HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-18, Page 2John 1:iratson, Thos. Wilson, David taiu ('111LLCPS Henri orson RIDA,t, ,- TAROK 18, ,.802. were appointed members of Synod's ;ca►n1Uittee on hills, aud overtures, t Messrs Daviel Millar lend W Spence 'xes ytex'g of Maitland, The Meow.. r.reehyrely tort in Mel - e church, lartiosels, an March 8th li Rev. T. Davidson, M. A , ntoder- r, the chair, The 3ev, &.uther- d presented a call from the congre atiuli of Aslttield, signed by 100 inttiunicante and 155 adherents in .or of Rev, A. Ross, M A,, accome allied. by a guarilutee of stipend of 800 per annum. Messrs. Y.11cLennan d A, McIntyre in behalf of the tslott and congregation supported the ll. The call Was sustained as a giiler gospel call ticld ordered to he ansmitted to Mr, foss. It was agreed coultnunicate with Mr Ross by wire nd ascertain his mind in regard to call: A telegraph was received roam Mr, Rosedeclining the call. 11r. tiled:old was authorized to moderate n a call again to the congregation of shfield. Mr. Geddes read the Sabbath School sport and following recommendations vhich were adopted ; 1..That the attention of.sessions be ailed to the very smell proportion of our S. S. scholars who are cclnmuni- caltts, . and that they be urged to prayerful effort in leading the young to u decision for Ohrist before they pass beyond the influence of the S. S.. n i bible class. 2.in view of the fact that over 80 S. S.'s contributed but $240 for mis- sionary purposes, that pastors,superin- tendents and teachers be Inure earnest in. cultivating a spirit of liberality' imong the scholars. . 8. That the Houle Study Leaflet, published by Rev T P Fotheringham, kis used iii our schools wherever pracs tieiiWe. d. That those S Ws which are open but half the year, be enjoined to keep tliose'schools open all the year round. On (notion of lir Geddes, seconded yttlr Hartley, it was carried that a, corntuittee,ounsisting of Messrs Geddes mss. Murral and Anderson, be ap- poiuted to draft an overture to be presented to the General Assembly to the efieet: "In view of the fact that societies among the young people of ur church, such as the Y 1' S. of Christian Endeavor, liome Missionary Association, etc, are becoming nunter- ons, 'aud in view of the fact that much energy and work is lost to the church through the want of the organization of these for united work and under control of the church, be it resolyed that the Assembly take such steps as will form these societies into a Young People's Guild, with a suitable con- stitution, so that more concentrated effort May be attained, and that our youcng people may feel that they are a constituent part of our denomina•. tram," The clerk read. it communication from Langside congregation,espressing thele willingness to be connected witb some ane of the neighboring eongre- gations. On motion, it was agreed that a committee, consisting of Messrs Anderson, Fatirhairn and McItay, be appointed to visit Langside end any congregations adjoinibg with a viers' i tis° bring about a union between Lang, i Nide and some other congregation. s It was agreed to ask the c,Inlutitteee on Augment:ttion of Stipend to grant " tate following amounts :— Belgrave t $150, Pine {'liver $150, Dutigannoit t and Port Albert $150, Lai°gside $2 8 per Sabbath encu supplied by probes. ° tioners. The supply of Langside .cougrega• r, lion hi the meantime Was loft in the s hands of a ootntnittee consisting of; Messrs McNabb. Anderson and Hart- -1 liy. The following were Appointed come n missioner to the General Aflseuibly; t' MiniaterK.—Messrs David Millar, A Y Ei Hartley, John Eon, It A, Geo Law, 'T Davidsen,. M A; Elders—Mesers Jeliu Archibald, A (Campbell, 1 P S, d I Circulars were received from Pre hyteries, intimating their intention t ask toaave of the General tS.sen ably t receive four Ministers from othe c1111rches as ministers in the Presby tenon . boron in Canada, It Was agreed that the Presbytery make application to the General As adroitly to ,£.lace the name of Re Duncan Davidaou ou tbo list of antic ities on the Aged and Infirui Minister Fttl,d in accordance with the law governing the fund. The report on Temperance was read by Mr Hartley, and was received and adopted. It was agreed that an adjourned meeting of the Presbytery be held in Huron church, Bipley,on Tuesday the 22nd lost at 1.30 p m to enquire into the financial rind spiritual condition of the Huron congregation and to take such steps as ,may he necessary to re. I'novn obstacles to stn cess, and restore harmony in the congregation. 11 was further agreed to request the elders, board of managers end the cougrega• tion to be present at said greeting 1n. answer to a reference from the sessions of.Dungennou and Port Albert it was carried on motion that these sessions be directed to exercise their own discretion in regard to the admin- istration of the ordinance of Baptism, The Rev Sutherland read the aunual report of the Presbyterial W F 1l Society in behalf of Mrs McNabb, seoretery of the society, at the public meeting is the evening. On motion of Mr Murray, seconded by Mr Ross, the following resolution was unanimously passed: That having heard the annual report of the WO - man's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbytery of Maitland, the Press hytery desire to acknowledge with gratitude to God the goodly measure of success which has attended the efforts of the. .society during the past year, and to recognize the manifest blessing of God in evoking the inission. ary zeal and self-denying liberality of all it auxilaries ' es shown by the report of their aggregate contributions. The Presbytery, while expressing thanks to the active laborers in the Society and especially the president, secretary and treasurer, would also venture to hope that under the bless- ing of the Master even greater results may be reported ip future through a deepening of interest and an increase of members and -a yet larger Measure • of self-sacrifice on the part of all enlisted in the work, Excellent missionary addresses were given by Messrs Murray and Ross"in connection wither the presentation of the report. • Mr McKey, in behalf` of Rev J Mce Perliine, convenor of committee on the.state of religion,read the report on the state of religion. The report was received and adopted and ordered to be transmitted to the Synod. JOHN MAONABB, Presby Olerk, Lucknow, (March Otb, 1892. regular and persistent Application of Uolloway's Uintntent. Tide, we feel assured, will be welcein inteli' enee tot'h lids f 11' b'1 'dd by the disease, or limping with stifled• od ,joints atcug the pathway to the s. tomb. In a oli:uate where the quick. 0 silver sometimes makes a leap; of thirty, degrees up or down, the iromplaint is o of conrse la prey alent one ; and in our r new st'ttlemerits et the Nest, along - the alluvial {orders of our great rivers, in the hemlock -swamps of the South,. and. in all low and damp locations,fsw persons reach the ege of ° forty yore EVERY FARMER'S SON snOVLI iLAV11 A But me Education, A POSTAL wilt secure the cataiaeue of the FOREST CITY ,77-- 7 tuskless �dr7,�ollQge, -ry ,i -f Q .F -y Z)01\T .,:V 0 .r '.7•. y ; Oyer 100 students in attendanee, •d'. W. Westervelt, Principal " without a rheumatic visitation. V it ie clear therefore ghat a ' Ministers 8 THE WORST' PF" ALL Tei; ISMS. .Don't taik to ale about your pnlitioal ems, said ft facetious old valetudinar- an, I'tell you there's no ism on earth o bad as RheutnStisW. The vener- ble sufferer was right. St Lawrence's rtdiron or Quatimozin's pallet of file was not more emphatically a bed of orinent than tate couch of the martyr o rheumatism, It iti generally con- idered by the .faculty nue of the most hstinato as well as -one of the most pltinful of maladies, and it certainly oes resist all ordinnt'y remedies with xtraordivary pertinacity,. Skill and ciel)Ce, hOWeVe1', ill this loge of "pr7 Nese, seem to master all opposition; 11d 'even this painful disease, etle reached autong she muscles, and, in. orknit, au it Were, With tile' sinews nd. tendons of our frames, Is compell d to yielr.: to tho curatives they have rovided. We have it on unquestionable urhority�-.the testimony of patients Ie111selVes--•that rheumattsni',bowever eeply seated, may be cured by the preparation which viii etrord inlrfledi. ate relief, and ;erect eventually a thorough cure crate coin laiut, Must. be of especial value to the people of all countries. We cannot reasonably doubt, iii view of the welleettested statements which have been lair! be- fore us, sustained as they are by cir- cunistances within our own knowledge, that the Ointment referred to will effect that object ; and among ail the benefits which the discoveries of that celebrated physician and philauthrop- . ist have conferred n.poti mankind, this is certainly not ' the least important. - Many an industrious tiller of the soil, • callose services are needed it1 the field, " is at this moment ldnguisliin<„ ori a bed of sickness ; the - hands that should ;olds the plough or grasp the spade rendered powerless by Rheumatism. Many a toiler in every !much of pro ductive labour is similarly situated ; and we can imagiur with what joy these sufferers would hail the means of iininediete cure. To all such we feel ,justified in reconianending this balsamic rernedy, the application of which, with the aid of a few doses of Holloway's Pills to regulate the ill, ternal organs, would, wee feel assured,. restore them to health and usefulness. —Daily 4fytns. Eren purebred animals are sus. ceprlhle to it11prQvenlant. . Is simply ep end uSuenza ; Wilson's WildCherry will , , •e it safely and quickly. Get the genu" •, iu ti• ite wrappers only, and use i . directed • Influenza. A dollar saved"in food is often two dollars lost in growth. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Splint, Ring Bone, Sweeney',Stifies,Spnine, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, cto. Save 150 by use of one bottle. Warranted" the most wonderful Blemish Curee.er lenowt. Solei bi' A. L. Hamilton. A frequent change of food gives variety and promotes health. "La, Grip "Le, Grlpp Cured by the n Wild Cherry, th Bronchitis, What Coughs and o ier system. l sou's in usefo navy ye Inende• ,y all who by - prominent druggists. „Or of PI lu., enza mutmutbe quickly (� rilson's Compound of d reliable remedy for ug Cough, Oroup,Colds, eases of respiratory Wi Cherry has been ars auis highly recom- kaow i virtues, Said CROSSCUT SAWS. We hav4,e. in stock : TRE LEADE4, • THE SILVER STAR; THE LANCE '.TOOTH, TIME NICKEL STEEL, T H E FOREST BEAUTY THE Li -ROSE PRIDE, THE IMPROVV) CHAMPION. 1 ALSO A very fine assortment of A:. 3. t.CL1N 84 ca, 'ACNE I3L OCIS. Solentlfo knorttget Agency fore ATE NTS CAVEA74 "RADS mARK. DITBICN PATENT O YR CHT P 1 8 int a. IW'or fhf,wmatio11 and fr a Trandbo0k write to MUNN do C8, 881,Bno. »wAY, New Ytrlitr. bidebttlbilroau dor sOonring patents 1A Amer_idf. h8p 5110b$$Sn tlobglgguir89etobaalgeluthdr kicnIxftc Anteritan Y,argestelrnatatlettotnay seleniu phtiorinthe ltor1d. %fitonefdl7 flhlsirataL A 1 1t nt: raaA Al 1d be frit out' '�VdO_ t & UQ. orf $n efz8inn e,*Atrdd wa erlr. tk sxtsnirns, WAN T cons 200 goes OF WOOD. Call and see our stook of : WHIPS, BRUSHES, CURRY CORMS, SLEIGH BELLS, .Sus. Horse clothing of all Winds. !nad4 to ok er' in th {latest styles'andhof theehest material. Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags, &e, in stock and wil be sold as cheap As the cheapest. • Repairing neatly and promptly done on short notice, u Tho patronage of the public solicited, and slttis Motion In work and material guaranteed, SHOP—One door north of'Canadian Express Office M. AMBLER. HALSTED SCOTT B.A,. TIC 1'ad1,s_ Josephine• Street • • Wiltgham, Ont. J. A. IIArsTRo, J, W. Scow, Mouht Forest. ( Listowel!, Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advangnd to Parmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation,; Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Spools' Attention Given to CM - looting Accounts and Notes. .Agents]; n Canada,—' ie merchants' Sdrk of canasta. Office ,ltours—Fromo a in. to 5 p. m. A. E. S1leEXTR,. Agent, THE PRESS s (NEW YORE) Fop, 1892, Hlas a Larger Daily Circulation than any other Re- pubiican \'owspalier in America. DAILY. SUNDAY, WEEKLY. The Aggressive Republican 'Journal of tho liletrop- oi[a A NEWSPAPER FOR THE MAESSS. Founded Dece.mlior 1st,1887. Circulation Over 100,000 Copies Tux Passe is the organ of no faction ; pulls no wires; has no animosities to avenge. The most remarkable Newspaper Success in New Font. THE PRESS is A NAttoNAl. NEWSPAPER. Cheap news, vulgar sensations and trash find no place in the columns of Tits Paess Tun Patties has the brightest Editorial page 19 New York. It speaks with points, THE PRsss sltNiAT Burton is a splendid twenty page paper, covering every current topic of interest. Tits Pause WEF.itty Emmen contains all the good things of the Daily and Sunday editions, For those who cannot afford the DAILY Of are prevented by distance from early receiving It, Tun ` rein y is a sptendidsubstituto. AS AN •ADVERTISING MEDIUM TILE lilies has n o superior in Nsw'Dam TVS I'* ESS Within the reach of all.. The Best and Cheapest Newspaper hi America. Daily and Sunday, One Year, - $5 00 ,, „ u 0 months, - - 2 50 i, 'Baily only, one Year, months, - _ 3 00 " " four Months, - - 3. 00 Sunday, ono Year,- - 2 00 Weekly Prose, one Year; - - • 1 00 Send for Tee PRESS Circular. Samples free. Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal eohllnissions. Address, y • y p 1' it ISAl'.SS'T 33 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. MOUSY to Loin on Notes. ATI REASONAELIlt RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 0 per rent, with Notes Discounted privilege of paying at the end of any year. NOON and accounts collected. aitip>3x`. ittoXNDO OrriuS,•-Btavtt Block. Wingham, Oat. fEttite --IS i:'U1i1:ISIlI:D— VATIbX ?I1IDA.X t41C1t1fi11`TG, —AT TIIIS�-- TI MS$ OFFICE, JQ$E PHINE STREE W1NG114,33 , ONTA11IO. danact'iptloriprlee, It Per Year, 521 C4vanie° ADV{ UTISING RATES: Space 1 1 y1 1 Onto 1 3 Inn, 1 1 aro. Ono Column 880 00 klii0 00 1 $20 00 + w0 10 Ilnit " 35 00 20 00 i 18 90 t G 00 • Quarter " 80 00 12 00 7 00 1 4 00 Obon oh 6 00 0 00 2 00 100 ,Loral and other casual advertises n.nts, Ra per line for first Insertion, and Sc. per lino for caellsubsequent insertion, , Local notices 100, per lino for first insertion, and Se. per gee for each subsequent hlsorticr.. No local notice will he charged less than „6e. Advortiseinonts of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, - mid Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 linea nonpareil, Ill per month Houses ane Farins tor Sale, not exceeding 8 lines, 81 for fiest month, 500, per subsequent month These terms will bo strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, 00 for ioogor periods. Advertisements without speoiac directions, will bo inserted till forbid and charged accordingly, Tran- sitory advertisements utast he paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements nlustbe In the eflico by Wednesday noon, In order to appear that week 11. ELLIOTT Paorau,'roa awn Pusirsgas DR. MACDONALD, • JOSEPHINE STREET, WiKaltAii, • - ONTARIO "(7fr B. Tweets M.D.C.M,,. —~ Member College Physicians and Surgeons, ontarie —Coronor for County of Huron— Office 27p•stairs,"next to Mr Morton's olSoe, Wing ham, Out. Osmos Rocas,-1) to 12. a. nig 1 50 0, p, m.. or at Residence, Diagonal Street, A. MELARUM, Donor Greduato of Toronto University, and Member of the Coiiege of Physicians and Burleson$ of Ontario. Office and Residence —Corner of Centro and Patrick structs, formerly occupied by Dr, Bethune, WINOUAM • • - - On VANsTONE. BAIsaISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc Private and Company fundsito loan at lowest rates interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and soli{. OFFICE—Seaver Block WtnonAal, ONT J. A. MORTON BARRISTER Ste , Wingham Ontario ' vt EVER dr DICEU-,SOI\, H. W. C. Maven Q. C. 1 E. L. DICKINsoN, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Efe., Etc., So Beams for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farrn, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private fu Money invested for private persons, upon the best mortgage securities without any expense to the !sudsnds) loaned on mol'tgage security at 68 per cent. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North- • west. Of11co—Rent's Block %%Ingham, DENTISTRY:— J S, JEROME, tvMNona», egg Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates Vulcanite plates of the best material as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric. try or VegIetable Vapor, , TAKE NoTiois.—I will extract teeth for 25 cents each. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block opposite the Brunswick House, Wm, H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's holo!, Winghani. Will visit Corrie let and 3rd Mondays of eaoh.lnonth. ` JOHN RITCHIE, ' GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WiNentArl, ONTARin P• DEANS,JR., WtxeuAsi, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE :COUNTY Or' HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges Moderate. JORN CtJBEIE, Wumnsnt, Use, mouses, A'UCTIONEEii Poll rule COUNT' 41i' All Orders left at the Trains offiee promptly attend ed te. Terms reasonable, ;TAMES TIENDEi1,S0ii, LLLJJIcstIsen AUCrtosnstt Foo COUNTIES klusotV AND ' Bows, Ail sales attended to prarnptly and 0» the Shortes Notice. Charges Moderate andAlt neecs aryarrangoglent5 Satisfaction he made eat the TOMS' 011100 WV1fie11AM OST BOLTON & .I1AWRINS P, t,, ds 21, LSunvirions Ass CIVIL, Theme NEE L' ISTOWtt, sae WI11GIIAM A11 ordure lett at the talcs of the TToi wltf fr. eeivo pe0nlp5 attention ITAIIdFp OF 1001irll DIVISION COURT, Iasrtnl of Aa RrAnit LICENSER. WINOCAN1 ONT. T E IHSS S rnTSON, TNSTIWCPION given on Piano, Organ and Violin. Also in Harmony. Residence on welter of%Josephine and Pariah street* Winghenr, 1J .qoam •,1,. rti ill �` 'SiFi LONI p' A SCOP.CIIING ArtltAlf 1041.40T IIx A CO (From, the Toronto Tela grant i'ative, alai• Intimes when rrze tics serlonsiy, ivliei decided effected tbeii liberty and the pursu a day, British judges tyrant kings with ser bailor Judge Elliot 'Han, John Carling, Newer, even tlnflei James, has a judge so urped the functions o Uelley. Prototypes 0 two Cent uries ago feel .do what his liotlnr did to keep their necks fro flight when tliti gloric stored powe4 to Parliat Judge Elliott's idea .Be is protected in th fact by the temper 11f t and lila weakness of a That act is, none the good may be its inter crime against free i»st. First,the revising orf the form in wlitel1 the their notices of appeal. ,S'econd, in defiance pressed opinion he tur ear to Conservative a validity of practically Third, Judge{ E111 structing the revising as his opinion that tI .bad, iii'ourth,tbe revising tile,jndgi+'s opinion as tunity to keep seti'eral votes on the list: Fifth, the Court of afterward sustained Appeal,, nllariirtlottsly notice was good. Sixth,. in obedience, but to a innncianius, ger heard Ilia appeals and struck •Gil' many those that enabled Iii) to overcome Hymatr's ive majority of the properly on the lint. Seventh, with the a ,liot, the Conservative these names on the !is pretense of appealing Court, and polled 182 Eighth, these ineligi came Hymen's majori- Hon John Carling iu t returns. Ninth, Judge Elliot names which a partis tier wits forced fe stri ly on the list, lint be good but because the i ing their remove! ere A venerable and judge decides, an elect erable technicality tit lawyer would be asliai fano° of a client two liquor without a licen meat is haying its Sue John Thompson's cleared the path for a John Carling, the reit injustice that is all 111 because it has the ; an tape his seat. One party's gain or a small tiling corllpai- done to the country b that outrages the true of fair play and (easel: for the Comity judicia liot hay nolle his wet the Goverllnteiit wtli impeachment, but Should per pose to inn ifll" the law dots not pe a<Or Courts to punish 1 mice of their authorie q isteasafolt As 141r; Dougiaa li'orc1, Tr that Milburu's Cod Li 'lvith Wild Cherry Bark isetionable taste, being ire syrup, while for Ce givea complete sstisfaet 17 Then in obeattsLls caner