HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-11, Page 54.444 4 es IV If in the English language there is a diamond in the ,rough, it must certainly be the homely word "STRIVE," Uncouth and unmusical, yet rich in meaning. Our every efi'ert has been to strive to do that which is right to our patrons, firmly believing, he who sells that which is best of its kind finny his best advertisement in what he sells. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. 'Our Merchant Tailoring Department is now provided with the most popular fabrics produced by the leading and most celebrated mills in the country. Our assortment in both variety and value excels that of any other shoe to be found elsewhere and which the aro prepared to make up with til:tit-class trimmings in the latest style; of the art and at prices that cannot fail to satisfy all parties. G N T L E E '' S SPRING EATS Our spring stock of gentlemen's headwear is now complete. You will find our hat department filled with the latest products of the factories in England and America. If you want to keep in fashion call and get one of our nobby hats and at prices that will astonish you.. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS . A_IsT.., o In this department we outstrip all competitors. We are now showing the largest stock in this line to be found in this part of the country, in all styles and widths,and i -I order to make room for another large consignment soon to arrive we have marked down our stock to prices that are bound to cause a ready sale, as our motto is : "The nimble sixpence is better than the slow shilling." Come early and often and get first choice, and bear in mind we are manufacturing to order, and for neat repairing tvo can't be beat. GENT'S FURNISHINGS, Our Gent's Furnishings will be forum complete in everything that pertains to correct dressing. 4 GENT'S FU NISHINGS. Wo think we can suit the most fastidious, T R U N4K A. N D. 'VALISED E P A R T M,E N T. Our Trunk and Valise Department will be found adequate to accommodate those who are contemplating travelling. Remember we will not be undersold. J.' J. HOMUTH Sv SON, Culross. The Directors of the (Julross Mutual Fire Insurance Company tnet in the town hall, Teeswvater, 27th February, 1892. Members all present. Preside'nt' in the chair. The minutes of previous meeting read and adopted, when it • was moved by Messrs Reid and Little, that all applications_for insurance be now laid before the board .for inspec- tion—Carried. Little—Reid — That having examined 16 applications and found them satisfactory, the President and Secretary are hereby instructed to prepare and issue policies .for same - Carried. Armstrong — Kirkland— That this board do now adjourn to meet again in Teeswater town hall on the last ,,Saturday of March at 2 o'clock p m- Carried. ALEX, ADAMSON, Secretary. Londesborougli• • • T,de Grauge•supper, on Wednesday evening, was a grand succeee.—The ,;- 0 0 F made a Forester of J Bulger, prior to bis leaving for i<lauitoba,—W Brigham has ;one to Manitoba witb -four horses. He has rented two of his .farms hero.—Our esteemed school . teacher received word of his father's death at the `Soo" and has gone to convey the corpse home.—Men to hire seem very scarce here. There aro so many going to the North 'Vest it is expected wages will be high here. Turnberry` Advertisements are out asking for tenders for the erection of a bridge lover the Maitland river on the 6th caucession, knows: as Gemmill's bride; Tenders will be recieved by John Burgess, township clerk, up till - the 21st of March i(istaut. .ItMA .recesses. and Hamilton the next highest number (21), The grand total number of pu- pils attending all schools and colleges to the Province was 517,319, and the total amount expended $,284,980. Dross Association. At the meeting of the Press Associa• tion its Ottawa on Thursday, the followiub'oilicers were elected for the ensuing year :—President,H l' Moore, Free Press, Acton'; First VicA•Prosi- dent, A Pirie, Banner,Dundas; Second. Vice -President, P D Ross, Journal, Ottawa ; Seeretary-Trcasnrer, J E Atkinson, Globe, Toronto,; Assistant - Secretary, J S Brierly, Journal, St Thomas. Executive Committee—L W Shannon, News, Kin ;ston ; T 11 Preston, Expositor, Brantford ; R Holmes, New Era, Clinton ; L G Jackson, Era,. Newmarket; 0 4 Mor- timer, Electric: News, Toronto. -The March number of Babyhood, the muthera' nursery guide, contains an article on "Getting the Teeth—First and Second," by the medical editor, Dr L M Yale,wbioh corrects certain misapprehensions as to the teething process , and the troubles which are popularly supposed to acoom, pony it. Similarly helpful medical articles . are "The care of Delicate Children," by - Dr li D Chapin,and "Outs and Scratches," by Dr H Power. An, alleged "sure cure' for diphtheria is also discussed by a corn.. Ipotent medical writer. Of most general interest, perhaps, is a'curious article on ' "What Shall bo Done With Him?"—an aceoupt of a Completely unmanageable though not at all vicious boy, which is sure to give rise to considerable discussion. In the "brothers' .Parliament" we fin's letters on such topics as "Our Childrou's Play- mates," "An Aid to Sleep," "The Dutids of an Invalid Mother," "A •cause of Pro. truding Ears," "Sleeping on the Stomach," "Answering Children's Questions," etc.* -There are diseriptions of many useful contrivances and nursery uovelties,and the usual questions and answers in the depart. mous of "Nursery Probletns." $3 per year . Address for sample copies the BAirnooi) Pt1MLISlTING Co, 5 13eektnen Street, New York, rpt Education in Ontario. The Minister of Education presented his annual report to the Legislature lately.. The number of pupils at-. tending eohool in this Province . the past year was 496,565, while the nutn- , her the year previous was 500,815. The average daily attendance was 251,307. 1•ialdirnand ,furuislhes the highest average, o4 per cent for the ,rural districts ; the town of Niagara has tile highest average for towns, 72 per.cent, and Hamilton highest for cities --72 per cent, ten above' the ors Binary average. Sixty-seven per cent of the entire teaching btatr aro cum - posed of fetuales. lu the uountioa, Waterloopays the highest average salary to male teachers, $447. Essex leads for females with $334; Froute- nae the lowest, 88200 for male, and tialiburton $204 for female teachers. There aro now 5,768 school llnusee in the Province. Sixty-six per cent of the public schools use tho authorized scripture readings, 41 per cent the Bible, and 07 per cent are- opened and closed with prayer. The Humber of separate sc4oals has increased from 175 to 279in fourteen years, The largest Collegiate Institute in the Province is tbe Hamilton one, with an enrolitnent of 677, The total number of pupils who passed a university ma- triculation was 482, Of those tllo Toronto (Jarvis street) Collegiate In- stitute passed the ialghest number,(31), 'What is Dandruff? A disease of the scalp that causes falling of the hair, fading of the hair, in fact, death of the,bais. It irritates the scalp and causes scales and eczematic eruptione : —• produces baldness, Bear in mind that Anti Dandruff retnoves Dandruff with 3 applications — stops falling and restores fading. hair to its original color. Sold by druggists at 75 cents por bottle. 1 • WINGHAi1I MA M:ITS. . Wiseman, March 10, 1892 Corrected Ly 1'. Deans, Produce Dealer. i Flour per 100 lbs, • 0 2 40 to 2 40 Fall Wheat per bushel, - 87 to 89 ; Spring - 85 to 88 Oats, • •^ 20 n 30 Barley 30 to 50 ' Pens, 00 to 02 Butter, tub 15 to 15 ' do Molls, Eggs per dozen Wood per cord, Bay per ton, • The following facts aro taken from the report of the Prnvinoial Treasurer for 1891, just issued : Hotel licenses issued in East I3uron,24; South Huron, 39 ; West Huron, 40 ; 6 shop licenses were issued, against 11 in 1889, and 38 in 1874. The mtuticipalitiks in East Huron received us their propos- tion of the lima; fees a total of1761; those in South Huron received, $2,- 433 48 ; and those in West Huron, $2,715.27 ; the differcncn between the lust two and the first being ao. counted for by the presence of towns in thein. The • fines collected. were East Huron, $130 ; South Huron, ;230 ; West Huron, $340. The eum- mittals for drunkenness in Huron,were only 5, against 8 in 1891. Hon W Wetmore, aged 72, judge of the Supreme Court, New I3runswiclk, died on Monday. no ran for St John City on tide antit,t,onfederate ticket in 1865 and for the city again with Sir L Tilley in 1860 on the Confederate, Ile was made Attorney -General in . 1867 and Was appointed judge in 1870• ...�....x...µr...-•,Hc.,_ _ �.. ....alar,.. ..,,...,• - - - 15 to 15 12 to 13, 1 60 to 1 75. e eo to 10 001 Potntons, - - 20 to 25 ' Dossed FIogs, por cwt - 6 60 to 6 75 , Chiokeus, per pal' 30 to 30 Dudes, per pair 40 to 50 • Turkeys, per lb 9 to 1.01 Geese,.per lb - • 6 to 0 FAR' TO HUT. Lots 10 and 17, Concession B„ Howick, situated about 4 miles from Wroxetor and 0 from Wingha,n, is offered for rental on reasonable terms ; about 155 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation ; large brick house and splendid bank barn and stables,- pig tables;pig pen, loo, ; abou two acres of good young or- chard. 72 acres I wheat in ; farm mostly seeded down, Will b entod for a term of years. For par- ticulars, a y on the promises, or to IIEI4RY WILLITS, Wroxeter P. O. The :': od That Heips to Cure Thr = Gold The disagreeable taste ditto COD LIVER OIL. is dissipated in Oil'Paara Coals Liver Oall•wiiala FIYPOPROSPlialr5S ow, LIM1D The patient suffering from 0ONSI5MP AOIT. BEIO YCCDIlTHH, C4ptUf5ll7, COLD, OE WASTING 33fsE,5g5i64, takes the remedy as ho would =kb intik. A I.rc• feet emulsion, and a wonder".' fust, :t -adorer. Take no ()Mei,. n.1) ,:wl:no, SCOTT cP i3Oi'i117.', :aeffe:.!1Th'. ',3111 ,ta -n l C3 CONS J Pt El r, TENORS WAtrTEJ I For the E;ftellsiall of ,l� inghar Waterworks Piaui. Tenders will be received by the undersigned, up i till TUESDA'`', the 22nd Instant, at 5 o'clock p. m.. for supplying the material and laying about 900feet of eight inch pipe in connec- tion with the ayingh Waterworks main. Parties tenderin re requested to tender separate- ly for the mate and work, and also 1u one stun for both mater' 1 and work. apeeiacati s can bo seen at the Mayor'' office. The lows or any tender not necessarily accepted, y WM.. IIOLMES, Chairman of Committee.' aV1 sham, Merch 9th, 1892. HOLSTEIN BOLES FOR SALE. The undersigned has for sale on Lot 10, Con. 4. Turnberry, four thoroughbred lIrlrtcln bulls, rang- ing from 0 to 18 months old. The above mentioned animals are all well narked and registered in the . Canadian Herd Bonk. They will be sold cheap and on easy terms to suit purchasers. JAB EI.,LIOT, • Breeder of Iicl,tein Cattle, Blueyale, Ont. ' s \e tic f t"••. r' \' a , • M. D.11. A., L, C. P. S. 0,, Al. C, P. B. Ni„ 1 1 Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says :— "After spending all my money and prop• erty to no purpose on medical men, for TORONIO. 'what they termed a hopeless eased con- sumption, Dr. Sinelair cured lee.” Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woocllsodse, says: "When all others failed, Dr, Sinclair ' cured use of fits." • , W. McDonald, Lakefield, says Sinclair cured the of Catarrh." . Geo. Rowed,llyth, says :--t`1'1r. Sin- clair cured me of heart disease and drop- sy, when all others failed." The success of this Great Cough. Cam is without a parallel in the history of mediatie. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sac. oniony stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an cnormotts expense, are placing a Samplo Bottle Pres into every home in the United States and Canada. xf you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child Itas the Croup,. or Wlhoopiug Cough, use it promptly, and relies is sure. If you dread that insidious itscase Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price to Cts,, o cts, and Shiloh's your Plaatter,oPricce or Back s a lame, use Diseases of private nature brought on •' by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FW +i . DR. SINCLAI.R will bo at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Win_ghaln rN EVERY FARMER'S SON S1iOL'LD 11:1VIs A Bu$lneos Educator'. A POSTAI. will eecn c. the catalogue bf the FOREST CITY Eusincas College, M. 0 1\1- o 1\T 0 Z T,,% Over 100 students in attendance;:: 3. W ¶J1 xF Pr"ineipg3 LITX4444,4.42*., W4=44120-4:13 LOGS! S! I.0 • We are prepared to pay the FIRMEST P itfta IN CASH for all kinds of „Clod, sound "L, fas delivered itt our Mill. ALSO FOR Basswood Ieadilib Bolts; by the cord, C"YE D.A.R. POSTS, az C. CUSTOM SAWING dene clietpsr titan ever and sathsf;i.c- tion guaranteed. (.'.all t.ntl get friers, lengths to cut, McLean y on. j .ill kinds of Lemhen Shingles, MONDAY, MARCH 1892,' Lathe, .F:+.. leepr• c•nnstuntly on hand. 721 ie lr--•' Ztr�