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VOL XXI --NO. 1,2. 'NUMB. 18, 1892.
Real proper, serviceable footwear is an
important item in the family economy
just now. You want for the boys an
girls good school boot% We've go
them. Or you women want a stylish
street boot or evening slipper. We've
got them. Or the men want a good sub-
stantial, solid boot, or maybe something
finer. We've got them all.
White and factory cottons are in de-
mand now. We are surprising a great
many—the places come and hear.
, Our trade in Linens and Staple goods
is growing steadily. We provide the
best the world, produces and are satisfied
with a living profit; that is the reason.
Our print stook is simply right an
you all, know it, Commendations
hare heard on all sides.
Groceries, fdnoy and staple; Canned
goods, best brands. Goods delivered
Shop early. This store closes at seven.
Direct Importers.
The BAR, March 10,1892.
—We understn4i Mr J. R Adams, of — Phe cheque for 8
is town, has pur hazed the tannery of the life of the lat
Th G T R u th h Grand
,000 insurance on — a are ow r nu ng roug
t Grain the Royal Pullman family toerist ears via Chicago Prof Scott intends
Mr F &nary, of eeewater, and will take Templars of Tempe •ance was received for points in the -far west and Pacific town, about the begin
po session short]: -, on Wednesday. Sores difficulty in get- Coast, for the use c.f passengers holding following artists will t
_...et number tete here on Tuesday for ting oat the papers delayed the pay- second plass tickein. These cars are very se Alexander, Tore»
anitoba, among t them beingMr W K meat of the $1,000 fo .. vvbioh Mr Orr was comfortable, bailie. carpeted, curtained, tioeists; atm Cooper,
Linklater and faneily,of East Wawanosh, insured in the Cannan Order of Foros- toilet rooms, eto, std as convenient gen- the professor hitris
and formerly of Vingliain. to
—Good brick house to rent in the north.
end the town. Apply to
The list elle he iu t
PETEIt DEANS. paid the Court of t sat Order in town a sleepers for Mat:tit...1.)a, Pacific Coast, etc,
Ross and all who e
giving it concert
ing of April. T
ke part : Miss X
, Queen of Bloc
ondou, sopreno,au
lf, The, tickets, f
y 35 cents Ana a su
opened. and overo.
s are subscribed
book store of Mr
bsoribe their nam
the choice• of sea
ned. This. promie
ucert ever given e
until Thursday
—OzFriday• eye
he members of th
orally as first class Pullmans, The G T reserved seats are 0
.R also runs throu coaches every Tues- seriptian list has bee
hundred reserved sea
ing Last, a number of
I P of Lucknow, day for Toronto,e meting with colonist
• • •
—Mr John Ne
of the Canadian
in Brantford thi
quarterly audit o
—Goderioh Star
Wiugham, has secl
Mrs Conover, of ti
in defence of Harr Garbutt, her son -in•
law, against extra-ition to Texas on a
(olds, High Treasur
rder of Foresters, was
week attending the
that society.
Mr H C Meyer, of
red judgment against
et towa, for his services
charge of forgery.
—Oysters, oysters—By the dish, quart
or pint. 10 cents a glass,or 5 cents a glass,
at R Him's.
1 0
—Mr Geo Pretufell, of lot r)2, Wingharti
own Plot, Turnberry, will sell his farm
stook and implements by pub to auction,
on Tuesday, the 20th March, ommenciu
at 1 o'clock p m. Terms—JI sums ef
and under, cash; over that amount 0
months credit will be given. G Barton,
Rev W H Watson, pastor, will deliver
a lecture in the Congeegational church,
Wingharn, on Mars lay evening next,
24th inst, under th. auspices of the
Ladies' Missionary Sc ciety in connection
with the church. 3ubject: "Pointed
Arguments for 1.892.' Silver collection.
All axe cordially invieed.
—The quarterl, review services in con-
nection with the Witighatn Presbyterian
Sabbath School ill be held ou Sabbath
• —Cash for good butter and eggs at It A
Graham's, Market Grocery.
- altering the close se
from Sept 15 to May
cit has been issued
on for speckled trout
1 to Sept 15 to'April
—The Turnberry Agricultural Society
as de ided not to h ,Id a spring show this
year: So also has Past Wawanosh Agri -
cult .. ett Bociety. , ..
—Oysters served in any style, at D
Rush's reetiturwn t,opposite D Sutherland's,
Josephine street,
—The lire brigade dethis town are mak-
ng arrangements for -, grata' celebration
ou Her Majesty's bi -thday, the 24th of
May, Particulars la er on. .
fr Geo 5 Musgreve, LD S, who late
. graduated from the TrautalCollege,Toro o
has Opened au office iu Forest, Mr i tie: -
grove is an energetic young rnau, and we
wish hint success in tie chosen profession.
—G T R trams for Toronto and , east
leave Winglittm at 6,00 a m and 11.10 a m
vistW G & B Division, and at 6.45,s, na
and 3.45 p m, via Clinton and Guelph.
Good connectionstiv all trains.
—Conductor Stil's(e
lar lecture, 41,licon
meet," iu the Nor
Church, Geideriell,
14th iustant, to a ver
—Mr T H Ross is
batn for the sale Of t
Harris impleroetsts,
show rooms, opp
samplea of biotic s
by that firm.
delivered his popu-
e Rail, or People we
street lifetlindist
,/ Monday evening
tat e 'audience
—foi?"11ist-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings,. try Webster & Co,
Remember the place, ants, two doors north
of 'the old stand and between Ross' book-
store aud Halsted & Scott's bank.
—Last SaturdaC's Toronto Globe con-
tained a very go id picture of Mr Wm
Risdon,of St Thoi las, a bretber of our
townsman, Mr J. Risdon. Mr Wm
Risdon is (=mated with another
brother in the ha, &Ore business, and
they also condudi- a large implement
manufacting °stab:lel:anent.
—The regular cpearterly review in. con-
nection with the Wingham Methodist
church Sabbath 5 :heel, will be held on
Sunday afternoon eext.
view ot the twelveaess ns, accompanied
by blackboard an( pictorial illustrations,
a programme, conisting of selections by
the orchestra, rec cations by a number
of the scholars an 1 a sacred concert by
the orchestra at d the school, will be
fraternal er the business of the
l'iourt had beep enuoluded, the visitiug
—Chisholm's Winter Fluid is not sticky
or greasy, cures chapped hands, face and
lips, rendering the skin soft and white.
Also, an excellent application after shav-
ing. For sale at Chisholm's Corner Drug
Store, Wingham,
brethren were ante
wick House. The
Mr McCorm ck's
bad roue full jostle
or so was pleesantl
'tallied at the Br:ma-
pper was gotten up iu
t style, and after all
to the same, au hour
spent in speech and
—The furniture, pieture framing and
undertaking busiuess is what I ana here to
attend to, and I am determined that I will
not be undersold by any legitimate dealer
in the same line, if I know it. Pm proof
of the above, call at
GBACST'S Furniture Rooms,
, who'has carried on a
Led fancy part busi-
past twelve years, bas
sinese, on account of
—Miss Murph;
millinery, mantle
nest in town for th
disposed of her b
failing health, to 'the Missee Kelly, of
Guelph. .,liss Mur shy has been yery.sue
oessful i business, md has accumulated a
cempetenoy on whim she can retire. Por
eighteen years she Lis been a resident, of
this town, the first itix of which she spent
in teachlug music tti-dconducting a private same on the bills had it not been for one find a hearty re )tion in every patriotic
Canadian hams. '/.t wilt be sent six month'
who was taking part in the play noticing
school. Her mairkfriends iu town and for 50 • cents in stamps, Published by
the omiesion. . Mattbew R.Kniglt, Benton, New Bruns'
vicinity will wish, I er a speedy and per- —
via G T R North \Bay route. • See G T
R agent for dates, reservations, lowest this week will hos,
when the Ian is o
rates, etc. p p
—Having op-ued a oustoo. tailoring es.
tablishment in this town, on door uotth
of D Sutherlan l's stove and inshop, I beg The Popular
to announce th at guarsut e every omit When Canada w
that leaves my lop to b • e a, ier eat t au ago, it couaisted o
warrant them to be built- by superior
tion guaranteed Charges a cheap as the pages and cover,
out cover, at 50 o
worktneu, only. Give us a ann. Satisfae. number, that for
cheapebt. Coassnakers want 3d. at once. ordivar magitzt
Wouss.Tos. nominal price of
est week's Ad. is the best yet iss
of the charac- and miscellaneous
ights in a Bar- Canadian writers,
1 f fi d
—The insinuation in
vane that the name of. o
ters in the play, "Ten
Room,",had been intent nally omitted deeply interesting
in ouz notice of the same in the' in its scope, ohne
TIMES, would only be made by the Scotia,New Bruns
party who penned it. Niviluit object could Island are all rep
wo have in leaving the n:inie out ? The tributors to the ylr
fact is, wo published th Caste of char- , but a fair speoime
actors just as we recoiled it from Mr every month, Wb
Hart, and it would lime appeared the tion is taken or n
started over a yea
12. Tierra pages, wit
pts a year. Tile turret
arclacontains 82quart
espial to. GS pages e
e size,, at the mire'
a year. This numbs
ed, Its poems. storic.
articles are by leaclin
re patriotic in tone an
is-breedly uatioaa
o.tario, Quebeo,'1Nov
_Joie and Prince Ed wax
Rented among the con
sent number, and it I
of what is furuisher
tiler any other publics:
1, this magazine sherd
Meg Hodey, who !ffiipped a car load wiok-
manent reeoveri. rhe will remain for a
of horses by T R, m the Ith. instant, Pe onais.
time iu Wiugham, but expects to remo
d d
for Manitoba, ma e a goo run an
to London during t1,0 coming summer.
landed at destine ith his horses in
—The following assolutiou was carried excellent shape. eases Currie and
by a standing vote vf the members of Weliwood also s pp
Enterprise Council, Royal Teraplars of 9th instant, by same
Temperance, Wingh m, at their regular and have reached th
Communication, 'bier h 15, 1892: Moved fore this. Both th
by Dr Towler and s
Elliott and resolved, t
bars of Enterprise Cou
T 1 f Tetuneran
(1 a car load on the
•oute,for Winnipeg,
sir destination be- .
e ppe
onded by Robt • highly pleased at tee accommodation
at wo, the mem- afforded by the G T and both to.'
oil, No 111,Royal have taken the finest load'of horses in
e, Wingham, do the best fitted palace cars ever shipped
place on record our sow at the recent out of Wingham.
removal by death 9f r late Brother
Robert Orr; also, our s mpathy for his —"Ten Nights in a Bar -Room," as pro -
bereaved widow and o ildren, and our dueed by Mr Harry Eart and tho Wing -
appreciation og his association* with us ham Dramatic Comp my, in the Temper -
and his exemplary qua sties as u Rept' once Hall, on Thursday evening at last
and Select Templar, a lentleman anda week, was greatly ap freciated by a large
audience. The aud bum had not the
Christian. Brother Ob. Nvas a charter
- at its inception, pleasure of heari ig Miss Helinee
member of our Counci
Louequer, the charm mg vocalist who had
in thstfall of 1883, a was eur first
Beneficiary Secretary, an office he filled been engaged for theeeceasion,en account
very satisfactorily du ing a considerable of there being no pinto in the hall on
portion of the nine ye era we have exist- which to play an ac • tnpanitnent. Miss
ed as a Society. As 'heady intimated, Louequer was pees nt, but Mr Edward
Bro Ore was a fine ty le of a Christian Crossin, general r presentative of the
H rit• m Co, of ronto, failed to fur-
gentleman—kind, geserous, genial and
nish the piano, as greed upon, and Ur
thoroughly honorttbl He was an earn -
Hart was aware t at he had not been
est and consistent m mber of the Metho- able to secure a ph no only a few moments
dist church and always took a lively in -
before the perfor atm began. All those
ie. meeting the directors of the i taking part did ell, but Mr Harry Hart,
• terest in its welfare ind that of the Sun -
ole agent in Wirig.,
e celebrated Wieser,
ud has on. hand .at his
, postoffice, .
ekes, mowers, cecenade The committee k Ointed to wait upon •
PP Ou 1 isla' •
r oss is gain
the Winghs.al To vii council, iu reference
trium hs of the F
day &shoo] ohoir ind young people s
as Sample Swic and Mr Walter Craw-
Turnberry Agrict tural Society wjeq tied meetings. 'At the tine of his death and
ford as Joe M rgan, are deserving of
at the Brunswick House, on Saturday last.
for years previouslfho hold the position
There was a fair attendance of Directors. . sp Ojai meal
d 'd t tee of the church.
—Pon Sate. -Ab lit 100
• weod. ' iUso,ttbout 100 bush
M. Aitna , ban
M Mel) Irle
of Mr Thos
• has carried ou a s
ing and tailoring
He died in the t social given by Court
th. &was a livin dian Order of Foresters, property then beldughee to the then Reeve
to securiug town 1 -ark on which to bold the
ords of stove and dyingill t t of the i fluence in the Temper nee Hall, on Friday even- -
us re. on n of Wingham. Vlielitelei are as follows, as
is of potatoes. fall fair, reported when their report was Christianity on a man life.ing last, was a success in every resPect- • any person With any n Ifinstry intelligence
ess maker, filed. A commit ite was appointed to look
There was a 1 rge attendance, the pro- can see at a glands, thit: the drain is not
Vingliaen, Ont, for, suitable gr uds for show purposes,
Canadian New paper Directory. gramme was good one, and the edibles werth tee cuts to the and which it runs •
tun, and after the Iran Messrs A. IlicKim , Co,advertising agents, were all that ould be desired. Mr D M th ro ugh but was ilei •sitry to drilla Alfred
othee business the Board •
Montreal, Que, hay published a directory Gordon, me Chaplain of the Order, street, W111011 Was Il dila every time there
of Canadian uewsp pees, one of which has occupied t ie chair, 'and made a short was a freshet.. W found rte expensive
The programme eon- culvert morose:odd treet,which only iseeveit
ho directory contains openibg
ul information concern- sided of sole tio s by the Orchestra; an
—The bask
Maitland, Can
Mr and Mrs W Mitchell are visiting
relativen in Lis vel this week..Mr Geo
McC1yrnont of G and Rapids, Michigau,
has been in town visitidg, his parents
during the past wek. Iiawrence
left on Saturday to 04 *alosition in
the Harriston furn
Curtis, of Blyth, wd
sister, Mrs S Grace
Hamilton, of Clinton,
her sister, Mrs Walter
tar-.04aatory.: Airs
thO.c,,:ittest of her -
tlAweek.-Mies -
was 04g -toted of
Coates; :last week-
..Sheriff Bowles, of. angeville, spent a 3
couple of days in tow during the week,:
the guest of Mr J Homuth .. Mr Win e
Forrest, of Atwonel, as in town ten Fri- e
day last on business: .Miss A Anderson,'
of Palm.erston, is the uest of Mise Mayi
Snider this week..Mr so Town retura-
od last week frora the 'other side," and
has accepted positi in al.r T Beira --
furniture factory.. Mr alter Green waCE
in Wroxeter this wee on business..
R Vanstone, barriste , was ia Goderich
a couple of days this veek, attending the
Poul EL • der,
To the Editor of the Tutus.
Dent Sia,—Will you e so good as to give
the following statemen publicity z There
is a foul slander sent ab • through
ignorance or malice, b some person or
persons, to the effect ti at we teed( money
belonging to Turnber and Wingbarn, ;
known as the boinalar, appropriation,and
used it to drit'k' •nrit tte property, staid
• ing, of Listowel, spm. adjacent to Wit,
ealieeof this town,who (motion of some
cessfee gen t's famish.. •
• sinus in that town for —The 'Ritmo Kelly, of Guelph, who beeu received.
the past four year i, has added a full line have purchase( the millinery and =aide a great deal of ase
of best and mob fashionable makes of business of 1‘11=3 B Murphy, come here ing Canadian news tapers of the poet and instrumonta
boots and sidle% t -be had to his businees. highly recommended, Miss Kelly having present. The coAapilers have been et
had charge of t large millinery establish- considerable paths -o gather facts regard- and Patter
is preparine. 7.0 opeu his Jew store in we
. reentan Coub rg for the past 15 years, ing newspapers of •ihe past, and they have Cargill and
solos by Mis
-Mo B 11 bsvini haat oved to town and
UsnamAxtx, Beitxuss,. Remember the which is the st recommendation that framed what epee a to be a very cern- t uental
stand—OPP 'sits' Outs! tas Dulls STosu. could be given Miss M Kelly, who will pirate table of the owspapers of all the a rut. •
. —Mr Adam fletideraion, of lob 18, con. have charge 1 the mantle and dress- • C 11 s
nankin depart 'Milt, has had long expdr- Pr"Incea as far ha
seise in Guelph. Rend , years before Confe
tint in another colninn. - nowspepers desoribi
sale by • Ul.ilfis auceinn oa 'Wed poesy, ' iuoes, and well foot
cession 1, Morrie, (1 luevale Road), -will ;ono
offer his farm .etock implements for th
the bu
r advertise
the purpose of 1 ileing poetiou of tile
duet by Misses Houghton stagnant water until it evaporated. in
n; recitations by Misses order to get an utlet on public property it
Martin and Mr $ Gracey; would have cos at ;oust from 855 to $75.
es Fields and Watson; ht.- The approprieti n was net .suffieient to
nets by Misses Ida Kerr and warrant us ins li a laigti'eaPenditure,the
sly t'405, :awl' We required
rtion to gaffe and gravel
he drain referred to only
old, eed is a pablio benefit,
work which cur predeces
jmore commits a yearsago, when they nue -
er, and Carrie. Fisher and
k as 18d1—just three Norma Insley; songs by Prof Scott,and
eeation. The list of
an admiral)* address by• Mr A II Mus-
ts Ilivia6al,by ray; grove, in wb _eh he pointed out the aims
as are usually Au" and objects 31 the Order. '
V013 respecting each
ee in which one or
e published. The It IS Not True. the culvert tie oss thsetriree.
tel companion for that / am oberging from $10 to 920 more . .
YA1 D"Ileteo%:-.1teeve Turnberrys .!
I understitud &report is being circulated
V II CiocICSailAtia,
stili have occasion tO • foe funeral furniehinge than 41 charged' for
?aro Melt mem,'
of the directory ie the state articles in neighboring towns. 1 '
Ex-lleeve 'Wing -hare.
1 d to d that funeral
furnielliege have been In the PANT mai win
11fk ' mewing at 1 o'clock sharp. Now thidertakii=neurnitare Eaton- in gazetteers aro g
te der cash ; 9 months Mit Rtr,rn Horiesort hes completed aiY" tawn akia Int
arrangements for opening a Furniture nlare 1181?6PaPers It
of.itlit 0 , over thitt atneunt. Xatues.
gotiderfroli, anctio er. arid Undertaking establishnient hi the ola directory will be a u
furniture store nearly opposite the all business men'who
—la ""swee ta al eticl"irY, We reaY saY Queen's Hotel, *Ingham, and will igen advertise. The price
• tumuli t.heing o
the greatee p
• the B Line.
oat $10.11 all
tom pie ti th
tliet the truant oft or for Wingliam, dr
Zee 'Bullard, has thcrity to &etc° the
law which compel all thildren between
-,thei ages of. 8 end 1 years to attend school
foe'the full tteesden, In ease of an infrace
Vert the parents or medians of the ohild
tray be brought be re a magistrate and
—Fruit and Cott eetionary all kinds,01
D Rush's restaurant,
in a few days with a full stock
niture, Mouldings, and Undertaking
goods. Pictore Fra g tit
and well. Special attention given to
;lobbing and repairing, and guarantee all
work done. Having had long experience
in the furniture rind undertaking busi-
ness, I am sure can give satisfaetion.
A splendid now hearse for hire. Call
and iuspsot goods and get prices.
Rattstt llonasos,
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning ? The 'signet
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your
selves if you can afford for the ea te of
savug Sne.., to run the risk and do nothing
for it. We know from experience that
I Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It
never fails.
what it distinct y ers o
lie in the StITtntiottupplied kit:slits/ coneider.
W Brocitenshire hits a lot a Oil
ed) as ellen-ply as b'any other undertaker I amtnigs, s so,a few Jlea
in or withiu 25 miles of Wingham. And whieli ite Istelling very
also, that when revired. an ouch supplies lanae stook of Mmolding
. .
1 makingPicture Frames
aret e •voi i y t
and funerals are ettee4d• to per. tOgraphy in all its brilA1C1104 ttorn, rninifie
actually by 5 Giteces, tiovis to life size. Call and MA whet I have
Practical Ilakertaker, , when in town. W V lineolorsatuns.
Wrogbeen, Ont. ' Beaver Illocit‘ Wheglistra.
I. I have a
end in
4otiesr. Phu
_Mt •_