HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-25, Page 9S 'paid for them there, (8) that there rt margin of profit on the largo eg sent over when they are pro;; er handled, (4) that the Bzitish market ;clot so profitable as the American witl out the duty, and (5) that wecaun usually get our eggs into the murke of Britain in so gcod a shape as t continental nations,owing to our grea .er distance from them, The continental nations nearest to England can have their egges in the , British market within a few days of the time of laying. We cannot until some weeks later, .hence we shall al., ways competecwith them in the fresh egg ,nwarket at a great disadvantage, Iu"one week from the time of laying, eggs are usually quite fresh. In five weeks after laying, many of them wi be spoiled in the summer seaso This fact requires to be borne in min by all those engaged in marketing eggs even in this country. From the'statetnents of these gentle- men, we feel that we know the facts of the case just about as they are, and the knowledge of these facts can be turned to good account. \Ve know that because of the difficulties of tran. sit we have not an unlimited market for eggs in Britain, hut we have a market that clan be turned to good account. So long as this market is, our principal market for eggs, we shall have to give attention to the protium. tion of eggs of a good size. VV ith eggs of this class a considerable trade may be carried on with Britain, But there is another market that has never received that attention which its"- importance demands. We have more titan once called atteutiou to this market. We refer to the Con- sumption of more eggs ay the farmer himself in his own family. Egg Inay be largely substituted in families in the country for salt pork, now used to so great au extent. The pork could be shipped to Britain. If the market for eggs is not the hest in Britain, the market for pork is, and it is also an unlimited one. Because of this the productionof eggs need not of necessity grow less,while the production of pork may be greatly extended. The use of eggs in the country,. aid in the city as well, may be greatly increased, owing to the great variety of ways In which they can he used.: No single article of diet, perhaps, can be turned to better account nor used in a greater variety of ways The substitution' of eggs for much of the salt pork now eaten, would add much to the health is i ga' ly is ot, to Lei t� C Place", Remedy for Catarrh is the Meet, Easiest to Use. and Cheapest. Sold by druggist, or sent by mall, DOD. E.% kiazeltine. Warren, lea. WILL. CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY JAUNDICE1, FLUTTERING 1, 1 ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, h HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, I1. And every species of dig©ase arisin d fico disorde2310 ed LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACFI, . oWEL3 OR BLOOD. $i T. MILBURN & CO,, PaoprTORONTO. of the farmer's diet, without in any way diminishing his revenues. It would also enable him to give the pro- duction of pork for export that atten- tion which its importance demands. — The Canadian Live Stock and Ii'arm Journal. ASTHMADR. TAFT'S ASTPIMALENE neVar CuREDfails; send ybottle reel, and w e will =limas free trial bottle DR. TAFTBROS. ROCHEER, NY•FREE Canadian Dept. 18G Adelaide St, w., TORONTO, CANADA. A Learned Doctor. One of our physicians recently re- ceived the following letter from a country physician (2) Dear dock I hav a pashuut whoa phisicol sines shoes that the windpipe was ulcerated of and his lung have dropped into his Stumick, he is unable to moiler and [ fear his stumick tube is gen. I hav giv hygh eyery thing without effect, his father is wealthy Onerable and inti- nonshial he is an active member of the M E Ohirsch and god nos I dont want to loose gym. what shall t dne. ans. bny returne male: :oars in neede.'— i!1iedical News. Itch, Mange and Scratches' of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minthtes by Wool. ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sotdhy A. L. Hamilton. Greenland hap no Cats How thank. ful the Greenlanders should be.Imagine cats in a couiltey where the nights are r� Si* months long. Mrs..O'1"eolo—Good martini' to ye, Mi..ster'O'I'iooligan, an' ,jye lie *id ye, for it's a father 7 hear ye are. Mr. Ci'%Iooli an T`ilix, hat the harruf hasn't been tould ye, Misses O'1‘oole4 , ani it's more than wan father lc ft111 whin it's triplet$, bedad, FRIENDSHIP & CO., having leased the shop, owned by Mr H Lemmex, for a term of years, beg to notify the public that they are in a position to turn out first class Carriages,. Waggons, . • Cutters, Sleighs, etc., on shgrtest notice. Only the best quality of motor. ial used in their manufacture. The BLACKSMITHING carried on as usual. Horse -Shoeing a Speciality. We are prepared to sell 20 cr cent. cheaper than the cheapest in town. FRIENDSHIP & CO. Mosey SavoililonqMaio See our stock of ne,v and desirable BOOTS and,SHOES, Overshoes,, Rubbers, &c., For old and young, at ptdees which defy competitio --A cireulartias been issued recently by the leading gratin dealers of the proviuue, calling the attention of the growers of marrowfat peas to the ueeessity at eowfng pure seer!, if high prices are to be main- - taiued. 'Soy/ only seed free from small O R 3 1 1 1� ,I� white peas or pens affected by bugs or in any way inferior, FOR THE BEST . iT.A.,LUE GO TO—• --.T AO a Mlestonary. IInw often jo church, loo.ture.ruom or theatre cue will notice the shoulders of a good.lookiug and well -fitting garment plentifully besprinkled with Dandruff. Be a missionary and .tell people that Anti. Dandruff is guaranteed to remove Dau. druff with three applications. —As the drawing books authorized by the .Education Department were not issued in time to be used couvnuiently ju every case for the July entrance examinations, the exainiuers will be instructed to accept the work of candidates this year either in the old or new series. The acceptance a the equivalent of this work in any blah exercise book is already provided oy th regulations. Owiug to the delay with th publication of No VL due allowance wil be made for any disadvantage which pupil may suffer iu consegneuce, f k e e a English Spayht Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stilles,Spraius, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 450 by use of one bottle. warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever know,.. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Years ago the County of r[alton granted a bonus.to the Grand Trunk Railway and the railway in turn gave bond, to pay the- county $ 100,000 if within 21 years it ceased to he an in- dependent company, In 1888 the Hamilton & Northwestern Railway and the G T R were amalgamated. The county sailed the railway on the bond and Justice Robertson gave judgment for'the plaintiffs for $05,000 and $5,831.61 interest. On an appeal to the Common Pleas Division al Court his Lordship's decision was nus - tallied, and the Court, of Appeal .af- firmed the ,juflgtneut of the lower courts. Great Variety, Great Bargains, Great Opportunity. Having purchased the business lately owned by c Mr D McCo, mica, next to the flank of Hamilton. and added to the already large stock, Lwish to inform the people of 1Vhngham and sureoundiug country that I am to a position.to furnish them with anything t in the Boot and Shoo line at astonishingly low prices k ORDERED WORK A SPECIALTY. Your patronage kindly solicited. r Don't forget the stand -Two doors north of the a Postottice CONSUAIPTIO CURED . An 001 physician, retired from practice, ha'ing tad placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the needy and permanout cure of Consumption, Bron• hitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in housands of casco. he has felt it his duty to make it nown to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this . native and a 'desire to relieve human suffering, I vill send free of charge, tp , all who desire it, this ecipe, in German, French or English, with full ireetions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by ddressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Novas S2ePc•vers.13loek Rochester, N, Y. JOHN MARTIN. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, The following case of interest to farmers and stock men was tried at the Walkerton Division Court last week : In June last Mr John Rowland bought 40 head of cattle from lnich•nd Donnelly, of Pinkerton, about half of which were allowed to remain with Donnelly for some menthe before. re-. 'novel-. On the day on which he was oohed that the cattle were to be alien away, Donnelly got up early and ave them a liberal supply of salt. alt produces thirst and thirst is beet atisfied with water. Donnelly's attle uatnrally drunk their fill of we- er, and Rowland maintained that as consequence they registered an uh- ormalty heavy weight. Tliu case vent to a jury and It verdict for the till amount of the clang, $60, was warded to Rowland. The defendant as assessed with the costs. First-class Shingles, t and Cedar Posts, Car Load Orders a Specialty. se WOOD delivered to any part of a ngham. ire Orders by"mail promptly attended to. . f Gl 1t GE THOMSON, WN ' � mi,l am P. 0. W BANK OF HAMILTON WINGH.AM. Capital, $11,200,000. Rist, $600,000. President-Jo,STUna'r. Vico•Presideut :N A. 0..LinaisAv. DIRECTORS loos Paoorox, ClIA8, GuaNav, Gini RoAo,,, A. T 1VooD, A. B. Les (Toronto). Cashier -4. TURNBULL. Savings Bank--Houhs,10 to 3 ; Saturday's, [.t6 1. Deposits of ;1 and upwards received and int rest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts o. Great Britain and the United States bought and sold B, WIL' LSON, AGENT. h1ILYL1t & DICKINSON, Solici torsi, FOR SALE, Lot No. 3, and the E. g of Lot No. 7, 11th Con. Turnberry--150 acres; 00 acres cleared; well fenced; frame house and other buildings; good orchard; cheap, on time. Apply to M. C. CAMERON, Or Godorich, WM. McPHERSON, -4V Gletafarrow P. 0. 191 A J Tl fir, BALSAM Imes C0lJCHS C(1Los Ii®ARSE NE3 ;.ETC. For the past year I have been troubled to a very great extent with Daudruff, also a dulluess of color in my hair, and through the advice of a friend (who spoke from ex- perience) 1 tried your Anti Dandru which, upou the application of less)hna bottle of your liquid I find my (read not only thoroughly cleansed•:but a vast irrt• provement in the colorund growth. 1 have and do redoinmend it as highly beneficial to the profession and public geh- eral ,.00s1,, agreeable and welcome inun. cation iu the remedies put forth for public favor. Yours, etc, Wr,r P Worm:, Advertising Agt, "Frank Dauiels Co." Season 1890-01. A pleasant incident occurred at the railway station, Seaforth, on the 10th instant, on the arrival o,f Mr John Ross Robertson, the grand plaster of the Dlasonic fraternity. Alarge delega- tion of school children, to show their apprnmatioh for his well-known benes valence, as particularly manifested on behalf of poor children, for whose benefit he has contributed largely in the uilding of hospitals and other obu able institutions, on the arrival el r,. distinguished•visitor,eurr'ounded Iliiri, and bliss Annie Smith and Diaster James Robb stepped forward and requested his acceptance of a handsome bouquet of flowers as an evidence of their regard and esteem hia,v for great benevolence. pee.Mr t - ben e Ildber on addressed them in tt few well 1 chosen words, expressing his delight t the pleasant welcome he tiad re. elves. Is • WEBSTER'S HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFF3, Cheap for KASE:, `:WEBST1 JAS.. MURRAY & Ca, WINGRAN FOUNDI MANUFACTURERS OF i3M Plows, Iron Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Mowers. u l LSO, WALMSLEY'G PATENT .sur—out ana 1111 -RATING WIND Eli COMPLE1E WITH PUMPS, &o. WARRANTED 1' HE BEST IN CASTINGS S in BRASS or IRO TO ORDER. REPAIRING AS USUAL. 4 JAS. MURRAY & CO• P. S.—All those indebted kindly call and settle at once. HOOSIER STEEL FRAME DRAIN -DRIL Over 25,000 Hoosier Drills and Seeders with our,,Positivai Forms Feed in Use in Canada. ` ri 1 Jig V1.J • L\J e GUARANTEED THE BEST IN TILE WORLD, and the only drill that can be instantly regulated run the desired depth in hard and soft ;;round while moving. THE. HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that sows all kinds of grain and seeds evenly, and at. depth desired in all kinds of soil. TIIE HOOSIER IS THE. ONLY DRILL that con minces to sow the instant the horse moves THE HOOSIER 13 THE ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEED, and is the only drill that deposits the grain err Nat the depth yon want it in hard or soft soil. Rum atinSR TIDO. THE HOOSIER COMBiNED' DRILL with cultivator teeth is the best cultivator made, and is the only im! I ncnt trade with teeth on independent draw bars that can be set tor hard aid soft Land while the team i motion. Tris cfloosien is lighter on the horse, than any other drill rands. The points of excellence in Hoosma that other drills do hot have are worth more to the farmer than any drill in the world. THE COMBINED HOOSIER can be changed from brill to seeder or seeder to drill in less time than any node. Send for our new illustrated catalogue and testimonial sheet. Beware of purchasing drills f infringe our patents fh NOXON BROS. MFG. CO. (LTD.), INGERSOLL, 0] The financial standing or this Company is first•class, they being rated at 4245,000. No combine her • �o JOHN CAMPBELL, Agent, s WHITECHUUCH. 01' Also, dealer ihi;allgkinds of Agricultural Implements, Organs, Sewing Maehil &c., all from the best Makers in Canada. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES,, RUFF" .DANDRUFF GUARANTEED A. rt. L. CAVFST. Toronto, Travelling Posscncer Agent, e P Says: AntLUnndrulfis ap rfcctremoverofnon. druff-its notion Is marvellous -In my own case a row applications not only thoroughly removed excessive dandruff amcumulatlen but stopped taping 810.8 Lair, made it soft and pliable and eremoted a Visibie growth. as Restores Fading hair tolls original color. Stops falling of hair. Keeps the Scalp clean, Makes hair soft and Pliable Promotes Growth. A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMEN These remedies have stood the $est of fifty years experience, and ere pronounced the best Medtrfhi Family use. 12't PZtis Purify the bleed, correct all tisorders of the TAVISR, ST0MACTI, MOMS AND INA le S a invaivab a In n11 complaints incidental to females of ell nge5. 011\1'TM/1M 1\1"i2 To the on reliable remedy ' badv : to ' only t h 1 rt, ne y a' le}pr, .ou„ nieces, nod nitl woundw 1 T. 111tONCHI`YT• THROATS, ooroItS, rt)t,Ps COPT, ItrEIOMATISM, VIL PI L:tlt R11'lSl t.lNG t AND' AL DISEASES IT HAS NO Ik1,CAL Manufactured only of 74 New °Mord. Late Ai. oxford Street, ]IA and sold by all Medicine VemlorAhroughout the world. F Purilasers should le_hk to the Lobe) m• the Voxes androts, 'If the Wirt not 533 Oxford Street, Loh,aon, they acre spurious.