HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-04, Page 8oINDOO cardine, are vieitiug at Mr John Roby - I ertson's at present.—Mr George MacDonald and t*Ir John McIntosh, ai 'ng and swifter oltettitig and die.. of MOI 3WOrth, were in Bluevale on Ay of fashionable ready-made Mantles, Friday.—Mr Norman Duncan was in itaks and Capes. The biggestamd best ,1 atichester on 1 'ecl.nesd V and 'J.'hurs actrtment outside the oity. Everything day.—.A. load of Itluev,,pestes went to rs Watt, iter appeals to the eye, taste and sound f of thethe sTi eltnence pf >vherMr e tr pAd ,Ienjoyable mens of values, is Moro in p superb' time was spent. ---Mr James and Miss the catchy kinds 1. all the superb' Jennie ):loge, of AleIiillop,•were visits 'etas`= all the correct conceits; all the •ing at Itis Frank Scott's, or. Saturday rchie ttanoies,atquicksoilingprices, and fiuuday,-Ur Dunn has moved to `mart the season right; to force rove»• his house in Bluevale.—Sa'serai people gout to demonstrate that here's the of Bltlevnle attended the funeral of Wand Row's the time to buy. the late Mrs Peter McLaren, of Turn- Spring neckwear It's like a dream tot berry. --On Monday,, Watt Patterson through oar spring nook wear mud see l drew a log to Bluevale Mills which beautiful patterns, so iugenuously 1 measured 1027 ft stn ll:tub Kin,,,, drew -.-d to pleaae your eyes. We made a I a load of 1340 ft of maple.—The di. ail effort this season to retail at 25o ! rectors of the Dluevale Cheese and quo, Teoks, Ascots andfour-in-hand Buttes Company, who are John R ^ that will. attract customers who ally pay more. hat objection can you have to our ing you money on Gloves, Shirts, brollas and Hoelery? Our prices, we nk, will do it. • entlenien-G We have opened up our Tweeds and Spring Overeoating. We 11 endeavor to keep pees with the nand of the best trade of the town. torn made suits will be, a special are. Novelties in suitings from all ring manufacturers, We guarantee sfaction and attention to every detail strictly first class inea's turn -telling rise. Our new hats are open and ready Miller, William Jatnes Johnston, James Elliot, William Ishister and Robert Maxwell, met in Bluevale on Mouday. Among the business trans ,sacticns, it was decided to buy a new Bttbmucic tester to catch all guilty pat, rens, It was also caecided to have vers• tilatora put in the ectory, besides hay. ing some general repairing done.— There died in Bluevale, on Monday, 22nd, William Anderson, aged 87 years all but one month, Deceased had ljved in Bluevale for about 85 years and was one of Turnberry's old- ] inspection, at .est residents, alta r MNINDUO'S. .,',mussels . a _ -or Mr as Walker, oiii'ri>tg9 builder, has removed to the stone shots, oppo- dr"` �"' site the town hall, and is in a better ra oat ion an ever s t ` t „ u merous customers. He is turning out ' t a larne number of buggies carrinnes, FItIDAY, MARCH 4, 1892, TB=TNAY BE FOXI YOU. There are quite a number of ubsoribors to.`the Truss who have t paid .for 1891, and some who we for several years.. This para. mph is inserted as a reminder to ch, and we Hope they will at nee put themselves straight on ur books, as we do not like to be empelled to resort to "dunning." shave done little of it in the got, and trust our patrons will of force us to continue it. Country papers should be •aid „ a &c, this year, an' ads ready sale a for all he manufacture as be uses only the best material in their manuface td re. EVERY FARMER'S SON. SIIOVI.I) BAN A Bo$Ineg Educating, A POSTAI, will secure the catalogue of the FOREST CITY Business college, Ti01\Ti'0IT 0ST'1', Over 100 students in attendance. ; 1 J. W. Westervelt, Larinolpal; PRO 'EOTY I•I Ic SALE. Vassal°, in the Town Plot of Winrrha,n, two Park Lots, Nos 40 and 41, on Alice street, north of the Railway; good innd and good water close by, ani a 4ma11 strean, runs alp the year across a small corner of the prop y ; with apples, cherries and small fruits, ase fairly good. Apply at the •'TINI:S" OFFICE, Winghnm, Ont. \F FOR SALE OR TO OM .The subscriber offers his waggon shop,. in iielgtavo for sale or to rent, on easy terms. For particulars apply to the proprietor, Bolgrave, Ont. .Also, 1 have in stock a number of Wagcu5, Bug- gies, Cutters, Sleighs, Land Rollers, Stone Boats, W boolbarro} s, Seo., }vhieli will be suld at greatly reduced »'Ices, as I, am going out of business. ROBERT STERLING, . Belgrave, Ont. LADIES, SEND FOR Illusttated Catalogue of Ladies' Specialties. ADDRESS •- THE' PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE CO., 19 (IIIEGN ST. MAST, TORONTO, INT. Mention this paper, Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning ? The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more selves if you oan afford for the sake of HAMILTON TO terrible disease Consumption. Ask your savug 50o.,to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails, Culross.' The long talked of entertainment ander the auspices of the Patrons in No 3, came off on .Friday last, and was mere than a success. Parties from a distance were surprised at the amount . has on hand l' y One of th marke ZnYRUP, best blood purifier on the It cannot be surpassed by P . y for skin diseases of all kinds. N MEDICINES quality is of the first importanee. FOR w'+•..,gl!.�w 3.I' C.i..Ml,M NT!, It is with pleasulc that I announce to the publics that I have :Resumed Business in ` '"inglar, and while thanking. all' old customers who supported me in the past, I beg to ask their kind and liberal support again. By exper'ienle I find a, roan has to attend to his own business, whish 1 mean to do in the future. ' I can assure the public that I have l • MARK D DOWN EVERY LINE OF GOODS, ANI) Will Not be 'Undersold. in. Winghana so you may look for Cheap Goods. • Yours sincerely, 010. A. MILLS. toves9 t.v. es, Ste ..F es A21 intending purchasers of stoves for this winter x0.1 save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a Yery large variety of URE DRUGS, HEATING AND COOK to the PHARMACY. A. L. HAMILTON, Druggist, Wingham. RADE ' SALE ! General Merchants and Boot and Shoe Stores, onnection with my Leather Business I keep a stock of oemakersFindiogs1 can supply the trade at lowest prices with ATON AND PENINSULAR UTTON FASTENERS tk SETS. , 1 1 d, Van SSII\TO. 5 S - -0 v -S to choose from Every stove guarenteed against breakage and, to give complete satisfaction. D. SUTHERLAND. Wingharu, October Sth, UM. O a ro olaa, 1 M. D. M. A., L, C. P. S, 0„ M. 0, P. S. ht., IN 10,15 AND 25c. SIZES. SPECIALIST, 5HAWAYS, WHI'TMORE'S, ZANONI, ECLIPSE, gross lots at groes prices. MI A. tr i S COTTON, all lengths, TORONTO. ,I LOGS! 106S ! LOGS! We aro prepared to pay the Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says i--- HIGHEST , PRICES IN CASH "'After spending all my honey and prop- erty tt3 ud purpose on medical men, for for.; All kinds of good, sound what t ey termed a hopeless case of con- Eil?LIL rt ,I °' r hbr f 1 d, Dr S bolterLOGS all eumptioni Dr. Sinclair °,teed me." S Mrs. MttfY :E'urlong, Woodhottse says; .LEATH » r Single Tag Horsetide When of fitrf'r s ai e 1ivere d a t e cure de cad Nlfll. LEATHER Uoehle Tat .Horsehide, W. MmcDonald, t akefield, says GENT71Ng PORPOIS Sinclair cured mo of Catarrh.' BxGrasti, r`E•1Y't'1I:T+:E ±DOES. - (leo. Rowed,Biytht,• Bays ,—"Dr, $tlii- _ (flair cured me of holt dissaeel'and drol3 ALSO mitt b syiD�iseaseslofprivate natiiire,brotig1i Ott,Basswood Headlll. Dolts, DE LEATHER. b ;toll Dr. Sinclairoerta�i��' t1 °tires. i r thd Domestio and h'.reflelt, at the very lowest by,folly CONSULTATION 11 lZEE; 1 y t td Cord, Prices, DR. SINCLAIRwill b:�, a'ttlx6' t is .A: