HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-04, Page 5ka
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%T. LT. CD M. TT 'I' S
lance, .3 .rn3,-
aii Prieos „A, Surpri$es Evorybody'
Nov is the Time to. get BO TS and SS S at your 0 Wfl
We havo not got time to specify, but call and see for yourselves. We must make room for Spring importations.
Ike are Still Bug Making up to Order the Most Nobby Suits to he foitnd West of TOMilial
That's the verdict of our most particular customers. We accept their decision.
N. 13. -We must respectfully request the payment of all accounts at once.
orris• sideline between lots 25 and 26, con 3, Cxearee White's bongo and lot on from Windham, T3luevale,Blyth, Turn•
berry, Auburn, Londesborough and
Brussels courts, and shortly after two
o'clock the procession left the Foresters'
hall and proceeded to the late residence
of the deceased. All being in readi.
ness, the funeral procession, headed
by the Foresters, proceeded to the i
Methodist church, Belgrave, where an
appropriate discourse was delivered by j
the Rev J H Dyke, pastor, when the
remains were followed to their last
resting place in the Brandon cemetery t
by a very large concourse of friends
The deceased was an upright, honor-
able man, and his death has cast a
gloom over this section, --C w e are call-
ed upon to chronicle the death of Mr,
P W Scott, daughter, of Mr John
Campbell, this week, which Bird event
took place on Thursday The decease
ed had been married only about a year,
and was in her 21st year. The re-
mains were interred in the' Brandon
cemetery on Saturday, being followed
to th ,J;rave by a large number of sor-
rowing friends and relatives,
&Mos, RnaaoRT -The following are $,20 ; Treaserer, uncollected taxes, _ Drnsley street. The price paid Was 1
the pupils of S S No 10, Morris, who $6.40 ; Al Morrison, insurance fees, $700.--ltev 11r• Craig, of Clinton,
• took the highest number of marks in $1; T S Brandon, salary and capon, preached in the English church here •
their respective classes, en: the month ses, $100, On motion of Proctor and Sunday laet.--The congregation of the I
of February. Fifth class -- James' Howe, the council then adjourned to Presbyterian church have decided to i
Breckenridge and 'Robert Woodrow. meet again on the 28tH of March. ivote again on the merits of the organ.
Senior Fourth -Jim McEwen, Milton Wirx. OLAnx, Clerk. The voting will tae place next Sun•
McEwen, Ag'ie Smillie. (Jitn Pea- o day and the Sunday following.= Miss
cock, Sam Oaldbick and Ward OW- Glenfarrow• Phemie Hamilton, of Staffa, is at
biek all equal.) Junior Fourth -Milton Mr D Fraser was at Millbank Mon, present visiting her brother, J M
McVety, Sarah Wilson, Mary Peacock day, attending the funeral of his Iiamilten.-Miss Annie Drummond
and Rebecca Whiteford. Senior Third brother.rn-law,the late Dr Rutherford, -spent last week with Miss Littlefair.--
-Archie Messer, William Woodrow., of Port Elgin. -Me and Mrs • Alex Miss Mary Austin, of Detroit, is ou a
Andrew Wilson and Aggie Forrest • Campbell, of Crossbill, have returned visit to her home at present. -Mr
Junior Third -{Sarah Thornton, Burt' home, after • spending a week with Peter Purvis started his woollen mill
McAveen and Rebecca Forrest. Senior, friends here. -The Messrs McTavish, ou Monday of this week. -Mrs Myles
Second -Walter Breckenridge, Geo of North Easirhope, have also returned Young has returned home from dark -
E Johnston, Walter Smillie and to their homes. -john Campbell. of ham where she has been visiting
,..:.s; <- ......•••iiia ha Jonhston. Junior Second--. Seaforth, spent'a few 'days at home • friends.
Willie •McEwen, Robert Simpson, last week. -Mr Alex McPherson is ; iiowlok•
Mary Woodrow ,aud Chas Forrest. . spending a month with his brother in ..7
Monthly Report of S S No 13, Howe
ick and.Turnberry. The names of the
'three in each class, who have taken
the highest marks are given, also the
number of days which they r attended
during the month : 4th class , sr -1st
David Wier, 17 days, 2nd, Elsie Mc-
IVIichaeI,17 days; 3rd, Alex Thompson,
13 days. 4th jr-Cassa Barton, 18
days ; 2nd, Lizzie Rolston,. 16 ' days ;
3rd, Bella Underwood, 1.5 days. 3rd
Mr Wilson leaves ,next Tuesdrw for 1 -1st, Joe Underwood, 20 days; 2nd,
y Lily Fortune, 18 days ; 8rd, Lottie
Boissovain, Man,where he will remain, Hooey, 18 days. 2ucI-1st, Melvin
if things are favorable, and if not,
he will go to. Colorado, where he has Willits, 19 days ; 2nd, Jas Barton, 19
had the offer of a good situation on a days ; 3rd, „envie Palmer, ldays.
cattle ranch. -The sate of Mr Adam b 7 HAs wool, Teacher.
Reid's farm stook and implements, on The folluwina is the report of 5 S
Tuesday of tins week was well attend• d No 1, for the month of February ;
ed and what was offered for sale d thoroughly h Class 1V -•-H Burns, G Taylor, Sr III
brought good prices. Mr Reid swill
ale -Wm John Finlay, M Halliday. Jr
remove his family to Brussels shortly. f 1 III -Goo Johnston, J as Douglas. Sr
-On Monday evening of last week a 1I -Wesley Tremble, Rachel Finlay.
"socia] hop''was held at the residence Jr 11 -bertha Deneis, W J Sangster.
of Mr Isaac Fernald, Browntown. P Pt II -Effie Burns, Thos Ferguson.
The council met at the council room, l 1 11' I Pt I-Robt Nichol, Wm Burns
Morris, Feb. 22nd, 1802, pursue
.ant to adjournment. Members all East tWiawanosli•
present. The Reeve it' the chair. I Miss Mary Black returned from
Minutes of last mvetinx read and DI F d T Euthven, Essex, last week, where she
passed. The Auditors' report was 1 V d ,(las been on a visit. -The Van Camp
presented, and after being examined 1 d farm, on the 5th concession, which was
by the Council, it was moved by Jas sold at Gallagher's hotel, 13elgrave on
Proctor, seconded by Geo IC,iritby,thet S 1 l Monday, was purcbased by Mrs A
the report be -adopted -Carried. Mov- h Nixon, of Donnybrook, at a reasonable
ed by 5 Oaldbiolr, seconded by Jas figure -Mr Charlie Se att, fornrnrly of
Proctor, that the Treasurer be granted this township, but lately of Nassaga-
an order for $84.08, to be credited to y birthday. --Those weya, has been upending a few days at
the school fund of this township -Oar- his old borne ••--M.essrs Wm and West
ried. Shoved by Jas Proctor, second- t f d ILI Taylor and 3 Bowles, of Guelph, ac,
ed by'S Caldbiek, that the Auditors' D ld ' t compaeied by their better halves, have
Abstract be published in the Brussels disappointed 1 y beers visiting friends and relatives in
Post and 4Vingharn ldva,ire-Carried. g this; locality..-- Meesrs 3 Johnson and
Moved by Geo Kirkby, seconded by b 1 f b 1 M °beater had each a well attended
C A Howe, that this Treasurer be in- p d y bale of farm stool; and implements, on
strutted to deposit $1500 in the Bank Wednesday and Thursday of last
of 1 ittniiltou, to the credit of this' dor- by "
.oration --"Carried. On motiirn of B iV1 } b week.
p The funeral of Wm Stonehouse,
Messrs Caldbick and Bowe, the fel- whose death by accido it was %immune
lowing ncoounts were ordered to be to Mrs Shelton, of Morris, Mr Errtiglt odd last week, took pinto on Friday
JAMHS L WILSON, leacher. Dent County.- Mise Nettie Muir
John Mason,,jr, and sister Jennet,,, spet,t a few days last week with the
spent part of last week renewing:' Misses Gemmill,-Miss Annie Mit-
acquaintances in Hnllet and Tucker- .shell, of the boundary, is spending a
smith. --Mr Sarni Fisher is oanvasing. couple of weeks in Toronto. -A sleigh
the Brd line, selling wall paper for J Lt load cif the young ladies on the 6th
Pepper, Brussels. -Mr Mat Wileoui line, drove out to Mr 0 Finlay's Thurs
held an auction sale un Thursday of; day last and had an excellent time,
last week, selling aff all his farm a tock; •
and impletnents. The attendance was; Blyth.
fair and things sold for good prices, ENTL5TA]:NSIHN'r. - The Foresters'
concert took place in Industry Hall on
Friday night of last week and as ex,
petted it was a success both in num-
bers' and financially -The Ladies
Guild of the English ehurch held an
"At Home" in Industry Hail on 'Mon-
day evening of this week. There wits
e good crowd in attendance and all
seeme to Yoroug ► y appreciate the
games and other good things provided
or their enjoyment. Tee ladies of
Guild always make a success of what-
ever they nudertake and this enter-
tainment was no exception to the
genera rule. -Miss Maud King enter•
tailed a few of liar friends on Wed-
nesday evening last week. -Those who
were. favoredwith an invitation to
Mrs re anner's progressive euchre
party last Wednesday night report
havingto • a most enjoyable evening,
-Some of the friends of Sir Herbert
Symonds assembled at his hotno on
Monday evening the 29th alt., and
spent a• pleasant evening in social
interenarse. The occasion was the
aiiuiversar ofhis
who, in former years, have had the
pleasure of attending Miss Mary
Dodds' leap year party were in no
wise in tie otle given b
her on Mondayevenin . A goodly
number ofyoung people a both sexes
were present and most thoroughl
nppreoiated the efforts made for their
amusement thein hostess.'
-sitars.-y r Robt Howard has sold
his house,neW occupied. by Wm Em,gh,
paid, namely : Auditors, each, $10 ; intends living in the House belonging afternoon lest The deceased being a
$no Elston., remission of dog tax, $1; to Mr James Dodds, formerly occn" member of the Canadian enter of
Thos klenderson, gravel and damage, pied by Mrh ugh,MeLeita.-Mrndward Foresters, the funeral was under the
$4; Jno :Brigham, gravelling on south Watson, w a short time age Bold his aaspiees of that body. Them were i
btaundttry, $17 ; Alex Ealrert, job on farm to Mr Ashbury, has bought Mir lumbar of vinititigl brethren present
v4 L
On Tuesday evonine last, a lodge of
the Independent Older of Good Tem -
piers was instituted here by Mr G 'Il
Blackwell, county organizer, assisted
by Messrs W F Brockenshire nod R
Elliott, of Wingham. After the insti-
tutingg ceremonies had been concluded
the new lodge, which is to be ' known
as Glenannan Lodge, 1 0 G 1', elected
the following officers for the current
quarter : GVtn Hastings, C T ; Belot
Anderson,V T ; John Hastinge, Chap;
Clara J Fortune, Sec ; Margaret J
Scott, Tress ; Geo Fortune, F S ;
Robt Muir, M; Thos Breen, Sentinel ;
Fred Lewis, A S ; Mary Breen, D M :
David Metcalf, P 0 T. The lodge
starts off with a membership of up,
wade of twveuty, with good prospects
of rapidly increasing. Tho meetings
will be held weekly in the old church,
the meeting for next week b be held
on Wednesday 'evonin:r, when the
night of meeting will he definitely fixed.
tower Vwfingb,ani•
The following is the inouthy report
of Lower 1Vfnr;haut public school for
the month of February: 4th sen -marks
obtainable 807 -Flora Green 364,
Lttke Xing 830, Rachel Dey 822, Allie
King 817, Lorne Macdonald 288. Jun
4th --•'»marks obtainable 450 -Frank
Hill 425, Ilop Notterfield 871, Filen
'Gilmore 854, May Linklater 331, Wm
Campbell 283, Minnie Linklater 247.
Sen 8rd-narlrs obtainable 472•-
Jessie Mcllwaio 465,' Nellie Beckett
449, Jno Startled' 415, Jud Curry
357, I•torval Morrison 386. Jttn 8rd
-marks obtainable 586 -Jennie Day
486, Mabel Halstead 476,Itobie
Curry 047. Milton Graham 320, Sas
Garr 178, Phoebe England 88, Lester
Adams 38. Sett 2nd -marks obtain..
able 530 -Thos Stark 503, 'Oliver
, Watson 480, Sas Loolteridge 471,
i ellira MV,lartint 448, Eadie Wain 187,
Auuie Patterson 70, Nellie Gleba_
43. Jun 2nd -marks obtainable 57
--Ida Murdoch 494. Jim Xing .4E2
Jennie Campbell 437, Geo Elford 4C'
Minnie Uam_pbell 405, Mary Ma,
donald 378, Rosman Johnston 84
Julia L-inklater-820.
Wer Hanmx r, Teacher,
The following; is the standing for_
S No 6 for February. The navies e.
in order of merit. Second class=
E Johnston, H Johnetou, P4 Cowrie -
A Mitchell, \V Porter, F X1eCormic
J I+oxton end J • lizunnth. Tbi
class -A Rornuth, 1-I Dom uth,
Cowd••n, L Hotoutli, A Porter, F F}
and 13 S'leCorniick Fonrth Class
-An Porter, A. Porter, E Wade:
Fyfe, W Campbell, 8 Johnston,
Johnston, E Cowden, A Mitchell,'
Wheslens, L Blackwell, .1 Wl:eele
and A Agar. Fourth. Class sr
Homuth, 0 Wada, \t Wade. J Jol
Ston, M Johnston and E T3lackw:
Fifth Class -C Cowden and 5 Mitch
J J W SIMPSON, Teacher.'
WRQ-- •,-I
Enjoy It
of pure Cod Laver 011 wt^li Hypo-
phosphltes of Limo and Soda 10
almost as palatable es ttaiik.
it 1e Indeed, and the little lads Ontl
lassies who take cold easily, may bo
fortified against o cough that might
prove serious, by taking Scott's
Emulsion after their meals during
the winter season.
,beware of substitutions and imitatioiifr
SCOTT & 1 OWNS, ,•Neville,
The success of this Great Cough Co
without a parallel in the history of medic
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a
itivc guarantee, atest thatno other cure can
cessftilly stand. That it may become 'kr..
the Proprietors, at an enormous expense,
placing a Sample Mottle Free into every h
in the United States and Canada. If you h
a Cough, Sore Threat, or Bronchitis, use it,
it will cure you. If your child has the car
or Whooping Cough, use it preturly, and
is sure. If you dread that insidious
Cons ' .tion,. use it. Ask your Draggles
SIIf 'II S CURE, Price sir cts.,set,
tt. If your Lungs are sore or Beek 3aa
rags 5 his Notts Plotter, Priem ss o .