Wingham Times, 1892-03-18, Page 5,k. , • V�� y S . �. 1 i i ,(sem! ,,. f If in the English langaego there is a diamond in the rough, it must certitinly in the horualy wort) SZ IIt'41±,, Uncouth and .. , n s t r + „ itlllst d ve y se lice] in Ille'lnifho (. effort has been to strive to do that which is right to our patrons, firmly believing, he who �f:dl4 that which is hes;., of its .Kirit] finds his best Advertise went in what 1)e sells. MERCHANT LOBI PAP jggETe Our Merehant•Tailor•in, Department is now provided with the most popular fabrics producers by this leadingand most celebrated mills in the country. ii both variety and value,excels that of any other shop to be found elsewhere and which we are prepared to hake up with lit:st-class trinnuif.ys in the latest style of assortmen at prices that cannot fail to satisfy all parties, y f the art an . GENTLEMEN" t SPRING HA ` S. Our spring stock of gentlemen's headwear is now complete. You will find our hat department tilled with the latest products of the f'actotles in England and America, want to keep in fashion call and get one of our nobby bats and at prices that will astonish you. if yo. In this de to make room is Metter than BOOTS A.Np SHO"Fi,S. GOTS' partment we outstrip all competitors. We are row showing the Iarg for another large .consignment soon to arrive we have marked down the :,low shilling." Colne early and often and get first choice, and by est stock in this line to be found in this part of the weary, in all styles and widtlls,aritl' is cede our stock to prices that are bound to mese a ready sale, as Our motto is : "Phe nimble $ixpenc gar in mind we are manufacturing to or,:lee, and for neat repairing we can't be heat. GENT'S FURNISHING'S, GENT'S FURNISHINGS. GS. Our Gent's Furnishings will be found complete in everything that pertains to correct dressing. 1Ve think we can :quit the nu»a fastidious. TRUNK A.ND VALISE DEPARTMENT. Our Trunk and Valise Department will be found adequate to accommodate those who are contemplating. travelling. Remember we will not be under;5olt1, Culross. The Council met at the Town hal Teeswater, March 12th, 1892, as pe motion of adjournment of last meeting Members all In attendance. Jos i1oir Reeve, in the chair. The minutes o last meeting were read. It was move by Peter Clark, seconded by Jos Wel wood, that. the minutes as just read b adopted—Carried. Moved by Pete Clark, seconded by Peter Kuntz, the this • Board, having examined th Treasurer's books and the Oollector's roll for the year 1891, and believe the same to. be correct, that the printing committee get 200 copies of the Audi tors' Report printed for dipetribution• among the ratepayers Carried J. J. HOMUTH & SON.. • Kuntz, secouded by Jos Moir, that this in Ma,ttea',clr, Rev Prissely atifciating. HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE Board do no ud'ouru to meet erya' w 1,1 In He as hurled in the Eden Valley, t rl'own hail, Peswi{,ter, or, S l, aturd r a ay, cemetery. ;\Ir• R was an industrious the 28th day of May, at 9 o'clock a In, young man just lately married. He , as n Court of Revision and Appeal of was highly respecter) by all who was f the Assessment Rolhfor the year 1892 acquainted with hint end he will be d and that the printing committee give. greatly missed in the neighborhood the lege) notices;--Oarried. Finance in which he lived. Their many e Repurt—Blakney Smith, liking wash- frieucls all sympathize with bits Robin - out on Con 12 and 13, $10 ; Ha nes son i hem vxd sad trouble. - ✓ y , t & Wraith, building stone culvert, COD e 11, $7 ; Janes Fleming gravelling on iIoved by Jos Moir, seconded by Jo Wejwond, that Haigh McKaaue Poundkeeper, deposit with the Trees urer of this municipality the sum o $8.25, being at balance after paying al expense:; in connection with a stra heifer—Camped, 1Vloved by henryMackay, seconded by Peter Kuntz, ,that as the road opposite Lott22, Con •2, was impassable after" the freshet $his winter and Blakney Smith, path,ml�gt�l, ll)td to opt teeing to ;Weir the toad and make it passable, that he be now paid the amount for labor expend ed., namely, $,10-0arried. Moved by Jos Welwood, seconded by Henry Mackay, that this Board having care- fully examined the bond given by ~, ^ Mr Rubt boundary, &o, $3 85 ; Weiler & Son, been appo 280 feet cedar, $2.30 ; Samuel Kirk. hand,, Treasurer, expenses .in making deposits, mileage and postale, $30 38 ; Mr W �1 agent for the OP R iu H °HEST Baird, of Kincardine, has inter/ poste„ aster of that ' i The undersigned has for sale on Lot 10, Con. 4. Turnberry, fora tho,•ou�hbred Flolstein bulls. tang• hit from 0 to Iii months old. The above nicntttoned animals aro all well marked and registered hr the onradtan herd Bonk. They e•ill bo sold cheap and on easy terms to suit purchasers. JAS EI•LIOT, Breeder of 'Tolstoi Cattle, nluevalo, Ont. LOGS! LOGS! lots! Jos iVloir,going to Toronto re Bryon and appointed Loutitt law suit, and conferring with Ki,,eardiue. We ar prepared le pay t lu• Mick, 1I' P P, has been • the Oorporation ofTurnberry, $12.60; for all , Solomon Smith, one day statute lobor —A correspondent asks us the origin of i for Cargill, $L the phrase "Fie isn't in it." Ia was first f 0f1AS BUTTON,. Tp u iel•k. used by tin editor who died and went to 'leaven and looked around for the man Lower X74 ingliani• who took his paper for three years and then left it in the post ofiioe marked "re• fused,"—Exchange.. Mr Geo Fretwall' has rented his farts for a term of live years to Mr Chas Brown, and will sell his farm stock and Implements by auction on Tuesday, Mardi 29th. The Hoosier Seed Drilla. Read what Prof. Shaw, manager of tho Ontario Agricultural Farm, has to say of them: GUet,ru, Ueo 111th,1800. Tax M1:ssas Noxox Baos, Iugorsoll, Dnt. Drax Sats,—I take pleasure in replying to your enquiry regarding rho working of the Improved tel Frame Hoosier Seed Drill, pureltased from your agent b1 ant ear. t1'o it is a ta'olvto hoc Drill, u•e can put iu frow an acre same satisfactory, that the same be and}a halt to ttvo cares morn ht a day with ono toani received—Carried, Moved h Henryhafi when we used the too hog Drill. This is of y y its f a groat advantogo In the hurry of seed ti^_•e. IVIaekay, seconded by Peter Kautz, Itis light of tlraa and cagily operated. L1'han tha cultivator teeth aro attached, we and no lin plement that a grant of $35 be made to cut the eq al to it for brhtging to rho surface day clods t tat Min opposite Lot 29, Con 10 and 11, 't"%' i'o in the soil, whop they aro then easily crush- �od by the roller. Clips renders it of Hutch value in and that Peter Clark let the same hty prboaring a ane seed bed, especially for a ro.tt crop. public competition—Carried. Moved I I b-1tove it would hoof much service in oxtractiii 17 p an gatherhtg the roots of couoh•grass when in the by Henry Mackay, Seconded by Jos soli. Wo regard it as an exealtent Seed Drill. Welwood, that as James Britton and lours fit mos snow. others petitioned this Council to build John Cautpbell, 1Vhitoohurch, Is agent for these a bridge on the 10th sideroad, Con 7, Drills' •which vias laid over, that a bridge be now built and that Peter Clark and Peter Kuntz let the same by publie competition— Carried. Moved by Peter Kuntz, seconded t•4y Henry Mac- Kay, that By.Law No 4, for the ap- pointment of Pathniasters, Poundkeep• erg and Fenceviewers, be now read a first and second time. Moved by Jos Welwood, seconded by Peter Kuntz, that as there is an error of $4 in the non-resident roll, the Clerk is hereby requested to correct the error—Oar. ried Moved by Henry Mackay, sec- 'onded by Peter Kuntz, that the )peeve and Peter Clark, councillor, be a•coru• niittee to revise and examine the As.. sessment Roll before the Court of Re- vision ---Carried, Droved by Henry Mackay, seconded by Peter Kuntz, that the Clerk send for seven copies of the Mlluniripal World, and that the Reeve sign a cheque for the amount and that the Treasurer pay over to the Cleric the amount raquired, being, $5, for`soven copies Moved by Henry Mackay, seconded by Jos Welwood, that the Finance report asjustread be 'adopted—Carried. Moved by Peter rD Tolton, in the spring of rho pres- ',Samuel Kirkland, Tr'easur'er, find the - 1 find that it dogs c�cellent work. As Orange Grand Lodge. Tho Orange Lodge of Ontario• \Vest elected the following officers at their meeting at Owen Sonnd, on the Oth instant : William Nicholson, (1 M; 3 L Iiur,hes, D G M ; 1'V Lockhart, A. D G Mi; l✓ F Clarke, grand treasurer; 13 Birmingham', .grand secretary ; Rev Wm Walsh, grand chaplain ; Charles Baillie, gland lecturer ; Charles Pol- ling, G D of C. The management of the Orange Mutual Benefit Society was discussed at length and transferr- ed to the Grand Lodge of British America: The proceedings of the Grand Lodge came to a close at 6 o'clock. Orangeville was chosen as the next place of meeting. East WetWanoslh. The following- is taken from the Litchfield (Minnesota) Independent of February 2nd, 1892: John Robinson, of Eden Village, Min, second sou of E Robinson, East 1Vawannsh, Oanada, who had been sick for a week with inflammation of the bowels, died last Tuesday morning, The funeral services were Rigid at his late residence 6 1 GAIN ONE POUND CUSTOM. SAWING A Day. PRICES IN PROPERTY FOR SALE. For sale. in the Town Plot of Winghmii, two P. Lots, Nos 40 and 41, on Alice street, north of Railway; good laud and good water close by, an small stream runs all the year across a small corn of the prr•perty; with apples, cherries and sm fruits. House fairly good. Apply at the ••TI urs' OFFICE, - Wingham, 0 A. L has on hand RASH; 2H.AXE 6T DLQ Y „huh.; of good sahib t_ d R Gs: rl Oce of the best blood purifier on t market. It cannot be surpassed by any for skin diseases of all kinds. delivered at .air brill. ALSO FUR Basswood Heading Bolts, ! 1 N MEDICINE by the coria, . c b 0 R POSTS, Bza. 1 A GAIN OF A POUND A DAY IN THE CASE OF A MAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL RUN DOWN," AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE THAT REMARKABLE FLESH PRODUCER, OF PURE COD LIVER OIL WITH Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. THIS FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PALATABLE AS MILK. EN- DORSED BY PHYSICIANS. SCOTT'S EMULSION IS PUT UP ONLY IN SALMON COLORWRAPPERS. SOLD BY ALL DRUG- GISTS AT 500. AND $I.00 SCOTT 64 B0WNE, Belleville. CURL The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine: All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue. cessfully stand. That it may become known, i the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada., If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insldioss disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHIILOH'S CURE, Price to cts.,.so cts. fwd $1.00. If your Lungs are sore et Beck lane, i lie Shiloh's Parous Pilular. Price us ate«. dune the-tper than over and satlsfttc. i tion guaranteed. -i•' •�ypy.� : ,, 7 'Y" f ^,so�,gq "•i _— I if .73.95 ::.A , D r U '•..t- Si gall curl get primes. lengths to ant; I &e. Go to the PnARafaox. 'McLean & Son.. ! quality is of the first importanee.� FOS, -f\It.kinrls of Leinber, ninon, Laths, Szu., kept c•tust„ntly nu hand. 1011101111111110001111L114 , A. L. HAMILTON, ' Druggist, Winghal