HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-11, Page 1t
I e.
I f
Real proper, serviceable footwear is an
important item in the family economy
just now. You want for the 'boys a
girls good salmi boots. We've t
them. Or you women want a ety sh
street boot or evening slipper. We've
got them. Or the men want a good sub-
stantial, solid boot, or maybe something
finer. We've got them all.
White and faotory cottons are in de -
mend now. We are surprising a gre
many—the prices come and hear.
Our trade in Linens and Staple goods
is growing stolidity. We provide the
best the world produces and are satisfied
with a living prone; that is tho reason.
Our print stook is simply right and
, you all know it. Commendations we
have heard on all sides.
Groceries, fancy, and staple; Canned
goods, best brands. Goods delivered
Shop early. This store °loses at seven.
Direct Importers.
The BEAU, March 10,1802.
_ .
--Messrs J 3 Hof1uh & Son have a now
advertisement in is issue that will well
repay perusal.
—Mr Fox, re resenting the Toronto
.Empire, spent a f4w days in town last week
in the interests o that journal.
• Good brick house to rent in A#'1.1orth
of the town. Apply to e: "
Teeee Dzetne
• est ae
—Three new niernIjare were adereV. at
the last mooting o jior of EferrOodge,
i 0 G T. held on T tOtalx, witeningo
—Mr NV 4" Johnst
tailoring establishm
opposite the post o
u has removed his
t to Tamlyn's Block,
—Oysters served in any style, at D
Rush's restaurant,apposite D Sutherland's,
3 °Woe street.
—Mr Geo E King, who is at present
visiting the wholesani markets of Toron-
to and' Montreal, We open out, in the
store at present occupied by Mr E 0
Ciarke, tailor, in th a course of a few
weeks, with taut' see& of new goods,
• —It is hardly neressary to draw the
reader's attention to the announeerneat
of Mr T A Mills, in another part of this
paper, as he can ly rdly fail seeing it.
Read what Mr IVIil has to say and visit
his store and see t bargains offered.
—G T R trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.30 a m and 11.10 a m
via W G ez B Division, and at 6,46 a m
and 3.46 p m, 'via Cliuton and Guelph.
Good connections by all trains.
—Mr4i lif Dever vas in tow I', Wednes-
day an made final r rrangeme ts for open-
ing up e general um ertaking usiness, in
the buil ling forxnerl: ()couple by the Ims
pedal Boot and lhoe St e, opposite
Chisho 's Drug Sttre, and ill open out
t wk in full blab.
' —Mr Thomas, rep•eseoting the Edison
Incandescent Electr o Light Company, has
been in town it few lays this week, Call'
vassing the citizens A ith a view of putting
that system in Wing num The 'lights are
to be sixteen candle sower, will run from
dark till 12 o'olock, a id will cost 2,1 oents
per night.
• —Chisholm's Winter Fluid is not stick
on greasy, aures chapped hands, face
lips, rendering the skin soft and wl e.
41413o, an excellent application after shav-
ing. For sale at Chishohres Corner Drug
Store, Wingham.
• MernorasTOuuncusWrson,va.—Rev Sel-
lery, B D, Pastor. Services every Sabbath
at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sabbath Sch.ol and
I Bible C ass at .30 p tn. Genera Prayer
meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.30
o'clock. Young People's Prayer Meeting
eieery Thursday eveuing 7,0 o'clock;
• Sunday, March 13tb , Morning• subjec Anchor of Hope I edge, 0 G T, drove
"Christ, the Consoler" Evening, sex oVer to St Helens en Friday evening and
to voung men. furnished the progratiime for •an enter-
-At the cenclusio of his sermon, on tainnaent held ix connection with the
lod,ge of that plat The visitors speak
unday morning last, in the Metho-
dist churob, the Re 5 Sellery, B D, en the highest te s02 the way in which
they wore treated by the people of St
Munshaneof Ripley, spoke in a feeling in inner of the late
Is ()peeing business Robt Orr, and pointer out what wore the E'gens'
tely occupied by Mr traits of character .thit male the deceas-
ed beloved by all wl o knew him, and
thought that the gree est factor was th
aro that Inspector
—A Mr Smith, of Mt Perestsei;ho had
beeu buying horses in the viduity for a
few days, left for ti et town on Saturday
ship them from tue e to the Northwest.
evening last with rive. horses. He Will
. -,Fon SAN -About .300 cords of stove
wood. Also, about 100 bushels of potatoes.
• M. Auvr-za, lutreese maker, •
7 . Winglume, 0o
—The jewelry stoc of: Mr Ed Diusl
has been Beate a M
who, it is eaidn'into
hortly in the stand
• Di sley. .-
-We are sorry to
obb is down, in Eas , Wawanosh, with a he was fully convortrt to God and lived
severe attack of la grupe,• He contracted a conscientious Ohri4ian life.
• it last week in -Turn 3eriy.-• in trying to —The Mis
throw it off by 'driving in the open air, 120 to informe'
vicinity that
aggravated the attar,: . 7•
ing in Mrs
—Fruit and Confectionery; all kinds, at be glad to r
D linsh's restaurant. ' ,•'., . a perfect fit
teach Prof
—The next borsj fair in Wain will Dress and
be held on •Thurs ly . next, March 17th. ,•
—The Town Council, at its meeting ou
As this will likely be the last fair of the
Mendel, evening, too c a decided stand in
season, all parties having horses to dispose
of should bring hem in, A number of regard to the disinter ;ration of the tow .
buyers will be panient. . Now let the • oitize.is in public, meeting
• assembled give no uncertaiu sound and
—We are pleas d to see that Mr George follow it with polios to the Ontario
-3. Musgrove, of th s pleele, has successfully Legislature, aud the e is no doubt but the
passed his final e :ainination at the Rayed bill before that body to detach Mr 0 Will -
Dental College, etsrouto, recently held and son's property from he town will either
been granted ahouse to praepoe dentistry
be withdrawn or wil not become lew.
in this provilice.
and lnr S An'
1 2
—Messrs S D
e left on Wedn
a oar load of fine
—Mr Ii Cie
*TO., 241.41.....110
MARCH 11, 1892.
ellwood and 0 Cur -
day for Winnipeg wit
ke, tailor, will shortly
remove his bus tees to the shop one
door south of Homuth & Son's store.
.-Correspond nee should reach us by
Wednesclay's m Al, if it is intended for
publication in hat week's issue of the
Tr es.
ear E De eir will open an and r-
aking establisl meet, next week, in the
store opposite Geis holtn's drug store/See
hi annoeneement next week.
Relph lakedgson has opened a fur-
iture store and undertaking establish -
went in the old furniture store on the
corner of John f ad Diagonal streets.
--A. meeting r the Directors of the
Turnberry Agreseltural Society will be
held at the Brun nvick House, Wingitro,
on Saturday, Marroh 12th, at 1. o'blook p`'
m, for general baseness.
—It is announ -ed that the examinations
for entrance to b gh schools aud the public
school leaving emminrations will be held
this year in Jun, :instead of 'July as for.
inerly. The 28t 1, 29th and 30th of ;lune
aro the dates -fix Ncl.
Mr Crowell W neon is, down with an'.
attack of oongesti n of the lunge.
—Maitland Pnesbytery met at Brus-
sels, on Tuescla; last. The Presbyterial
Wonian's Fore gn Missionary Society
also met at the gime place on the same
date. Reports of the meetings will be
given next \\Tele
—A. curling ir_etele was played on the
rink here, on Fraley evening. last,between
the Seaforth an Wingham clubs..There
were two rinks . side, and after a keenly
contested name the Wingham curlers
came off victory by 13 shots.
—Palm Sand y ,be on April 10 ;
Good Friday, oil ; Beater Sunday,
April 17; St Pat 'ck's Day falls on a Thurs.
day ; tho 21th o May and 12th of, July on
Tuesday ; Domi 'on Day is on Friday and
C istmas Day is n a,Sunday.
A sleigh tor
of the; inenebers of
and would
galloon tee
They also
System of
es Hodgson and lie
e ladies of Wii
they have started
oilcan's old 'Italia,
eive orders. The
and good work.
Moody's Tailor
antle cutting.
Mr Agnew,of Clinton,
on, of Weasels, were also • —The furniture, picture framing and
undertaking business is what I am here to
suceessful in pa ing. attend to, and I am detertniusd that I will
—Cash for gookbutter and eggs at R A not be undersold by any legitimate dealer
-Graham's, MarketeGrocery. in the same line, if I know it. i'or proof
—Mr Adam Ileedeeson, of lot 18, eone
• cession 1, Morris, (13luevale Road), evil(
of the above, call at
13 Gneoneei Furniture Reruns,
• Wingheni.
offer his farm stook and implensentsfor —The euterbaintnenj given in the Tem-
ente by public auction on Wedneeday, perance Hall, on Tue clo.Y evening lest, by
Match 23rn,commeneing at 1. o'clock sbarp, "Mr D N McKellar, r th the Edison Phone
Terms -05 aud wider bash; 0 menthe °graph, was a succes in every sense, The
credit on sures (Wet that emount. aits hall was crowded. to be doors aud welly
rt erson, auctioneer. •were compelled to stent during the whole
ystees, oysters—By the dish, quart evening., . The progreen me was well rene
or -pint, 10 cents it glass,or 6 eolith &glass, aftad and hagbly ap veciated. The Ilea.
at R Mtn's, nediica Band, compo ettg Moors 13aintot
—R W Bro D r•Campbell, D D G M ritlothqkT`c SPartin tend lea. MeOlymonty
• for /tarot district, o Lietowel, paid Wing, gene these selections aid' each time Were
hem Lodge, No 288 A li* and i ine An giveix;..,hearty reseal. Mr W I' Brackens
.. Official vent ite the list regular meeting of sbiretecepled the eli ie in hie Usual lienPe
-the, ledge, held T iesdey evening last. hieneveo: ,The procee s from the tiolleetion
and lits at the drier amounte*o 810.
There was a good attendance,
Campbell spoke in ftettering term; at the •.—,W If Breintenelaire has te lot of Oil
lodge and the mantis* iii which the Work Pairitingsi stseen feet Beautiful A.ettitypes,
which luerieselling very °heap. I have it
• Was done. large stook of Moulaaeg on heed, and 1 am
.--Vor firet-Clatie tailoring and o p making r t Frames to order. Pho-
• gehts' furnishinge, try Webster & Co, tographyna all its beaches from relent.
•, atonember the plane, only two doors notate tures tont* size. Call and as what 1 bave
of the ?Leann and between Ross' book- when in Wien. W V Bitoeitieseuxes.
1ttenk 'Witt ham
tete an Halsted & Seobt's bank. Beaver I g
A lecture on that most interesting
ubject, "The Pyr! midis of ggypt," will be
delivered in the leskure room' of the PreS-
byteriau church, T'inghani, on the evening
of Monday, March 14th, by the Rev A F
Tully, of Mitchel Mr Tully draws large
audiences wher he goes, and handles
his subject well. o one should fail to
hear him. He c inb 1 lf of th
Young People's Sac ety of Christian En
deem. A. collect 3 will be taken .13p
due g the evening.
--Death has bee e in our midst during
he week, and we are called upon to
record the demise if Mrs Janie Bray,
relict of the late NIT Bray,a.nd daughter
of Mr Crowell Willson. After a short
illness, she breathe
evening la t, the
pleurisy. The de
all who new her
tion. e leaves b
a boy and girl, ag
13 and 11 years.
father has made 1
her death will be
more especially'
state of health a
on Wednesday
—Mr W Johnston has opened a new
custom tailoring eetablieliment, ono door
north of I> Sutberlaud'e stove and tin
shop, aud is now prepared to give the citi-
zens of Wingharn and surrouudiug country
satisfaotion in every thing that may be
intrusted to his care. Coatmalters wanted
at nce.
—A meeting wil lbe held in the basement
of the Presbyterial church this (Friday)
evening, at 8 o'clock, to orgauize sliming
elites, to bs conduc ed by Prof Scott, the
new Preoentor of te Presbyterian chinch
Wirtanees.—W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Sabbath School and Bible class at 2.30.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 730 p. m. Seats free. Strangers wel-
come. Sunday, M itch 13th. Morning
subject, "The wliert and the darnel."
Being No. 3 of the Parables. Evening,
"A close call."
—Having opened L oustom tailoring ess
tablishmeut in Ibis town, one door noith
of D Sutherland's stove and tinsbop, I beg
to announce that I guarantee every suit
that leaves my shop to be a perfect fit and
warrant them to be built by superior
workuieu, ouly. Give us a call. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed. Charges as cheap as the
cheapest. Coatmaltors wanted at once.
W J Jonsaroxr.
Miss Bella Watieh, of Paris,is the guest
of helosister, s Walter Tayloie. air
Rowland Gordon, ,vho was for sometime
•with Mr G Wra; , merchant,, Alma, is
visiting hie parents just now..Mr A
Todd, of the Clinton Neres.Eeuerd, was in
town on Monday r ed,spint a short time
in the Tains Mike. Mr Todd was on
-hi* way to attend the meeting of Grand
• Orange Lodge of Western Ontario,whicit
is being held in 0 wen Sound this week..
Miss M 13ailey, of Ashinold, was visiting
friends in town last week—Mr D M
Gordon was in B 'needs on. business•on
Tnesday. lnlissea
Annie Hodgman,
days this week vi
Mr and Mrs Johi
wore visiting frie
..eir Geo J lelusg
friends in town
lento MeDonegh end
Blyth, spent a few
iting friends in town..
Dodds, of Soaforth,
ds in towri this weele.
ore, L D S, is visiting
is week.. Col D ,D
Canaphell, of Listo'vel, paid the Tines a
friendly call on Tuesday last—Mr D
Hogg, of Brussels, vas in totvn vieiting
Wends this week.. lIr Wm Ridd,of Bing-
hampton, N Y, wa—iti town a few days
during the week c lling on Montle.. ear
Win Nicholson, of Toronto who haebeen
tting -friends in vicinity for. some
time, returned to t e city on Wedn.esday.
. • ,!
the calmer at the taut y auel the o
at the purop house, to rut: up Mili
street, if required. . That Wig war
gone 4:n3 with as soon possible. la
committee reemniee .1 thee book
ladder truck be• purob sed, but that I
Counoil say the amount o expendedi
Moved by E. Clarke, •econded by N
Brookoushire, that the r'port ot the F
Water and Light Com 'nee be adopt
that the Clerk bd..auth • ized to adver
for tenders for the rk, and. that
committee prepare s ecifications ann
• necessary details for e work; tendere
be received up to rand opened on the 23
March—Carried. Th Finance Commit
reported, recominendi g payineut of t
fallowing accounts, exc pang Messrs •
• christ,Green Uo's,it u t being certified:
viz: John Hanna, char y orders, ee ;
Grifliu, charity orders, ee Alex la
stationery, $5,90 ; Jas array 001Wa
works, 86.78; Messrs lchrist, Green di
electric light, $4.20.; • Malaise, turn
0108 ; Wnt 'Holmes streets aud wat
works, j1,80; ,7ohn forshall wood, $18.
John Marshall, char ty, A 13Fiarbr
waterworks, $16,; J. lin Henna, charity.
Tho committee, re vein:tended that
committees having be expenditure
• moneys, do not expeu any without c!
whit% either the Coon or the Flute
Committee. The cow • ittee also has
eiainiued the auditors' report and lot
it correct, recommeue 1 that the same• .
adopted. The report f the cominittee
adopted and the t ..uuts ordered td
paid. The following aoeaunts were ti
read and ordered to be paid Gilehr
Green & Co, clectgic ti 432.80; Real
Bros, livery, rr..).: Got ion MolutV
charity orders, i3. Is Property Co
mittee reported agaius- Towa 16,
being grauted to the urtoborry Agri
tural Society oa whir to hold their.
next fall. Also, the •sii,.orittee rel
that they had aceep td the offer 4
Trato for ptint'in, to nor:, for the.
town .tie repot t cf the conerai
Waft aflOpfacir., Of1 etc :3Ifr And
Murray was granted refund of dog
Moved by John Ii4F1... seconded- by j
Elder, that this Ceriu ;,1,1 is opposeit to
bill rimy before the thotanio Legjelat
entitled an Act to hep %its? ti. psirtion of
Town of VI/Mgt:Am a ireirorn aud an
the same to .ha Towi atilt,. ui Tura*:
• and that the Mayor a id. Clerk bo hist
last on Sunday
tuse of death being
eased was beloved by
r her kindly disposi-
iind her two cbikiren,
respectively about
For years her aged
is home with her, and
sore blow to him, the
he is in a very delicate
present. The funeral
was largely attended.
The members of he Wingham Masonic
lodge, out of res iect to her late husband,
Who was a Past luster of the lodge, sent
a beadiful wreneh of callow Mlles. and
the Ladies' Gui d of St Paul's+ ohureh,
broken pillow o flowers. The relations
of the deceased have the sympathy of an
our citizens in tioLLoi bereavement.
NOV Undertaking and Furniture Estab-
rt, Renorit Ilonoson has completed
arrangements for opening it Furniture
• and Undertaking establishneent in the ola
furnitunestore, nearly opposite the
Queen's \gingham, and will open
in a fie*? days with a full steak of Furs
niture, Mouldings, and Undertaking
goods. Pleture lermiting done promptly
and Well. Special attention given to
sobbing and repairing, and guarantee all
I work done. Raving had long experience
in the furniture and undertaking busie
mess, am sire I can glee satisfaetion.
A splendid now hearse for hire. Call
and inspo goods and get prices.
Retoner HOixisort.
It Is Not Trno.
I understand o. report is being circulated
that I arn charging from fi,'10 'to 'f•de. more
ted to prepare and foun•ata nomori
the Legislaturo 'prayi g that'saiti bil
not become law—Cat ied unanimou
l3flay.ed W Holmes, e concied by Jos
Galley, that a deputati consisting oE!
*Mayor aucl Clerk re 'pointed to ,tit
before the Private Bill Committee of,
Qatari° Legislature to ppose the bill
before the Legisleture r the rernev
for funeral tarnithings thau is charged for Mr Crowell Willsmee fa to fram;t4
the same artioles in neighboring toirms. I of Wiughtt• ra for
• wish -it distinctly understood that Ittileral
furnishings have been in the nasn•-and will Poses'' --Carried• • Meked .Y Gael?
do& by Auderson, that thisseeo
instruct bit' R no foam to pet;
troughtug on the south eine of tho,fo'
situated on the north Sk le of Victorla
west—Referred te,the treat Coin
Moved by 1) Sutlferliiiel, ticeended by
Brockenshire,' thee the req
the Mayor to ti.11 a pa tneetiug of
Citizens to dismiss the withdrawal
Willsotes prcipepey fr the Corpo
--Carried, ,111.00,10. , rockeuthire
if thatowestAt.4Wrid the band i
Indite winch iverie erly need b
be iii.the rurtran supplied (quality cousider-
ed) as eheaply as by auy other undertaker
in or withiu 25 miles of Wieghtuu. And
also, that when required, all suck supplies
are delivered free anywhere withits ten
miles, and funerals are attended to per..
sonally bv 13 GRAM,
Practical Undertaker, •
• Town Ninon,
.last. Present- W 0 tgg, Mayor; ,Tolin
Hanna, Reeve and Councillors Messrs
Sutherland, Clark°, Anders:1u, Golley,
Herdsman, Elder, Hc -roes, Itomuth and
Brockenshire. The mutes of last meet-
ing read and adopted. A oorninutneation
• was read from Mt J le Morton, solicitor,
informing the 6laym that Mr Crowell
Willsou intended goiu on with his pro -
poised hill before the utario Legislature
to have his farrn Beta bed from the town
and attaching it to the township of Tu
• rn-
berry. Also, a coideation was read
Pfroin Me a T Garrote, P P, in the same
:natter, and e letter fr the Town Clerk
to Mr Gamow. A cop of the private bill
before the Ontario , Le 'stature in regard
to the detaching of Mr Villson's farm was
alto read. Tho. comma icatioes and the
private bill were referre to the Executive
• The Vire, Water and no
reported as follows, throe
W Holmes: 1. That the t
• for tenders to lay au 8sitie
hydrant racer the Di witty Id
eteeet, to the pump . house.
Limit be placed oil the corn
my', 8. Thee there be tat
The regular mom ly meeting of the
Town Council was lief lielt on Meuday eveuin
Wain band. The Cler read au hive
of the; instruments *hi it had been
ed in to liim it couple f sneers ago. let
by ••.W P Brocketiehre, seeouded
Butherlaudethat• the 'repine), Conine
deflect the hand lusts dents IssioNi:
the town and' briug sat l� to the en
chamber et *Uwe ,v*.larr ed. Mr 3 A
ten, solicitor for •Mr 0 owoll Wjllsoi
dressed the Council 1 reference t
detachindr, of lir Waist) 'a farm fro
Tewn of Wingliain for tinfoil -ad, jud
and eleetotat4Purposts.'' Ur 3 H itIeK
addressed the Council i reference
sele to the Owe of a soma hande
owned by him. The ni tter Wet re
to the property corn 01 tee. Oa
the saes of 0,30 wa t aueferred
oral it of the Public S hoot .Board,
• Couueil then neljeorited
*Pieture V' ranting,
1 have just received ane ' of the
ee ceeentiebee stocks of itionldings for picture and
tLechairmail, firainiug ever brought into Weigh
unon, Itavertlic1,1 ea sb bought let apeetally 'to sell,
pipe from tbe Se it you Plilviets;icallirebtt gwote e
eseseaseinaue Paietings, any site or Sty le, to les
That hring:thein along and we trains*
u1y4 for yeasnit 'Alert motion at .
at the tan., I S Gee
otio tot