HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-11, Page 2• t" • last night about Hannah's shopping getting n little behind the fasbians. It Witham., Site hada piece of brawn ` Qu,r pzi1Y War Rrtviewed. • • ( tri bsUl11 •t111. ► tour she had thought l)est to keep this '.don't pay, you know, for mato get plaid which she would like neatehea; 1411', Benjamin Suite,nn ex.preeidont e visit a profound secret from hind, behind, she simpered. bliss t3rowu would Miss Goodrich fie so kind as to of the Roytil Society of Oanaddt and > o I was just telling yOur tits, silo be- was more noted fir her simper than get the soma quality exactly and the chief clerk in the Militia I}epartinent i'RIDDAY% MA1UCH 11% ,892. gait when Hannah, flushed and expect- for the sorlectness of her styles" smile parker.l See }There was that at Ottawa, delivered lecture on the. crit, was seated, that Fd been down Of course not. • fine stripe, did she notice,that ? it was relative condition of the Oauadas•due- fix welcome Beyaud. to Blake's to get my winter dress, midi stn. I wade bold to step round and bought three years ago --Mrs (llark ing war of 1812.15 lately at the Ili gxeeeme drat in heaven, that there weree't a thing there i'd; ask you, as you're going to the city, did not remember now whether it. was : Canadian Military institute. The' et that blissful realm.1 gala ; pit on uiy back• anyway, an' will be looking at the in New York or Philadelphia , she paid parlor of the institute was completely the hands has oaased from toiling, the heart liatki ceased from pain; Oh, not a thing, Hannah assented fashions, to just give it look forme, I ya dollar a yard for it, and she would filled by roliitary hien, who listened to red the lout trader tin, I'm tact farewell is spoken, orquickly. going to Nes York for cay p can't say exactly how many like to have six reeds more. Mr. Suite's remarks with evident in. ad I know bow aweet, how solemn, our winter things. I'd like you to Invme, . Mrs Green from the corners, Mrs , terest, Arnong those present were; d iiow bleat it is to die ? So I heard ; and 1 vats telling your Oh, yon want we to buy patterns, Drake from the Cent io, Mrs Williams { Lieut-COIs 0 T Denison,l+'• 0 Denison, y barque glides tier the waters Ma that, as long as vol are going to do you 1 1-Lannab milted quickly. She from NorthWithaur, Mrs Johnson, '0 M G, M P', Shaw, 0 Dunn ; Majors that cake end silent strewn, m i see the douies'of temples town and going .'shop Ting, buying ono was one of the most obliging girls in Mrs Tones, Mrs 004, one after the James Mason,, late R 0 Evans, Mead,, the distant brigbl;ly gleam,— more dross wouldn't be no more trouble the world, hitt this sort of thing was other were ushered into the sitting Manley, A U' Lee, Dr I ingsford, Dr plea of that beautenus city, oat allblight and'sorrow free to you, becoming monotonous. room and begged to have a piece Of tit S Ryerson,. Dr Peters, Dr Cianniff; edowo its ,;olden portal,v Buying a whole wardrobe for Jerry's . As long as you're in tire city and go. goods matched or something big or Captains 0 0 Bennett, Mason, Gunn et will haste to welcome me, mother would have been a delight. ing right by the fashion stores 1 sive little bought in the cit They always ther, Thompson., Mutton, P Howard will utast me first iu glory, r p g Y• p , t theearnest thought will rise, Ob no trouble --a pleasure ! Ilaneah pose it won't be any tread() for you to knew•it would be no'..trouble for her as Fleming. W Maley, Laurie and W ug an the unknown wonders cried, despite her mother's frowns, 1 that home beyond the skies: + p step in and buy a patten or two ? long as she wear bulling for herself, Irving. . will be my heavenly mentor, There's that brown merino, 1 got You can get whatever 'ou think is and not one offered tto advance the ]Lieut -Col, the Hon .J M Gibson. It it be for some seraph bright, threeyears ego this fall?, Mrs Dowa• t angel, from the countless g pretty -some sacques, bodices and money for the puroh4e. introduced the speaker, and in doing nada of that world of light? ing went on. The wear I've had out skirts and so on. .'You con tell better After supper on W dnesday evening so expressed a high opinion, of such of it just beats all. .'ve worts it than I can when you seef ;them. You Hannah wrote out her, list in full: She historical lectures•as that of Mr ,suite. 'steady wherever I went.' 1 was telling might get about lip 8.411 �ra worth. I was studying it, a Litt a amused and To show his estimate of tbe• value of you that I didn't know as I could be think it'll pay me. I'll e you have very much vexed, win her mother these to the country at large• he had batter suited than to have another the money when you know lr how much entered. induced his oolletieues in tht' Ontario just like it. So if you won't mind it is, or I'll sew it out, i Ma, I've been counting up, she said. Cabinet to consent to the introduction getting rue 10 yards of dark brown While Hannah was sile tly making a Waal I of the sum of X7.:00 yearly on the note of this, Mrs. Dobbs their next The things I arm requested lay the estimates for the purposes, of the ANNA, DIDN'T GO. neighbor came in. neighbors to,buy, amount, at a• rough Institute. Pretty neighbors you are, was her guess to $180. They would easily Mr Suite was received very heartily. report started in Blake's store. greeting. Pretty neiglibo s! Melie she fill three trunks, and the work ofrliunt- He is a French-Canadian, of distin' galleys a report that started in just same up from the store; ma, she ing for Item would occupy at least guished appearenoe, and possesses in 't; store was an unheard of heresy says what do you think/ Hannah - four days. N`'bt one has offered au cent a large degree the polish and affability corners, So astounding as it Goodrich is going to the ci y, a•Thurs- in advance or gay expressage. II have so characteristic of his feilow•oountry- he corners received it without, a day, a.shoppin' and is ' oing to get - just $80; and two days; to spend, iirthe men,. Summed up, his lecture was a w of doubt. It was hardly need. Mrs. Downing a dress. I wonder if city. t portrayal of the relative conditions of e known that Mrs' Goodrichshe wouldn't buy me a fel' hat 1 Dm I told you so—I told' you so, Upper and Lowen Canada E was the authority. sick and tired of Miss Miller's hats 1 What could 3'f do ? I should. have, DURING Ting;wan of 1812:15. •ass down at the store on Sats Of course she would sez I A pretty offended every one of them ift 7l had It Upper Canada. the land was afternoon as usual to make here neighbor she'd be if she wouldn't. put the cane to them as it is, devasta ed, and ner,rly every section of purchases. Anson Blahs, who 1 4 1VAal, what axe you ,,going to do ? teas province experienced d Why certainly, said Reiterate, trying p perienced the. hard ailed when groceries were par. . to call up a • smile. It Rias only a You are in for it, you see, ships.incidental to the campaign. The to conduct the customer to the ghost of one that respondeP, however. • I'ni not going ---that's what NI do :argricultural industry wast: nearly wiped de of the store to look at the What kind of a hat will AA,elia want. about it. We'll buy our winter, dress out, and the men had lots of, fighting. ds, and vice versa, endeavored t 'lits Goodrich over to look at eve 1 all goods. Then it With a bit of pardonable e let him know she had no Took at fall goods at Willieme or in Witham Centre either, innah was going to the city could II . elc to do their fall shopping. Tea was over. Mrs Goodrich' was e, Hannah, had an aunt there washing the dishes, Hannah drying the whole summer been urg• thew, when the kitchen door was tin- e come, and that now she was ceremoniously opened. A: tall, gaunt •a few days. woman, with a commanding air, as if g take any commission for Jerry's,transporting troops ; teinbei` and isem poariole shook her large skirts she were at the head of a disorderly and not taking the first tthing that's maother. !were sold to,}l}irgland t nrl tele oaten+ t out—figuratively speaking, regiment, marched in. :It was Mrs offered you ken' sometimes save as ( r. much as fifty cents. /� G sive border lice hetween, the province as her garments always es Moore. •r y t ROLLOwA'�G'S OINTMEki.0 ASO PILLS I p The school where Hannah vainly,With the changing season it is pine, and the New England $totes offered, ,was gorily overfloor by several the aiext 'begavlawitk os ut a sto malls Dp eltide's�of she strove each day to maks• Witham dant for all to rectify; any ailment PILLS.— great indit¢»menta Ito smugglers, youth learn, was some distance from misting them ; but iL',• is.incumbent. ' These all brought monk} to 6luebeo ori• Hannah Was interviewed as greeting, for a dish of toweled a few a on the aged,suffering ur derr ulcerations 'Later Canada, wb,eha had a o ula�• her home, and she took het luncheonto p p ended trip, and the }ogles minutes' set an' she was telli,a.' me that ' and similar debilitat,ivg causes, tion of about 230 408 as against not in the morning inter., Hannah was goin' to the city next lwith her. She had just sttled down have thein, removed on worse mese- 470,000 0 •,t» in the sietex r in the evening on the sub. week. to it in the next room, when a delicate, quenbes veil! follow. This' Ointment Ps p : province, withered'looking, long-agOhomely wo• is their remedy ; on. its powers all mays Smuggling was a. very profitable, ley were so numerous then,. Yes, on Thursday, Hannah answer- q confidently rely ; it not simply putts business on aeeount efi the high. Ameri*. man entered the room, t, her so len; that.Jerry Down, ed. Will you sit down 2 It their sores out of sight, but extirpates can tariff wall, and Chore was so rnittdht ngimpatiently for her out- I hasn't no time for a set. Mary, Hannah greeted her with unfailing the sonatas of mischief, extracts• the laded she had guile out of the she s gone 'aver to her grandmothers p hoping geinse? hoe that, corrodingOlson and stimulates nature of it ecus that the results began 6u politeness, lio m+� a on purpose to cut, ante he and there ain't anybody home to it she had not heard of her intended to fill a he ulcer•with sound, healthy seriously embarrass the l Ltmeriorais. • p pYgit thatt Kill abide through When DonapttrtH vsrtao alas fighbtii girlie with another girl. His Moore's supper, Mrs Downing was trip' g', r,' g Mrs Cxuion would �tot� cit down, life, tinder this: treadttn ant had legs England at the time, four out where sho had not been on speaking •saying you was going to get her a -soon become sound, seorbutie skins :h Mrs Goodrich since that brown cuereener. She had Only mover fol{ a moment. cast off their sea1ea, and scrofulous the latter was diativing its, supplies of hemp and timber• from lie entered made some remarks on the Yes. She bad just heard that orning that sores cease to annoy guch hope for ° ,. ' G of the butter; Mrs I7otvnitiry I s'pose it Won't be no trouble, as Miss Goodrich was going o the city, the disease was, unknown in former i rota a compact with the lllnericans to �' p and Svaiitea to know if shad days. ! destroy the commerce and power of o the ministers dentition last your buyin ,to buy me ablack iXtereen- r would be (, England. The American arm was to willin - to do the least bit cif an errand wietdtea, y t Jerry }snow when be got er at the same time. „ a invade 0auada, while Napoleon molts fannah's-fntended trip, and None, whatever. Hannah's smile I there. Would she be so kind x I wish that 9 gringo enough p to keep the British Lion so, bush that a ,tire who couldn't utsy Was getting shallow. Of course Raiinah could Fant say no, money to those who want to get mar• thate ? engoged in &rope he Would have r arses" at the C'or'ners, bat, How long he you going to stay ? and Mrs Guion chose to consider her tied, but cannot now afford it. no time to attend to his trausat•lantiC ;1Vew" oil for it was tan Till. en vy., 'Mond* ti enlbarassed silence an assent, and took I wish that every wpmaun gets what .a.farmer's;wife.. Jerry went' . I'll he Around Mofid r evening with from a bag three pieces ofsilk—yellow she most desires. I have desired it protege. This fact seems to be salol• 19spair, ,while Hannah •Seas` the money.:. You can let -me 75 sent blue and green all pectillar agneas, certain piece of furniture for two et thed by correspendeein ine p0ssessiozl I, of the Ci<nadian Uovernteent: self ta•sleep, wondering hew _ etufl, about° seven• yards 'Would, Miss Goodrich be so:lrind as to years, and 1 hope 9S Villi bring it to , t, On aceoumt of political dissensions ' save offended biro, Sl e•depattcd With as little eerenreny match ttbem:: » zephyrs 1 Sbe"had vain. n1e• ill the country in 1811 Governor Sir :t afternoon when She name" as.sbo had entered. J tried. here'and•in- ad`aceut'towns to I wish that every inaii neprosperous '. r 3 t . James Craig was supplanted by Sir t school, Hannah wits flute 1 told you.;soy-I, ,told e yoteetee said do.so, but thipii `yoti'abult noiget any, in his business, and that; ho has some George Provost, who succeed w 1st d to find Its l)aa?nirrgt ixt .:.Maty. ondxinh,,ps she lialited a aandle,:.thing the o, Would M?aa,. pt-di'i,.p......i Jzood Woman to confide ire and comforted in re so k"nd,a$:to et a•hs1f, h : . ll conoiltiig till parties, was. given cattle • room With her imiothei'.. olid Sirefittde+wci into. the teller With tele 1. 8 1 p pad ofb}xnch0 at the breaking out of the war, ' l'iwiskt.:thit the.lirl}sa' +9 g ., • W was voted arbour 1 00 i• a niaibh]• .11, f ,>� and £ ,000,0 with of these ; for they have never ddened here my mortal view, be dear ones gone before me— g. the loved, the tried, the true; avlaa walked with me life's pathway, m my sous by death were riven; have loved me best in this world,-- t be the first tc great in heaven. —Selected. merino—say about 80 cents a yard— or you might go as high as 85—I'd be much obliged and will do the same by you. • Don't mention it ! oried'Hannah. taking out her notebook and adding this small item to the long family list. The money'll be• all right, added Mrs Downing. Of course it will, Hannah laughed. Going to stay long 4 , From Thursday to Monday only. 1 can't leave my school longer, I'll he over then on Monday night after it. Waal I must say, Mrs Goodrich burst out, as the door closed after Mrs Downing, she's got: brass 1 The idea of goods. at Blake's, as the rest of With. The her asking you to lug a dress up from She's gain' to leave t at to your ;; shipping was destroye3i and On. She's for her 1 I didn't give her any judgment. Som ethin' p, etty and am will, for all am. 111e naso time taco bore the brunt of the war. In dressyand stylish, and that will be I make up my mind to go. to New Quebec the case was very different,. encouragement Svhen she spoke to me Y York, not a soul in Witham.will know and the advantages were all on the. about it, I can tell you. becoming to your. it till I am gone, if. you please;, m.a. side of that province. There was ver Oh, mother, I wouldn't refuse .for Hannah was dark with delieate feat. Y urea, and very pretty ; Amelia was • Mns•Goodrich did please: When little fighting there, agrioulture was. rho world, Hannah returned: How r Hnnsiah went, early next opting, even not materially. injui'ed,and•,tiie French,. light with coarse features -r; and home. Iy. e• Ws Downing was not told IAA -the last 'dC+ anadiati Midi many ol+portunities f moment, and then it was. beeauee to make money, whiles his English, She willing to go as gig,, as five dole 8 ears, Mrs. Dobbs went L. Still, if Hannah changed her name to Down- !brother in &iitariO • was. doing • the you don't have to spend sogmueh,ahe'1l ing the day sho went, and was as. fighting. Tltirty.seveu vessels were he tickled. Looking at/blind a little pleased as • before, of course„ to under !built at Quebec, money was spent in lull 1 tr.liad .not been to their milk.. f nu d'o 1i: fol oiie ori moat ea'nh'i x 2 wilirin tier a year, • Hannali • ivasde it for;the vrhole to'lyn Y T`he very emat"..:: f item ,.. „•,, at out al f ,a blly►, }l daaeptmu L. hare seine message (rani: Miss Prpwp, flto.dlress maker, drop.:duras peoilliar•.ebsd'ee of •eilitiitas ridge ill, bypbraiisy, ail tssl isytnes`stfxat +our f n to Pitt ov countre i e a state y � dafeii'ce,,., . Provost secured many greeted her accordingly, ped ilea littieJater.::. •.:.... - ed to l ianttt.4Yieo list:' ..;`.•, .: i• it�gg' r )3'ren li« tlttuadlnn niilital nieanwliilr,,wyty her rnotirer I beard only r Jnat rtow that yocr'rO She + s sewiugttlttfliivetiing,r,,when `iah�t�list Wee of . o.::lia1;ltaytorttt br t.. ::: ' nilict rs to rim and lcrut is :iuriousi cin tt tx�w Yrirk, slie acid' a if to i%fr '� l tele h' r, < . e,; you tvtih. your ,: se baatjrott :;:. IXII I t= tli$ mllTtit ,'ni�tZ tlisae were t y , , t $ 0 1• ',, i t JSigttiii a'litfel';11 ii .rck "Johan gcli are tfyl< i( 1 0 fatrrit weato bei-egeoted :epalbgize for not epm`ng..s ooner,:"arid its.+ '`'rhia,laSly;WIM,s ' wddl o ; 1tM btyt do r r � i to: ^' i i ••�+ :,,:r J:afBa. ... , l ..i sNi.[ lii�be� J iizi�aiwt�tz t nqi a ,t tlia8 you're ,g+yiki fi: tCi::,gtif, gotata Lhings,-eoonoiirrliil4l"It1Jd iaEit , . nit'+%l l y ,a1s r•) n NI , .,, t . � % N• tT:11,4;i: . ti s'k1A;hitt S., :, tt,,q„',I.ta t �: < tick. Ii, •*1 i ,;Ylvl f t r t t? sX,e,7yro'• ,b>pe. Matt ;:goon ;big:v:11111:41c•.seelr4; snrViceiri,:.Ela +olb .. l:,almees►gefrom Jany, ho*- for;Mre:..J)owning,2•:t ..:k. . titian'krli' i> 4 tyatafi, •} h#, ,l tb„z tttiat:,.,,you•will : hdv -.,nci sn's Werecons ,c,:> rtialit evils t3uwiiirf fief`s{ Yes�ittclwmsu,'1�ntJtilrretttriied,wtilleotitd Eibl: tifii+ri"',firts; �(�t pals, irorabliritti bettltt wil4tt'iii'F it#s :owed by ciao 0rltf' I - ° @iti'' vh. • 1 'i sl�t'at i •"s , 19 LW tYii o in hYt4 j. . •ol`t .te,G7•, p', :u tteA4ttr tk it :r§pilq:on every. Iitibli 'tit3L'$+�<, lad i'as w 11g' is , l ecritbfh ga• xnd°ni1. mill . aisyth . 114Me bigaflvi'tf ti COi r1iotx ,Y u , lit' i mo:; >: '`itilit' : 'Ftetibb ristia .who st. 'Ot.1 91 and did geliknv P,of• his, a I' cdonyt 'a � l i ,.; !# e ,., r :r ,�0,� fi�Pr cls ;�, tri 1�'e�yri tribl�i fiHtl�Jiiine tjb: ggh2ft t �pfie. � Ails .tmti�,�i,it�`uit,,ytdu•:,w:lt �e.:l#slxpYt �tl . , t , . 1� t t..e 1� t�: , r� ;lvgr •litttereniatrk' *vrk a t6ptin cel <.d # linea ;a o 88000 , e...5 trrytli t�+•od Ort, y ` d#, ail ' td t itlir ; g3ztttd:•t Vtt�l d.; dsietid thottr• !t 3:: ,� ...... :. 111 , 4 : xl tgl anter �n make b8°tiii18t it i<iiitt' j'aixrs*lft guppy. religious and ci•vil'ttdgP,'ttt; flim gs td'g' :iwa:a R��