HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-25, Page 4111 1 A PIS
, .treat Woodstock, Iles changed iiia Acs for Manitoba tvilere las i•
tovna,o,tt• • iluiross,
Mr Bean, formerly chef aemal er
Mr Heil McDougall left Tuesday
stands to
reside in future.
On the evening of the 18tlt hest, a number of
sleighaand outtore oxcecdingly well filled with. rep,
rosentativos from almost every family in the white.
church Presbyterian congregation, and also supplied
with neooasary provisions, assembled and surprised
the house of Mr Arthur Simpson. Having surprised
the Inmates, they made known the object of their
arrival, which was to present Mr Robert W Simpson
with a very huge and handsome fur coat and pair of
gloves HIo has Loon precentor in tho church for a
number of years and is bound now for the Prairie
province On behalf of the congregation, rho address
weergad by Miss M Sharro and the gilt presented
by IdrA Pox Mr 11 W Simpson replied In teeth:
ter,ue, expresetnghts thankfulness to them for their
kindness and respect to him This done, the evening
was epeut in umslo, games, conversation, &o, a
aoome� to onjo
pp.Brundwick House,
nTgl atm, - - - Ont
ani (antes
FRIDAY, MARGIN. 25, .892.
tteales.—A Rainbow Social, Mader
:auspices of the Epworth League,
be given in the Methodist church,
be evening of Wednesday, the
iust. Judging by the careful
oration made by the committee,
ill be a most enjoyable affair.—
Will Creigbton, who has for some
the past been living near Mr Mo-
an's saw mill, has moved back to
a and now occupies the house
erly tenanted by Mr Thos Potter.
1r Sandy Smith has moved his
ily and household effects to his
I iu Morris,—Mrs Ross, wife of the
Rev Mr Ross, of Brucefield, was
ting Mr Wm Campbell last week.
iss Tena McElroy has returned
tf Woodstock, where she he's been
ting her brother.—,6Tiss Vary
td paid a short visit to friends near
, grave this week.—Dir John Hen -
'eon,. of Wroxeter, was in town last
, k on business —Mrs Alex Elder
iit present •suffering from a relapse
eL•3 Gripee, —Mr Will Robertson
Bended. the welding of bis brother,
,Wo;wanosh, this week,—lir Will
anI• aid Clifton a short visit this
z.-44. few nights good skating
' ly jaas ,put the young people in
ellent spirits. They . only wish
re were more of it.—Miss Annie
ylor, one of the teachers of the
nton Model School, was home last
ek wtth a severe cold.—The voting
ihe,argau question in the Presby.
lin tshurch, res iltsd infavor of the
Ian by a majority of 40. The cern.ttee should now get a good organ,
ait in at oust( and thereby prove to
sceptical ones that it aids the
—Mrs Curtis has been Slightly
'aisposed this week on,account of a
1 colds—The choir of the Presby.
•run church ',della treating the..n-
fvea to an oyster sapper at Mr Buie's
• `ldeuee, on Friday evening of thisek. "They say" oysters are good for
gens,• and we hope the saying will
Oaf: true in this case. -Mr Wm
npbeell has obtained the appoint -
Rent of Clerk of Division Court—a
esition left vacant by the death of
ea late Mr Myles Young—and Mr N
x Young bas been .appointed Issuer
Marriage Licensees.
A very, iuteresting event took place
the residence of Mr Jared Maxwell,
:arc] eou, on Wednesday of last week,
'hr'n his second daughter, Annie, was
fited in marriage toiVlr James Wilson.
}i Lloyd town. The ceremony was
'rforlued by law Mr Uigley,of Blyth,
id was witnessed by a bergs number
friends and relatives. Miss 'Ella
taxweil assisted the bride, while Mr
,fenry (Nilson acted as groomsman..
zho bride looked charming in a,creaul.
ebertere with natural flowers, after
-iunee changing for a travelling suit
f etet'1 gray. 'rhe bride was the; re-
pient of a large number of beautiful
aid useful presents, am Ing the rest
`as a handsome life size portrait of
Ir .aid Mrs \Vilsen, the work of Miss
il:c Maxwell, After a sumptuous
toner, the bride and grown took the
.o'clock train for London, amid
Ra1vers of rice and the congracula
e+ous of all present.
One of our young tnen, in the person
f Colin Eadirr, has tired of his
:bee helor't life and babies and on
Vaelilesday of last weelt, the 16th inst.
Pas united to Miss Agnes, eldest
tugbter of Mr hales Weir. The
meetly was perforinod by the Rev
Jr Stewart, of Delmore, in the pros.
ee of a large number of relations
n1 friends, Aims J Eadie, sinter of
l"e' gror►ln, supported the bride, wh11r.
r a. Weir, brother of the bride,
steres similar, servioe to the groom.
n carpet Heated surrounded a beauti•
1 o•tke and everyone present did
le jostice to the teiupting viands.
cttn,ry,lalutat.e thorn and wish them
$I11CCO$4 in their new relationship.
cupation and bee gone into the 'user,pantile business in. Durban, Itis
• wife,wlto has been visiting her parents,
Mr and Its John Patterson, left on
Tuesday to join Mr B. Her sister,
Miss Nettie Patterson, has also gone
to Durham for a visit.—Tbe I 0 G T
Hope of HowbeitIodge, lately orgaaie.
. ed, intend giving au entertainment On
the 30th of March, in Cooper's school
house, --Mr Gedoke was buried Tuee-
day in the Tankard cemetery, His
native land was Prussia, where ho was
born 68 years ago. His funeral ser-
mon was preached by Mr Reichard.
He leaves a wife, two sons and one
daughter, who areall married.—While
Mrs Dunlop was visiting friends in
Milverton, she was taken quite ill, but
under medical care she had recovered
sufficiently to come home Saturday.
Now Mr 1) thought 'twas his turn, so
he tools a spell, but is doing nicely
under medical care.—Mrs Vines, of
Michigan, is visiting her mother, Mrs
Gowing.—Mark Eves, Esq, has left
our midst. He and his good frau are
intending to try farming near New-
bridge. He also intends working at
masonry next Hummer° Mark is in-
dustrious and energetic and we wish
hint every success,The council met at Gerrie, March
16th, 1892, puxsuant to adjournment;
members all present, except the Reeve.
Moved by Mr Graham, seconded by
Mr Ferguson, that Mr Johnston take
the chair—Carried. Mr Johnston
took the chair. Minutes of last meet-
ing read and approved. Auditors',
Report read, Moved by air Jacques,
seconded by Mr Ferguson, that it be
adopted and 200 copies printed iu pam-
phlet form—Carried. Moved by Mr
Jacques, seconded by Mr Ferguson,
that Dr Spence be paid .$25.50, for
services as Medical Health officer—
Carried. The Reeve arrived at 3 o'-
clock p m and took the chair. Moved
nd ail
y themsolves The pleasant meeting
was brought to a cies° by a short address by Mr A
Simpson and by singing the beautiful hymn, "Goo
be with you till we meet again" The following is tho
address :
Me ROW NV Snarso.r,
Ann VRIIIsa,—Having learned with sorrow that
you are about lea nogfthabounds of ourcongregatton
we cannot allow you todepart from our midst with-
out expressing our sympathy,1ove and esteem As
our leader of song service, you have assisted vest'
'largely You have attended all our church services
very punctually and owing to the distance ou reside
from the church, you must have exorcised a great
dual of self•donial(which is not too common in this
selfish age) As a slight token of the appreciation of
your worth and inertly qualities, please accept this
coat, which we hope you maylong be spared to wear,
.. trusting it will give you the warmth and comfort
which the donors earnestly desire May the loving
and helpful hand of a kind and indulgent Providence
guide you in all your sejournings and may the love
and peace of the blessed Master dwell in your heart ;
and when you hat o oeasod to lead the choir on earth,
may you tnko a grand and triumphant part in swell,
church Presbyterian congregation
ing the praises of rho celestial choir amongst the re-
deemed in Heaven Signed on behalf of rho White•
The council met on Tuesday even-
ing, March 15. All the members pres
ent.Reevo in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting read and confirmed. ' Ac-
counts were handed in, one from A
Huebsehwerlin, for lodging tramps on
Reeve's order, $1 ; and Win John-
ston, lodging tramp, 75 cents, and on
motion by Thos Ree, seconded by J
B Vogt, were passed. On motion
by l;tr Johnson, seconded by Mr Feta ';'sue gnu setsonw'a, the eeve and
guson, that the Patrons of Industry Clerk were Empowered to attend to
the paying off of the dgiven
be granto�ti the use of the Township as a sectional boons t ebthearT', G & B
Hall for al. to hold their meeting in Railway.
On motion by Themes lies,
on the afttrnoou of the 19th nest—
seconded by Thos Hemphill, the Olerk
Carried. Moved by Mr Graham, was instructed to write the Bank of
seconded by Mr Jacques, that R Ross, Toronto in re bouus debentures. On
Collector, receive a debenture for motion, J Brethauer was ordered a
$18.77, being taxes remitted, as foi-
ows ; Charity, Wm Oliphant, $2 99;
debenture for balance of salary as Wi-
Russell, $1,33 ; Mrs Ramsay,
lectoraud for $1.20, overpaid on taxes
$1.20; Thos 1, $1.32 $1.20 and D to Treasurer. The Auditors'Report
McDonald, $5;06, being tax on per.
was taken up and examined, and • on
sonal property and moved out of the motion was finally passed and the
County and dog tax against Joseph auditors' were ordered a debenture for
$4 each a'Messrs
Kerby and J H Magill $1 each, they Elack andsIrela,d,rmi lees owuers, were
having removed out of the county ,4 prLsent and discussed the question of
Carried. Moved by JrlJohnston keeping up the mill dam. On motion
seconded by Mr Jacques that lig
Hastie be paid $8 for damage in full by Thomas Hemphill, seconded by
to fence by re•noval of gravel—Car. Thomas Rae, the council adjourned to
ried. Moved by Mr Graham,seconded meet on the third Tuesday of April, or
by Mr Jacques, that the Reeve procure at the Galt of the Reeve. ti .
legal advice as regards Wilson Bros' J OMAN, Clem
claim that their mill raee was ob Glenfarrow•
structed by filling at Fordwich bridge Mr Alex McPherson, has returned
—Carried. Accounts passed — F home after spending a month with
Donaghy, Auditor, 88 ; H Shaver, relatives in Kent. His sister, Miss
wood for Wm Shaw, charity, $2.43 ; Jessie McPherson; returned home with
A. Wyness, clothing for Wm Shaw, him.—Mr S Fraser has returned from
charity, $2 ; H Willits, for repairing Michigan. Sandy's many friends on
road and bridge in 1890, on eon B, the 6th were glad to see him back.—
opposite lot 46a$8 ; Jim Young, for Miss Muir, of Lanark, is visiting at
gravel, $2.40. Moved by air Johns- William Gemmilt's. — Miss Martha
ton, seconded by Mr Jacques, that Langley, of Wingham junction, spent a
now council do nw adjourn to meet few days last week tet Mr W McKee•
in Brown's hotel, Fordwich on the sin's,—Miss•Maggie Henning, of Luck.
third Wednesday in • April next -Oar- now, spent a few days this week visit-
ried. War DANE, Tp Clerk, ing her brother.—,Messrs John Wylie
Belmore- and. John Fitch left on Tuesday for
It is our painful duty to chronicle Manitoba.—Death has again visited
the death of Mr William Inglis, our midst and enllod to her eternal
youngest son of Mr Gen S Inglis, of home an old respected resident of
Carrick, which sad event took place on this township in the person of liars
eXteeesday last. The deceased was a Thompion. Her remains were inter-
youag man who was held in high red in Bluevale cemetery.
esteen, by all who knew him, as was
shown by the large number of friends Goderioh•
who followed his remains to their last Goderioh has been changed from
resting glace in Me1ntosh's cemetery, class by D to Dire 00 in its incur insurance
itaon •Thursday last. The sorrowing�'
-family have the full sympathy of the tion, This will mean a coudiderrible
community in tlhis their third sad reduction in the instira.nne premiums
of a very short
bereavement inside of Jas Reid.has been tip
space of time.—0a Wednesday even- pointed assessor, collector of taxes,
inglest about one . huudc'ed of the Wafer rates, electric light rates, street
fh:ends of air James Whir, assembledi'inspectnr and caretaker of the town
at his residence to witness the mare I eloclf.—A horticultural society was
riaise of his danghter to Me Colin' established in townthi7week,
x udie. After the nuptiftl knot bad
been securely tied by 11,..v A C Stewart, ;•Tho F3oostor s d mr111s.
I Read what prof Shaw, tanager of the Ontario
of Delmore, all sat down to a su►nptu• Agr.euiturai Farm, has to ay of them:
Jos repast. After tllis'.very important • OUStPti,Dec lith,1800.
Tarr, M8esis9 Nozoa Baoe, Ingersoll, Ont.
part of t11e proceedings had been gone • C replying to your
of rho improved
, purchased from
from too spacious dining hall and the ! your fast , 1\14°/7rolto , In th grins' of tire'prof-
xceilent work As
put hi from an acrd
fu a day with on if team
n3 •Drell. This is of
Mo hurry of seed time.
fy operated. When the
d, we find no implement
iylace any clods that
then easily crush.
of much %aloe In
P, 11 a I
� � �A b ns, I take pleasnrii in
throu„ c1, with the tables were removed " Siee1 P aineaoi irloSeedr Itrl
yQttllnYproplo present bt'gitn to trip the eutyea ,'ttvonl that It doe
I than tvhm, wo used the tau
strains of Innsit which were fanished "3tscilagreatadvantauota
by M r Wm Fryfogl,' end Misses l adie Ice 8I h CI deas(4 and
and Tucker .Pleasing features of the oquai to it for bringing to
dancing were the Scotch reel by rho. may
le In rho soil, whowthey ar
ed by the totter. rhitr 'ceders i
briclegrooin and the beige`s father, and ru liorinta1 %ine es of muthpo rallyice for
it mat r 1.) r
the sword dance by the bridegroom anti gttliering the roots of co •1:•grawewhen in the parry was held on Tuesday afternoon of
The young couple were the reciptetits' Kenn we regard it as anokeel on„rSse�eedDrill. ,hast week, at the Court house. The
it is a twelve hoc Drill, ova ea
light^fan tatltite to the very melodious ' and a holt to two acres moo1
Council met in Saulta' .hall, 131us•
vale, on Monday, Marcli. 21st, 1892•
Members all present, The Reeve in
the chair, The minutes of last meet-
ing read, approved and signed. The
Reeve reported that a committee of
ratepayers lead waited on hitt request-
ing the council to have fence removed
off road allowance at lot 23, con 11,
Laid Over to next meeting. Mr Diet
ment reported that be had visited Mr
Billingsley and found him in a very
bad state. Had got him a load of wood
and Mr Stewart got hint some other
necessaries, the bills for which will be
laid before you. Moved by Mr Di -
went, seconded by Mr Mundell, that a
by-law be passed appointing the fol-
lowing ratepayers in this municipality
fence viewers for the current year :
John Rutherford, Thomas Aitken,
George Fortune, John W Walker,
John Robinson, James Elliot, Thomas
Evans, John Snell, Malcolm Lamont
and Robert Leathern. Bylaw read
three times and passed. Moved by
Mr Diment, seconded by Mr Harris,
that a by-law be passed appointing the
following rrtepayers of this maraca.
pality poundelteepers for the current
year : Robert Jenkins, George Brem.
ner, George B Scott, Thomas Gilmour,
William Geminill, Henry Wheeler,
James Stewart, Robert Douglass,
Maleolln Lamont. William. Netter6eld
and John Diment, sr. By-law read
three times and passed. Moved by
Mr Harris, seconded by Mr Cruick-
shank, that a by-law be passed appoint-
ing the following ratepayers of this
municipality path masters for the cur-
rent yeitr :• George/ Bremner, John
Toucher, William: Aitken, Andrew
Reid, Robert Jen.kns, Wm Mitchell,
Wm Baird, Henry Godkin, James
Weir, Richard Wallace. Robert Muir,
James Taylor, James Linklater, Ben
Holmes, John Holmes, Henry Abram,
John Fortune, Robert Weir, John
Robinson, Frank Carruthers, Peter
Deans, George Wade, Charles Hein.
uth, David Gemmill, Elijah Higgins,
Peter Oampbell, John Powell, Samuel
Vanatone, Robert Sharpin, Henry
Hawking, John Rolph, Thomas Walk.
er, Peter McEwen, Robert Hamilton,
Win Douglass, John McEwen, James
Hyslop, Peter Scott, James Nicholson,
Andrew Gray, Duncan King, Wm
Smith, John Diment, Thos Jenkins,
Amos Tipling, John ]flack, Wro
Wright, Joseph Yeo, George Moffatt,
Geo Walker, Wm Merkley, Robt Mee
Intosh, William Getnuull, Peter : Mee
Tavish, Robert Miller, David Moffatt,
Thos Netterfeld, Jahn Ainsley, Joesph
Carr, David Halstead, Wm Netterfield
and Wm Campbell. By-law read
three times and j assed.. The auditors'
report for 1891 was laid before the
council. Moved by MrDiment, sec.
onded by Mr Mundell, that the audi-
tors' report and abstract be received
and adopted—Carried. The following
tenders for bridge oh. 6th con were
read by the Clerk : R Laing, $968;
L Hardy, $858 ; 3 L McRae, 5850 ;
A Paulin, $800 ; Robert Jamieson,
$779; AHandstook, $774; Duff &
Stewart, $750. Moved by Mr Cruicie
shank, seconded by Mr Diment, that
Messrs Duff & Stewart he awarded
the contract at $750, satisfactory se-
curity being given—Carried. • The
following accounts were passed and
orders on the treasurer issued : Duff
& Stewart, $8, wood to indigent ; F
Deutschman, 70 cts, plank for culvert;
Jno Burgess, 53, dis mortgages ; Mrs
Stewart, $4, care of indigent ; R
Srigley, $4, charity ; Thos Montgom•
ery, $2, charity. Moved by Mr
Harris, seconded by Mr Diment, that
thia meeting do now adjourn to meet
in Saults' hall, Bluevale, Monday,
May 28rd, at 10 o'clock a m, as Court
of Revision and for other business—
Carried.. J BURGESS, Clerk.
The meeting held in the Foresters'
hall on Friday evening of"last week for
the purpose of organizing a temperance
lodge was very Well attended. The
programuho for the evening was sup-
plied by members of the Wingham .
lodge and was as follows : • Music by
harmonica band ; quartette by Mr 0
Johnston and Misses Hunter, Batnton
and McDonald ; recitation by Miss
E Bainton • music by harmonica band,
duet .by ME 0 Johnston and Miss
Hunter; reading by Miss A McDonk
ald ; dialogue by Messrs R Galbraith,
0 Johnston and Misses Dawson, Rusin
aid Watcher. After this the lodge
was organized with a good number of
members, with bright prospects of
building up a prosperous lodge. Dia.
triet Chief Templar,
c W
.I` B•t'• .
t lt,hen
shire, occupied the chair.
Godoriati and Wingham Railway.
A meeting of the directors of the
Underhill & Winglltttu Railway Com.
of a great nutilbar of handsome and 'trios SHAW, •president, Dr Holmes, explained what
costly presents, ,iol,rr Campbell Whitechurch' ' is agent for these
brei. lead been done to forth r t th l
q. ele interest
We are expecting real spring weather
in a few more days and so have made
ample preparation for a large spring
Our new prints are described by the
ladies as "sweet," "lovely,"''delightful,'►
and we are perfectly satisfied with their
judgment, knowing that they never apply
such epithets to inferior or unworthy
Our Dress Goods department is very
attractive indeed, both in quality and
prices, and for excellence in texture,
beauty in design, elegance in pattern,and
charming shades, they are fnuoh ahead
of any former stook.
Our spring Boots and Shoes are to
hand, but we do not require to say any-
thing about them, for to see them and
hear their prices means salert at fleet
sight. Don't miss seeing them.
Our Teas are sounding our praises tar
and wide, and our high standard of ex-
cellence will be scrupulously maintained..
Families or societies buying by the half
chest will get their tea a wholesale prices.
We are also selling large quantities of
sugar by the barrel—wholesale,
The Big Brown Anchor.
Wingham, March 24th, 1892.
of the road since the hast meeting.
He mentioned that the money market
was much lees stringent than it has
been, and believed the time had come
when they should commence the cone
struetion of the work. He also stated
Judge Toms and himself had an inter-
view with the Secretary of State the
Hon J 0 Patterson, who was very
much interested in the success of the
railway, and promised them his active
It was unanimously resolved by the
Board that immediate steps be taken
to secure the Government subsidy and
niuticipal aid ; that the formal turn.
ing of the first sod take place at Salt.
ford on Tuesday, March 22nd,
at 1 o'clook p in, and that a cordial
invitation be extended toall those in-
terested in the construction of the
road to be present.
Illustrate Catalogue of Ladies'
Mention this paper.
The annual general meet -ingot tho shareholders of
(Limited) will be held in the Temperance Hall, on
Wednesday, the Sixth Day of April
next, at the hour of ten o'clobk in the forenoon,
Wingham, March Ilth, 1802. Soo.•Trons.
For sale, in the •wn P1. • of lvinrham, two Park
Lots, Nos 40 and 41, , lice street, north of tho
Railway; good land • good water close by, ani a
small stream runs the car across a small corner
of the property • with ap es, cherries and small
fruits. House airly good. • ply at the
Ingham, Ont,
Tho undersigned has for sale on Lot 10, Con. 4,
Turnberry, four thoroughbred Holstein bulls. rang-
ing from 0 to 18 months old. Tho above mentioned .
animals are all well marked and registered in rho
Canadian herd Book. They will bo sold oheap and
on easy terms to suit purchasers.
Breeder of Holstein Cattle,
Bluevale, Ont,
_— — • _-
't C ktren't
tY• Growing
.2"°o® Fast
become lbticas, fretful, without enor-
'f rift: tint! weak. Fees ranilbuild
ihere tele, by alta
n k 4, fi 'rtq; t
i .fit '� �i� t'•�j° � , 4:V ?
Fulfy �f! ttj "1,
aiZ e,a 1(94" tJll 11.1t0.
v yr
C:7:1 tsY2,j
all b. y�x d cap •. r. r + s't'•' +(
rii s (/o -4r. tVR'.,�t
1'It[+ f :''t,,'1'�Y •��w aC� �k•t ;':.`.moi
'&..t t4114d.
Pailfni:o ar Inuit. .C., A 1.'.tti4:421."L' Q)':
('that•: Qt+' covens nit cam, !11 Stria
THE OLD Alla YSt);111, IT l8 U f^tleLL£17,
Genuine meds by Stolt a ammo, B»11eWlln.
Salmon Wrapper: si all Dmulla;t:, hoc, and