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Wingham Times, 1892-03-25, Page 3
r,rser,: 1;11 tOTeS, TEM?ERANCE COLUMN. his drunken father! A cry as of a wild'Proviaence. that so 'far afflicted stint co'nue4En lie one Y. w. c.' r, tr, beast, a rush, and old 13il1tnan load' was called strange in a tone of semis tovt�s i �o�T will Promibition',remibit? Kill me I shrieked the old man, beloved wife; He has gone to hor A ligating calls, held up in Portland ono roeking to and fro; kill me ! but tlto 110w, in the nand of no license, day, miners passed silently away one by No ono but rnyself ever knew the Attended by three thousand children one, and left the wretched man alone truth,••• -Advocate, they say; These lively, bright youngsters were ask- with his grief and his dead,—William cltPn:ngs. ed to declare Wallace Cook, in Detroit Free Press. ' Which of them had seen• ,ake caro that you do not violate anywhere ? a Doctor's story. God's law in making your law. Now, will you believe it, in all that vast throng, Yon know nothing about intolnper. To drink alcohol argues the mental But one boy was found who baci seen ance, said a noted physician. I could perversity of the person drinking it. this great wrong, And when he was asked when and where write volumes that would amaze you, Grape juice kills more than grape' it occurred, Write one 1 said'. It was not in Airdrie; but in Boston, we I shot, says Spurgeon, but it is only heard. It would be a breach of honor. _ after the grape juice has itself been The question was then put to all who After a portent he added : Our pro- killed. were there, 1 fession takes us into homes, And Thousands of the miserable sufferers Who has seen a drunk woman ? Now I • lives and hearts which seem all bright praying , children declare. g from drink ora ra ing for deliverance A deep chill of horror ran through the and happy are often dark and miser- but under our present licensing system i great hill, able 'from sickness of the soul. At the thought that a woman could ever their• prayers are vain. so fall. And a little girl there in a horrified tone, Said "Women do never get drunk, as I have known," The very idea was shocking to her, That such a sad sight should be seen tinguished gentleman. Her husband anywhere. There must be some scenes that it would be proper for you to tell me, I urged, Please think of some. 1 was called to gee the wife of a dis• These children, so happy, had lived in a land,. Endowed with a law that was noble and grand, • A law that prohibits the sale of strong • drink, Thus closing the vortex in which they might sink. Now how many children in England to- day, Could be gathered together in a meeting to say: "As long as we've lived we've ne'er seen a man drunk Nor heard of a woman so fearfully sunk," Well, if prohibition such things bring about, Why don't we adopt it and put drink to rout? Could we bring up our children not knowing the onrse, ' Would England, dear England, be any I fell on the stairway. the worse? 1 hesitated. I was not in a poor The�,nd truth friends of good order and virtue 1 shanty, but in the house of a well - We call on you now, for the sake of our known and unstained man. 1 re -ex. youth her side. To vote for the men who this question will see to, And give to our much -abused people the Veto. sat by her bed tanning her, s, lovely bouquet of ilgwers was• on the stand by her side, Two. little girls were playing quietly in the room. It was a charming picture of love and devo- tion. - My wife fell down stairs, said her husband, and I fear has hurt herself seriously. I examined her shoulder. It was swollen and almost black, and one rib was broken. How do you fiud her, asked her husband anxiously. I will ask the questien, if you please. How did you injure yourself? A Fatal Shot. Ben, whose boy're you ? The voice was,thiter and husky. Your•n, pop. On' who's the best shot in these parts, Ben 7 Tell these fellers, Tllr man's dull eyes fixed themselves on the boy. The little fellow's face lightened up and he answered, looking around defiantly : 'My pop's the best shot in Mentality. , A silence fell over the crowd and something of pride gleamed from the whiskey dimmed eyes of old Billman. Then he said, handing the boy an 'apple : These fellers 'low I'm no Brood, Ben. au' I'm jest going to do our \Villyutn Tell act and show 'em that Jini Bill. `man kin draw as fiue a bead as ever he could. Dillman patted .bis son's head with It trembling hand and the boy drew himself up proudly as he took the apple from his father. -Go over to that tree, Ben,command When did she fall I asked. Last night, he said after a second's pause and glace at her. My resolve was taken. Please show vie the place where she struck ? I raid to the husband, rising and going out, He followed me. • I was not with her when she fell,he said. The injury was not it was not done last to deceive a doctor. She begged ate not to tell truth. Then get another physician, 1 said. I will tell you the whole truth. Night before last 1 had been out to dinner. I saw your brilliant speech in the paper. Was it wine inspired 7 Partly. Most after dinner speeches , are to a degree. 1 carne home excited by the fine dinner, wit, wisdom and wine of the evening Aud. went, not to bed, but to the closet and drank Heavily. My wife heard me and came down, hoping to coax me up stairs, as she had dove many times. But she was too late. illy reason and man- , Look into a public house and see npnn its walls the Government license, and there lentil, your partnership in All intending ;�urchasirs the liquor traffi. • We were surprised the other day to winter will save money by buying from see a well•known distiller dating his • of stoves for this letter from 'Zion,' We "should not have thought any distiller lived them. There are not many men so good that they can do right without first having a sh'usgle. D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of After home men have heard thein- p.„ ® • E' 11 L7 B A 9 N COOK )l ➢Its. selves say a thin;, they go around tell- ing that the world has said it. One reason why the children thirty years ago were so much better believed than those of to -day is that Che people who tell about it were children thirt.v to choose from years ago. i If there was solve way. of wrapping up a baby so that it won•d look like a game bag or a gun the women Would to give complete satisfaction.. - have no further trouble In getting their husbands to carry bai,ies ,on the street. D. SUTHERLAND.• Every stove guar fnteed against breakage an The Head Surgeon. Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Wiugham, October Bth, 1891. Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted ' • either in parson or by letter on all chronic' OSEPlI COWAN, diseases peculiar to man. Men, youug.old, T or middle-aged, who find themselve uery ous, weak and exhausted. who are brokeu I down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptotns: Mental deprossiou, premature old age,loss of vital. ity, lose of memory, bad dreams, dimness from a fall, and I oftsight, palpitation of the heart, emissions I lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head. I night. Never try ache, pimples on the face or body. itching 1 or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs. dizziness, specks he•, 11'' you the fore the eyes, there, ba of the muscle osye is i pro1v'1i19tl7�• lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness• depositsYof the urine, loss of will power, tendernes b5' of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,failure to be rested .eQ.. by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, , loss of voice, desire for solitude,exc.tability'� Woolen .to i , ornt tho public cotd that we e haven its 3:20 a in LEADEN IRLE, oily looking skill, etc, are 11:10 man 3:40 p.nt all symptoms of nervous debility that lead CUSTOM 'g�j� �,�]'�p to In " to insanity and death unless cured. The CUSTO]![ J ORK spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. 1 in all its branches and will keep in stock a ULEM: OTU DIV. Coullr, 0o: HURON, AUCTIONEER, SUE OF a1ARRIAGE LICENSES . 7. Esc. •O�IMISBIONEIt IN H. t, , Or. T. WROXETEa, d Billman, at last, and the boy walk- hood was gone and I pounded her and ed with a fearless step to the place left her. She tried to follow me, but indicated, turned his back to the tree, fell on the stairs. After a time she ,removed his hat and balanced the crawled, she says, up stairs, and went apple on his head,then placed his hands into the nursery and slept with the behind him. There was not a quiver little girls. I slept late and woke in his face, not a shadow of fear. His with a fierce headache and went out father, whom he loved and who loved at once, thinking that no breakfast was the marksman. and the out door air would clear my U,d Batman raised, his gun to his brain for my morning engagements. shoulder, The weapon shook in his ,1 pledge you my honor I had forgotten nervous hands like a reed, Uttering I lead struck my wife. When 1 came an imprecation, he lowered his gun : back I found her suffering ; but she and brushed his sleeve across his oyes. would not permit a physician sherld Then lie tried again, but still without be cent for lest it should disgrace suctiess. tie. I think she really tries to believe _ I know what's the matter, he taut- she hurt herself, more or less, when tered and took a drink from a bottle she fell. And with an honest guiver ( in his pocket, Now then all right, of the chill he added, She is an angel, Ben 1 wine is ,a devil. All right pop. ,\Vbat are Nine bibbOr's 2 A short moment the gnu trembled Owns ohildren of thsir father. • is in Hillman's hands, and then-- my wife seriously hurt 1 Sping l 1 cannot tell yet. I fear she is. OR it was a, strange, dull sound, not Moll absolute., untiring devotion no rerLosTorFX3TSNb114ai �OOD like the crash of a ballot the; pji oak, man tiver gave her whit© she lived and v'I DFl "'ar akesso BlyandMod,na a' SIRENG •ii >:S but more like—$ suffered'. When her noble,true lov ofhrror,orExoc6eea1n1i1dorSiarnit e• . . Sfr,,e, Notre USttItD fall) ttrNJ8(1A. llnv 81 1 t.Ytrnnd ., 9lrenigrhMrtwltANl/lil/kyNLllt'ItUuanA\SL PAtr9RufnelDl (*rent God I the stnek s geared ing heart ceased to throb 'ho was in- At.elntnU anruttnR IrIrNN TNNATVL 1T I:onroa. In a tny, Hen t6pttf�rrow'aGHlnt.•pand Fnrrignlednthlop, il'Hletl.ea,, away and the boy was, 'l i��g in a life. !consolable. His love and '(ljevotiotl DeeorlrlhoBoeY,exidpnsttanradpraof.m tkd(ee.lvdlrrae Adana KR MOEDtDAL.OI]s,SU�tr'Aimitl'e'Y, lefsa heap. upon the ground• -•killed by 1 were the theme of every lip, and the C. 1'. B. TIME TABLE. Trains arrive and depart 30 follows : LNAVI.VG ARRIVING 5:35 a. m...... ....For Toronto 5.35 a. nt. • 2:00 p. m " 2:00 p.m 2:00 p. In For Tecswater........2:00 ' 10:55 p. ut 10:65 ' GRA LTD TE.UNK R':Y' A. C. STR ATHDEE, mien, wrsettAit• Through tickets to all pointsIn America—North. West, Pacific Coast, etc., via tyro shortest and all 21. ppopular routs. Baggage checked through to destination. r.owestfreight rates to all points - —TIME TABLE. LEAVE w15Glt AM. ARRIVE AT W1.GUAtI. 0:30 a.m.Toronto•Guelpll,Pahiterston, 3:e. 3:31 p.m. 11:10 " " 10:80 " 3:46 p.m. " Clinton, 7:35 " Palmerston, Alfred 10:35 a.m. - . London, s•c 11:00 " 7:55 p.nr Kincardine, do 0:30 a.m. " 11:10 ,• 7:10 p.m of temper,sunken eyes surrounded with season give special attention to p Those who through ,abuse committed in , class of arst•class goods, such as ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases TWeelds, peculiar to man. Books bent free sealed. Heart disease, the sytnptoms of which, are faint spells, purple lips, numbness,palpita. tion, skin beats, hot flushes, rush of bl9od 1 to the heaa, dull pain in the heart with! beats strong. rapid and irregular, the 1 second heart beat quicker than the first,pai n about the breast bone, etc, can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V LIMON, 24 Macdon• ell Ave. Toronto, Canada. NERVE; BEANS NERVI? BEANS are a new di. cover, that mire the worst cases of Nervous Debility Lost Vigor and Failing Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over work, or the errors or ea - . ceases of youth. This Remedy ab- solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other TREATMENTS have failed evento relieve. :Loki by bydrug• rreceip4 fl price Ay addressing THE JJ'AMES MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Ont. Writs for pamphlet. Sold in— Wiughau by A. L. hIAMtLTON.• , A SURE CURE FOh BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DI2.2INESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES' OF THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, THEY ARE MItD,THOROUGH AND PROMPT' IAND rentsA VALUABLE AID to Huse() BLOOD BITTERS 1N THE N ACTION TREATMENY AND CURE or CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. Flannels, Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns &c., &c., Cal SLEIGH B BLA c A, THER nd see our stock of LLS, KFTS, WHIPS (made From pure changenonly) w oolap for cosh or/ �l ,RNESS, doub ,dr heavy, made to ora Customers from t. distance can have their ria'.styles and of the b'st m home with ith themthe sane day.%- COMBS, USHES, &e. ud single, liaet r, in the latest terial. 1CSrilighest market price in cash for Merchantar 111 Wool. TRUNKS, VAL SLS, HAN BAGS, dec., Ir GL'LS & 00'Y., in stock and wi be sold cheat Winghatn RPPAIRIN0 Ly.ATT,Y"AND PROM' -.Y DON1; `WINGHAM FLOURING MILLS1 The undersigned wish to tender their best throats or the liberal patronage ;riven to our firm during overalyears prior to the burning, of our ntili by in endiarism, Durhtg the last 805500 we have res moddelled the tOwn Mill to the latest approved sy� tent of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We btr sieve wocan now give better accommodation than everbefore, We offer • Prompt Disbatoh, QUALITY SECSONCTICN ONE IN TUTS And by close personal atteltt1n to the bottom hope to bo again raveled with A trial by all old Mends and many new ones, Yonrs most respectfully, Trutt./ tt CARR, Wtnghate Mill, Oct '10,WO. Pair Returns, Tho patron An of the public solicited, an satlsfac- ion in work td' material guaranteed, ILS Sho Ono door south of Oro, T siring , store. C. KNECHTE \yimtu, November 0, 1801 ALLAN LINE 12oVAL MAIL STRAsslilrs. REDUCTION IN HAVES. Steamers sail repulari9 'from 0f T1 -AND AND HAL1PAX To LIVERA -' POOL via Londonderry. DIMING THE WINTER MONTHS. Oabin, S40 and upwards. Second CAM, 113. Steerage at low rates. No Cattle Carried. STATE) ALLAN LINE LINE. h ) (T1iAMSIiIP3, NEW YottIC & GLASGOW \1a Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, 340 lord upwards. Second Cabin, F25. Steerage at low rake. Apply to H. &A, ALLAN, Montreai, or HENRY t DAVIS, Virrseinati. SERVICE OF