HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-11, Page 3l� ij*". i TEMPERANCE COLUMN. J Railroad in the Holy 'sand. The Best Market for Canadian C. P. IL TIME TABL1:1. CONPUCTEII DT 'DMZ X. W. 0. T. U. • Cuppint;:n. The iirst,railway to Jerusalem will, Horses. Trains arrivoand .depart asfollows : it is reported, be opening in the spring (from the Canadian Sportsman,) AHAYIND Aaan•IN9. of the coming year. It is a abort line, our correspondents, we are compelled sc00 P.m HAL. SC^iT^-fnE�r1 D&+ Sf'. CpII,. ►+O With every desire to accommodate 2':300a.m.,..., •.,,FoTouta 23:5pnpmiu. For Teeswater 2:00 running only fromJonna- C1 the nearest. to a.,..... ,l. r:-._ _... column _.___ letters, 10:55p.1n ' Mr E P Baker, of Topeka, Kan, who 10:56 Josephine Street - • Wingham, ort on the Mediterranean and inters.. Some person over the signature of Gl-RA LsT T 'ta'NTC R'X 1 edited the Commonwealth for twenty- dad to accommodate the row g sJ. W. SO five years, was recently interviewed by Pmount roles., rr jU a Londoner, has sent us two oo untna A. C. STRATILDE•P, AON.NT, wlNei I. J. A. IIAnsTHD, senger and other traffic between that and a half of horse talk all tending to Through tickets to an points Jn America—North - a representative of one of the great, prove, to the sati• sfaction dailiea that defended tite saloons, Mr Baker was known to have been an anti..prohibitionist, and it was suppos. ed that, of course, he would reveal the failure and inefficiency of prohibition in Kansas. He would know all about it. And it did seem so, for he said : I fought prohibition for years, 0 It was adopted in spite of my best efforts,and I have now seen it work. Let me tell you, Kansas will never go back to the open saloon. If the question was re -submitted to day, prohibition would Lave .a majority of 50,000 votes. The eastern people talk about prohibition not prohibiting. It dosen't. If I want a drink in Topeka 1 can get it. But the saloon is gone• 1' have a grandson growing up who has never seen a .saloon. .isn't that a good thing ? The saloon and the crowd of ward workers are no longer a political power., That alone is worth all pro- hibition has cost. Thousands of men who fought the measure the hard- est have been converted as I have been. There isn't the possibility of a repeal of the law. West, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all _ -^-- popular routes. Baggage checked through to Deposits Received and Late destination. Lowest freight rates to all points p place and the Holy City. Tho work of the writer at any rate, that England is by far of construction is being carried out by the best horse market for the Oana- a French company, who began laying , dian breeders. Now, as a general down the line in April, 1800, Is ie • rule, Cockneys are, rapid talkers, and stated that over Dight hundred vessels can express a great deal in a short of various kinds annually land 40,000 time, but our correspondent doesn't apps ar to possess the qualifications persons at Joppa whose destination is Jerusalem. On the completion of the railroad, tourists will be able to buy a return ticket from the port to Jerusa- lem for twenty francs. For Young or Old, GENTLEMEN,—One of my little girls (aged 4 years) had beau trouble with costiveness iu its worst form since infancy. Wo tried different remedies which gave relief while using, but as soon as discontinued she would be worse than before using. She lost her appetite and was growing weak and delicate. A friend of mine who had used B. B. B. with grand results for the same disease advised me to try it, and also the Burdock J ills, which we did. She did not take the contents of one bottle before it relieved her, and not only relieved her to ,England is a much more costly as but permanently cured her for she has not been trouble once since, and she is now eight years old. HENRY REYNOLDS, Sarepta, Ont. "La Grippe." "l.,a Grippe" or lntiuenza eau be quickly cured by the use of Wilson's Compound of Wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy for Bronchitis, Wlioopiug Cough, Croup,Colds, Coughs and other diseased of ,respiratory system. Wilson's Wild Cherry has beeu in use for many years and is highly recom- mended by all who know its virtues, Sold by all prominent druggists, Widow Muloahv's Sudden Demise. In a Western village an Irishman nam- ed Casey kept a small general store. On a very cold but clear day in winter a fel low countryman dropped in and was greeted by the storekeeper with the words:— It's a fine day, Mr. Mooney. It is, Mr. Casey. What's new wid ye to -day ? Sorra much I have that's new, Mr Mooney, but mornful news. You heard -• TIME LEAVE WIN01(AA(. AMY": AT WINOl1Art. 0:30 a,m.Toronto,Guciph, i almerston, &c. 3:31 p.n1. 11:10 " •` " " 3.11:1:;820050a;1. 0:20 ' 3:45 p.m, 4' " Clinton, " 31,20 pan. ''alrnerston, Alixed 10:35 a.m. London, &c.......,..11:00 " 11:10 man 7:557:10 appm Icincardino, 4(.14(.1 • 0:80 ., m. di 11:10 " I. of saying anything in short order, and 10.1 3:400 sea we are therefore reluctantly forced to drop it, though ever so gently, into the waste basket.Londoner asserts that OSEPH COWAN, good quality cobs, carriage and saddle J horses, are worth more in England CLERK 9TH DIV. COURT, CO. Ileum", than any other country, and right here AUCTIONEER, we will toll Londoner that he don't ISSUER, OF MARRIAGE LICENSES know what he is talking about. Des spite the heavy duty imposed by the McKinley hill the London market isn't in it with the New York one, and the man here who brings a few good quality horses and ships thein to Eng- land instead of across the border will find out his mistake in very rapid or- der. In the first place the shipment A Good Otto on the Editor. There is a story told of a veteran night editor who, for some reason, had a couple of nights off. For years he had reached his home about 6 o'clock in the morning, slept until late in the afternoon, and been obliged to rush off to his worst. His children naturally saw but little of hien. On this occasion lie found it necessary to correct his youngest daughter for,soms flagrant breach. of discipline. The child rushed to her mother, flushed with indignation : Mamma, she exclaimed, that man wiv whiskers, that sleeps here at day- times,'pauked me.—Drake's Magazine. well as risky one,and the same quality horse that will bring sixty pounds in London will do a good deal better in the New York market. The talk about supplyin;t cavalry horses to the English Government sounds all very well on paper,but there is nothing in it for the Canadian breeder or dealer,thcir buyers are bound by a cast iron rule not to pay more than about $150 for the best horse brought before them, and then he must be absolutely free from the slightest blemish. In fact a horse that is fit t'1 pass their inspec- tion is worth fifty per cent more money for the American market. Londoner may as well stop trying to make water run up hill, it is a hard task to accomplish. ASTH° ADR. TAFT'S ASTPIJIALENE never GUREDfails; Bend yourress, and we will mnil free trial bottladde DII. TAFT BROS. 1100115101, N. Y.FREE Canadian Dept, 186 Adelaide St. W., Tonorro, CANADA. The Road Surgeon. Connissioxen is H, 0, J., ETC. WROXETER, ONT. BANK OF HAMILTON, W I N G H A M. Capital, $1,200,000. Rest, $600,000. President --Jove STUART. Vice•Yresldent—A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS JOHN PROCTOR, CIIAe, GURNEY, GEo ROAM!, A, T WOOD, A. B. LEE, (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank—Hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, Solicitors. WANTED, 200 CORDS OF WOOD. Call and see our stock of : WI-11PS, BRUSHES, C QRRY COBMS, SLEIGH BELLS, S:c. Horse clothing of all kinds. allowed, Money Advanced to Farmers Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed u or collateral security. Sale notes i,oi at a fair valuation. Money remitted to parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to 0 leeting .&counts and Notes Agents in Canada—The. Merchants' •8 • of Canada. CONSUMPTION CURED.HARNESS, double and single, light or heavy, Of the Lubou Medical Company is now at made to order in the latest styles and of the best An old physician, retired from practise, having Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted material. ' had placed in his hands by an East India missionary ' either in person or by letter on all, chrouio the formula of a permanent cure remedy for the , diseasespeculiar to mall'. Men, ouug,old, Trunks, Valises, hand Rags, &c. in stock and nil snoedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron- � y' chins Catarrh Asthma and all throat and Lung or idaleea"ea who hue themselve uerv- be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Affections, also m a positive and radical cure for i ons, weak and exhausted, who are broken Office Hours—From 9 a, 1n, to. 5 p. Ip. A. E..SMI`,i'H, Age WHOA, THER Call and see our stock of SLEIGH BELLS, BLANKETS, WHIPS. CWRilY•CO 11 B BRUSHES, FARNESS, double and single, or heavy, made to order, in the I styles :Cud of the best material. TRUNKS, VALISES, HAND BAGS in stock and will be sold cheap. REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY D Tho patronage of the public solicited, and so fon in work and material guaranteed, 3 'Shop—One door south of Geo. E. Ring's C. KNECHTEI Wineham, November 9, 1891 Y harvous tested it ago all Nervous Coplaints, atter down from excess or overwork,resulting in 1 of the death of the widow Mulcahy? You having Costed Its wonderful curative powers fnRepairing neatly and promptly done on short notice, thousands of ensas he has felt •this duty to make it mauy f the to g did ? Yis—no ! a o following symptoms : Meutal known to iris suffering fellows.' Actuated by this' deprossion, premature old age,loss of vital. The patronage of the public solicited, and antis 1 stir inw c' f tion oils and n t vial guaranteed. a motive and c n n desire to relieve humansuffering,I - Not a word av Mr. Casey,and I a it,t loss of memory, bad -dreams, dimness hope it's not true anyway. But ghat recipe in German lerencl or' English,ill' f 11 of sight palpitation of the heart, emissions SHOP—One door north of Canadian Express Office n• loos or preparing an using. Sent , y mal y lack o energy, pain m the with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. 9410, pimples ou the face or body, itching will send free of charge to all 'who desire it . tis i y' p ` • , r ,v 1 n M. AMBLER. disease did she die av ? The neighbors a' act' f d i s tb •l b 1 1 f y tl a kidneys head , , '11 miss her. ' NOYEs 82C Powers Block Rochester, N, Y. or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,. Yis, Mr. Mooney, a decent woman was. wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be, YiMIs.112ulcahy.,Manyyardofcalico'Things Goodto I(:eep. - forstheeyes,twitchingofthemuscles,eye1I sold her, and many a spool of thread Keep thy heart with all dill lids and elsewhere bashfuleeys deposits WOZt liurog 11'00 0a 111for when she bad the money she never for out of it are the issues of life, of the scalp and spine, weak and flabbytt001\41 fierce, of the urine, loss of 'will power, tenderness• 1 Iti0 nate and spared 1 l gent inse, and she always looked Keep thy tongue from evil, and shy byisleep, const patre' to sioe8p,fai lure to be dulluess of hearing, rested We wish to inform the public that we have thee But what did ye say she died av, Mr. lips from speaking evil. loss of voice, desire for solitude,excttability woolen Mitts in A l running order, and will till of; temper, sunken eyes surrounded with season give special attention to • Casey ? Well, ye See; she just went out in the He that I(eepeth his month keepeth all symptoms of nervous debility that lead CUSTOM -�g� ward to the pump with a pail in her hand his life. • to insanity and death unless cured. The Jl. ® WORK spring or vital force having lost its tension to get a drag av wathor. She fell on the Take heed to thyself, and keep thy . every function wanes !u consequence. in all its branches, and will keep in stock a ice, struck the back av her head,aud thin soul diligently. Those who through abuse committed in cross of hrst•class goons, such as walked into the house a'corpse.• iI uortivae may be permanently cured. Little clfildren,lt cep yourselves from Seud year address for book On all diseases idols. • peculiar to man. Books Sent free sealed. . Heart disease, the symptoms of which are My son keep thy father's command- faint spells, purple lips, nuinbness,palpita. relents tion, skin beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain iu the heart with My son, keep sound wisdom and , beats strong. rapid and irregular, the discretion. second beirtbeatquicker than the first,pain about the breastbone, etc, can positively ;Vtelnember the Sabbath day to keep be cured. No etre, no, pay. Seud 'for. it holy, book. Address M. V LUTON, 24 Macdon• ' ell Ave, Toronto, Canada. Keep yourselves in the love of God. Blessed are they that hear the word NERVE of ' d l 't Keep thee far from a false matter. p ' LEADEN 'ufeLE, oily looking 41tiu, etc, are ALLAN LIN Royal, MAIL STEAnai,IPa. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail rerularly from QORTLAN 0 AND HALIFAX TO LI POOL vin Londonderry. nl'a,NO T1114 w(NTEn HONT(la. Cabin, $10 and upwards. Second Cabi ISteerage at low rates. No Ca,ttlo Carrie STATE) ALLAN LIN LINE. STEAMSHIPS. NEW' YORK & GLAS via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, upwards. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at k Apply to II. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HENRY DAVIS, VIN Scientific Anna Agency fo SERVICE OF When Nature Smiles Again. When nature smiles again in the mild spring days, maukind often groans from the effects of bad blood and kindred troubles engendered by the long hard winter. Remove the cause of all the trouble by purifying your blood with ' nature's remedy, Burdock Blood Bitters, the best blood searcher and tonic ever discovered. The Lawyer and the Sheopstealer. The iury having returned a verdict of "Guilty" against a man on trial of steal- ing sheep, his lawyer rose and said to the court: 'May it please your honor, I ask to quash all proceedings on the ground of defective inforliiation. While my client admits stealing 12 lambs, he has been charged with and convicted of stealing 12 sheep. A. lamb is. not legally a sheep, your honor. Your point is well taken, replied , the judge after reflection, and I will give the prisoner the benefit of the technicality. I was intending to sentence him'to the penitentiary for two years,but will change it to state prison for 'ale same term.While a lamb is not a sheep, neither is a state prison a penitentiary. Postscript, ---The lawyer got the sheep, • of eoufse. Auvies TO Sto'rn les. --Aro you dlsturued at night and broken of your rest by a slek child suffering ai$i crying with pain of uniting Teeth? If so send at once end get a bottle of ' Mrs. Winslow's' Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalaui- abie. It will relieve the poor little suffer.lr immediately, Depend upon 11, 110,ltors; there is no mistake about 11. It cures Dysentery and Morrison, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, cures Wind Cone. softens the Gams, reduces Inflalnnlatioll, and ,giros tong and energy to tho whole system,. "Mrs, Win- slow's Soothl ugtr Syrup" tor Children teething Is plonsant to the Win and is thoproacription of one of tho oldoot end boat whale physitians anti nlwsos in the United States, and Is for sale by all druggists 6 unhand Cho world. Price twentyfive Den a y, BO euro and ask for "Mus. Wntrtox''H SYMP. mei take no other Mad •s_.,. L. ,a �i::iYia;'�1„J°.6ei._... ,./ NERVE BEANS are a now dis• covert' that cure the worst cases of Nervous Debility Lott Vigor and O Hil (Cep l , railing Manhood: restores the BEANS weakness of body or mind caused Itch, Mango and Scratches of eyay kind, On by overwork, or the nrrore or ex - ford's or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Wool• ceases ti youth. c This Remedy ab - A. Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by eolutely aures the most event* costa whoa all other A. L Hamilton. TREATMENTS have failed event* relieve. Sold by drug• gists at $1 per package, or six for $5 or sent b mail on co Tof price addressing wrig or THE amplilet S MEDICINE by INS He was in Love. Wiughnm by A. L. HAMiLTON. Mighty is the power of loye, and it, came near getting a'thelogical student, some weeks ago, into a terrible scrape. His class was undergoing the last ex- amination. The professor who was conducting the exercise observed thia student take something from his breast pocket every now and then, look at it with fervor, replace it, and then' renew his writing with increased ardor. Could hebe copying the answers to the questions on the paper 1 At length the examiner came up behind him, siezed his hand, and demanded to 'lade what lie bad in it, The student, having no choice but to eotnply, deliv- ered the hidden deject, which proved to be the photograph of the young lady who Was soots to become his brl.le, He was merely using her image as a means of inspiration. u• VIGOR OF MEN Easily, quickly, Permanently Restored. Woaknesn Nervottsneds. Debility. and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the result') of overwork, sickness worry, ata 1111 strength, development and tono given to every Organ and portion of the body, Oltoplo. natural methods. Immediate im prOVOinonf aeon..Pailure impossible.000 references. Book. explanations and proofs mailed (sealed) fres. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO.. IBUP1rA1,0, N.Y. Von BI I.IOUSN ESC, CONSTI PATI 0N, INDIGESTION, IJltZM ESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OF THE i1T'OMACH, LIVEN. AND BoWELB. 'THEY ANO bids, THOROUAH AND PI OMPT IN ACTION, AND FOAM A VALUA$Lt Alb TO euabock HLOOD ItITTErts IN THE TNtAYMEN? AND MiNE OF CHRONIC AND 011111TINATE bl*ttASCS. Tweeds, Flannels, Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns &c., &c., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or change for wool. Customers from a distance can have their ro home with thele the same day, AV -Highest market price in cash for Merchants. Wool. INGLIS Se CO'Y., wingham• WINGHAM FLOURING MILLSI The undersigned wish to tender their best thanks tor the liberal patronage given to our firm during evoralyeare prior to the burning of our 131111 by in ceidtarisin, During the post 5ea500 \ro hero re Inoddclled the town mill to the latest approved sys• tent of 'Elongation Holler Proems mil ling. We be Novo wean now give better accommodation than ever before. We offer Prompt Dispatch, Fair Rotuma, QIIALITY SECOND tP0 NONE IN THIS SECTION. An$ by elose persohal attenti.m to the business hope to be again tavcred with a trims by all told friends And many now ones. Yenta tttrcat roepecttully5 Wln)(haln elfin, Oa! 1,,, 1 .. ma'amIt CAltlsi, IPATENT CAVEAT TRADE MA DESICN PAT COPYRICHTS, For information and free Handbook write MUNN & 361 BROADWAY, NEW Y. Oldest bureau CO,dor securing patents in An Every ppatent taken out by us is brought the punka by a notice given free of charge icittU is Anxcxxi, Largest Spiendldlynt Of ll ub rated. ►o la e man should be y, year; $1.60 six months. Address MUNN PUBLISHERS. 861 Broadway. New Yerk. CROSS -CUT SA We have in stock : THE LEAD.E li, THE SILVER STAR, THE LA NOF TOOPI: THE NICKEL STI TRE FOREST BE THE LA. -ROSE 4 THE IMPROVED CFIAI♦I ALSO A very tine assortmon X NS. J. A. CLINE& 0 SrriJ.O1 r