HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-18, Page 8GIIEJT Ste rfi.Glirr (,000.Q0 %.6I LE. oi'tTi of Goods 1 Positively be sold at a REDUCTION of from 25 to 50 per cent. In order to reduce the stock in the shortest possible time, we are ofteriug tile above startling inducements. In the past our aim has been to give as good wattle es coultU hall ill the market. We are now offering bargains such as have never yet been placed before the publie. We went your trade for cash or its equivalent. 1 o effort will be tired to give entire satisfaction. is is no "fake' Mvertising Dodg but a BONA FIDE DISCOUNT SALE1 We do alt we Advertise, Note a few of our Prices ; 30 pieces Dress Goods, worth from 15o, too 2Oc. all at 10c. per yard ; 25 piecesall wool Dress ods, were 200. to 2Sc,, all at 15c. per yard ; a magnificent range of all wool I entiettas, were dile., now 4rOe per yard ; Special prices in Black Dress Goods t o clear.. I?rmts and allies ---A. beautiful range at 7e. to 11c., worth 10c. to 15c, per yard. Maples—A wide heavy Cotton fOL 4/e r Obecked Shirtings and Gingbams from 5:4e to 1!0o:,,worth 7c to I . The best Cottonades at 2.3e., usual price $5e. A great range of Tweeds at special prices to clear without regard to cost. . RIt)ADY MADE CLOTHING AND HATS.—Many lines 20 per cent. less than cost; these goods must go. 4 CARPETS, CURTAINS, ART NUSLINS.--This being the season for these goods we will refuse no reasonable offer for anything in this department. BOOTS AN1a SHOES.—A lot of new gocds just to hand. Mien's solid leather Sals, at $1 per pair, worth :1,25 to $1.40; Women's Dais, 911/c;,. worth $1.25•; Slippeuw,1LSc•_ per This department must be cleared out. OLASSWARE AND CROCKERY:—At and burlow cost, GROCERIES.—A choice stock of Groceries at cut prices, Special value in Teas at 10c. per pound and upwards. The above is but' a small sample of the Unexcelled Bargains we are offering. A. call is solicited. We guarantee isfaetion. '1E; FOR THE BIG FLAG. 4 HH. CIND0 —During the past =elc the follow - . iris have left Winch 1, per G T R, for the Nurtl West, Manitoba, Da- kota, tCc ; Jas Lough: ed and 'wife, of East Wawanosh, an a party of seven, and effects ; John r Tisdale, of East Wawanosh, with p t rty of four, and effects ; M J Tottei , of Wroxecer,and family of thiels, an• effects ; Angus McKay, of Bruce c• inty, with party of three, and effects, J Stein; of East Wawanosh, with p ty of. three, and effects Arthur S •.ille. l '• 4E ADVANCE GUARD of our rinyof boys' and children's spring ing made its appearance in the new - fuel choicest things we have been to devise for this season's trade. it all in all it is the most superb we havo ever gotten together, and vhich comprises everything that is durable and stylish in the way of ' and children's spring clothing. e is but one way to get at the ty of these goods: See them. 1DIES' DRESS GOODS is more cote this season thanever before and 11 represented in each of the follow - Ines: Travelling suits of new fabrics; ng suits inthe latest styles; suits street wear, and excellent variety; --"esus, Lover o y Soul" has been arranged as a quartets with soprauo,tenor and alto Bolos, by Tea.. Doles. The song as arranged by lir D. es is very beautiful indeed. He also publ Waltz," ''Oklahoma k and Mourning costumes, wool and lows' Grand ttarch," Materials are ready for inspection quisite instrumento Y. organ. Any or all •f the above pieces will I shes 'The. Air Ship shoemaker tui ultra altz" and "Odd Fel., Iafub and the Radical. 11 of which are exp inutile far piano or pleasautly auticipati tit least milleunial ti its season's esves and effects in a 1y so�cttlled will be wbe sent for ton ce s each by enclosing this Methinks I see him squat ligure, his f clogs, his taws' at r his face meanwhil thusiasm iu the act piece of crabbed inver tog it meanwhile into English. AgainI s at home, on his hal school fees were p face is upturned bench, the teethe with good humor a glass of Athole ture of honey an Royalty itself in the tori:+, has deigued ,t pedeguuo, a Tory dye ow, with his short, et shod with iitoff st on his shoulder, all aglow with en-. f tackling with 40, ed Latiuity, turn. easy going idiomatic him iu the old house yearly visit, when the d in full. My father'f4! from the shoemaker'ri 's face radiant all over ud mother haudiug him b ose, a delectable mix - whiskey, that even erscu of Queen Vic, partake of, The iu the wool, the Radical, the Tory olf, ohatting quite by a hundred years es when politics false. uried in the tomb of pulete, and boodle, n will get their death the old room; Adams iened my arms to the upportiug the beam ack is turned 1 ate =sou in Dalton's of woolen fabrics which have,owing •notice with your emittance. This is an the last of the, C ieir ilne wearing qualities and match -bribery and corrupti beauty, attained pre-eminence in the introductory price the regular price being Lgoods shown. Au examination .bf 40 cents each. I any of our readers want blow. Again, 1 am i Stock exhibited in our Dress Goods ood'mnsio chew 5 should take advau. the assietant, has pi retment will.prove interesting. to all 5 P _y over a metal.lien h tags of this o;'po•tuuity. Address Isaf�c overhead. when his desire to see the newest ideas in Doles, tudianapoti: ,Ind, trying to mutate beautiful goods. .temple, to the no s all delight of my r linen department will be an un- picture Pramirtg. school fellows. The underling wonders, sly interesting phiee for housekeep my face is imperturbable as a Lord Chau - his month. Greater values have I have just received one of the largest] cellor's. He has a vi g, so had I, when before been offered. stocks of.monldings for picture and wreath Adams put a dirty wig above my owu framing ever brongbt into Wingham, and II curly pow. All -this .Was meant as a pun. r spriiig carpets are here, at match- have bought it specially to sell, and will ishmetit, but to we it-wtis the best of fun. rices, in all the standard manufae- sell as cheaply as can be got elsewhere. All the while I was m siug au how l would s' goods; carpets matched and lard So if you have pictures, wreaths or oil do when 1 was a teach r on illy own hook. ort notice, at . paintings, any size or style, to befekthed, But more about teas ing anon, so good • bring them along and we will frame them bye for the present. for you on short notice, at ' 8 Git.som's Furniture Rooms. 1 Judge J.awies. , of WVellington xDD attil#1111 The Sia List,!county, is delightir fr the hearts o t'11'r•� 1 weary creditors by his decisions on Mir Mark Cassels, f.East Witwanosb• ud anent ammo._ see da His is very ill with pl urisy. and sciatica. ' Hotr.otpis evidently of opinion that a. OIDAY, MARCH 18, 1832. Mrs J 11 Stenbe icon, of this town,; loan's first duty is :u pay his debts be - M, H. Mc NDDO'S Wei Llrnoow. i oom., li1✓Vi, S. Me lecture oft tIt "Pyrttmide t," delivered by lieu A 1" Tul »cheil,in the 'relsbyteriau aura 1, on Monday evening last, • wets tttended. l he `chair was o,'. 1 by the pastor of the chum H 141cQua his suhjf bice the gr ail, and t at[!restillg 1 rig. The lecturer speedy recovery. oa al; situated r , Concession • , nbont,4 mike front Wroxeter and trfrom t1'in we are earl 1 'll h . ' flit oration No 11 Tu b (L BORN. SPENOE—In Morris, on the lith inst, the wife of Mr John Spence; a daughter. MARRIED. JBwxTr--BouxNsorr — On Wednesday, th inst, at St Paul's Rectory, by the Rev E W Hughes, Mr Lewis Jowitt, of the township of Morris, to EIizabeth, daughter of John Robinson, Esq, of T tun berry. HASP>;E—lt owBnnx---At the residence of the bride's father, Whitechurch, Ont. on Wednesday, 9th March, by Rev W H Geddes, Alfred W Harper, of Ripley, to Miss Gracey Mowbray, youngest daugh- ter of Joseph Mowbray, Esq, of White- church. LADIES, SEND FOR: Illustrated Catalogue of ladies' Specialties. . zoconESs -- THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE CO., 19 (1�CI.L�I'r Sri. FAST, TORONTO, ONT. • Mention this paper. WINGEMS1 MARKETS, TRADE SALE! Winonaur, March 17, 1892 Corrected by P. Dcaus, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100lba, • 8 2 40 to, 2 40 Fail Wheat per bushol, 85 to 87 -Spring " - 85 to 87 Oats, - • 28 to 30 Barley 30 -to . 50 Peas, . 60 to fill Butter, tub 15 to 15 do Moils, 15 to 15 10 to . 11 150 to 1 75 900 to 1000 20 to 25 - 5 25 to 560 30 to 80 d0 to 60 9to 10 5 to 6 Eggs per dozch I wood per cord, [fay per ton, Potatoes, - Dessed Hogs, per owl Chickens, per pair Ducks, per pair Turkeys, per U, Geese, per lb ' PROF. SCOTT, MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH gives Pri -ate Lessons in Vocal Training; both in Staff and n c•Soi-Pa ;Notation. Open for eniragemonts for ' oheerts or Church meetings. Terms moderato. Apply at • QUEEN'S HOTEL. wiaghaut.l TENDERS WANTED. y to i r,is eery 1 with itt'. fore he drinks whi; key or indulges in Sealode fonder$ wlllbo received by the Trustees of School „cellon n situation. i fl erty, OWei' wingltam), luxuries. If a per ion has contractees• up tti110ti1 April, I802 for the Erection of Tu'o 14) r5 L I'es!'en, fill{s tbtyli,has bt'e1i the debt and ii is in,ti Frame Water Alin the contractor to turnlahalt * 'every way material. Plans and speeiflcattone oati be Senn at seriously ill for the past two weeks, just and fair debt, the judge has ht- the residence of MAS Thos Netterneld, at any time, but hopes are n v entertained of herltimated pretty cle--rly that unless it Tenders can banddreasad to any o[the Trustees, every. We are pleas Crowell Willson 000d hopes are b 1 was paid, except under such circtnu • [3 to learn that mi.; stanet'S as On vlfi�'d pith it would be r ] on the mend, and a hardship to do s t, he would commit w entertained of his the than who refu id to settle, TFtUS. N FrlS[5F18LD,1 A. G btcDONALD, } Trustees. JOS. I mot, + Ivor w'ingham, March ]25h, 1892. - FARM TO RENT. • A meeting of t to Council of 13 1 Lots 10 and 17 C t B H 1 t ill nit able tfialalior, K alt t 1? 1 t �I .� d I ' Nott mill t orse rhe els fs oftetecI for to (tit pyramid tlf Egypt , , ntaton reasonable terms; about 155 ly y f Iran Trstrs h tlr g.2. tr 1 • r filctlt sonlyac ea o carr. do edit Mlilllg; Ills discourse Y Society wits hold ii Clinton ell Tthat psi ebrlekhouaeandspluniidbankbatnn cultivation e, domestic, was tom Biggar boys what'ur day weµll. It as decided that pigpen, &a, t shout two acral of good yohhg or= Ind in:+tru tivr;, Coact has been ani. is to the the young trKnf\•rs of e\v11Pr$hl r must big proved chard. 72aeresfail wheat iu; farm mostly, down, will be rented fora tonin of years T W J Jo ustetl has etted a new folks of Wiut.hom, We learned from her b f e� ore •a .i.... 'cat.) ce tfficate of registry Honiara, apply on the promises or • - 1lENitx sot It. ill throughout the I iglu, acid when he eii. the person in whose is no prepared t give the Diff= Mocha and surrout jug country tared the scltoolroot. it few days afterwards l a u tailoring establishin it, cue doer one morning, that Ay licott lied been very wilt throe w11P1i tri applicant 15 not T'TLLITS, D 8u terland`s tat ve and t' pie pp . est par. Wen In every thing that may be with his paler wan, bodices face, I forgot name the animal is registered. 11Paiti s this, a1i ailida vii showing loss of eistruetinn of the rU . the fhe CasIolns rcgultit ons adopted b tyro eter P. O. NDERS WANT 0 ad to li care. (;oa,twakers wetland for the time being least my daily dose original certificate till he required. x ensloR o1 foghorn r of wltippiug;, anis i at I resented mom the quarterly review comm off 011 .his sneering gibes sad low bred taunts, taext, the s'bacriber respeetfally 1'lie.8 teine gleam that glinted, thrr.n,i, received by the m the United States T>etasttry Depart - tent. which will conn* in force on the Tendors will bt ofAprilnext, ‘‘ere considered. The conclusion arrived at was that the at r o'clock p.m., 1 new regulations would eiolltda from daub itrt enol v°nahai free entry'probably sr ry entire horse Fatties 5 ,„R: lt,g.nr in Canada today, as th) certificate of Iforfratt registration whi+flt is tin accompany s aael1 animal inning bolitt ti no less than forty six reg1sterffd grosses. terworks Mai ea that the 1 all door of the heaver tilt Iris Reid rimmed M. CtKCiea was stone for 1st tI+iUES7jA , the 22nd rill be op, i Froin 4.30 tliI 0 .p tn. ever; for not longi at wards on a Sunday ttliog guar r s 'twin,' have eight looming when uatsre lied ,donned her amber tak :It from the li'salms,tlius' snowy mantle, the Itt ws ran like wild lire x him a f. verable opportunity of that be was dead. hater tate lapse of more +' the ti tura and structure of than sixty yearn, I ate not ashamed to Ray eel, x, aid to the memory iu , es of scripture. that 1 withdrew into toms quiet corner W Lrrnncvw. and had a quiet ;tit; over the sad news. ersignccl, up natant, supplying' epith i ing pij material' Ince waterrvor s main. e quest . otendersepnrato. and w: k, a nleo to ono tenni ndesc tt ndertt teoesearily aeeeptetl. OLMZt8 Choi •t0,410t 3ommittsa, 9th, To tionoral,l1erehunts and Boat and Shoo Stores, In connection with my Leather Business I keep a full stock of SHOE DRESSING, Hathaway; Wbitrnores, Zenon!, French Dressing'. Eclipse, .Bixby's, Perfect Kid, oto, 1» 10, 16 and 260 sizes, ley the gross or dozen. Jacquot'a French Blacking and Gray's climax e.atorproof. 1.4 A C M S in Leather, Horsehide, English hip, Pot•poiso, &c. Cotton • itnd ltifie, in all lengths. Button fasteners eed setts, coric soles, &c. SHOE LEA,THE (, Simon Alma, bal nnd°[it and biezzoniia hip and Calf ; also native kip and upper. Spanish and slaughter sola. HARNESS LEATHER, Beat brands on hand in oak and hemlock. Special stock for traces in oak. Patronage solicited. Pricesguartinteed. PA postal card will secure quotations ora call from uiytravel- ler. W. J. CHAPMAN Tanner and Leatlitf4o'Merctaut, WiNG1IA.1i, BUSINESS CHANGE MISSES •M. & M. KELLY 1 (or GUEL1 R,) Beg to inform the ladies of Wiligham and vioinity that they have purchased the bueiuess lately carried on by Mies E Murphy, and have opened out with a large stock of IVMILLINERY GOODS' consisting of Feathers, Viewers, Ribbous, Laces, Milhous, Colored Crapes, Irish Guipure tares, Black and Colored Laces, Jet'. 1'riminiugs, Jet Plowere and Bat Or. natneets, Plain, Spot and Pfeil Net Veiiw' ing, Pongee end Bengaline Silks. The latest styles in I:Iats and Bonnets, DRESSES AND MANTLES Cub and male to order iu the latest styles. the patronage of the ladies of Wiuglbam and vicinity is respectfully solicited, and 'we w' I do otir best to please. -Star —Opposite the Queen's hotel, Iif. tit M. uBI)vt. ing hum, Murdh Ifith,1892. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. The subscriber offers his uaggon•shop in 1ielgiave for sato Or to taut, Oh they tarots. For part1ealsrs apply to the proprietor, lfoigravc, tint Also, r have In stock number of Wagons, Ting. gigs, flutters, Sleighs, 7.and Boilers, Stone Boots, Wheelbarrows, &o., which win be sold et greatlyreJeced prices, as am going out et Nucleus, ROBERT l{tILrd INO, Botgt'nre, oat. LAt