HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-25, Page 8D•& . MARCH 26, Huron Assizes. Thee Spring Assizes for the County Huron opened at Goderich an Mott. befurt+ (chief Justice Armour,. Mr ove., Q 0, of Lindon, aiplieiti'iulr a'ittr crown. Mr John Varcoe was ted foreman to : of the grand jury. ate Criminal f}tllendar contains but. eases. In the Queen v Thomas ditto rs, charged with shooting Con- stable Bulmer in Clinton while at- mpting; an arrest for a burglary in towel, a true bill wn, found at last nes; and the prisoner was traced to Portage. The other case is. a rge of rape against an Indian led John Birch, living near Winth- , the alleged victim being the wife t neighbor, at whose house the oner and his own Wife were in- ging in a spree. The civil calendar Iles nine cases, ' one of which is :.e Assessment of damages by the he first case was Dale v St John, iccion for slander arising one of a in a magistrate's court between parties, who are' both farmers in township of Hullett. At the cone ion of the plaintiff's case, the n was taken from the jury by bis :stip avid a non -suit entered. R H • Q C,and J T .Best for plaintiff. ow, Q 0, 'and R S flays for de- ut. :alters v McDonald was a case for •ious prosecution. Judgment for X50 and costs. Lewis 'for plff; tv, •Q C, for deft. . lit:rty v Johnston.—This was an for breach of contract to pun: t number of organs. Scott for deft not represented by counsel, ordsh ip directed . judgment to for pill against deft for $260.89 - all costa of snit on High Court • en v, 13ogie was an action 1'488 arrcrst .send ...-.,.aRsaillts Hann of counsel Itis Oordsbip ed judgment for the plff fur $100 es. w ith full costs of suit, idolt ; Cxarrow, Q 0, for deft. eyv. GTlt et' al. This was an for breach of•contraet to car* over deft's. railway. By cols- is lordship directed judgment tered for plff for $250 damages 11 High Court costs. ice v Marshall.—Action to re= xecutors andfor an, account. rdship; directed judgement to tering of consent; minutes by counsel. Dickinson for ol.t for deft, v Race ---Action for libel. $1 is were awarded phi'. Idington, d Clarke for plfi, Darrow, Q eft. in, v Gledhill.—Action fcr of unpaid purchase money ed without costs. Aylesworth, plfr; Gati ow, Q 0, for deft. t V Bryce,—Action for slander: for deft, 'Dickinson for plff; Q 0, for deft. n v Chambers: --This was n young man shooting at Oon Bulmer, in the Cotzinlerciat 1 -10 - ton, in the endeavor to secure for burglarly. Btiiruer ideih- ambers positively, but others It he was notin the vicinity act was said to have been d. Prisoner got the benefit ubt and was discharged. PRESENTMENT. o e for our lady, the. Queen to present a That they have the jail and find at present prisoners eonff ned, twei ve one female, The female is as a vagrant for the fourth lentils each time. lier erica Will expire on the ,April next. She is eighty of age and has no means of Keraelf, Of the male pris. are insane. One has been uottsly since the 28th Jarinary, 168 , The other has been haveenteted so fully into the fruit of insince t 17tH April, 1600,. Both theirthat lahois that to us at hard past cases weFeduly reported by the sheriff` seems scarcely more real than a dream, within one month of their committal: but we might do well to remember and .ate now awaiting removal to the it a little oftener, at least when we insanll asylum. Neither of the above feel inclined to bewail the distasteful, cases are of a violent type. One is loess Ana toilsomeness of our own daily under sentence for larceny, Qne await- tasks. intl trial for rape and another is await - lug trial charged with shooting With acture Framing, I have just received ouo• of the largest intent to (1Q bodily harm. The other i stocks of mouldings for picture and wreath has just been committed as a vagrant framing r have bought itr brought totWiao eilam,and, and ll for fifty days. He is healthyand sell as cheaply as ct:il be got elsewhere . strong -looking and well able to earn a So it you stave pictures, wreaths or of paintings, any size or style, to be framed good living %vallout undergoing the bring thein along and we will frame the disgrace of being kept by the public for you ou short notice, at S Citacitx's in tt eornalou ,jail, We found the jail Furniture Rooms, clean and well ventilated and in a good is er made State of repair. The prisoners s li ae uo complaints and expressed them- selves as being well eared for. While your grand jurors fully recognize the duty and importance of having the poor properly cared for, yet after care- full are f ll id - t• t' n wedo p. A.B N FARMS p e SON sixOPLD yr Educating. iog.. A -OSTAL will seem• GI i catalogue 0f the • CITY usiaosa Coo 'go, ;er 100 students in atteu nee. W. Westervelt, /Perin • • al„ - them T D, 2O CORDS OF WOOD. Most people spend so much time in hunting up new irous to pat in the fire that they find themselves at last trying to heat a.lot of irons in a bed of cold ashes. It Leadsthe Leaders. u y const ening the goes -10 The foremost medicine of the clay, .Bur not reoonrniend that a poor house be dock Blood. Bitters, is a purely vegetable provided for the county , of Huron• pwens over all thei orgt us of regulating system But as the question bas 60 often and controlling their secretions. It so ll blood come up before the grand ,jurors of purifies Lanblood diseases froit m a s aciommon this county for consideration and nuth• pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, and tail has been done, we recommend that this combined with its unrivalled regulat. ing, cleansing and purifying influence on this question be voted on by the rate the secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowels Uf the different municipalities and skill, render it unequalled as'a cure payers P for all diseases of tate skin. From one to of.tLis county at the next municipal two bottles will cure boils, 'pimples, eleytiona or at such other time as may blotches, nettle rash, scurf, tetter, and all the simple forms of skin disease. From be convenient. Alt of which is moat two to lour bottles will cure salt rheum or ectfull submitted, eczema, shingles. erysipela'S, ulcers, ab - respect y scesses, ruuniug sores, and all skin erup• :No. A. S. VARco t, Foreman. tions, It is noticeable that sufferers horn skin diseases are nearly always aggravated kiy intolerable itching,. but this quickly A Hundred Years Ago. • _subsides on the removal of the disease by B. B. B. Passing ou to graver yet prevalent It is difficult for us who enjoy so diseases such as scrofulous( swellings, many of the luxuries of life to imaginehumors and scrofula, we have undoubted prcof from three to six bottles used inter• how the first settlers contrived to naily and by outward application (diluted exist with so smalls measure of what if the (.kin is broken) to. the affected parts, will effect a.cure. The . great, miss:iou of we now regard as necessities. B. B.73. 28 to regulate the liver, kidneys, Their log cabins were sometimes bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong aotidu of the stomach and to open absolutely unfurnished. In one in- the sluiceways of the system to carry off, all clogged and impure secretions, allowing stance the only furniture of the house nature thus to aid recovery and remove'` was a bedstead rudely constructed by without fail bad: blood, liver complaint, driving two poles between the logs of biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headache, Pdropsy, rheumatism, and every species of the shanty,and then twisting basswood , disease arising from disorder of the liver, bark across so as to bind them to etller. ' kidneys, bowels, stomach and blood. ' We guarantee every bottle of B. B. B. .Upon this, thebedding a little clean ' Should auy person be dissatified after using straw and home made blanket, woven the firs" bottle we will refund the money on application, personally or by letter. --abaft., picked out of the tanner's vat. We will also be glad to send testimonials and a hemp.11i;e weed, and information proving the effects of B. B. B. in the above mined diseases on Their clothing was also homemade application to T. Minnutia (sc Co., Toronto in a more emphatic senee • than the` Ont. word usually implies now -a -days. The outer garments of both men and wo- men were often made of deer skin,frou► which the hair had been removed,while every family made its own •clothand linen for underclothing and household purposes, though at first their imple, ments for the manafacture of these • goods were of the most primitive des eription. A little later, looms and spilling wheels were brought Gin, and were regarded as part of the necessary furniture of the house. Of course some of the families who '-care to • Canada when the United' States declared. their independence had brought with then: some relics of farmer grandeur, and for sally to day these old-fashioned splendors would be brought out on occasions of state and festbity, Often a bride was dressed in some of the finery of her mother's youth,but if this was not forthcoming, she usually inspired no higher than a dress of ehintz,w►ich was then esteem' ed aluxury. Unhappily, there were greater hard- ships to be endured by many of the pioneers than tile want of suitable attire, trying as they was. The heav- ily timbered lauds took much time and bard labor to prepare for crops, and many of the settlers were gentle- men and soldiers utterly inexperienced in the work of cultivating the ground. The year 1787 was lo.►g remembered as the source year. 1n sone districts four could not be bought, and bran had to be used as a substitute by those who could afford it, while others lived for weeks on weeds, roots and leaves, . varied ocensionally by fish or wild - pigeona, caught in the woGds, 13y degrees things improved, and the early settlers began to reap the _ reward of the industry and hardihood whfeh has eh.anged so much of Ontario from a wilderness to a garden. We Every man's ideal wife is the woman who believes everything he husband tells her, but no iraan's ideal a . , Woman is fool .... ..:.... .:.. _....... CROSS -CUT SAWS. We have in stock : TUE LEADER, THE SILVER STAR, THE LANCE TUOTFf, THE NICKEL STEEL, THE FOREST BEAUTY THE LA -ROSE PRIDE, THE IMPROVED CHAMPION. ALSO A very fine assortment of - AXES. J. A. CLINE & 00, STONE BL Scientific Antenna Agency for PATENTS CAVEATS, IstranE MARK$ sIQN PATENT ( +C PYRIOHTS, etc. For Intormdtlds send free itaildbookwrite to MUNN alt COM. 861 IInOADWAT, Naw Onlr. Oldest bureau Torlaoaringpatents in America: 146erley i•,0 livery patent taken out bq us 15 brought before the public by' a none* gtyon free Of charge in Qs trent ftcAtittVitita Call and see our stook of 1 W111Ptt , B11USf ES, CURRY 0013MS, SLEIGH' BELL, tic. Horse clothing of ali kinds, HARNESS, • double and single, light or heavy, made to order in the latest styles and of the best material. • Triutks, Valises, hand Bngs, Ste. in stook and also, bo sold as cheap as the eheapest. t Ropairing neatly and promptly done on short notice, The pntronago of the public solicited, and ✓alis faction in work and material guaranteed. SHOP—One•door north of Canadian Express Mee M. AMBLER. HALSTED&SCOTT BAN3 HRS.. Josephine Street • - Winghant, Ont. J. A. HALSTED, J, W. SCOTT, Mount Forest. Listowel. Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. bale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all. parts of Canada at reasonable charges,. Special Attention Given to 0/1- lecting Accounts and Notes./ Agent itn Canada—Tho Merchants' Sack of Canada. • Office Ilouis—From•9 a. m. to 6 p. is(. A, E. SMITHI, Agent.: TarEest elretttatien of any salenttflaopikapo rn the world., Splendidly illustrated,. NO mail shouldbWit6. weII S8Inpr2NAPU NEWLUMIM1Broldnfri.drev Loan on tberfolttiglram iliac .-IS 1?Ul3L1SiWD-- 1 EVERYFItII>AX n1O1tNINr, ,T TUE— TIMES OFF CK, JOSEPHINE STltr a WINGIIAN, ONTA1tIO. / SR bscriptionprice,$ per year,Inadvanset ADVERTISING RATES Spoof 1 1yr. 1 emo. 1 a mo. 1 1 nio. Otte Column "S6 00 20 00 Quarter '+ 20 0 One Inch • 0 ca 800 1200' 1042 OD 0 00 ` n nd other casual advertisements, le. pavane for asst insertion, and he, ',aline foreach subsequent insertion. Loon! notices loo. per line for gtitinsettiirn, and 6e• per line for each subsequent insorticr,. r•No local, 1 notice will be charged less than 26e „ Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situationi% and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lin La nOa, SI por month Housesnproiiand Farms foi'Sale, not exceeding 8 lines, 51 for Met month, 60e. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or fon longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will h inserted 011110rb14 and charged accordingly. sitory advertisements must be paid in ad e Changes for contract advertisonto must be in the office by Wednesday noon order to appeat that week V. LLIOTT PROPRIETOR AND Pastatotlta iICUONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET,. IVINend1t, Cy' B, TOWLER, id.D.O.AI. r Member College Phy, • ons and Sur ons, Qntario -Coven r for Countyp?f;uron—j Office 17p•stairs, next to Mr forton's oti4c, 'Wing ham, On, Orrice'. tHours.-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to e+ p. m., or at Residence, Diagonal Str et. T1s. J. A. MELDRTJM, U Aonor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Olticeoand Residence—Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. tYiaenArl - • ONT VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc Private And Company funds to loan of lowest rates interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town • and farm property bought and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Block WINDHAM, ONT . J. A. MORTON BARRISTER Stc wingham _. .•, • Ontario. MEYER & D10EIIsoN, H. W, C. MEYER Q. C. I E. L. DIOKINSON, R. A, BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Eta, So lteitois for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for. inking' affidavits for Manitoba, Farm, Town anck Uillagc property bought and sold Money (private. f000s) loaned on ulortgage seeuri at 6itt per cent_ iouey invested for private person , ny upoa the bo6t, lender. Langage ds for sale lin Manitut oba and the North.. for\vest. Office—Ront's Bloch W inghar. ENTISTR .—.1 S. JEROIIE, Wlkenan, • Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bestmatetiaki as cheap As they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Eloctrte 'ty or Vegetable Vapor. • TARt. NOTica—I will extract teeth for 26 cents, oaeh. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the. Brunswick House. Wrn. H. Macdonald, L. D. S.,, DENTIST.. OFFICE, %` - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, wingham. Will visit Gerrie lst and 3rd Mondays; of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL f iStntANOI: AGENT Wimples, ONTARIO, D. DEANS, JR., WINDHAM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTX- .OR HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Qhargee. blederate. JOHN CURIiTE,' 111onAM, ONT., LICENSED AUCTlONEEtt 5011' TI1 COUNTY o1•1, 11017014. All orders loft at the Times office promptly attend., ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, Liettssxn Aucriosasn YonBacca CODN 't8s kROx APt1. All sales attended to promptly and On the Shorter Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction 00alantced, All necessary arrangements tan be inade et the Tibia' cdioei wiRtlllAlt OST t - BOLTON tiX HA1yEHtifi P. L. h D. T.' SVavI•taOnS Ai,n Clvn, ENGIN ESN LISTOttEL At,n wrpoEEAbf All orders lett at the otiiee of the tnitaµtil echo prompt attention, F. nr, les• `'• Water 05 Eiar1Tit Div:Stott Comet, lament o4` lMAti, +tir " 4Yt Da A'1' 1iELSONAB1.i'1ii tiltedA h l f3 Mosley advanced en Mortgages lit 6 pow rent. with privilege ndacg uoftspityingtat the sad year. Notes WINGHAM ONT, T1IE 1vi1SSEfta CATSO. INST1ti1"C'1`I0x given on Plano, Organ, let -I. and Violin, Atte %R HitrmonY. lidenei 011 eerner qt. dpsapil e qnd Iatrl l 0511c8,—Beaver bl'0trlr fwiaarltaip,'o 4ei I4wlrlfKlratn, a 6( b O ti t tl si n Ai 0' b ti e; n It 3