HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-18, Page 6e•
I 111111111 I
41 I
.1.914aateclag, lanced at Sidnand ttar
ey, said inahei. Xio town nor district; of inv., has lit ita1804,•Manitobit brad&
iittl (11 toles to the bad,
Yours very truly and gratefully,
Ar.Exame4a IReDotereasen somethi tug con fueeday : portance le, now left without a news', one paper; now it has. 57a Btatis
fliTDAY, MARCH 18, 1892.
• expression of lier face that alliltad been
temea* eg your pardon Mae Oja Paper clianition of it e local rightse prof 13". now it lias.83';• then
r 7,
01. tir WeSt Terietoriee had not' a,
roigjak haAtIo known time no member of art and trade. has sornejoornal making: siugle one, tlAlkugh now"they' have 1191
its particular interest a spectal stady.e.And though tile increase itr.the other
Ae Sidney finished reading it, elie
for ma. stole idity, Ats I think of it I while almost every branch of science the N "
looked at tier mother, and saw by the
By MAY uorFA'r,
ell, hustatiol, any success today ?
mouraftel shake of t..le heae,u e•
; so rapidly of late, war, the only
yea Mrs. Clay smothered a sigh
he WS() and drew a chair toward
.grate where a few coals were
it dowu, Randall, end warm your-
. Sidney is just ready to take the
k home. When she comes in
'n we will have a nice cup of tea.
•don't want any, wife. The best
ig I can do is to turn my face to
-.wall and stay there until I am
aad out feet first.
made clear to
Who is Alexander McDonald% mother?
I have never beard of him.
It is little Aleck, the newsboy e but
1 forget. It was before you were•borne
Your father and I Were just matrie •
He took a liking to the bright little
fellow, and said that New York was.
no place for bo be paid his way
out Wert, where, lie seldom uncle-
livecl. He was an orphan, and had uo
one to care for him here.
What about little .Mex? questioued,
la feeble v.oici4.
I And, torning, to tlitir great joy,
Ithey, saw the greet light of intelligence
looithig out of the, eyes of the beloved
Iinvalid, who had remained in a state
the maecalin e fraternity—
N'eaw, Atka k, tbatal not answeretaid
Mr.. Clay,. ughingly,, Siduey iteaot
riseca to, lown co mpl i utee and
yommurat sat turn lien. Ilea& viath
Many ing14y instructive facts bear-I:provinces does not bearso greet wrath)* at
ing ou the gragress of Canadian news- , it is sill remarkable, Tha. paperi-of.'
papers appear la a new hand -book of Ontario have increased' from 17-T. tto.
Canadian Btees just issued by A Mo 573 ; Quebec ferom Ito' 209a;, Nora..
thena Kim Ss Oda. Newspaper Advertising Scotia from 25100 Nisw1Brurrsevide
Agents, Montreal, to whose enterprise
we are indebtedkr the first Directory
of Canadian ueveapapers that at all ap•
Meek booked admiringly att the
pretty fitee,, whielr grew suddenly., rosy
tinder hie beretiny, but be forebone
from Nether remarks, andsoon • tooh
his -leave.. He remained in. town. for,
several. vreees,and korai hies:way, qpite,
often to. the Clays" pleasant home..
Widuey hardly dared look up • from how
work diseiug his visits, for she coal&
feel that his durk eyes ivererever.stad.ye-,
ing her Iaee with tiii.e4pression.
cauned her heart to throb, strangely.
At last, he called and asked her to.
from 22 to 48 ; Blanca -Edward Ikland,
from 8 to 14 ; • Newfoundhind• alone.
obands with one less•paper-toeday.tbans
proaches completenesa it, bad in '1861,1 and. Na'vefoundlanti!
It is certainly time that Canada had Orme of all the Witish:American 061-e
a neuspaper Direetory of its own, in- °tries, has remained out of ttiteoonfede,
• stead of looking tafereitem sources for eration. The progress of • the press.
iuformation of its. press e and the work means the material progreers- of • the'
just issued raids areait upon the people, and no donlet• it thee itetoient.
:skill and enterprise of the publishers. Calany were now member" of. the.
.,It has over 2093more poporathan areconfederation, heamewspa.persetuid tier.
Jreported in anyoetlier directory, and
resources would alike increase, and*
Itlue information is -very compreheneive
multiply. In 1$64, ()amide' bad
of partial stupor sinus the ettaeli.
walk with him. The; beldenot, gone.- indeed, as the Canadian Newspaper sOoreely any of .winst area labown,
fay adieu he startled her by. saying Directory givese,gozetteroleacb news- class papers. Newwwe have .28.,devot%
iles Clay,' have a motive for asking.paper town.whiehiembraees everything acme agriculture and rurai.i interestst,
aa man., ;that could be., interest, from a 84..to the interesoe.of .benetite. societies.
you out this aftei:noon, io
brushed back the rears, and I Father, was a true prophet!' Our
g to her lather, laid het' soft cheek !good fortune has come as I said it
ssitie,ly against his face would. Little Aleck, as yon call
's always tho darkest just before has sent
you a gift, letter of five
of few words„but I know piereegoldee'business Pint aft v•j°w• Regarding and Drotberhoodey10 to. the law., 16,
reek, papa, and I'm sure things !hundred dollars. Think of it.I that my onlychance.ae" mwsPaPerib
gives frail particulars to,Baschoine, pharmacy. and., hygiene,
when see it,and
tget the treasure I want is to asit,foreetouching every point clan which accurate letOco temperance,- ana, prohibition:.
it before so*neone else finda. out, 48.1:information is obtainsale. 8 2e. to literature, no ed e atione.beside
Mr Anson MolCanaa preprietcr 29.aptialislied as- seboul, and, college.,
value and steps before me. Lhave
never laved a woman before,. Sidney, of the Advertising Agency from, which papers, and 43 to trado—fineniee• and,.
this work is issued.,. has been in the ad- inanufaetures. There. are .also.
but the heppiness of my whale future.rray
depends on one now. Will shebeanvertising basieess. shout 13 years, Paeere devoted toother speetal, ttptesa
having started ais. speoial agent of the Tiis new directoreeteringsonathe We,
Sidney begau tremulously, and,cone Toronto Mail in. Montreal in 1878. trusting fact thataliereetre1D1 re-.
fueedly : My.father—but he interrupted It is now lossthan our years since !igimia publications, in, Canada,, of;
her. No 1 Sidney's decision. fire,he opened out in. the Newspaper Ad-
the Raman. Gatholia Olearch,
Clan she love ? vertising Agancy basimess in Montreal. Idaho& 24, the Church .ot England 1,.
. Presby,
The girl was almost crying., Easy -under under the iit-tie•of A McKim & Co,ancV theMethodiet la, the terian
crisis had come suddenly that she the success.already achieved by this., the laithere6thee Baptist •
dn't be worse. So I'll be a ptophet,
a true one, too. You'll tee before
y days have passed. I'm going
now ; and when I come back, if I
t bring you -good luck, you may
wn me.
about an hoar Sidney returned
i her arms filled with pare
As she was laying them upon
table, her mother called to her
),3 an inner room.
something in the tone of her voice
-tied her, Hastening to her assist-
, she found her father lying upon
thecl,with his oyes closed, and look- ,
strangely white. Her mother was
ng his hands and trying to !
e him, She said
saw the doctor drive up a moment
Run, Sidne.y, and hurry him
o second bidding was needed. The •
of lived just across the way, and
glance at the girl's agitated face
line the story he was so well used
eating. '
was the work of a moment to
oh his medicine ease and follow
was some time before Mr. Clay
Ed signs of lifeiand the pale phaii.
which had threatened them was
doctor pronounced the attack to.
been brought on by poverty of
d, and said :
e had better keep his healer set?.
;days,and give him all the nourish -
hinge he will take--beef-teaanade '
strong, cream -toast, and the best
.y wine, will he as streugthening
ter he had gone Sidney and her.
looked at each other in silent ,
ternation. The beloved invalid's
epontled on these luxuries; and
it could they, procure them ? The
kir might almost as well have ar-
n. to Europe. With a deep
Sidney put her hand into her
it, seems like a fortune;. said the sick
man gratefully. God be thanked for
His many mercies I and as with closed
eyes he lay back upon his pillow, the
words he uttered were fervently re-
eclided in the hearts of wife and child,
Mrs. Clay, saying :
Your father was alwsys doing good
when he bad means, and it has seemed
very strange towe that he should be
so efflicted : but a have no doubt we
shall some time find that it was for
some good pui•poee.
Alecks kindly letter and timely gift
acted like an elixir upon the spirits of
the discouraged man. After 'his re-
covery he went forth with renewed
energy, and soon found remunerative
employment. Before he felt strong
enough to hold a pen, he asked Sidney
to send a note of thanks to Mr. Mc.
Douald, which she did, and Sidney's
eyes grew bright with amusement
wheu one day her father brought home
a letter trent McDonald arlciresked to
Mr. Sidney Clay, and gave it to her.
Its contents expressed 'regret at her
faitlo:ras illness.and concluded by offer
kg a caakehip iji his store to the
young son who had written him such
a bueinees-like note, saying also that
he had ciaeasion to come East, and
would find them out and communicate
his views in. person.
The day after the reception of the
letter a Ting at the belt drew Sidney
to the door. A sudden intuition told
her that the tall, bearded stranger was
her father's Western friend, though
she had previously imagined hiuf to
be very different looking owing pro-
bably to alwaye hearing him spoken of
as Little Aleck. •
Mrs. Clay rose ae he entered the
room. After a moment's hesitation
he heli out Itis hand.
You don't know me, and it's no
wonder for time had made great
changes. 1 ton Aleck,
He was a stalwart, handsome man,
-et, and wttli her portemonntne instead of a slight, stripling of twelve
out a letter. and the silver glistened thickly amid
I-fergotl This is for papa. The lis. Clay's dark locks ; but they were
it about him put it out -Of my inid. soon at their ease, and Were chatting
▪ der what is in it ?
I pleasantly when MrClay returned,
Open it., Sidney. It inay be an Sidney had been simply introduced as
eer to one of your father's applica- my daughter, and had not joined in
for work, the conversation, though her eyes had
-dney tore it open, and a paper occasionally glanced up front her
!tired out and fell to the floor. She embroidery to scan the stranger when
a it up, and fund that it was a she could not be observed.
TWO. Mr. Clay invited him to stay and
must lie a mistake, mother. No
areuld seed tts money.
rad the note. That win tell. And
take tea with them, and he seemed
loth to accept, the proffered hospitality.
As they arose from the table Mr. Nic.
• came the break in the clouds Donald said t
le had been gatherieg eo darkly I have been looking for the boy who
that they had almost learned wrote me that tinp,clear-hcadad tatter.
--- wabt if any sunshine could exist I will he be in anott
Ilteni. Ibis is the letter: I Mr. Clay siniled.
Teen ext, noxnatn sm —1 send the 1 am sorry to disappoint you, my
lien its a eligilt memorial of my friend, but this is Sidney —vey only
ealtede for former favors, 1 Itin I ehild. She bears a family :mon which
• prossperone man; and every cent
aeatnnalatea I awn o the time.lhas been given to the °Meet child—
ou gave me, when a puth in I be it boy or girl—for generations
sltrretion would have sett roe back,
hardly anew her own•feelinge. &leek
stood for a Moment studying her
troubled face with his bright,. earnest
oyes ; then his look grew sornowful.
I might have known that each' a
great clumsy fellow could offer no.
attraction to one like you 1: Geed byel
I will not pain you with a gait. which
I see is unwelcome.
He turned and went rapidly away.
As Siduey watched hint 'the thought
came suddenly : I will not pain him
again I Then a great wave. of sorrow
surged up in bei' heart,. and she called
wildly :
Aleck 1 Aleck
1.while 29 belong..to various. &lumina,
enterprising., nein cal& may be the re— iions or
are classed.. unseetarian.
snit of experience; industry, and irides
filiere are 144, papers. published. in, el
fatigable attention to every detail. ott',orinada in liflignages_mbeothaa.
•Ilish. Of these no leseetbsen, 126 are.
the busineese
Perhaps it iannt too inuale tu sayve 1
R. tench, dieteibuted ae,
that thie.agency now handles InoceriPulti'INis'le:d in •,
'fo o vs 115.in the P.trewillae. of Q,00 -
business, witty Canadian newspapeva-
than all other agenotes combieleciefIN)Pe%'
Brunswieh and. ltin. bloom Scotia.
6 in Oulario,..2.,in.Mg•niteha, 2. it
which slaowsthat the firm not
To show the, re.-naultahle. advance the
enjoys the conadenee of the manse
French -C.. anadian pr.ess,- has made in
large advertisers whose business they
the oast'80,,, ,eurs ci I e^
3. • n„,...eses.„,ry
control., but that of the Canadian,pube
to'nentionithat. in. 10,44 only a single
lishers as. well.
' , paper wits.issued. in.Ifterieia ontsideithe
ane of the most interesting feattualeS province nts Q,uebea, and this was, at
of the work is a history oi Canadian
Ottawa ;. uIi1eiu 13.44)0, itself the
e,oiernaliem, in which an account total number oEtene,h papers, accord -
ale heard her and turned back. She giyentif the first papers published' in ing to thcalaeitasle Nada ine,'iea�e At
stood awaiting him with downcast each province, with a sketch, ea the inanac, wee but 1.8.. In other words,
eyPS. rise aud progress of the most note— Frencn,lihinadian, papers have tuereas.
Siduey, he said, passionately, look worthy papers down to a coMparative- ed mute. atria, sisefold lo the province of
at me. Yoa could not bring me to ly recent period. Maui cutlets facts
taeuebeo; an,d € 'wetly seyen.fold in the
your side again unless to say you
Would be my own little girl-aeoy
prothisell wife.
Her answer was so low as to be ins
distinet to any but a lover's ears; but
his face shone with the magic bright-
nese which brightness comes but puce
in the human heart as he drew her
Tittle hand within his arm, and he held
it—a Willing pridoner.
are given abort these easy papers, aamm. • •
roeon, at large.
and the sketch, which contains much
material that has hot hitherto seen the taleaaestlec Loaders,
light, is the most comprehensive one
yet published on the sabjeart.. Axe, odoolTenthe.olfoiedmpoBossitstatsesmii.smedicinepaeprouffercethti ;:evageyugiemcibun Ira; .
of the first newspaper printed in the
eompanying the history is a /ace shna al Firouilear:osuotettieorilluolgotah tettoearibrgainstes:ourfeltohnes. syIsste soat
humors and diseases from a commou:
all blood
Dornininn. It was suppoeed that the!
Quebec Gazette was the first Canadiani itebilmspeioetatithee worst scroluiekis sore, anal
d with its unri,valled regulatenewapaper,
newspaper, but the Halifax Gazette ing,. cleansing and purifyieg influence on,
here reproduced, appeared in Marcl 4,theed Baer rendi onaeorf tisheulsiyeersoltiusdane ass ab s ni
, Y , ow...,re
tor all diseases of theFrom one to.
HomowAr's, Pmts.—This purifying .1762, twelve years before the Quebec
itere. bottles will cur% hails, pimplas,
and regulating medicine should oc paper saw the light. It consisted Of, ;blotches, nettle rash, scata tatter,
easionally be, had .recourse to during • • 1 . •
foggy, cold and wet weather. These only two pages 9 x 15 inches, and it is
:DTO tOnlliopulerlobortnjessotilsikitledisettelat8rebeener.°Our
fact, strikingly illustra- :eczema, shifigles, erysipelas, ulcers, lib.
Pills are the besc preventive for hoarse. a lamentable
news- seesses, running sores,, u.nd all akin avdp.
ness sore throat diphtheria lenris Una' the mortality of the early
I 0 I I 0
and asthma, and are sure retnedies for papers, that not a .single copy of the
congestion, bronehitts and I:thou-rat-
tion. A moderate. attention to the „-
Halifax Gazette is known to exist in
directions folded round each box will yanada. .A. copy supposed to be
enable every invalid to take the Pills - unique, is in the library of the Massa-.
be the most advantageous manlier; chusetts Historical Society, in Boston;
they will be taught the proper doses, and after some trouble and expense,
and the circumatances under which
they must be increased or diminished. latessrs McKim & Co obtained a photo -
Holloway's Pills net as alteraeives, graph of it. This souvenir alone is
aperients and tonic..Wheuever these worth the price of the bbok, which is
Pills have been taken as the last re- $2.00. To give an idea of the labor
source, the ' result has always been required in a work like the Canadian
gratifying. EMI when they fail to
euro, they always assuage the severity
' Newspaper Directory, it may be stated
of the symptomand diminish the _that the book contains 80,000 separate
danger. facts, apart from its history.
The compilers have been at , conside
Canadian. Newspapero. erable pains to gather facts regarding
The progress made by the ]3ritish newspapers of the past, and they have
North, American provinces since they framed what appears to be a very
became a Confederation is in no way complete table of the newspapers of
more strikingly illustrated than in the all the provinces, its far back as 1804
advance made by the Press. • This Hitstahree years befote 'confederation.
can be shown, whether we regard the There were then in all British Noah
literary talent attracted to the Cana. America only 208 papers, of which 12
disn,preas thegrowth in mere numbers were in .Newfoundiand. At the end
tions. 11. 18 noticeable that sufferem.from
skin diseases are nearly always aggravated
by intolerable itolaing, but this vaickly
subsides on the removal of the disease by
B. B. B. Passing ou to graver yet prevalent
diseases such as scrofulous swellings,
humors and scrofula, we have undoubted
proof from three to six bottles used inter-
nally and by outward application (diluted
if the Akin:is broken) to the affected parts,
will effect a euro. The great, mission of
B. B. B. is to regulate the liver, kidneys,
bowels and blood, to correct, acidity and
wrong nation of the stornaob and to open
the sluiceways of the system to carry off
all clogged and impure seoretioue, allowing
nature thus to aid recovery and remove
without fail bad: blood, liver complaint,
bilionsnees, dyspepsia, sick headeclie,
dropsy, rheumatism, and every species of
disease arising from disorder of the
kidneys, bowel, stomach and blood,
We guarautee eery bottle of B.13. B.
Should any person be dissati flea alter using
thefird bottle we will refund the rnouoy
ou application, personally or by letter.
We will also be vied to seed testimonials
and information proving the effects off 13. ' I
B. B. in the above named diseases on
application to T. Miunnut & Co., Toronto,
Do you beep corn meal ? inquired ,
the mall with the basket 'on his arm.
No, siroaid the grocer. Wo sell it.
Iow much do you want 1 Did 1 say 1
of newspapers, or the expansion in the of 1801, these had increased to 1044, wanted any ? mildly asked the man
°imitation and waalth of the loading Ineluding Newfoundland which now with the buits And h