HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-25, Page 6MWMM.MUMUmnommmum.m.
M S Mr Bean, formerly them-maker•
Ur Nen McDougall left Tuesday
Council met in Sault& hall, Blue,
near WQ°c18t°42 In" °I'guged. his 41)" for Manitoba, where he intends to vat, on Monday' Mar°11 21st' 1892'
Members all present, The Reeve in
cupation and has gone into the 'suers reeide in future. the chair. The minutes of last meet -
(lentils business in Durban)•Hie
, .
On the evening of the lath int, a number ot
- . wife,wIto has been. visiting her parents, mg read, approved and signed, The
sleighs and cutters exceedingly well filled with rep.
f — AND— Mr and Mrs John Patterson, left on resentativea from almost every family in the White, Reeve reported that a committee of
l Tuesday to join Mr B. frer sieter, church Presbyterian congregation, and also supPlled I ratepayers had waited on him request-
, DRITC4GIST.- MoiSR Nettie Patterson, has also gone with nnoonsarY Provisions, assembled and Surprided
tDurharn for a visit.—The 1 0 G T
Bruntwick House,
- - Ont
1)e lug am Ciao
.FRIDKI, MARCH 25. L892.
kamss.—A Rainbow Social, under
Auspices of the Epworth League, Gowing.—Mark Eves, Esq, has left from the church, you must have exorcised a great
our midst. He and his good frau are selfish age As &slight token of the appreciation of
intending to try farming near New your ,,,,4).2ciawiThinanly qualities, please accept this
giovit3e/oonu 'trey llovrtignbspare toommarri
bridge. He also intends working at -trusting it will
masonry next eummei. Mark is in- awnhaelliepphieuegannor oefartIceistk desire May the loving
indulgentgsai inPTilveldionveee
dhstrious and energetic and ees wish guide you in all yourasejnourannin
and peace of the blessed Master dwell In your heart;
him every success, and when you hat, e ceased to lead the choir on earth,
The council met at Gerrie, march itilaftY ?mu take a grand and triumphant part in swell.
ath, 1892, pursuant to adjournment; s Agee real=? the =lig °11,1031.4":tiret ‘Vtirteo:
members aohuroh Presbyterian congregation by
ll present, except the Reeve.. ANTRIM 'Fox
ing the council to have fence removed
the house of Mr Arthur Simpson. Having surprised off road allowance at lot 23, con 11.
I d k I YO
whle'it was th present Mr Robert W aimpaou I
Hope of Howiok lodge, lately organiz. Laid over to next meeting. Alr Det
ed, intend giving au entertainment oil With a very huge and handsome fur coat and pair of Ment reported that be had visited Mr
the 30th of March, in 00oper'e school gloves Ho has been precentor In the church for a Billingsley and found him in a very
house.—Mr Gedoke was buried Tuielei; number of years and is bound now for the Prairie bad state, Had got him a load of wood
day in the Tunkard cemetery, :r40:Ln:: by Oa j)abl :oh tallfsohfatrh ea cao,nlyttitf:t 1 0;4 t Mar address and Mr Stewart got him some other
native land was Prussia, where bo was by Mr A Fox Mr It w sfieeson meta ift ;eaonling necessaries, the bills for which will be
born 68 years 400. His funeral ser- terms, expressInirhis thankfulness to them for their laid before you. Moved by Mr Di.
mon was preached by Mr Reichar& kindness and respect to him This done, the evening ment, seconded by Mr Mundell, that a
He leaves a wife, two sons and one was spent In Music, games, conversation, &o, and all by-law be passed appointing the fol.
daughter, who are all married. ---While ,Broaeseb,eltaohetniooya t chi ve :el f ii,oylvaosehTorhteapillciermistbytel,etertinl lowing ratepayers in this municipality
Mrs Dunlop was visiting friends in Simpson and by singing the beautiful bytau, 0,010 fence viewers for the current year :
Milverton, she was taken quite ill, but be with you till wo meet again" The following 14 tbo 'John Rutherford, Thomas Aitken
under medical care she had recovered address:
George Fortune, John W Walker,
Ma RoW Stu, John Robinson, James Elliot, Thomas
y to come home Saturday. m mm
Duzat lairtne—arigttumneds with sorrow that
JohnbSnell, Malcolm Lamont
Now Mr D thought 'twas his turn, so you
d of oourrcionnarAti!
he took a spell, but is doing nicely We cannot allow ;dtodaep rt from u and Robert Leathorn. By-law read
of °aunt, Leaegresm•oonexrsegeceseaworl Vantsete: As
under medical care.—Mrs Vines, te three times and pissed. Moved by
y_._ largely You have attended all ourYchurOh serges
1.V.richioau is visiting her mother,
LIS very punctually and owing to the distance ou reside Mr Diment, seconded by Mr Harris,
tbat a bylaw be passed appointing the
following rrtepayers of this niunioi.
pality poUndekeepers for the current
year : Role4rt Jenkins, George Brems
ner, George B Scott, Thomas Gilmour,
William Gemmill, Henry Wheeler,
James Stewart, Robert Douglass,
Malcolm Lamont, William, Netterfield
and John Diment, sr, By-law read
three times and passed. Moved by
Mr Harris, seconded by Mr °allele.
shank, that a by-law be passed appoint-
ing the following ratepayers of this
municipality path masters fur the our.
rent year: George, Bremner, John
Toucher, William ''Aitken, -Andrew
Reid, Robert Jenkins, Wm Mitchell,
Win Baird, Henry Godkin, James
Weir, Richard Wallace, Robert Muir,
James Taylor, James Linklater, Ben
Holmes, John Holmes, Henry Abram,
John Fortune, Robert Weir, John
Robinson, Frank Carruthers, Peter
Deans, George Wade, Charles Hom-
uth, David Gemmill, Elijah Higgins,
Peter Campbell, John Powell, Samuel
Vanstone, Robert Sharpin, Henry
Hawking, John Rolph, Thomas Walk-
er, Peter MeEwen, Robert Hamilton'
Wm Douglass, him McEwen, James
Hyslop, Peter Scott, James Nicholson,
Andrew Gray, Duncan King, Wm
Smith, John Diment, Thos Jenkins,
Amos Tiplin„e, John Black, Wm
Wright, Joseph Yeo, George Moffatt,
Geo Walker, Wm Markley, Robt Mc.
Intosh, Williain Getup:till. Peter .111c-
Tavish, Robert Miller, David Moffatt,
Thos Netterfield, Jobe Ainsley, Joesph
Carr, David Halstead, Wm ,Netterfield
and Wm Campbell. By-law read
three times and pissed.. The auditors'
report for 1891 was laid before the
council. Moved by Mr Dimwit, sec.
onded by Mr Mundell, that the audi-
tors' report and abstract be received
and adopted—Carried. The following
tenders for bridge. on, 6th con were
read by the Clerk R Laing, $968;
L Hardy, $858 ; J L McRae, $850 ;
A Paulin, $800 ; Robert Jamieson,
$779 ; R Handstock, $774; Duff &
Stewart, $750. Moved by Mr Cruicka
shank, se3onded by Mr Diment, that
Messrs Duff & Stewart be awarded
the contract at $750, satisfactory se-
curity being given—Carried. The
following accounts were passed and
orders on the treasurer issued : Duff
& Stewart, 0, wood to indigent ;
Deutschman, 70 cts, plank for culvert;
Jno Burgess, $8, dis mortgages; Mrs orsa1e In the •wn of Wingbamtwo Park
Lots, Nos 40 andlice street, north of the
good water close by, ani a
Stewart, $4, care of indigent ;
Srigley, $4, charity ; Thos Montgom-d
n runs the ear across a small corner
ery, $2, charity. Moved by Mr gutstiho. property • with a es, cherries and small!rutts.
House airly good. plv at the
Harris, seconded by Me Diment, that "TIM 4 OFFICE,
thia meeting do now adjourn to meet
in Swifts' hall, Bluevale, Monday,
May 23rd, at 10 o'clock a m, as Court HOINTEIN BULLS FOB
of Revision and for other business— The undersigned hasfr Salo on Lot 10, Con. 4.
r begiven in the Methodist church,
ba evening of Wednesday, the
hist, ,Tudging by the careful
aration made by the committee,
ill be a most enjoyable affisir.—
Will Creighton, who has for some
tam past been living near Mr Mo-
an's saw mill, has moved back to
tl and now occupies the house
41Y tenanted. by Mr Thos Potter.
r Sandy Smith has moved his
ily and household • effects to his
in Morris.—Mrs Ross, wife of the
Rev Mr Ross, of Brumfield, was
ting 'Mr Wm Campbell last week.
Tena McElroy has returned
u'Woodetock, •where she hs been
ting her brother. —,Miss .11ary
uui patd a short visit to friends near
'grave this wealt.—Mr. John Hen-
son, of Wroxeter, was in town last
k on businees —Mrs Alex Elder
t present suffering from a relapse
Grippe. —Mr Will Robertson
nded the Wedding of his brothtir,
• Wawitnosh, this week,—Ur Will
totsurpisict Clinton a short visit this
els.4A. few nights good skating
tf,ely has put the young people in
atellent spirits. They only wish
4re were more of it,—Miss Annie
tfylor, one of the teachers of the
deal of d 1 ill hi t tI t I
Moved by Mr Graham, seeonded by '
Mr Ferguson, that Mr Johnston take
the chair—Carried. Mr Johnston
Manezz Stumm,
Wrozeter. . •
took the chair. Minutes of last Test
Tlfe council met on Tuesday even.
ing read and approved. Auditors',
ing, March 15. All the members pres
Report read, Moved ny Mr Jacques,
ent.Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
seconded by Mr Ferguson, that it be
meeting read and confirmed. ' Ac -
adopted and 200 copies printed ii, pain -
counts were banded in, one from A
pillet form—Carried. Moved by Mr
Huebsehtverlin, for lodging tramps on
Jacques, seconded by
Mr Ferguson, Reeve's order, $1 ; and Wm that Dr Spence be paid . $25.50, for
sten, lodging tramp, 75 cents, and on
John -
services as Medical Health officer—,
motion by Thos Ree, seconded by J
Carried. The Reeve arrived at 3 o .
B Vogt, were passed. On motion
clock p m and took the chair. Moved
made and seuonded, the Reeve and
by Mr Johnson, seconded by Mr Fels.
Clerk were empowered to attend to
guson, that the Patrons of Industry
the paving off of the debentures given
be grantekl the use of the Township
as a sectional bonne to the I', G & B
Hall for $'1 to hold their meeting in Railiva_.
un the aftknoon of the 19th mat— y On motion by Tbnuaas Rae,
seconded by Thos Hemphill, the Clerk
Carried. Moved by Mr Graham,
was instructed to write the Bank of
seconded by Mr Jacques, that R Ross,
Toronto in re bonus debentures. On
Collector, receive a debenture for
motion, J Brethauer was ordered a
$18.77, being taxes7remitted, as fol- debenture for balance of salary as ool-
igen Model School, was homer last lows; Charity, NA m Oliphant, $2 99 ;
ek wtth a severe cold.—The voting 'Robert Russell, $1.32 ; Mrs Berasay, lector and for $1.20, overpaid on taxes
to Treasurer, The Auditors' Report
thaairgan-question in the Presby. $1.20 ; Thos PonirOy, $1.20 and D was taken up andnxamined, and on
iianelinrch, restilted lit:- favor nf the McDonald, $506, being tax on per.
motion was finally passed aid the
4an by a majority of 40. The corn- sonal property and moved out of the
auditors' were ordered a debenture for
4tee should now get a nod Organ, county and dog fax agninst • Joseph
$4 each as auditors' fees Messrs
it in at once) and thereby prove to Kerby and J 11 Magill $1 each, they
Bleck and Ireland, mill owners, were
44 sceptical ones that it aids the having removed out of the countyT
prisent and cliscuSsed the question of
isposed this week on—account of a seconded by Mr Jacques, tli.at
ging,--Mrs•Ourtis has been slightly Carried. Moved by Mr Johnstora
keepfea up the nail! dam, On molion
by Thobmas Hemphill, seconded by
id cold.—The choir or the Presby- Hrt,stie be paid $8 for damage in full ,
biomes Rae, the council adjourned to
tau .church intend treating the.n- to tence by removal of gravel—Oar.
meet on tbe third Tuesday of April, or
li,ies to an oyster supper at Mr Buie's ried. Moved by Mr Graham seconded .
' at the call of the Reeve.
redence, on Friday evening of this by Mr Jacques, that the Reeve procure a.
J COWAN, Clerk. •
f4ek, "They say" ovstersare good for legal advice as regards Wilson Bros'
figers; and we hope the saying will claim that their mill rase • was ob Glenfarrow.
Ove true in this case.—Mr Wm strutted by filling at Forciwich bridge Mr Alex McPherson, has returned
ampbell has obtained the appoint- —Carried. . Accounts passed -- F home after spending a month with
..;ent of Clerk of Division Court—a - Donaghy, Auditor, $8; H Shaver, relatives in Kent. His sister, Miss
ilsition lett vacant by the death of wood for Wm Shaw, charity, $2.43 ; Jessie McPherson, returned home with
e lata Mr Myles Young—and Mr N A Wyness, clothing for Win Shaw, him,
$2 ; H Willits, for' repairing. Michigan. .
—Mr S Fraser has returned from
Sandy's many friends on
Young bas been ;appointed Issuer charity,
4 Marriage Licetsses. road and bridge in 1800, on con 8, the 6th were glad to see him back,—
• Morris.
opposite lot 46,48 ; Juo Young, for Miss Muir, of Lanark, is visithie at
gravel, $2.40. Moved by Mr Johns- William G-emmill'a. — Miss Martha
'e. A very interesting event took place -
ton, seconded by Mr Jacques, that Langley, of Wingliam junetion,spent a
' the residence of Mr Jared Maxwell, this council do now adjourn to meet few days last week et Mr W Mellor-
cou, on Wednesday of last 'week • •
, in Brown's tiotel, Fordwich on the sie's.—Miss•Maggie EIenning, of Liick•
%en his second daughter, Annie, was third 5 ednesdaY in April next—Oar- now, spent a few clays this week visit -
Cited in marriage toMr James .Wilson ried. Win Maim, Tp Clerk. ing her brother.—Messrs John Wylie
t Lloydtown. The ceremony was
iirforined by Rev Mr tiigle,y,of Blyth, Belmore. and John Fitch left on Tuesday for
uuer changing for a travelling suit
ill a,oream7.4esday last. The deceased was a
after young man who was hiee in: high red in Bluevale cemetery.
youngest son of Mr Gen 8 Inglis, of
esteem by all who knew him as was
Carrick, which sad event took place on
the death of Mr William Inglis
It is our painful duty to chronicle
Thomprfon. Her remains were inter -
our midst and called to 1"her eternal
home.an old respected resident of
this township in the person of Mrs
Manitoba.—Death has again visited
.ad was witrteased by a lerge number
1 friends and relatives. Miss "ERA .
axwell assisted the bride, while Mr
enry *Nilson acted as groomsman,.
to bride looked charming
shoVert by the large nonaber of friends •
eirtnere with natural flowers,
. steel gray. 'Vile bride was the re -
who fdliowed his remains to their last
pint of a large number of beau tiful
resting Pace in MeIntosh's ceraetery,
id useful presents, ain Ing the rest
on .Thyday last. The sorrowing
as a hantleonie life size portrait of•
family have the fall sympathy of the
r (Ina Mrs Wilson, the work of Miss
community in this •their third sad
Ila, Maxwell. After a sumpfnons
beeeavement inside of a very short
inner, the bride. and grOoto took the
speee of thne.—On Wednesday even-
o'cloelt train for London, amid
inglast about one . huticlred of the
owers of rice and the congracula
,. friends of Mr James Weir, assembled
oils of all present.1 clock.—A horticultural society was
at his residence to witness the mar,
Gletutrittiat. Bolin I established hi townthi week.
. tine of his dangliter to Mr
One of our young men, hi the person Radio. After the nttptial knot lila!
t win . EA iv,. has tired of his been securely tied by Illy A °Stewart, I
Goderich has been changed, from
class D to clue 0 in RR insurance rat••
lag by the Vire Underwriters' AsPodia-
don, This will mean a considerable
reduction in the insurance premium#
oollacted.—Mr ties Reid•has been ap
pointed assessor, collector 01 taxes,
Water rates, electric light rates, street
Impactor and caretaker of the town
'The Iloosior S d DrIlls.
I Road what:Prof Shaw, i onager of tho Ontario
bachelor" 'life and habits and on of Delinore, all sat clown to a suMptu • : AgricultUral Farm, has to ay or them:
odnesday of fast week, the 16th inst, ons repast After this very important • Gomm% Deo 13th, 1800.
1 IIII)4iMtimtVinngs,21rtke Brittts„Inrrir al412?."Ing to your
as United to Miss Agnes, eldest part of the proceeditige had been gone:
ghter of Mr James Weir. The through, with the tables were removed ' Stool Promo Hoosier Seed Bei , purchased from
enquiry regard.ng the workin of we Intproved
-o'renlony was performed by the Rev from the spacious dining. hall and the I your agent, air Irteiton, in tit e in r ti
r z o to i pros..
lit yoar, We find that ft doe .‘xcellent work" As
;Iv Stewart, of Delmore, in the pr's e .young people present began to trip the fb Is a twelve hoe DrIllovo ea put In front ati aero
: );Ince of a large number of relations light fintastie to the very melodious 1 And a loll to two acrosmoro n a day with on team
. lal friends. Miss 3 Eadie, Ogiter of strains of music which were funished Ittsaoir`LiterealgeatZeetiet;l 06%1.1°4101.f sttid g"oef.
rOnai, enpportect the bride, while by Mr Wm Fryfogh. and Mistiesi Eadie 11 15 light of draft and OS y operated. When the
cultivator teeth are attach
Welty brother' of the brids, and Tucker Pleasing features of the equal to it for bringing to 1 dfirlanol tiggiiifilainatt
*tiered similar service to the geom. deneine w r ti
., wer' . IS COW 1 reel s 1 1 b th, any le in the soil when they ar thou ea Ily 5 ' . 11
, y • 1.• cd by the race 'me renders I of a 18 •al°1118 4
jait elegant tweend surrounded a beeuti. hridegroont and the bricle's father, and PreParing a lin; Seed hod, wipe allyifolTalro%Auceretit.
1 -believe It would ha of much 8 trice in extracting
,1 stake and everyone present did the sword dance .by the bridegroom. and gathering the roots of co 4t.grass \DvIrlielftl. lit the
P jintiCI. to the tempting viande. The young couple were the recipients eon. we regard it Ite an excei tit Seed
ours the,.
coligiatulate them end wish thorn of a great number of handsome and Trios Sim,.
#110e084 ill their new relationship, costly presents. ,Tolin Campbell. WhIteehurelt, Is intent for there
We are expecting real spring weather
in a few more days and eo have made
ample preparation for a large spring
Our new Fiats are desoribed by the
ladies as "sweet," "lovely," 4tdeliglatfal,4
and we are perfectly satisfied with their
judgment, knowing that they never apply
such epithet/4 to inferior or .unworthy
Our Dress Goods department is very
attractive indeed, both in quality and
prices, and tor excellence in texture,
beauty in design, elegance in pattern,and
charming shades, they are much ahead.
of any former stook.
Our spring Boots and Shoes are to
hand, but we do not require to say any-
thing about them, for to see them and
hear their prices means salen at first
sight. Don't miss seeing them.
Our Teas are sounding our praises tar
and wide, and our high standard of ex-
cellence will be scrupulously maintained.
klamilies or societies buying by the half
oiliest will get their tea a wholesale prices.
We are also selling large quantities of
sugar by the barrel—wholesale.
The Big Brown Anchor.
Wingharn, March 24th, 1892,
of phe road since the dast meeting.
He mentioned that the money market
was much lees stringent titan it has
been, and believed the time had come
when they should commence the cone
structiou of the work. He also stated,
Judge Toms and himself had an inter-
view with the Seeretary of State the
Hon J C Patterson, who was very
much interested in the success of the
railway, and promised them his active
It was unanimously resolved by the
Board that immediate steps he taken
to secure the Government subsidy and
• municipal aid ; that the formal, turn.
ing of the first sod take place at Salt..
fotd on Tuesday, March 22nd,
at 1 o'clook p m, and that a cordial
invitation be extended to all those in-
terested in the construction of the,
road to be present.
Illustrated Catalogue of Ladies'
Mention this paper.
The annual general meettng of the shareholders of
(Limited) will he held in the Temperance Hall, on
Wednesday, the Sixth Day of April.
next, at the hour of ton o'clobk in the forenoon.
Wingham, March Ilth, 1892.
J Bunstass, Clerk. Turnberry, four thoroughbred lolsteln bulls. rang-
ing lroinb to 18 months old. The above mentioned
animals aro all well marked and registered In the
Bluevale Canadian Herd Book. They will bo sold cheap and
The meeting held in the Foresters' on easy terms jtmuntgasers.
hall on Friday evening of last week for Breede'r of Holstein Cattle,
the purpose Of organizing a temperance — Bluevale, Ont.
lodge was very well attended. The
programme for the eyening was sup-
plied by members of the Winghara
lodge and was as follows: Music by
harmonica band ; quartette by Mr 0
Johnston and Misses Hunter, Bainton
and McDonald ; recitation by Miss
E Bainton; musio by harmonica band,
duet by Me 0 Johnston and Miss
Hunter; reading by Miss A MeDorte
alt) ; dialogue by Messrs R Galbraith,
0 Johnston and Misses Dawson, Rush
and Watcher. After this the lodge
was organized with a 'good tiutnber of
members, with bright prospects of
building up a prosperous lodge, Dis-
trict Chief Templar, W P Brockere•
shire, occnpied the ehair.
Giodorleh and Winghaira itaitway.
A meeting of the directors of the
Canaria & Wingliam Railway Come
pany wns held on Tuesday afternoon of
hist week, at the Court House. The
president, Dr Hohnes, explained what,
had been done to further the interest
Al Children!'
,kVi Growing
Too Fast
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mt. thin rind weak, t,:roK!fy and. build:
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T112 CLO AND Y013220,11' 13 UNEVALLED,
Genuine mad. by Scott -Ai Bmim. q,,914vigla
anTmonWrippor.. d, all D'.4,Duct