HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-18, Page 3• ti I, tkEIZ L,OND,ON.. INF,M x A SCOBCUUING ARRAIGNMENT Orr JUI)GF EL,LIOT BY A CONSERVATIVE JOUR- NAL. (From the Toronto Telegram, Independent Censer• vative, March 10.) In tithes when men took their poli tins seriously, when the issues to he decided effected their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of three meals a day, British judger., have tried to aid tyrant kings with services suck as his honor Judge Elliot has rendered to ROII, JOilII Carling.. Never, even under the last King James, has a judge so successfully us- urped the functions of a free constit- uency, Prototypes of Judge Elliot• two centuries agofeebly attempted to do what his honor did boldly, and had to keep their necks from the block by flight when thti glorious revolution re- stored pOwe;[ to Parliament, Judge Elliott's idea is not in danger He is protected in the infamy, of hii not by the temper !of these tame times and the weakness of a dispirited party. That act is none the less, however good may be its intent or effect, a crime against free institutions. First,the revising officer approved of the form in which the Liberals served their notices of appeal. Second, in defiance of his own ex. pressed opinion he turned a favorable ear to Conservative attacks upon the validity of prnotically his own notices, Third, Judge Elliot. without in, structing the revising officer, gave it fie hid opinion that the notices were 'bad. 1'ourth,the revising officer embraced the Ai a golden oppor- tunity to keep ae''eral . hul:ldrec? Moults votes on the list. , Fifth, the Court of Queen's 13enel], afterward sustained by the Court of Appeal,.tinanimously ruled that the notice was good. Sixth; in obedieuce,not to the ruling but to a inauclarrlus, the revising ofii. cer heard the appeals on their merits, and struck •off many votes, including those that enabled Hon. Jolt) Carling to overcome Flylnau's small but decis- ive majority of the votes that were properly on the list. Seventhi, with the aid of Judge El- liot, the Conservatives kept 220 of these names on the list under the false pretense of appealing to the Supreme Court, and polled 152 appealed votes. Eighth, these ineligible votes over- came vercame Hyinan's majority and elected Hon Johu Carlin;; in the face of the returns. Ninth, Judge Elliot rules that the names which a partisan revising of- ficer was forced to strike off are pioper ly on the list, not Because they are good but because the notices dernande ing their removal sire .bad. • A venerable and honored county judge decides an election upon a • mise erable technicality that a pulicecourt lawyer would be ashamed to use in de- fence of a client accused of selling liquor without a license. The govern. went is buying its success dearly. Sir John Thompson's quibbling .speech cleared the path for a crime, and Hon John Carling, the representative of an injustice that is all the more damnable because it has the l anetity of law, Can take his seat. One party's gain or another's loss is a small thing compared to the injury done to the country by every decision. that outrages the true citizen's sense of fair pay and lessens public respect for the county judiciary. Judge El- liot bus clothe his wore( 140 well that the Government will tint consent to his impeaahinent, taut the Opposition Should pre pose to impeach Iris honor i,f the law does not permit the Super- •ior Courts to punieh his indecent deli. mice of their authority, S w EA Au Ali Best out;h,yrup, Tastes Good, use In time. Sold by druggists. THE KEY TO HEALTH, Ur -locks ell tho clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneyys and Liver, carrying Off gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul homers of the secretions; at tho'tlamo time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Hear,Ner- vousness, and General Debility ;all these and many other similar Complaints .told to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Sala bd c-tt .Demers: E14111311 tCO,,PrHriettors, Toiouto. FRIENDSHIP & CO., having leased the shop, owned by Mr H Lommox, for a term of years, beg to notify the public that they aro in a position to torr out first class Carriages, Waggons Cutters, Sleighs, etc., on shortest notice. Only the best quality of mater- - ia1 used in their manufacture. The BLAOKSMIT}IINUf • carried on as usual. Horse -Shoeing a Speciality. We are prepared to sell 20 er cont. cheaper than the cheapest in town, FRIENDSHIP & CO. Mon4 Sco our stock of new and desirable BOOTS and,$HOES Overshoes, Rubbers, c., PARIV,I 'NOTES. Winter is the season for plauuiug. ]3uy as little as possilale eu credit. Intelligent feeding.and farming pay. The coarser the manure the less value, A low temperature calls for more food than a high one, IRutting manure !milesit more iiu• mediately available. Worthless lance is often made vale• able by nnderclraining. Wire netting is cheap and will keep out rats, mice, etc, There is no sense iu" wintering over unprofitable animals. Potatoes need to, be stored in a cool, dry and dark place. In co!d,stormy weather, have every- thing under cover, as far as possible, Itch, Mango and Scratches of ovary kul,•on hmnan or animals, cured in 80 minutes by Wool. ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Bunning out the fertility of the Foil does not pay ; but this is not £arnlnig. AiTHS1f1ADR.TAFT'd ASTH,MIALENE never an 5tvvtd 89gs;iTE®fails;sondyouraddress, and we wiS.tiaillA 95 Y! free trial bottle Dlt. TAr+TBROS. 1tOCIIELa, N. Y.FR EE Canadian Dept. ibe Adelaide St. 1•Y,, TORONTO, CA\AOA, • If you have a small farm, enlarge it by putting more worn and manure on it. • For In .: zit or a Grhpre" Wilson's Compound Sy t . .: Vild Cherry is {r, sure and safe remedy There is no better medi- cine for the c e'o Influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs, Co :,Croup ud kindred diseases. Get the mune in w1 ite wrappers. There must be variation or there could be no improvement. The fay. orabie changes are what we should, perpetuate. \Vo can hardly f eco;uize the fact that the Pilgrim fathers knew nothing y of potatoes, and that only in the last two centuries have they been known as an article of food for white men. For old and young, at prices which defy ccmpetitio Great Variety, Great Bargains, Great Opportunity, Having purchased the business lately owned by Mr D AleCounick, next to the Bank of Hamilton, and added to the already large stock, I wish to inform the people of Wingltam and surrounding country that I am In a position to furnishthem with anything in the Boot and Shoe line at astonishingly low prices ORDERED WORK A SPECIALTY. Your patronage kindly solicited. Don't -forget the stand -Two doors north of the Postoftice JOHN MARTIN, ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts, Car Load Orders a Specialty. t' WOOD delivered to any part of Winghaln. .tar Orders by'mail promptly attended to. GEORGE THOMSON, Wingbam Pi 0. BANK OF HAMILTON/ riiearsant rte Ayrup, Mr; Douglas Forel, Toronto, Ont, states Haat Mi1burn'A Cod Lives tail Emulsion with Wild.Cherry Dark la -free from ob. t;rDtionable tante; bathe almost as pleas~aut , tul'syrup, white for coughs and colas it gives oemplote satisfaction, astiug.lirompt. 117 *Van iii obeehmte Oseals. ° WINGHAM: Capital, x,1,200,000. Rest, 8600,000. President-Joux STOAa', Vice -President -A. G. Ramsar. DIF ECTORS Ion» PitOCTOI1,CnA. B ORNI Lau tY(Toloe) ) otorr, A. T WoCashier-d. TURNBULL. Savings Sank--IIours,10 to 3 ; Saturdays to 1. Deposits of ,`ai and upwards received and Interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates'of interest. Draft§ 01, Great Britain and the halted States bought and sold B. WIL• LSON, Acura. METER & DICZINSOlT, Solicitors. FOR SALE, Lot No. 3,, and the E. of Lot No. 7, llth Con. rl'urnborry-100 acres; 00 acres oleered; well toned; frame house and other buildings; good orchard; cheap, on time. Apply to M. C. CAMERON, Or Goderich, W.I. Mc?HEREON, Glonfarrow P. O. DESTROYS' AND REMOVES WORMS or ALL. teINDS IN bliLDREN Oyt' ADULT ' WM'AZ SYRUP AN* CANNOT HARM -rfic MOST For several years I was persistently annoyed with au excessive accumulation of Dandruff and although using various preparations recommen ded and shampoo- ing regularly once a week, no material relief was realized until my attention was called to Anti -Dandruff. which has pro- duced unlooked-for results in my case, Four applications removed every particle of Dandruff, and as a specific for this trouble it certainly has no equal. Yours truly, W T IionxNsoN, Uau. sac. Itys.Telegraph Co.112ontreal,P. Q Potatoes were first brought into Germany in 1710,into Russia in 1709, and into Scotland about the time of the American. revolution, The man that.planted the first field in Scotland died in 1850. ADVICE TO A1o'rllEaS.-Are yon distureod at night and broker of your rest by a sick 0hik1 suffering and crying with pafn of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its valueis incalcul- able. It will relief( the poor little sufferer. immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it.. It (lures Dysentery and Markham, -regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win- slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best °male physicians and nurses in the United States, and is. for sale by all druggists throughout the world. trice twenty-flvo cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mas. WuesLow's Soomruso Svr-nr, ,.n,1 -take no other kind What is it Hero For? (TorontoTe1egram,) Either the Ontario Opposition should coutinue to fight on the lines of its Last provincial ' campaign, or it should confess openly as it is doing tacitly, that it was merely huntingg for votes when it accused Mr Mowat of pandering to Rome. TheOppoeition's abandonment of the fight as soon as the polls closed made all who had championed its cause look ridiculous. Its desertion of a principle is not excused by one failure at the poils. If, as opposition leader, W R Alertdith can so speedily forget his platform professions lie would not remember them long as head ofa Gnv. ernment. The Opposition could malls a better showing. It is not suffering froth a .rush of genius to the Woad, but men lilts B.111 Clarice, 13 Ii' Clarke, tx F Marten and A V Wood could matte a stout fight for it good cause. So far the Opposition has failed to disclose a single good reason for its , continued presence here. It was hor ftio d during the last campaign n at tills against which it bus not one word to r saynow. Either its judgment was 'bad thele or its intentions are baa now. P'04 THE BEST VAL!': .ORDERED 'CLOTHING, HATS, GO TO - WE STEWS CAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, 0 U FF Cheap for KASE —AT — (I JAS. MURRAY & CO 1///'''' tee. r1ANUFACTURERS OF Plows, Iron Gang Plows, Land, 'K.° • o were, LSO, W ALMSLEY'S PATENT' SGGP-lIY�hG afl� umbrulluDthFou win MIL COMPLETE WITH PUMPS, &c. WARRANTED THE 1ES1 IN US_ STINGS ix .BRASS or IRON TO ORDER. REPAIRING AS USUAL. JAS: ! 1.0 URA i' & 00- P. S.—All those indebted kindly call and settle at once. HOOSIER STEEL ERA GRAM Over 25,000 Hoosier Drills and Seeders with our Posztive Force Feed iu Use in Canada, OAS' \00\\W GUARANTEED TELE BEST IN TIIE Wi)aLD, and the only drill that can be instantly regulated t run the desired depth in herd and oft ;mound while moving. THE HOOSIER IS TIIE ON Ll' DRILL that sows all kinds of grain and seeds evenly, and at th, depth desired in all kinds of soil. . THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that con pnences to sow the instant the horse moves. THE HOOSIER IS TEE ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEED, and is the only drill that deposits the grain eveul. just the depth you want it in hard or soft soli. • Rums: m m rats,•' THE HOOSIER COMBINED DRILL with cultivator teeth is the best cultivator made, and is the only impl ment made with tenth on independent draw bat's that can be set for hard and soft land while the tenni Is i motion. • TOM Hoes= is lighter on the horses than any other drill made. The points of excellence in ti iloosrt•;R thatothor drills donor have aro worth more to the farmer than any drill in the world. THE COMBINED HOOSIER can be °hang( d from drill to seeder or seeder to drill in less time than any d'rl made. Send for our now illustrated catalogue and testimonial sheet. Beware of purchashpg drills tlrl infringe our patents. NOXON BROS. MFG. CO. (LTD.), INGERSOLL, Orri The financial standing of this Company is first-class, they being rated at "248,010, 1...10 combine here.: JOHN CAMPBELL, Agent, WHITEC; HUUCH, ON Also, dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implements, Organ;, Sewing Machine &c., all from the best makers in Canada. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES ..�- DANDRUFF FF tr.s4 Restores Fading hair to its ,•,rx a „ In D. L. Agent, c :s. original Cntbr. � _•,,,a -ten l Toronto, Travrpin^ Possessor Agent, r P R, , r*'•� ay. Anir•linndr0'li')s operfeetremoverornan. Stops falling ei hate, drat, i,s netron is marvnllmts-in m atm ease Keeps the Scalp cl@err, a few applications not only ehoreaghlr1removed � � � esee .^.Ivo dendrite aecumulotlnn bat stopped Makes haft soft And pflct S YC aD lOomgo O.1111tr,mndattsotenndpltablonnd Prent0.eSGrowth. promoted a.1.13ibio irotvtly A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND 09NTMEN These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, .and arc pronounced the best Medic'h,et f Family use. TE'.L71��" Purifl the blooit, correct all disorders of the LIVER, .S'POITACII, 1(T5NINS AND DOWELS and a - invaluable in all complaints incidental' to females of all ages. OX T is the only reliable remedy for had legs, sores, ,leets, and old weasels. FORATION(`11ITI4•'$4 THROATS, (10110118,r t1LirS, GOUT, lil`EtIhTATI9\I, GLAIlL'I.AIt 4RiyLL1N(,s AND AL1:, DISEASES IT HAS NO 14,2 'AT., Manufactured only at 78, NO. OxfOrd, Late 8115, Oxford St1 t, LOO teat sold by all Aledielne Vendors throat hent the world. t rrutl1aeers should look to the Label ou the 13oxe8 taut rots. tb the addreres Ant 1588 Oxford Street, London, they,ote spurious. • r,