capes. Our ssortment this season is unusually large nd: we are showing some .excellent +eines in swell garments that will as 'bnish you some and delight you more. i. Mistake to stay away. DRESS Goons —This wonderful stock i now in its fullest feathers. You won't rat the looking at them, let alone the ging. Kip. GLovEs —Everything that's new, vel, desirable brought out for this ason liberally represented here, at un ua1Iy good, values, the choice and cols t character of our gloves being an L opted fact. F. Auintne—A11 new designs in Tapes- , Brussels, Extra Super All Wool. o, Floor Oil Cloth. Best value ever bmitted to a buying public. i Goods value in Ladies' Hosiery, Ladies' t iderwear, Handerchiefs, Laces, Em- oideries, Linens, Trimmings, Corsets, bbons, novelty Veilings, at M. H. •MCINDOO'S• wish it distinctly wide od, that funeral furnishings have been in the PAST and will be in the FUTURE supplied ,quality consider- • ed) as cheaply as by any pother undertaker' in or within 25 miles of! Wingham. And, also, that when required, all such supplie iare delivered free anywhere within to miles, and funerals are attended to per- sonally by 8 GEACEY, Practical Undertaker, _Wingham, Ont. MY Data Triune,— had just •emerged from the small clothe and donned my firs pair of _,ants, wheu I . ad my first chat with Mr Davidson, m father's teacher. . He stands forth from t • canvas of memory a Tittle above the ave ge height, with a slightstoop,a slight 1i .p,a cheery fuce,afish- ing rod in one hand a • a fisher's basket .on his back. The liyelon day he has been whipping the sluggish stream known as Biggar water, but wi . hardly a nibble: Eis fishing tackle ha got entangled with a. willow twig, gets :taohed from the rod and he wends his ay homeward, and re- 'lating his mishap a puts the whole blame, on a huge fish, as h: phrased it, that had wade off with the s • e; making tracks for the silvery Tweed t. hob nob with a salmon swimming up • etre m'overburd'eued with spawn and the cares of motherhood. Meanwhile his sr: ter Jeanie is busy with alot of girls, wh • are learning plain seam, and finishing off ith what was known as a sampler. Ino .g well that her brother Will be ravenously 'ui ry, she"has cooked i ,ming them what tak g of.e The repast at out of the bag, when tires to a secluded spot, ler stomach's unwelcome d from my mother, when the harvest field, that o parochial sglleol• a hedgehog, with() they have been p over, she lets the Ione of the girls r and gets quit of inmate. I learn •''i°"« I engaged with her 0l titer= til1iC5 FRIDAY.. MARCH 25, :892. LOCAL EWS. On account of a great demands it our space by ou local advertisers, oral articles have een held over till issue. r--•Mit. E 1.I Dsvaa has moved to town and reparing to open his new store in the `nZaTAsiao Epsnia s. Remember the red—•Opposite Ca#rsnor.tt's DWG, $TCItE. Miss L B. C1ss , formerly on the ehiti staff' of Wingham Public i; e g I, boor, is now lib, _Pian in Alma Col- e, Michigan. • he members of Anchor of Hope e, 10 G T, p ,,pose holding' their i ConWersaztjne and At Home, in 11, on. Tuesday even- managing committee a short, informal musi= ut the evening is to be oyment of gaines, ee- tiosities, &c. Refresh- ovided. A good time is Temperance April 56. 9 arranging fo mel e +lrf will be ted. It is Not True. deratand a report is being circulated ttrti• charging from $10 to *20 more tt1 ternlebings than ie charged for Merles le neigllborhI town- I I Mr Davidson had 1 master of Skirling the first quarter o reform in church burning questio • signed and was pe ed to 33iggar, au I school there. 11. ' him, and under hi a literary taste, t solace, and gave pleasant chat when, the shady side of a father had only ti under Mr David taught him to wri ried. His musical tionary took the' 1 sc loolin and Ivan read with taste, and faultless, He told to tarry each a p money payment f renlluired was six mother, brother, and nevertheless, terms of easy fain for they asked hi on the growth of to take elm bark same. I rather t would have been callow down of epifearauoe. bine years, but'in� current century, tate had become 'Mr Davidson re- off. He remov- ed an adventure idudfoot succeeded y mother imbibed proved a welcome Sion for many s� ng our siesta oil aged 18 years and k. She told nie my SpErton—In Morri. motildis wheeling_ - Ann Jane, wife of Mr n, and that she hat 28 years and 4 mont e after they got Yi9a • MMAttTIN--In God ear and Walkers Dic lace of many years Alvah for it iku that he list his spelling was e the scholars had t for fuel instead of a • coal. All the spelling words, namely, father, sister, notwithstanding Re must have been on 'levity with his scholars one day how to hurry beard. Re told them chew it and apply the ink their stay in Jericho pr ,trotted one, ere the tub lead put iii an BORN. WALLAca—In Win st. the wife of Mr Pocock—In Tui st, the wife of Mr P1'Bn—Ll Turnber the wife of 1VIr John Pi JomvsroN—On Marc lltb; the wife of'nutter, tab Mr Geo Johnston, How ck;, a daughter. do Rotl>9, NEvxNG—•7 u Blyth, the 14th inst,the Eggsd per! Wooper c'°ord, WINGHMIM MARKETS. • ADE am, on the 2lnt Wirtotrnai,Match 24,•3892 TR. AD SALE t aliens; a son. Corrected by P. Denns, Produce Dealer. 40' to erryr On the .9th Fall Wheat par bushel, • 2 82 to eoPocock; a son. Spring " 82, to on the24th lust, oats. s.• - 3a to r• a son. y' 60 to 15• to 15 to 10 to 1 60 to 9 00, to • 6 26 to ife of Mr ti Neving baker;. a song Hay per ten, • TIERNAY—In East Wawanosh, on the rOiaatoeS, • a� • perotvc th inst, the. wife of 1 r Jas Tierney•, 1 t:hiekons, per pair daughter. Ducks, per pain EVANS—In Morr's, on March 15th, the Turkeys, per ib wife of Mr James vans;` a daughter. cieese, per Ib� - Coopne-Inn Br ssels, on March 17th, 0 the wife of,Mr Jat. es C ()per;, a son. NA ` IED. P.ix. ELL—BnaLL —' t the resdince of the bride's father, on ednesday,, March' 9th, Joseph Pinnell, of Culross,, to Annie Alice, daughter 6f Mr Benjamin Beall, of Teeswater. WALr,Al1E — HYN..Ais—At the resi- dence of the bride': father, Mr Sam'l Hyndman, on 16th inat, by the Rev T A Wright, Mr Tho Wallace, to Miss Margaret Jane H ndma,n, both oiz.Ho v- BvroNARb--Bit• N—At the residence of the bride's pare s, Ho wick; by Rev Mr Young, Mr Rich d Butohard, of Clif-' ford and Miss Aggie, : dest daughter of Mr Stephen Brown. ROBINSON--WALKER At the residence of the bride's parents Howick, by Rev.. Mr Davidson, Mr ex Robinson and Miss Aggie, third • : ughter of Mr Thos Walker, all of How ck. TINDALL —SEA AN—On March 9th, at ` Brussels, by Rev r Paul, Mr. Abel Tin - dill, to Miss F,.. ny Seaman, both of , Grey township. 80 to 400 to 5• to 2 40 • 83 30 50 61 15 15 11 h '10 00 25 5 60 80 .60 10 6 Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partnership hither• tofore subsisting between the undersigned as general merchants, 01 the town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, under the style and' fir n of Geo E King, has been this day dissolved by Mutual consent. All debts due the late firntwill be paid to,theundersigned Thos A Mi118, ;y'whonn all liabilities of the late firm will be paid Dated 1� ingham this 16th day of February, 1892. T. A. MILLS, GEO. E. BING. wttn s, J. A. Morton, NEW JE'1ELRY STORE U HS HAW MomarsoN---PEL •N—In Atwood, on Begs to intimate to the people of'Winghana March 16th, at the residence of the bride's father, by ' : v A Henderson, M and general public that he has opened out, A, Miss Agnes Pelt •n, daughter of Mr a large stock of ' Lemuel Pelton, to r J lin: Morrison, of Newry, MAxv3NLL—Wi on ii the 9th inst, by the Rev T E . iglytoi ._Blyth, at the residence of the • ride's •;narents,Morris, Marjory Annie, tighter of Jared and Ellen Maxwell,. t• James Wilson, of Lloydtown, York co ntyl RE1D-•-Woons—I • . Stauley, on 8th ,Pitt by the Rev Mr Macdonald, Sarah J Reid, of that town:. ip, to James Woods, of St Helens, IED. ADAMS --In Wi.Bhan, on the l.9th• inst, Ida, second dab liter' of ii tr a R Adams, ontbs. on ,the 23rd inst, John Spence, aged s, ioh, on March l6th, Elijah Martin, age • 70 years' and 8 days, HEN»ERsoN —A Ubly Mioh,on .March Mt'D(iIto medal and mil. Same, for this ly horse fil,i inst, Y . Lt2SIGOW. xt1: els. wort the Gralltcurling be the holder of the r.—The next month • 11 he held on the 31st 4th, Mary Jane Mr Robt Renders Township, Huron Co 2 months and 18 day ARMs'rnoNG—In uoknow, on March 14th, Margaret Ca ' pbell, wits of Mr J R, Armstrong, ago ; 44 years and 7 months, • 0L wRoltn—In. D ngannou, ori 4011 - day, March 14th, L. ra Irene, dab 'tier of,Mr 18 Crawford, ged lyear,3 to the and 17" days. ittle,i�eloved wife e f frmerly of Morris Ont, aged 210 years, TENDERS WANTED. Sealed Menders will be received by the Trustees or School f eetion No 11, Turnberry, (Lower Wingham), up till 10th April, 1892for the Erection 01 Tyr)Frame water Cfeeet.. The eontraetor to far/2141611 material, Pians and spobideatloes tan be seen at the reetdehoe oftim r Thos NettefAb;d, ni any e, onTenders n be n, x :: , . to any of the Trssta.e. l' , EItFtELD,} J . F o ' Q'liRL15, }',logs. Wrier • " ar 17611, 1892, • WATCHES, - °LOOKS, JEWELRY, • SILVERWARE, •&t. in the store lately occupied by Mr. Ed, Dingley, and invites all to° deli and see goods;and get prices. Repairing promptly attended to and satisfaction guarenteed, J. R. MUNSHA.W. Wi>r am,'March 23, 1802. f Ln ®H S CONSU, PTiO CURE, The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a 130S - Iwo guarantee, atest that no other cure Can sue. cessfullyy stand. That it may becoms known, the Proprietors,' at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the united States and Canada, ' If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it,. for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sore. If you dread ;that insidious imam Consurontion, use it.. Ask your Druggist for SIIII.OH'S CURE, Price we eta.,go cts, attd tt.ot our Lungs are stut. or Beak lame, use l$saea, rite Sti emc., To Pit connection wMeith nrysLeather BusineBoot and ss oe 5 keep a full stook of • SHOE DRESSING, Hathaway, Whitmore s. Zanoni, French Dressing, Eblipso, Bixby's, Perfect Bid, etc, in 10;, 15 and 25c sizes, by the gross or dozen. Jacquot's French Blacking and Gray's climax waterproof. -r- a _rte . ,S _.., • in Leather, Horsehide, English Kip, Porpoise, ''&c. Cotton and Rifle; in all lengths, , ' Button fasteners and setts, cork 801014'&g.- •y SHOE LEATHER, ,Simon Aline, bal.and fir and Mezaonia: Kip:and Calf ; also native kip and upper.. Spanish and slaughter . sole. HARNESS LEATHER 'Best brands on hand in oak and hemlocir. (Special , stock for traces in oak, Patronage solicited. Prices guaranteed. A postal zcard will secure quotations ora call from my travel- ler. W. J. CHAPMAN, Tanner told Leather Merchant, Winottea.. Dr ., lair, M D,82 A., L, C. P. S 0,./11 C. P. S. TORONTO. Jonathan Bushed, Listowel, says :— "After spending all my money and prop- erty to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a •hopeless case of •eon- sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mrs, Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: "Who)+;.all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured ile>of fits." W. McDonald, Lakefield, 'hays ;-"Dr. Sinclair, cured me of Catarrh." Geo, Rowod,Blyth, says :—"Dr. Sin- clair Dared me of heart disease and drop- sy, when all others failed," Diseased of private nature brought on. by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE. DR. SINCLAIR will be at the (QUEEN'S HO'T1~ L., Winghan4 ON. MONDAY, APRIL Ilth, 1892, FO' SALE OR TO R The subsc beroffers ljis waggon s • •p in Belgiavo for sale or to •zit, On easy tortes For particulars apply t0 the r o Pie or t p Bol . to Ont. Alsb,' I have ' stock a riUhL _: Of Wagons, Bug. Wheelbartpmd, a ghwhton willilRollers, at greatly reduced pres, as • n1 g ng out of business, n sT STkR1,1,NCL Ilelgrat , Ont. FA Lets 16 and , CcnoesSkin about 4 mild froth 4vroxoter RENT. 11owlek site atcd 0 from Wingham, Is offered f0 retarden resonabfeast; about 155 acres clog .6 and in a good stat of cultivation largobig. houseand splendid bank ,.rnand stables, pigpen ,•0,; about two acres of g young or- chard 72 aorta fall wheat in • farm 'ostly seeded dew Will be tented for a term of yen . Por par. tie ars, apply on the promises, or to IIEINEr WiLt Wroxet•" P. O. PROF. SCOTT, MUSICAL. LEADER PRESBYTERIAN GOURCN gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Staff and Tonie•Sol•Fa :rotation, open for ofnngtaments for Concerts or Church mo.tfngs. Toms moderate. Apply at rr