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(fraud, Lodge of rap,I ezmess,
filtEit'S IN Tl11 DEVI'$ 0.111 B.
,0o1 tiCTED. DY it 'L W. 0, T. 0.
Dwii orvr, March 7,— Rev. Slim.
Slnall'e lectltlre ou Temperance was
heard by a large auc ienee at the Church
of our Fattier on Sunday afternoon. As
usual his address was interesting
throughout, and Ins lleftrers were kept
in constant good humor iriy the sal
lies of wit with which it was inter-
spersed, His theme was that portion
of the Bible ralatiug tothe encounter
of our Saviour with the man possessed
of the devil, When a man is partieu..
tarty mean, rascally, brutal towards
his fellows we say he is possessed of
the devil, ,said lvJr. Small. He then
defined mesmerism, mind•reading,hyp-
notion) and thought transmission, and
held the opinion that the devil's power
over man was or could be exerted
through one or all of these influences.
The Lord drove the devil out of. the
man and, at his own request, into the
hop. The latter were then precipita•
• ted into.the abyss and destroyed them..
solves. The logic of this,the'spealcer
said, is that the Man passes through
the .hog on his way to perdition, This
brought him to the drunkard questi_ou.
There are four degrees, he said, in the
grand lodge of drunkenness, The
first is the sheep degree, he aaid,.tlle
innocent, silly degree. The young
than says to himself: There is no harm t
in my taking a glue or two.. I respect o
my father, love my mother,aud regard
My friends. It won't hurt me ; .1 am
a man and know wllPu to stop. But
he doesn't. The second' is the monkey
degree. The young ratan becomes
merry, d'ances and sings. He gains a
reputation as the funniest fellow in
town, he tells such capital stories anis
directiuxx in 1801 readied a total of Fine -ground bones decay and fed),
£142,250,000, which iss an increase of lize faster than coarsu.ground,
£1,750,000 over 1800. Of this such
about £7.6;000,000 was spent' for beer'- allied to follow each tither,
alone, " There is apparently room fort ,r at le Dandruff?
great improvement in the habits of thea A disease of the scalp that causes falling;
people. There cannot be a doubt that' of the stair, fading of the stair, in fact,
Timothy and avheet are too closely
n creat deal of the poverty In the old
death of the hair. Itt irritates the scalls
a ea SOS ill it e 1 r p 01
land is caused by intemperance, —produces balduess. Bear in mind that
Anti•I)audrut'f removes Dandruff with it 1
Tile Nang}. oftlle Mouths, applications --• stops falling and restores
fadBtaco. 1 o14 by
January—The Rumen J011118 pre- drug gistsingair at 7touicsootsoriginper bottlel lor
sided over the beginning of every
thing; Bence the first month of the'
year was called after hien,
February. — The Jloutau festival
Fehrus was hold on the 15th day of
this month, in hououi of Iiuperens,the
god of fertility.
Mutolt.—Named from the Roman
God of war, Mars.
April. — Latin Aprilis, probably
derivtd from asperire, to open, because
spring generally begins and the buds
• open in this Month.
I£ your neighbor knows more than
May.—Latin illatus, probably derive.you do, beat biro at his own ;ams.
ed from Maia, a female divinity wor4
shipped at Emile on the first day of
this month,I understand a report is being circulated
that I am charging from $10 to $20 more
June —Jung a Roman divinity
There is a wide difference betwtien
liberality and wastefulness,
An old, physician, retired from praetieo, hating
had placed in hi»hands. by an East India missionary
tho formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, Brom.
chitis, Catarrh, Asthma and, all throat and Lung
Affections, also a positive and radical cure for
Nervous Debility and all Nen ous Complaint», after
having tested its wonderful curative powers in
thousands of cases, ho has felt it his duty to make io
known to his snfforing follows. Adtnated by this
motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, 1
will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this
recipe, in Gorman, French or English, with full
directions for preparing and. using. Sontby mall by
addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A.
Nooks 820 Pc•vors .mock Rochester, N, Y. '
It is Not True.
for funeral Yurnishings than is charged for
the.same articles f❑ uei elrboriu<= towns, T
worshipped as the queen of heaven. - wish it distinctly understood that funeral
July (Julius).—Julius Cresar was i)furnishiugs.havo been in the PART and will
born in this mouth. et]) as eheaply as by any other undertaker
in or within 25 mace of Wingbam. And
August.—Named by the Emperor also, that when required, all such supplies
Attg;tlstus Cteaar, B 0 30,after himself, are delivered free anywhere within ten
miles, and funerals are attended to per..
Practical Undertaker,
as he regarded it ii lucky month, being sonttlly by B Gnaorr,
that in which lie had gained several
Wingham, Ont,
victories. .
e in the rerun i supplied (quality consider -
Our a+3t •�ardFllS' are poor semp s
September (septenl•or seven).—Sep- b
ember was the seventh month in the of what our hest farms ought to 111 .
Id Roman calendar.
The Head Surgeon,
October (ceto),—Eighth month of Of the Lubou Medical Company is now at
the old Roman year. Toronto, Canada, and niay be consulted
either in person or by letter on all chronic
November (uovenl, or . eine).—.No" diseases peculiar to man. Men, young,okl,
vember was the ninth month in the or middlewagod, who find theuiselve uerv- i t give complete satisfaction
ohs, weak itud exhausted, who are broken , O
is so witty, and everybody wants to go
out with him. ,Tn taking the third
degree he crosses the line which separ-
ates man and tile animal, He becomes
savage, brutal ; he had no respect for
the right or regard for the comfort of
others. He abuses his wife,' slaps his
children and wants to fight his fellows
• at the drop of a hat. If he gets through
this degree, if he escapes without be-
coming a murderer or being murdered,
le enters the fourth and last, the hog
degree. His family and' friends can
have nothing to do with Min. He is
utterly insensible to all souse of shame.
The saloonist, even, who has received
his good money in return for that which
has brougl't him to his present state,
kicks him out far a nuisance, .and bids
shim stay away.
Drinking a. Farm.
Myybomeless friend with a chrome. isbin
do nose, while you are stirring up the
sugar in a ten cent glass of gin, let me
give you a foot to wash down with it.
You may say you have longed for
years for the free independent life of
the farmer, but never have been able
to get enough money together to buy
a farm. But this is just where you are
mistaken., For several years you have
deen drinking a good improved farm
at the rate of 100 squltre.feet a gulp. It, Served Her ktiaht.
If you doubt this statement, figure it Alk Ohio paper tolls a story of two
ons yourself. All acre of land con`• young girls who were recently travelling
tains 48,560 equate feet. Estimating roti a train in that State. As the train
for convenience the land at $43,50 an stopped at a station, two ladies entered
acre, you will see that it brings the and took seats in front of them ; then a
land to just one mill per ..Square foot., stout lady carne forward and greeted
them and kept up a lively conversation
Now pour down the fiery dose and until the train started. 'then one of the
imagine you are swallowing a stfaw two said: Sit down here near us, and
berry patch. Call in five • of your tell those girls to sit somewhere 'else. So
All intending purchas..rs of
stoves for t
winter will save money by buying from
Having bought a very large variety of
to choose from.
Every stove guarenteed: against breakage
old Roman year down from excess or overwork, resulting in )
December (decem, or ten).—Decuin
ber gas the tenth mouth of the early
Roman year.—About the 21st of this
month the sun enters the Tropic of
Capricorn, and forms the winter sol'-
many of the following symptoms : Mental
deprossiou, premature old age,loss of vital.
ity, loss of wetnory, bad dreams, dimness
of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions
lack of energy, pain in the kidueys, head-
ache, pimples oti the face or body, itching '
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,
wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks bo,
fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles,nye
lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness. deposits
of the urine, loss of will power, tenderness
of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby
muscles, desire to sleep,failure to be rested
by sleep, constipation, dullness of bearing,
loss of voice, desire for solitucle,excitabi1ity
of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with
LEAIJwN IncLE, oily looking akin, etc, are
all symptoms of nervous debility that lead
to insanity and death unless cured. The
spring or vital force having lost its tension
every function wanes in consequence.
Those who through abuse committed in
ignorance may be permanently cured.
Send your address for book on sll diseases
peculiar to man. 'Books sunt free sealed.
Heart disease, the Symptoms of which are
faint spells, purple lips, numbness,palpita•.
tion, skin beats, hot flushes, rush of blood
to the beau, dull pain in the heart with
beats strong. rapid and irregular, the
secondlle•trt beat quicker than the fi_st,paitt
about the breast, bone, etc, can positively
be cured.. No Cure, no pay. 'Send for
bIok. • Address M. V LUBON, 24 Mandan -
ell Ave. Toronto, Canada.
Too Macy in Uusiness.
This Journal and the Monetary
Times have often insisted that there
are too lmtny business meta to the
square acre in Canada, and Imo fe o'
farmers and producers. Thousands who
aro earning the 'scantiest salaries as
clerks, or are snaking failures as !nisi.ness men, would thrive and become
fairly independent as farmers, stock -
raisers or cheese makers.- We heartilyendorse the views of the Rev, Abbe
Dugas, a Roman Catholic missionary
in the North (hest, who, in a recent
private Tetter invites people to settle
in the West. We might say to a large
• nurnber of poor clerks who are Io,-,,rn. .. .. .
ment to handle than the yard' stick
with which you measure calico.—The
Trade Review.
Wingham, October Sth,1891.
C. 1'. R. TI11L`' TABLE,
Trains arrive and depart 'ss follows;
5:35 a.10... ... ....F or Toronto • 5:3
0:00 p. to For Toeswater
LIGiNSES •io:5up.m• 10
., Li'c. GP,A ern 'TILTS .DT
Orr. A. 0. ITI1ATIIDEE, AOE5T, Wisaziti.
Through tickets to all points in Amerie
West Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest
popular routes. Baggage checked thrati
destination. Lowest freight rates to all point
CoaioxssIo.NIt11 iv H. O. 7
¶Xt Htr hru, Wok Milli,
NERVENERVE BEANS aro a new die.
covery that cure the worst eases of
Nanous Debility Lost Vigor and
BEANSBEANS Wailing Manhood; restores the
weakness of body or mind caused
• by overwork or the errors or ex -
ceases of youth This Remedy ab-
solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other
T1IEATM$NTa have failed event° relieve. Sold by drug-
gists et $1 per package, or Mx for $5 or sent by mail on
oe.Ont. Write for pamphletHE s MEDICINE
old in IN1
Wingham by A. L. HAMILTON.
LEEAV11 wi\OIIAJM. A1talV0 AT w)
0:30 a.nl.Toronto,Guelph,Palnierston, &o. 3:
11:10 " ., „ 10
5:45 p.01. " " Clinton, `
We wish to inform the public that we have tilts 785 III Pal ;Mixed 10
0:45 arm Lorston, London, &c rat
woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and will thI 3.20 p.m, 71
season vivo special attention to 11:10 a.in Kincardine, &a .. .. , @`
5:40 pian " 1
in all its branches, and will keep in stock a W I--1®ATH EF
class of first•elass goods, such as
Stocking Yarns
&c., &c.,
(made troop• pure wool only) cheap for cash cr
change for wool.
AW $ ''• a tb hi Customers from a distance can have their ro
All open can't be Apul- home with them the ammo day. •
104 of a trengl h and farm.
blit all may have robust ggyMighest market price In cash for Morehanta
health. strong nerves
and ('tear hands. our wool. 1� /, & /y
l reatint'tlt 1111(108 ',l'l+it TNGLIS CO'Y:,
!r 1 anything
)I,o.+warn wingham
OI rntvIlC\e'11111V1'1( n,1•i
\'1, ;* anything is left
1.4 easily quickly,
pe,•uVonline:4n er- w /� HAM
od, t\ onlinen: Nrr- V\•/AYa`11\♦/'
vunsttens. Irehilay.
end all the train 01' oV l is
il Ls
eX000aea the result of
otos work,sic111oas,wor.
t'1 ole:.: forever cared,
S nit strength devolop•
u to ovm',y orlrui and
halt and twin i{rlvo
pportion . the bee y, Simple, natural methods,
innnacliate improvement 14000. failure ilu•
tpossible., '? 001 referenees. Dock. ezpiana.
ns alto proofs manila Waled) free, Address,
to ilii 1111311lCAL CO BUFFALO, N.Y.
down that 500400t garden. Get on
friends and have them kelp yott gulp the stout lady turned and said in froez• to
a Ing tones: I wish to
converse with y MI
friends, and would like that seat, 1 ala �� _
prolonged spree some day, and see Mrs President R, of this road. The girls i� /ra ti
how long it requites to swallow a stared at. her an instant, and then one of
pasture la-ge 01100211 to feed a cow. then drawled, Pleased to meet you, x
Put down that glass of gin; t here's am sure.' I suppose you know that tan .
dirt in it -100 feet of good rich dirt, Mrs President Harrison, of Washington.
worth 43. G per aegis. -B I#urilertt+. The other girl, sittins herself comfortable
in her seat, said, And I am Mrs Queen
The British Drink Hill, Victoria, Neither of thele moved, and
Mrs President R bad to f,o back to her
Dr Dawson Burns has just made own scat.
Itis annual survey of the consumption - y--W-
of alcoholic drinks in Great Britain, Compliance with the laws of nature
He shows that the expenditure in this is the only secret f success.
_.4ra plcasasst to take. Confab:: tAel, own
Purgative. is a ea , aus'e and a fectual
. destrbyarof2tsu teat est, 7k ata'reuor.titi'utts.
The undersigned wish to tentttr their beet thanks
for the liberal )patronage given to our hent during
event' years prior tone burning of our nisi by In
con diarism, During 1110 ),est seasen the have re
moddolled the town mill to the latest approved sys'
tom of Ilungarian Roller Process mil ling. We be
slevewecan now give better accommodation titan
ever before, We offer
Prompt Dispatch,
And by close personal attcntian to the bushnrts
hopo to bo again favarad with a tr11,1 by alt old
[Handsaw' many new ones, trip
Yours meat respectfuliv,
Wleehatn Miil, Oot'19, 7,880:
Coll and see our stock -of"'
HARNESS, double and single
or heavy, made to order, iii the
styles and of the best material.
fn stock and will be sold cheap.:
Tho patronage of the public solicited, and
ton in work and material guaranteed,
1 'shop—one door south of Geo. E. Kin
winpbnnl, November 0. 1801,
norm. ill Att, Sr5A5snirs.
Steamers sail rerrlIarlq Item
POOL via Londonderry.
braise THY. tri\TSIs tro4T11s,
Cabin, 840 and upwards. Second (Y .
Steerage at low rates, No Cattle Carr
STATE1 sI':ItvlcE cr
e cf ALLAN'L 1
NEW Yogi at GLAB
via Londonderry. every rortniutrt, Oeb*
upwards. &trend Cabin, $25. Steerage
,Apply to 1l, do A. ALLAN, Montreal, or