HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-04, Page 7A Preferred Creditor, A goad story is going the rounds about a New York merchant who "e- aontly failed for a lame amount. He called all his creditors together and. offered to settle with them at tett cents ou the dollar, giving them his notes, payable in thirty days. As most of the creditors had little hope of getting anything; they eagerly accepted the proposition. One man, however, stood out for better terms, and all efforts to get him to agree were futile. Finally the bankrupt took him out in the hall and said : Ven you come in an' sign mit de udders, don I make you preferred creditor, All right, said the kicker, under those circumstances I will agree to a settlement. The papers were signed and all the creditors left except the one who had. 'been told he was to be preferred. Vat are ye vating for ? said the Tuan vlho had failed. Why, you said I was to be preferred. I am waiting to know what I am to get. Vell, I tell you—you get notings. *.Osttenii`iifiui . - Why, you promised to make me a prefei•i:ed• creditor if I would sign with the rest. ' And so you are, I make you prefel•redt, I tell you now you gets notings. De udders wait thirty days before dey know it, and den clay got notings. • CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron- chitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throatand Lung Affections, also a positive and radicalcure for Nervone Debility and all Nervus Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, he has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send tree of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French at' English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. .A. Noroi 8.20 Pavers Block Rochester, N, Y. How to Treat Them. (From the Ladies' Home Journal.) Because he loves ,you, shall he be 'the last to be thought of ? Because lie loves you, shall you give no thought of the words you say to him 4 ° Because he loves you, is that any reason why you should be inconsider5 ate of him'I Because he loves you, shall you not thine it necessary to be at your best anil sweetest far Mint? ' •,.e fuse he loves you, shall you laugh at his affection and think his ex. pressions of it are funny. 1 Because he loves you, • Shall he be treated so *that he wonders, after all, if you have any love for him ? ' Because he loves you, shall you never think it necessary to say the sweet words of thanks for the tour• tesies he shows you 1 Because he loves you, shall you seem to put a tax on hien in the way of presents and entertainments that, it hi just possible he cannot afford ? Oh, you foolish girl ! Do you want to lose your love 4 It is like those old Venetian glasses, fine, slender and delicate ; pour into one all the great Wealth of your affection and the glass will hold it, but let one drop of the poison of self will or indifference get in and the glass is scattered into a thousand pieces. When Nature Smiles Agaiu, When nature smiles again in the mild spring days, mankind often groans from. the effects of bad blood and kindred troubles engendered by the long hard winter. Remove the cause of all the trouble by purifying your blood with nature's remedy, Burdock Blood Bitters, the best blood searcher and tonic over discovered. ' She Envied Him, bate being alone, said Ethel, as she sat conversing with Lhellie: I like company. Indeed, said Lhellie, removing his cane knob from his mouth to 'enable himself to talk, you surpwlse me. I never feel bored when I'm alone, I am satisfied with my own society. • Alen you are more easily pleased than anybody I ever met, elle said. BOW I envy you 1 E'or Influenza or •'La Gripre" Wilson's - Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is a sure , and safe remedy. There is no better mediw sine for the pure of Influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Croup and kindred disease's. Geb the pumas int Bite wrappers. Ri11'e Tenor and nay fuse, Bill was short and dapper, while 1 was thin and tall— I bad flowin' whiskers, but 13111 had none at all; Clothes would never seers to set so nice on me and him -- Folks used to laugh and say I was too powerful slim, But Bill'sclothes fit him like the paper oa the wall ! And we were the sparklin'st beaux in all the place, When .Bill sung tenor and I sung bass ! Cyrus Baker's oldest girl was member of the choir— Eyes as black as Kelsey's eat, and cheeks as rod as fire ! She had the best soprannor voice I think 1 ever, heard— Sung "Coronation," "Burlington," and "Chiny" like a bird; None done better than with him a -stand- in' nigher, A-holdin' of her hymn book so she wouldn't lose the place, When Bill sung tenor and I sung bass ! Then there was Prudence Hubbard, so cosy like and fat— She sung alto and wore a pee -wee hat; , Beaued her around, one winter, and, first thing I knew. Ono evening on the portico I'up and called her Prue 1 But, sakes alive, she didn't mind a little thing like that— On all the works of Providence she set a cheerful face, When Bill was singin' tenor and I was singin' bass. Bill, nevermore we two shall share the fun we used to then, Nor know the comfort nor the peace we had together when liv in Masse(chussetts in the good old e urtin' days And lifto up our voices in psalms and hymn and praise — Oh, how ' . wish that 1 could live them happy t'mes again ! For life, as V boys knew it, had a swept peculiar ;race When you wa ' singin' tenor and I was singin' bas The music fobs have nowadays ain't what it used ,o,be, Because their atn't n`d; :3ingers`neFic pn earth like Bill and mo; Why, Lemuel Bangs, who used to go to Springfield twice a year, Admitted that for singin' Bill and me had not a peer When Bill went soarin' up to A. and I . dropped clown to D ; The old bull -fiddle Beza Dimwit played' warn't in a race 'Longside of Bill's high tenor and my sonorous bass Bill moved to Calfforny in the spring of '54, And we folks that used to know hien never knew hint any more ; Then Cyrus Baker's oldest girl—she kind o' pined a spell, And, hankerin' after sympatif:y, it natur- ally befell That she married Deacon Pitkin's boy who kep' the general store ; And so the years—the changeful years— have rattled on apace, Since Bill sung tenor and I sung bass. As I was sittin' by the stove this evenin' after tea, I noticed wife kep' hitchin' close and closer up to me, And as she patched the gingham frock our gran'child wore to -day, T heard gin a sigh that seemed to come from fur away— Couldn't help inquirin' what the trouble might be ; Was thinkin' of the time, says Prue, abreshin' at her face, When Bill sung tenor and you sung bass ! • Since Alex Anderson, the abscond.. ing book-keeper of the Macdonald Manufacturing Co, Stratford, took his departure defalcations have been crop. ping up on all hands until the amount.- now mountnow foot up to nearly $3,000. Ander• son's operations extend over nearly the entire period of his connection with the firm. a A. Audette, proprietor House of from• mous barber shop, Ottawa, says :—A num. ber of my customers are using Anti -Dau. druff, and it gives the best of sattsfaetion and I consider it a success for the purpose advertised. A real estate boons is a bubble that everybody in the place helps furnish the wind to blew, expecting it to fur. uieli theta plenty of wind to live with- out blowing.. Janes --Cana yon tell me a Miss who is not as good, by seven, as a mile ? Brown -0, come off ! That's too fur 'long for nie, There isn't so much difference he- tween statesmen and babies: they both go off and suck their thumbs if they can't be waited on first. AnvtoS 'to IIIarlikne,—Aro you disturbed at night and broken of your test by a sick child sutteting and otying with paih of Cutting Teeth? It so send nt 81180 Ifni go .e bottle of ' ilea, Wlnstow's soothing 'Syrup" Par Children T88thing. Its value is` inealcul• able, It will reflate trio poor little euffarar hnmediatoly. Depend upomit, l 0i1.ers ; ti cro is no mistake about it, ft cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, teaulates the Stomach and Heiress, cures wind Colne, softens the Ousts, reduces Inftannaation, and gives tone and energy to tho whole system. " Mre, Wim blow's Soothing Syrup " for children teothink Is ttdeasant to the taste aades the itrosot iptlen 8f ono of the oidoet and beat curse physicians and rfurees In the `United States, and is for ante by all drugless throttghcat the world. Price twenty.flve cents a bottle. Ile sore and ask for "Mae. wntstow's 110or11s48 Vire, ,.nd fake no other kind • I* • e cp wiIER At SE ' a . Beet Cough syrup, master Goo . 11so In Gime, Sold by dru . `fats. • I i w." WiLL CURE QR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, RHEUSM, ACIDITY CID THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE,. OF THE SKIN, And ovory'species or' disease arising from disordered .LATER, LEER"' STOMA.CFI, 131,VEYS OP E.LOOD° MIt4URN ec CO,, yrarrtc�o orl�o. FRIENDSHIP & CO ., haying leased the shop, owned by ,yf$ H Lemma; l . FOUN toe ai term sf years, beg to ut irs tllopublio that they 'FAH I� are in a position to turn out first class FOR THE BET VALUE ORD �'9D .. CLOTHING ST� AR'17 • HATS, OAPS, COLLARS, SWETS, CUFFS, Cheap for ASE --AT—.— E -13. S '-j~ E 14, ' g JAS.-MURRAY & 00.1 Carriages, Waggons, Cutters, Sleighs, etc., on shortest novice, Only the best quality of mater- ial used in their manufacture, The BLACKSMITIIING carried on • as usual. Horse -Shoeing a Speciality. We are prepared to sell 20 er cent. cheaper than the cheapest f 01115 MANUFACTURERS OF Plows, Iron Gang lows, Lan Rollers, Mowers.. LSO, WALMSLEY'S PATENT n taw FRIENDSHIP & CO.(s IEIP,a, fl LLAT N VflN IC • volMolilyMah ' COMPLETE WITH PUMPS, &c. WARRANTED THE BEST IN C 9 TINGBRASS' 1 -- -I ;?P S in car n ; So our stock of new and desirable TO ORDER. 00 S end.S:EHO.�s9 REPAIRING AS USUAL. Overshoes, ii �bers� &c., For old and young, at prices which des' competitio Great Variety, Groat Bar\ins, Great Opportunity. "1 Having purchased the business lately owned by Mr D ilcCoimick, next to the Bank of Hamilton-, and added to the already largo stock, I wish to inform the people of Wingbarn and surrounding country that I 0111 nl a position to furnish them, with anything in the Boot and Shoo line at astonishingly low prices ORDERED WORK A SPECIALTY, Your patronage kindly solicited. Don't forget the stand—Two doors north of the Postoflfce JOHN MARTIN. Beautify Your Homes JAS. H. FRIEND, ° Late of Hamilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER; PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, &C. Would take this opportunity of informing the citizens of Wingham and surrounding eountry that having had large experience in city work, he is prepared to do Alaoastining, Ii:alson,tning and Wall Papering fn the latest approved styles of plain and decorative work. Churches, Halls or other public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at moderato rates. Graining in Walnut.0ak, Bird's Eye Ma- ple, &e., a Specialty. All orders entrusted to my care done with neatness and despatch. Orders left at Mr. Ross' Bookstore will receive prompt attention. JAS. EI. FRIEND. Wiugiiam, April 3rd. ZETLAND D SAW MILE GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car load Orders a Specialty. \1OOD delivered to any part Wingliatn. Qui" Orders by 'mail promptly attended to. GSOIIGE THOMSON, These remcdic Whlgbam 1', 0, JAS. MURRAY & CO. P. 5.—All those indebted kindly call and settle at once. nt H0l. DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORM'S. or ALL KIND IN CHILDREN OP ADULTS %WEETA; SYRUP ANt? c ANNOT•HARt4 1i-rE MOT D,E6JOA` C Od- ,I PurilS the Bloc Is the only fciia TIIICOATSCOMDISNAnSr 11' IIA: end sold by all Med ita'"Parhaser not sea Oxford