HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-11, Page 4]a.r'.-*.
ma, a, N, TELEGRAPH co.'
op. Brunswick ri®fllSC,
'ingbam, - - - Ont
ter, who certainly cannot be iauspeeto
of Opposition leanings, seems to us de
cisive oldie write of the ease, and we
are unwilling to believe that Mr Car-
ling will not see it he the same light.
It is one of the iniquities of the Frau-
ebise Act that it affords facilities for
the stuil)ng of the preliminary lists
with hundreds of names of those who
have no right to vote. It is . bad
enough that the removal of such
names can be effected Only with great
expense and trouble, to which is super-
added the constant danger of failure
through noncompliance with some
legal teehnieality. But that an Hon-
orable member, not to say a Crown
d visit to town this week,—The Misses Ross has bought about 20 head of
. McFarlane, of Piekering,heve succeed- cattle, whieh he intends to put on the
ed in starting a class for mush', paint. grass. --.We are sorry to say that Mr
ing and needlework. These ladies are ll. +Conlin, who has been running a
most accomplished in these several shoe making business here for some
branches and are deserving of the time past, has proved to Maple Hill.
liberal patronage of all. 'Troy have We wish him suocess.—iwirs John
secured the shop belonging to S II Agar, who has been visiting relations
(zidley, and formerly occupied by Mr in Michigan, is now visiting her
John Moffat as th, office of the mother,Mrs McKay. Mrs Agar intends
Tablet e� Ticket Co, where they will be to join her husband in Manitoba i
prepared' to atteud all these who about a week. -11r John Tltowae, who
have a desire to become initiated in has been visiting under the parental
any of the above nnrued branches.— roof for some tune past, returned to
Miss Lizzie Sherbrooke,of Londerboro', Woodstock on Saturday.—Miss Lizzie
ie in town this week.—Miss Bella Drew, of Wingham, is visiting at Mrs
Wilson,. of Auburn, paid a flying visit W Stowe's at present.—Miss Maggie
to town last week.—Mr Arthur Irwin, Hartley and Miss Lizzie Messer are
who has been studying dentistry in collecting for the Bible Society.—Mr
Toronto, returned home Iasi week. John and Miss Sadie McCracken, who
We understand he intends practising were visiting relations in London for
with Mr W H McDonald of Wing- some time past, have returned. --A
ham.—The choir of the Presbyterian couple of runaways occurred last
church attended the lecture given in Meek. No 1 was Mr Henry Bossman's
Auburn by the Rev Mr Murray, of horse and No 2 was the spirited horse
Kincardine,—Mr Sandy Smith is home of Aiessis Holmes McIntosh. A
from Manitoba on a visit, --Mr Will little damage was done in both cases.
Emigh has moved into the house —Mr Jeffery, of Loudon, is visiting
belonging to Mr Dodds and Mrs at Mr Duncan King's.: A load of
Skelton takes possession of her house Bluevaleites drove to Wingham to th
this week,—Mrs L H •Shane is at residence of Mr Gen King, where they
Belgrave visiting friends this week.— spent an enjoyable evening.—We
Rev Mr MoLean attended a meeting (earn from a source whose vercaity can
of the Presbytery in Clinton on Tues• be relied upon, that a gentleman is
day, 8th inst. travelling around through the farmers
actually giving free gratis for nothing
Bluevale. as. much seed spring wheat as you
The anniversary services of the want, but like Shylock, you just in
Methodist church. will be held on merry sport sign a bond to give over
March 13th and 14th. On Sunday, one.half of the crop. Suppose the
March 13th, itev will wheat should yield five bushels per
preach at 10.30 a m ; the Rev 5 Sel- acre, the farmers will have the condo -
Lary, M A,•B D, at 2.80 p m, and. Rev lence of 2a bushels, If the farmer
A Y' Hartley at 7 p m. Special col- had a good orop of No 1 wheat then
leotions will be taken up at each sere he would only have a meagre half Crop.
vice in aid of church .fund. On Mon- Such is the outlook. However, several
day, March 14th, au entertainment will farmers ape consented to take the
be given in the church, beginning at wheat. We have been told that
7 o'clock. Oysters will be served in: spring vrheat is not grown in Califon,
the lecture room of the church from 7 I nig. However we will not vouch for
till 8 p m, after which a programme l its truth.—As will rie seen by the
will be given in the auditorium of the 1 following, horses are getting thinned
church. This will consist of addresses out : Peter Robinson intend' taking
by the Revs W H Watson and S; e, ; Ed Rutherford is taking G ;
Sellcry,. Wingham, and A Y Ilartiey,; Messrs Robinson and Holmes 5n Mo-
Bluevg,Ie, and music by the choir of the I Intoslt several. All are going to
church. 1 Manitoba.—Ed Rutherford, James
There are only seven vacant' Rutherford, Holmes & McIntosh and
houses here .at present. This IookelMessers Robinson are amoug the
well for the place, A year or so ago 1 number of young men who have left
the number was double,—Mr James these parts for Manitoba on Tuesday.
of Thompson, of Henfryn, was ill , —Mr William Joliuston, who has
town on Thursday.—Mr W R Thomp- i tenanted the farts of Air Jarne's Den-
son, of Teoswater, was in Bluevale on . man for about three years, has moved
Thursday. —Mrs William Smith, of t to Howiek to the farm of his father -
e laevale, left on Thursday for Omagh, ! in-law, Major Laine.—Mr J J Den,
where she will visit he daughter, Mrs I inan has moved from his house in_
(Rev) Scanlan.—Mr William .Whaley, Bluevale to his farm on the boundary.
of Ethel, is visiting in Bluevale.—Mrs
James H 'Thompson was visiting in) Teesvaater.
Bluevale on Ttiesdey.—Mr Jaynes
Durfey, of Newbury, is visiting at Mr i Miss Mary Sharpe is now couvalase
D Lesvis'.—A. concert that has never i cent anti able to be out.••—Mina Chad -
had its equal in Bluevale, was given j wiek,we are pleased to see, is able to be
on i+riday evening, March dth. The' out again after her serious illness.—Mr
drawing card of the evening was Mr Stewart, editor of the News, ha pure
James Fax, of Toronto. One might • chased Mr Moyer's cid stand, and is
occupy a column in describing the I fitting it up fpr a residence.—One of
merits of this great elocutionist and lour enterprising grocers is still adver-
still be far from conveying any idea of ' tising Xmas candies at a bargain. lie
his abilities. His dress was exquisite, f must be in a trance, surely.—Miss
althongh sometimes gaudy. He was ;Ross and Miss Gillies left for Toronto
billed for four pieces, but by the hearty' this week to resume their respective
applause he received he gave 13. Eaeli occupations. We know of one young
time lie was.encored and as often re+. man who mourns their departure.—
spondecl, He kept the audience in Mr Nevins, of Luoknow, has taken
continuons roars of laughter. Mr S ' up his residence hi the village anti has
Gracey and Mr Goo Duffield were un- assumed his duties as 'engineer of the
able to come, but an able substitute waterworks and'electrio light.—Wood
was found in. Miss A Sage, of Walton. seems to be very scarce this 'season.
Tho :Hisses Watson, .of Wiugbam,',The fanners seers to be very indefiere
were present and rendered some ex-- ent as to whether they sell any or not.
cellent music. Rev A. Y Hartley was .No doubt they are making money
loudly applaudecbfor hill witticisms as otherwise and are above wood hauling.
chairman. As tvell as being a. success —Weddings are of common occurrence •
n entertainment it was also a success here this winter, two and three being ,
eaneially, „+8J being realized. As on the same evening sometimes. ---Mr
arly as Ci o'eleek people, began to' Wilson bell ringer, and village cons,
prong to the hall and when the hall table, is dealing effectually With. the
vas opened at seven, quite a crowd boys who find no better =pigment
rad gathered.• --A public meeting will on evenings than snowballing and
he held in the'>ior'sters' Hall, on Fri., slieinling insulting language to those
day everting, for the purpose of or- who pass up and down the street.
ganiziu an 1 0 G Z. Mr G Iii Black- Such conduet on the part of the boys
well will be present and explain the should ke severely dealt with. --•-Tire
objsets and prirrorli'es of t!re Order. A corner store, formerly oceupied by
rogrammo will 1.e delivered by the Messrs 3 & H Field, is advertised to
Wingham and t elgruve ledges. Sil, be let by tender. --.The residence of
'OF collection,,,, -.Mr and 'sirs Peter Mr John Chapman was all astir oars
Robinson, James Burgess, Henry Mareb 2nd from early evening till day
attack and Thomas Flutter are anion break, the occasion being the marriage
Ira` many who left for Manitoba on of his daughter Jessie to Mr W fl
onday and Tuesday.—Rev .A. Y Brubacker, of Guelph. Tho nuptial
Bartley, laird Hartley, Mr Charles knot was tied by the Rev Mr Malcolm,
elven and Mrs S%illiatn Messer at• in the presence of a large number of •
ended the Women's Ieoreign Mission- invited guests. The presents were
ry Convention in Brussels on T'uesw numerous and valuable. Tire happy
ay.—Tho saki of Mr Geo ;Casernnre, couple left on the • early train on an
f Morrie, was held otr March 8th, exten8ed tour. We wish them' a• long
hr, sale was a nu::eess, as the fipple,. and happy future ----Mr Rob Chapman
lents, horses, etc, sold very good, iia& purchased the stock of the late 1
meowed tor last issue,} Mr 1) L Chadwick and no doubt will
A number of Foresters belonging to open tint a general store,Bpon.--A fire 1
oust Douglas of this place attended alarm was sounded the, Other day, tho
� ���� (IMO Minister, should owe his seat in the
FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1.892.
t . EEoousm is in progress in London, i
Vthe result of the first day's count I
Weed Mr. Darling's majority one.
lige Elliot gave judgment in refer -
'e to the votes in dispute, holding
they were good.
loser \VATso,r, M P, of Alanitoba, is
ing an efi'ort in the Dominion Par
tient to have banding twine placed
it the freedist. He estimates that
i farmers of Canada pay annually
0,000 of a tax upon their binuer
e Ammo the present session of the
pinion Parliament, the Govern-
citwill iutroduce a bill for the re-
,bution of seats according to the
census. New Brunswick will
t •one seat, Nova Bootie two,
e Edward one, •Manitoba grin
Oats, and the other proviuces will
sin as they are.
en elections in • .the Province of
tic, on Tuesday, resulted in the
ie'lieliniug defeat of Mercier. and
followers. The people of Quebec
itsaid that they will not condone
noting. The new Government lies
el jcrity.. dt between thirty and 1
eti Mr Mercier, althongh elected,
'signed and retired to private
ttempt of the State of Ilii lois
House even for a session to such votes,
after they have actually been found to
be worthless by the Government's own
officer and have beeu struck off by
him, would be worse. •
Tern West Huron Liberal Convene
tion, held in Clinton, on Tuesday last,
was largely attended, there being up-
wards of 300 present. The object of
the meeting was to take steps towards
protesting the election of Hon. J. 0.
Patterson. Mr. Wm. Proudfoot ex-
plained the result of the recount,
which left Hon. Mr. Patterson's ma,
jority at sixteen, a reduction of nine
from the ofGctel return. Statements
were made showing that the election
had been carried bar open ants of
bribery, and, believing that there was
ample and reliable eviden^e upon
which to unseat the successful Candi-
date, it was unanimously decided to
enter a protest, there not being 'a
dissentient among the large number
present. A resolution of continued
confidence in Mr. M. C. Cameron and
an assurance of unceasing support in
the event of a new election being held,
which •is looked upon as o certainty,
was carried amid enthusiasm, as was
=else a resolution of unwavering attach-
ment to lion. Wilfrid Laurier and the
endorsation of his policy. The Liber.
als also expressed their determination
to resist to the utmost all illegal efforts
to defeat an honest expression at th
polls, and showed their siucerity by
providing on the spot'tbe funds neeese
sary to conduct the protest. •
ot1errninate the English sparrow
Oto be more expensive than sue••
In three months 450,000 The annual meeting of the Blyth
Branch of the British and Foreign
flee have been killed at 2 cents a Bible Society met in the Methodist
g:7nt the number of the living church on Tuesday night; the 8th inst.
l'xs remains as large as ever, Addresses were given by the resident
eihe . other baud, inexperienced ministers (Rev i Ir McLean and Rev
ninen are making life dangerous
re4ge part of the people of Illinois.
eyiglish sparrow will not go. were present and listened with merited
Pezrnooar. erode sentiment is interest to the excellent addresses by
lir the States as well es in
the 1)r and Mr Simpson. — Miss
On the fleet of March inst.
ntative Oath., of 1,tinnesota,
est, introduced a pint resnlu.
Jongress expre.siug the desire
inerican people, through the
' and.1 epre ientatives, for the
f x as nearly as practicable, of
proeity treaty t.retween the
:itroes :tad Great Brithin
ane: June v, 1851. which concern-
t}itrade tied busiueeis relations
ate nadtt.
a f roltibitio:i (':ommise;ien prom-
,8�, 8eseion trf the. Dominion Par.
self es trees;rppeirited,as follow;! :
a'ee•Dontid,i.raeeile and Grenville;
al" Clarke, 'Toronto ; Sir Joseph
s{3toiitreal ; Gerorgee A (xignu)t, •
Seete,(.Luebe c ; ltev Dr .1eL�end, t
r6 eiri, 'l`4 Il, : •bi'e± aro not aware of
r" tii6 ricer of the commission
eaten natively en5age.l in the
11. for prohibition, rtnel it now
the 'Temperance people wore
9 "
mast (Heir o pasiticu•to a corn-
rating eppeinted. No rlouht
4 of tit r Government will be
/kg x having; the eleteetiou staved
w years.
onto ::".>.::•, an in.lopendent
Coteerr. tie's leanings, in
le on the Lendorr Cur e,snys : 1
Mr Campbell), Dr Sloan, of Toronto,
and Rev Mr Simpson, of Brucelieeld,
agent of the Society. A good number
18tv�,y'zre, .who is vibiting at her sister's,
Are Che 11ew, entertained a few of her
friends on Monday evening.—It is
our peinfal duty this week to record
the death of one of Blyth's best known
and most highly esteemed citizens, the
late Mr Myles Young. Mr Young
had long been a sufferer, bat he was
cenfiued to his bed for ler:, than a
week, when death released 'hire froth
all suffering. He was an earnest and
active Christian and was Connected
with the Methodist church here, A
very large number of friends and
relatives assembled to ply their last
respects to the departed and to show
their sympathy with the mourning
friends. Mr Young held the positi,n
of Olerk of the Division Court here
for many years. His widow and other
relatives have the sympathy of the
entire Community in their severe
ailiicriou. The follnwin; strangers
Were in town atteuding the funeral of
the late Mr Myles Young ; Rev 8
Sellery, of Winghatu ; Rev .1Ir, Swan,
of Auberu ; Mr Thos Gibson, 111 P
fair East Hoven and Mrs Gibson ; ' Mr
and Mrs Hazlewood, of Wroxeter; Mr
]'Halliday and Mr Ad Halliday, of
L,kelet ; Mr and Mia Gray, of Sege
f'ort's. ; Mr, Mrs and the Misses Spat 1-
ing, of %Viugliarn, ag well as very
Marty others who lamented the loss of
a Clear friend. ---1)r Sloan, of Toronto,
is visiting friends in town this week.
We are alw rye glad to welcome the
Dr hack to Iris old home. --Mrs J M
1-iarsilron is visiting friends in Lin•!: -
row this wick.. -.-:!'Cr 8i sriet, fi'oi
sour Seaforth,•is in town at present
it is rnrnored tliett Ile intenti`5 tiling -
out the business of one of our mer-
hants.--IStist; Crocker, nrmer ruilliti• ,
r lir Anderson iS;11 er''. ikaid a flying
di: retail I onttit. the simple
'alive ter :tends elected
ae of v''era wii'ch were (le. c
The revising oft. e
the fenoref of Mr Stonehouse, of Bel, sacs° being hot ashes, which wore
grave, who was killed by a falling tree, being kept in Mr Howson's dwelling, .1
31iss Jennie Thy»ne, who has been ever Mr Brink's hardware store. In ti
visiting relations at Markham for some a few more minutes it would have e
time, returned on J riday.--Stir Hugh resulted in a serious lire.
Are slaughtering winter goods; we will
carry none of them over, if out prioos
will clear then out; all that'wo gain by
this is the use of the money and the
advantage of room, What you gain is
good fresh goods at cost; it in for you to
say whether or not such inducements
are sufiloieut to bring you to the Anchor
Our Tea trade is constantly increasing
in volume and growing in public favor,
Tho reasons aro-1st, that wo have by
long years of careful and thoughtful
experience learned to judge Teas by un-
failing tests, 2nel, by making tke wants
of the trade a daily study. We know
what our Patrons require in this line,
and so aro always in a position to supply
General groceries—pare, fresh and
oheap,'are always a leading feature of
our trade. Special value in sugars,
syrups and molasses.
We do a large trade in butter, eggs,
lard, cured meats, oatmeals, cornmeal,
pure honey, wholesale and retail,potatoos,
&o. (roods delivered prohptly.
Carpets and Curtains, Gents' Furnish-
ings, ready-made and ordered clothing,
form no small portion of our trade.
You know wo carry the finest stook of
boots and shoes, rubbers and overshoes.
Competitors kink about our low prices,
but you need not mind them; you want
the best and cheapest and we can supply
Very Respectfully Yours,
s" N`
The Big Brown Anohocra g
Wingham, February 17th,1,892.
St. Helens.
The entertainment given • in the
Temperance Hall on Friday evening
last was a grand success, the hall being
crowded to. the doors. kir RK Millen
occupied the chair. The programme
was furnished by members of. the
Wingham Lodge, and was as fol-
lows :—'.basic by Raruaonica Band ;
song by Mr Wm Bond; recitatiou by
Miss E Bnintou ; reading by Miss
Anuie McDonald ; music by Miss E
and Messrs A and l+' Bainton ; song
by Miss McDonald ; reading by Mr
John Aikens ; song by Miss E Rain-
ton ; recitation by Misk L Varney ;
music by Harmonica Band; dialogue •
by Miss Lottie Watcher, Eva Dawson,
Vina hush, and Messrs SV Lawrence
and R Galbraith ; reading by j1r Wm
Bond ; recitation by Air A Bainton ;.
music by Harmonica Band. Mr nice
Kellar gave several selections on his
phgnogre.ph which were well apprecia-
• ted by the audience. At the conclue
sion of the entertainment, the Wing-
ham visitors were entertained at a,
lunch prepared by the members of St
Helens lodge, When all had partake
eu,short speeches were made by Messrs.
D Sutherland and • 1Vm Bond, of
Mr George Vander and- family left
last week for new Dundee, which
place they intend making their future-
home.—Mr II Henning and family, of.
Wroxeter, have moved into the house
occupied by Mr Vander. We welcome.,
Mr and 1drs Henning to our midst
again.—\.Ir John Green, of Wroxeter,.
hat rented Mrs. Adam McBurney's
farm and intends -moving thereon
shortly.—Miss Bell Wylie, of Pleasant.
Hill, spent last week in Wingham
Mr Jatues Thomson, of Hensen, spent
ii few days here last week,*—Robbie
eldest son of Mr Elijah Higgins, is at
present very ill. We hope soon to
'hear of bis recovery, --Mrs Thompson
is also very•ill. There are faint hopes
of her recovery.
• A sucnessfnl tea meeting twos held -
in the Presbyterian church, on 3rd'
inst, uuder the auspices of the Young
People's Mutual Improvement Society.
Tea eats served in the Foresters' Hall
from 5 to 7. A goodly number par-
took of the eatables. The programme
consisted of songs by Messrs • McGill
and MoOlelland.; an address from Iiov
J H Dyke, and a lecture on "Railroad-
ing in Scotland," by Rev Mr Ander'. •
don, of St Helens. The church cboir
sang some nice; anthems. The pastor •
occupied the chair. Pretceetls, with
tho social, $02.. Mr John Bell, of
`'Vawanosh, left here on Tuesday,with
a car load of horses and settlers'
effects. lie intends locating; in .Mane .
East Wawanosh.
Mr W Ooveutry and family removed,
to Wingham this week. ----1(1r John
Bell, of Marnoch, left for Manitoba on
Tuesday last, taking with him 'a oar:
oad of stock. --..Mrs Turnbull and
family of \'Vhitewater, Manitoba, who
lave been visiting friends in these
parts, returned home on Monday last.
—Messrs W Porterfield and W Agnew
eft on Monday for Manitoba, -.--Brame
f the young people of the tltlr attend•
d a party ,at Mr W Tucker's, Tuesday