HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-11, Page 7late degree the -monarchial tenden% cies of the Vrortelr-Oanadians,, and instilled into their minds an abhor- rence of American republicanism. In every z ay the patriotic spirit of the people was aroused. Englisb victories in Europe were celebrated, and in. all 4: pulpits prayers for the English royal family were offered. The French - Caned iaint had no fear of a conflict a ith the Yankees,as they called the Awed." cans,as they possessed the utmost con& dente in thereeelves, and in England. I In the month of June, 1812, the declaration of war was received in Quebec, when the whole year was taken up in organizing the militia in Lower Canada. The troops numbered aboat 5,000, England sent in through the Ht Lawrence a lot of military stores, which the FrenehCanadian, who was not under arms, transported to Ontario. In Ontario that year engagements took place at Michilimaci- nao, Detroit and Niagara, but Quebec was left alone. in 1814 two attacks were made on Lower Canada, at the Lacolle and Chateauguay, but the most of the fighting took place in Upper Canada. In 1814 the arrival of 14 English regiments at Quebec practically put an end to the war. Napoleon had fallen and England was ready to carry on a vigorous campaign in America, but the war ended shortly after. Col G T Denison moved a vote of thanks to Mr Suite and this wap sec% onded by Major Mason. • • - Hola• t9in-rriesiau Cattle. Iry D. E. WIWI. SAORETARY O1 THE CAN DM' II0I4S'PEIN+FRIESIAll ASSOCIATION, This breed of cattle take their name from two provinces in Holland—HO, stein and Friesland— although found in the other provinces, but not in such large numbers. Their origin dates back several centuries, being even then remarkable for their large size and dairy qualities. The rich and fertile lowlands of .North Holland were a fitting place for such a breed, for they rapidly developed into large butter and :milk produems. The Hollanders, not having many ways of making ft living, devoted their time and attention to dairying and raising calves for the market, and their sue.. cess is seen by the immense quantity of dairy produce and large number of calves that were sent to the British market. At this advanced stage of development they were introduced in- to America, and soon found strong advocates. During the past twenty years they have i icreased from 128 to over 60t000, and now every state in the Union and every province in our Dominion has them in numbers. American intelligence and enterprise have improved these cattle very much by selection, breeding and feeding,aud to -day they are admitted to be the largest dairy cows in the country. They are the largest milk producers, Piseet RelmedY Naterrh OA Be, FAsiest to Ifse, and Oheapeat. 0,40 ve...vriiita 804 bY druggists or Bent bit Mail; 60c, R, IlaSeltine, Warren, Pa. 111 `eV •Ar:7. rPt•r9r0•5•' • ., t 1. POE THE BEST VALUE' Regulates the Stomach, Liver andBowels, unlocks th Secret! o n s,Pts esthe Blood and removes all Im. Purities from a 'Pimple to theworst Scrofulous Sore. 11/ --;••• CURES DYSPEP S IA. BILIOUSNESS:• CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. r, .HEART BURN. SOUR STOMApet DIZZINESS. DROPS' ; RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES '1 y 'FIATS, • IMP • 11111 FRIENDSHIP ez haying leased the shop, owned by hp, if !LbniinciA • • for a term of years, beg to notify the public that they aro-in a position to turn out first Mass! t Carriages, Waggons, ; • - - • ! • • . • • • . : ?./IANTJFAKOTURE11S OF . - • on shortest notice. Only the best quality of meter - Cutters, SleigliS;' • ••••• •i!.: ..• : • MI used in their manufacture. Plows . Iron Gangi;,..Plows,Land ,• . . The BLACKSMITRITYQ:earrificl:sia • i • as usual. • R011erS-; • CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFF% Cheaip for JURE, E 13- S rr RI I S mURR Y• Horse -Shoeing ‘:•:••4•••••• We are prepared to sell 20 or cent. cheaper than the cheapest in town. • • Al LSO, WALMS LEY'S PATENT FRIENDSHIP & CO. and their calves are quickest ready for SELP-tIZILT azi aui-LEILATIN5 WIND 141 market. They were introduced in 14 'or Influenza or "La Gripre" Wilson's hITAi(11191 gfil OOMPLETE IVITH &c. W4RRANTED THE BEST IN UsE.. v e H . ..• Canada about ten or twelve years ago, Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is a. sure and since then there has been a and safe remedy. There fano better medi, aradual increase; but to a great ex-, I Coughs, Oolds,Croup and kindred diseases. tent, as it were, on tnial. Now, • I dA STINGS in S or IRON, cine for the cure of Influenza, Bronchitis,See 0.1tr stock o nem arid desirable.' Get the genuine in white wrappers. however, they ore beyond that stage, BOOTS and, SHOES The Dominion Illustrated Monthly for March, 1892. The second number of the new national retagagitle, The Dominion Illustrated Monthly, has moiled us, and •we are glad to Dote that its contents are fully up to the mark of the February number,end in some respects shows a decided improvement. Professor Charles G D Roberts continues his fascinating story of Acadia, "The Raid. fpom Beansejour," a tale which growst steadily in interest. "From Canada to St Helena," is a very amusing paper, describ- ing the travels of Mr McCook, a Montreal journalist, in search of bealth,firet to Eng- land, then to Walesaltially bringing up at the historic .island of St Hahne.; views 3,re. given of the moat interesting and striking buildings on the island. A. poem by George Pdartin—the talented author Of "Bkrguerite"—follows, entitled, "To My Canary Bird," and is one of the most beautiful "waifs and strays" we have seen for some tilxte. "Deacon Snider and the Circus" is a humorous story by one of our most powerful writers. Wililam Arilfrid Campbell, of Ottawa, and shows that in prose Mr Campbell is no less proficient than in verse. Another story, brilliantly told, is "When Bill Came Down," a dra- matic sketch of British Columbia life, Dr Wolfred Nelson, who accompanied the. Ron Adam Brown, Canadian Commission- er to Jamaica, gives an interesting account of his trip in "jaruaitia Vistas," illustrated from photos taken by Dr Nelson en puma. To historical subjects attention is given in Mr 3. M LeMoine's "The St Lawrence," iii which many very interesting incidents are told of early life on the shores of our great river. A new feature appears this month in "Scraps and Snaps," by F Blake Crof- ton, of lialifo,k, comprising . a clever series of short, humorous iteMS. Portraits of the new Quebec Cabinet are given with a brief but comprehensive sketch of the life of each of the ministers ; the article will be of much general interest in view of the coming elections. Sportsmen will greatly enjoy Mr Hedley's paper on "Curling in Canada,'” the first instalment of which ap- - pears in this issue; it is told in an unusual- ly bright and interesting manner, and will do much to assist iu rendering mere popular out of the best of our winter games. The number closes with a pleas- ant story for young people by Samuel It Baylis, called "How Jack Won His Snows. shoes,"—a •little sketch that will come home to many a Cans,diag school -boy. The lill nblishers this mouth have been unusually exceed three or "fscnistil :fej4, 'cears'' -. i .."'•'''''' ''''f'n411 '''' .W4A,.4,t j'il;;;!P:if octane with supplements, two g0011••• 9 footing with the other keeds. Oan- vershoes. bhers. 8to TO ORDER. • and to -.day they stand on an equal 0 .adian and American breeders claim at p!rjtiefriiiieh defy chnipetitio3 1 For old and young, . the following points for their favorites and back up their claims by the: strongest euidenee possible : (1)B a tter Producers. —They, produce from twelve to twenty•five pounds in a week, This is shown by sworn evi- dence in private tests,and by the large percentage of prizes taken in public tests where all breeds were in cony: petition. (2) Cheese Producers.—They have a butter fat in their milk, so that it is e B large amount of casein as well as admirably fitted for cheese. (8) Large Size.—Oows weigh from 1,200 to 1,600 pounds, and.balls from, i 2,000 to 2,600 each.. , Late ( Hamilton and Pa (4) Vealers.—Their °abler; grow HOUSE, SIat AND TAL PAthit: ',PAPE. very rapidly, and hence are ready for the market very young, acrd the qual- -,•!'''''.1'EFIESG sty of the vealis excellent. i would take thisepportunit o of wingham and surroundin ' (5) Economical feeders.—They take had larP"P"ience 41.aitY ' do Alitildiaileargil .0, % buildings Frescoed in.b, utiful. ors anti. Desigss twhoer la. t. eeahajirpehes, coarse or fine feed, and make the beet Iiall3s r MIL use of it, \Vhile giving milk they'd() at moderat&tateS.' ' .:' " .! ..: .1. • .. '". ' ''. " . not take on flesh ; when dry they take Graining in W rait,Dak,•B 'sEye .Ma-:. on 'flesh rapidly. a kf,-,•--Fi;l'Iii.''ill 1 .. 910, e.t PeolP4Y•• •• i ..,••,.•,•:•••, (6) They are quiet and contented An doges' 7 4804 tinty care Uniii,to.leaihed,; cattle, and experience shows that they and despatelti stand the varied climate of :Panada Orders very well. prompt a Great Variety, Great Bargains, , Great OpportnnitY. • Having purchased the .business lately owned • la IUD ?deem wick, next to the Bank of Hamilton, and added to the already large stook, I wish to inform the people of Winghain and. surrounding country that I am in a position to furnish thorn with anything In theReot and Shoe line at astonishingly low prices , ORDERED \Yong' :Al, SligOTATAY. • . .• Your patronage kindly solicited. Don's forget the stand—Two doors north of the Postoffice. • .; ; • JOHN MARTI& . tify bur Ilo HTRI . • : s! ApD, NAMEN- 14ANGER, ER,' &C. !damning the citizens country that having rk, is..prepared to :IVtilliPaperirig ii min' deeorative' ublio or private mitt: 51!°C18'1 rkliketoo win - ••!. • •. .-°,1iA;S:11.'PRIE Fora several years I was jitti3iSteUtly1: Win OM April 8rd •••• • ,.. .; .,.., -;;• • .:•, ..- :' . ••• • • •• t .; . ; • •,, ,' :- WEIrrECHI.1 1.10B, ONT., annoyed with an excessive aocurnufation; '- .-t'-•; 7: '"N•-• " : ' `:- ' ' ' ' " ' " • Also, dealer in a. kinids tif Agrioulthial Iniplements, Organs, Sewing Machinea,--: of Dandruff and although using various' •'-‘*•' ' preparations recommended and shampoo. ZETL Ty sAvv. ,aLiL Aso., allfrom the beet utaketwih-Canitda;.•t --: • t . : • .. ? ,••,,, 1.0771:, relief was realized until my attention was ..1 -' 07trt:r ' ' r- v :. ocjimi .IIEPURING JAS. MIT '& CD- R: those indebted kindly call and settle.at Teo. OSIER STEEL FRAME GRAM DRILL Over 25,000 Hoosiei. Drills and Seeders with our PoSitive Forest 'Feed in Ilse in Canada. • /T 7 ---...,„..,.. k.....1I- •-•'' ---rfr,-•-=,r,.....,•Tik. r ; 11474.„7,17_11;,....74::L___.___,____,.— •._.- _-..- -........',,.. ,_-r-7---. _ :.,_ roPmitf.;ir. - 1 471 1St' llien*') I--1' - 7'<; 'Fiji,* .,• '' ilr . ' ' 's .1 '....--,-:9!-:-.4•• , . ' -,,-- r _, r --- ...-- - • _ ____ ,,,,tt•-,..,..2., ".-- _ •mr.na:cb,-.4:..= — ---4^4,•''''' "".:" .2 . . ----,. •-•••••••77.--r---1-------,— • '--=--------------- --- •-• GUARANTEED..THE BEST IN.TIIE.*DRLD, and the, only drill thit can be instantly regulated. to ... rmithe dislred depth In hard 'and Soft amend whilo moving,. i.:THE HOOSIER IS Tiik•ONT,1 DRILL that sows all I:Inds: Of grahr,and seeds evenly, and at me ;,.1 'dooth.clesired -in all kinds of soil. Tk.PB'll'OOSIER IS THE.:067;tY -BRILL' that 'coMmenees to sow the instant the horse inOek. •`, ' . ,..• THE110.081Ert niE,ORty .pointrieTORCE •FEE0; hod is the only drill that', depasiti.4) the gtstn.svesty!' „insttha depth you want it in hard or soft soil. Itmixtunta Tins, ..PIE.11.1y OalEll COMBINED 01111.1.. with cultivator teeth is the best cultivator made, and is ihe only impfe- inolit made with leoth ori independent draw bars' that*Can bo sot tor hard and soft land, while the trate is in nidttom; ItooSndt (Slighter 'on the, lidrscs than any other drill Inado, The. pointe el .excellenco in the Adestith that other drills do not have aro worth more to tho farmer than any drill in the world. 7116.60,MR:1EO HOOSIER eau be rhangtcl. from.thill to seeder orseeder tddrill In less time.thanany.drill....••• Made.; 'Send Mr our Deviiilustrated c;attlops asd.Aestinionisi sheet. Beware of purchasing drills that infringe. ouiv-patents., '• • • • ' • '• -'". • '' NOX0 NT BROS. MFG. • cO, (LTD.), INGERsoLta, OliTr«. • ' ' '• '• . fbitinclaretanding IBA trier being rated at $245,000. No c Olathe here: :MIN- 4CAMPBELL, Agent, - ins regularly once a week, no ' material called to AntisDandruff. which has pro- d d kdf lt i GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. nee oo ••• or resu a n my case, Four applications removed everjt, particle. of Dandruff, and as a speeffidfiee thila ' trouble it certainly 110$ no equal. Lumber of allkindN, yours truly, W T ROBINSON, „ Can. Pac. itys.Telegraph.00MEOutteata\vq'' . • :3 • • • trikathelitSgi.$hitIgleN;1 2aways near starvation. ;I! T • : J:. The entire capital in the richest na. e.tp.c.1.060.4r,`,P00. .• • I Hon or state, consisting of railways, • mills, factories, worligholiedfid) ,./Carl Load, prders a Speciaity4 ings, together with all the goods and ;;t11-1-4'15 Wares of every WoOD'Adellvered• to, :Aty.**pktr, las eau sav n usp forin, g the °leering of the hrii ah bringing tiromers by 441,1.vitillt 4•A F.; that - a fill. Win fl,111 it into producti4 cokopittiftv?-1*ill.lhttpul'i rtiolsort, .ed pietureS having been given ; one is al , handsome colored prict,,,Ledoleece,,. from production; niowat usevivils less. Paton Commere'll painting, the other a If all could ho reconverted into food,. ;nal; reproduction of Sir George liaryey'a great fuel and thiallailatiliailcr - curling picture—probably the best of all rest wholly from 1.ymir rjwould be engravings on the eubjeet. The magazine deserves the, support of Canadians, and is tdre.iy,te Oen:Wined its two Or three years, In respect toloda, tne world is always the heetftteia4 let,SL60 a year we ever Sean. XIS 't within a year of starvation, I,1 tkoro, Lithe & gabliAli itaompatiy, Montreal is always enough somewhere.— Popu. arid Toronto.' tar Seien4e Monthly. "'„ • ,,,r• '•• Ter -411t4. irtVi'llfng'.1'itsbefiudi•igent.;f4 r b: . . , .ttops.faiong tt. halt. ... ,,..: 1 ....8,...7 pprmtnacili.iibmal?)11-.... :.: i . ii; pqi!.44:1:flielicTi",_,561,piMitill'heel 1r -149"r* Soft ..4„nid,"101.:t 1 J1 1•;,1 ” " ' Ri33114isliPtaillgligititatriegi•DeAso• Keeps t'e llcalilogenn, . .• • .,1p -. D. L. clikvei.; ' orhing color. ••• - •• ''• :" Repsrtoomrsbste:aGerion7g..Ialr. te 1ti 1.r1 A2131.0silit,& tO: MT household, • • •.. • 1: HOLLOWAY'S "•••• ..• hese tiefitedierhareetoed tate Of Alp. tab pi rind att_ pronounced the best fed c nee Or , I • e ir ... ?i- 'ffn_,, i,..1 , ti, .,, . :: i , . .rrt. ...ti.H.i.;.v.i.' al. 137:11!itii ; ''' • 11111"..r.r4IJ rft ..:,„,,.... ... , I 41......1.......A.,..64-'1, . _ __ • . -4, t 1.. '..- •• , ..0".".::::',. . ! ..1 1 t:Re.r i 4[11 In., . , ,.,Itivaioatiat trt ikittoongaiots.iiielevotal te,tntisaisis et ;all !,g011 4"; : • • '.. • , . ••• 1 ,,,n4 `Li. 1:,.)0.1, ixil..T..k.v, wttaw-ix+-trt . ' - . *. Purify itlio blood, corset ill silierdshknof. the Ifil2ItliertiStilOg, %.11)NtYb AND .130•IV et.% •Stteatrr ai ,1N1'.'T : • " ' .. i' 7' ' , . •'. ' . t . 1" tht AIW:Vgitiblii."iet\ijAY' toe•brtal4Z4, itle+4, itl`eirs, Avid hid 4•0tetig. POlt ItniONOIrr Vlia; AnWiti. ino rlalufaiBris, ‘001,1148;* COVIII•PtluilNrAllnilv OlADIA.Alt I Rwlzusms 41.4.11 A1.411101kt OIS2A ,:s ES 11418 NO ittirAt.ponoluocr.tk,akt..v.2.o,:xo4vvu,, I.#0 5* 9'114°0 s'"4., 14'1"0,1 and sold by all Medicine. Vendont throughout ihe work . tatilt/trehaters should loo to the Label 011 the Boxes and Pots. /I' the addritice TS not US Oxford Street, L , t ta apmious, •,, .0 , 4 • PU C Cdt.trs 0 AF "S