HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-04, Page 3TEMPERANCE COLUMN, • A)3us>iel.or Paitittons. and it there are weed then) out, constant) ES THE Y. W. C. T. U. The' editor could see that the real) ',George floavd, of Wisconsin, who is Was trying to still ea tempest in his good authority in dairy matters, pl .ces Drinking Habits. bosom when he -came in, but he never the value of 'feed `for mill. (lows se fol. 0* I tL Yet ori 'lows ' Wheat bran 1Ci peat l 22 v 'Good morning;he said, with affluent`. linseed meal $4, cotton -seed uncal 20. ' tl tour in Scotland Mr Moody, the u : course of his evangelistic nee American evangelist, had been talking 'politeness, at large on the drinking Habits there I believe, replied the visitor, stifling find -had been brought to boob by n less emotion, that I sent year a cm-. Correspondent, A W R. At•a meeting il,unieation yesterday beginning with these words from a slip) in Z':dinburgll i1'ftr Moody sand reading from r -It ( seemed to Line the curse of 'drinking Colonel 13rewn received a bushel of bo•Scetland was greaten than mos the rpetiti ns from churches and teniper- Afllerican War to America. Now it once seoieties asking time the saloons is pointed.out that the Amerioau war be closed,"etc, etc. , cost 740 million of pounds .sterling- Yes,sir; you did, assented the editor, :„•slim which exceeded by 50 mullions and -I was glad to print it in of,pounds sterling the :entire National you didn't•pria!t it in, sir, inter• debt of 'Britain in 1889. Further, it rupted•the irate visitor. it'.cost a sacrifice of life to the extent I beg your pardon, Colonel, dissent- of.,fifi6.090 men. Nobody will for.. t e1i the'editor, you till find it, 1 think, moment credit thilt Scotland in ,.its on theifirst page. have not read abuse of drink has ever suffered 'any. but [•saw the heading of the article. thing like what is represented by these Well, sir, read 'it now, and that. „figures. Then, gain •:f3cutland is Colonel fiercely thrust >t'tcopy of thl' „exceedingly temperate'Nben compared paper'z:t him. Road, sir., read, hi with the city of Neav York. Accord. went •.on, wildly quoting, Colonel sine; to the last , returns .the number of Brown received s bushel of potatoes deaths in Scotland from.aleohol ,tmcane from•enurches sed tempe-rance sores, ;year was •230, which :is •equal to .8.29 ties. 'Think of y th:it; sir. .A bushel per 1;000 deaths, wthile in New .York of potatoes ! What in the .name 'sof the number was 224, equal to . ] .08 justice, truth anal equity, has a bushel per 1000 deaths. And it must be of pet:i.toes got to do'witral it'? and: as • borne in mind that .the . populatio;t of the O61onel raved and ranted, the Scotland is 4,077.,00, while that of -editor looker) at' the cold, cruel • type ,New York is only '1,493,,000. F:T'lzus stan6i out in solid 'relief and •„Vas if!Scotland was as drunken as .New utter)$ speechless.-iDetroit !Tree 'fork in proportion .to „population it Press, would have 884 ;lentils "from alcohol,p ��,j�A pDirt.T.AFT's•i 5?IIMALENIIhueyer :and not only 2 Hd'4`""wini1P1dbYIit9EDfails,• eend youeadsit•ess, 30 Those facts Ottit be d u 1 free trial bottle DR. At present prices cotton' -seed nidal is much the cheapest, but it is so highly concentrated that it must ,W fed with great care. One quartof'cottonsseed with two quarts of ran e fine mid- dlingsis be four' quarts an Boa tvt teat .at -once tested by reference to:l4Lutlis+ll's cit aa�tonolat°is naoi iae''� EE ;Dictionary of Statiscies, .last edition. si W. Tonoalra. CANADA. Orinazi..•of .the:Cheer. Cabinet Itecanlstraetlnn, , -- `.Gatl:l.:ng of conjectural derivations, wrlachreally dular oesic laotbinetreu :theuptiiitlio here'is an extremely 'ingenious ,.'one, :so much as the reconstruction and cleans- ..vtthictk I heamd proposed in apparent .iing, of the human system against the sincerity, for a sword+w,hich had ilitlaer- :approach of spring. The premier medicine ttor+6his purpose is Burdock .Idicod•Bitters, to t4+ •fizzled ptailologiote-the curious andoboth parties recognize it,as the ?best little word dee„ in the formula fill !blood purifier and general system�`iegnlarar a , p ! . iktassumm, bit 1.r:hurrah! Wheni�Peter the Hermit «wast•rousing Cbristendaxi to the rescue He Change liHis Sftin't. of the Holy Citgf, .lie +.+teras soofa:tcon-. ,An, old fellow who was running s ..strained in orderito: save his voice to ,sawt•tni1l down in the southern part df •curtail) his burnitng-elggaeence and son_ 11J enneaseo had considerable trouble' in fine,bidriseif to •-.crying ;ff/ierosolyetn est ?vetting a man who .understood the , pea c ttz ! (Jerusalem • is lost !) Wa ited bushiest of sawyer. ;Finally„ when and.woru, he was, ,forced to shorten e,*o'wner of the mill 1'rad because thor- ey'ent.tiais form•mkt t.o' : its initial letters oalpulytdiscouraged, a s,'pectable:fello•w f(H: +'. .),of whislh•he;m,Lde a syilal.+le, ' came.alfing and askeelifor a situation, ilIfrp:! As he ...strode, haggard ,and He •sheswed a paper fmorn one. of the prophet like, through .cthe cities of leading umill men in ,the country, ..Europe,„ he was ...greeted with pions stating'that the applicant was cone of fervor. Hardly had., the cry sounded the best.of'sawyers, [-lie was engaged, in the,•streets befexe.it••w,as followed ]oy and .whens.he had been at work „about lood,hurr'akis ! Hep-! ,11ep:;! hep ! gasp - three weeps, the proprietor called .him ed the hoarse and ,holy hermit. one 'morning and said : • Huanalt, hurrah ! :responded the en- MTCollier, you needs it go to ssork thuoi;Elg ,people. trkud .so constantly today. did .t1 is .occur that.itsfuhy aecr,unte for the elonnectiou of the words hop Tweeds, rr b ttor for alailk or !butter than of bran. ltdb, Mange and Scratches of every ktntl., on hntneal or animals, cured in 30 [minutes by #+tool• ford4a Sanitary Lotion. 'This never fails. 810d by A. 8, Ilamilton, C. V. lt. TUAihw "iAT1LJ Trains arrive and dopatk s follows :. Llama 11:35 a. In..,.,..,,,IibrToronto 805/a.tn. x:oo p.m AKSITING 2;00, p,1n " E:00 p, at For Tecswater 3:00 ' 10:GS:p. to 41. 1A:5,5 ' A, C, STRATUDIII1, Minn, w1Nont%t, Through tlelcotsto-all points in America-Nortlt- West, Pacific Coast, rte., via the shortest and Mt �1opulat• routesItit:_ismi3facrIZTTAreactLhes:.L_call• through to Destination, x,pointe -. LEIVE 1YINOIIAT.M1IIWN A1' WINOIIAII, 0:30 a,n:.ToroGuclph,PalmorstQlI &c. 8:31 pnl. 1110 " ' '" 10:20 " 1:45 p u, Qiinron « 7;85 ` ....... Pal merston,klixcd,.,.,.10:36aan, 0:45 eau•,.., ......London, &c...,,11:00 " 3:20 p,m, " 7:55 p.n1 11:10a.m ... Kincardhle, &n .. -.•., 8210 a,nt, 7.10 p.ut C..102° :40 p-nt " lice " 1012 " We Metre Seen A young man sell a farm, turta.:ner- dhant, break and die insolvent. A farmer :spend -so much gime in town that there 'was •nothing ex; home tworth looking after, A worthy farmer1e eon idle away the prime of his life in diesipatioa•and end his career in poverty. A farmer •too•self.conceited to mend' his way and Ito obstinate to emend his footsteps. A poor boy grow rich t, industry and good 'rnamagenoent, audz•a rich boy grow poorly idleness and dissipation. A man,spentl tmore motley in folly, than would,�support his fancily in cone - fort and independence. A farmer .deliver a fire oration .at the asricudttu19•lafseir, with -Alis deuce ail)! VuxeroVellaaisce JOSEPH ooWAN, CT.14naOTit DIV. Courr,'Co. HURON, AUCTIONEER, ISSU1,ln OI'' MARRIAIGB LICENSES C✓OMEIISSION111i IN H. 0. T„ ETO, WaoxETEn, 00^1. HALSTED & SCOTT', Josephine Street ' - - Willghi:r,, n J. A. 1lAtsynu, 5100:46 Forest. 3. W. Seer, 1,I, tome Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money JL..elvanced to Farmers and Business Men. On long or short time, en endorsed noted or collateral security; 851e notes bough at a fair valuation. Money remitter] to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges, Special Attention Given to CPI looting Accounts and Notes. B2 TX( OF HAMILTON, WINGHAM. Capital, $1,200,000. Rest, $p600,000. President -Jour ETouarr. Rfsee•President-A. G. tEtAuts4Y. DIRECTORS Sono PRoQToa, CIL AH,'GUaNEY, Giio ROAetr, Y:. T WOOD, A.. Il. Las (Toronto). Cashier -VT ,Savings ]Sank-Hours,10 to 3 ; Saturdays, to a, , Deposits of a nud upwards received and fntereat .allowed. .Special Deposits also received at rarrent nates of interest. 'Drafts 04 Great Britain and the United•;States %ought and sold 13. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DIOKINSON, down, fields "overgrown with weeds,:; Solicitors. stock foraging.•rn a neighbor's field andf!, his taxed sen,paid. Of the ;LL Toronto, 'Canada, and may be cousulted.i either i'n'?orsou, or by letter on all ehro,nic,• diseases )peculiar to mar. ,D'leu, young,•old,,n or mictdie'+ttged; who find thetnselve uer•v-il ous, weak uutlarzllausted, who are brokenly down feam•exeess or overwork, resulting ini? many of the following symptoms: Meatabl depression., ipretaature oldlage,loss of vital•? ity, loss ,of •memory, bad dreams, ditnnese` - TANTED , "Teeliead Surgeon, vgen;Medical Cornesny is now•aliq 200 CORDS OF WOOD. Call and see our stock of,: WHIPS, BRUSHES, CURRY COBMS, SLEIGH BELLS, &c. of sight, .palpitation of tbe_Jaeart, etniesionst F{arse clothing of all kinds. lack of •eeergy,:pain in the kidneys, laead-•y ache, pits1ples'otrtbe face or body, ieehing;a or pecutl'i�a,r•sermation about the- serotun;,�g wasting of the•ar; ans, dizzineiis, specks,be-s, fore the, elyos,,ttwitcbing of. the musclesieye;� lids, and,elaewta•ere, bashfulness, deposits of the urine, Ilossof will. power, teudecness�; of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby*; muscles, al.•esiaeeto•sleep,faiiure to be restedlr by sleep, constipation, •dullness of bearing,) loss of voice, desire for-solitude,excitabilityl'; of temper, sunken, eyes ••srsrrouuded svitlli LEADEN noca0,•0i'ly looking skin, etc, areR' all sym.pto,ms:of nervous: debility that lead), to insanity .and death u.uiees cured. The C4 spring or vi'talderoe.having lost its teanlion;, every futeetion .wanes .is eonsequence.ii Those who through abuse committed in • ignorance may be permanently enred.i Send your address for book on all diseases' peculiar to man. ] ooks•Seet free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which ttre faint spells, Fipple lips, uumbuess,palpitae tion, skin beats, shot flushes, rush of blood to the heaa, datlltpain in :the heart with beats strong. -rapid and irregular, the second bout beat'ruickerthan the fi_st,pain about•the breest.bone, etc, ,can positively be cured. No .cure, no :pay. Send for book. Address 111', V LURON, 24 Macdon- ell &ve.'Toronto,,Canada. Agents in Canada -Vito Merchants' ,Ilavlt of Canada. Office Iieurs-1?rom,0 R. In. to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent,. HARNESS, .double and single, lligirt .or heavy, •made to order irrthe latest styles and cif the best material. Trunks, Valises, hand Rats, &c. in stook and wit be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Repairing neatly:and promptfy'dono on(Mort notice, The patronage +o; the public solicited, -li7d eatis faction in work and material guaranteed. SHOP -One door north of Canadian Express Office Al. . A M. BLER. est �u�a Wooley We wish to inform the public that we here thus 'Woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and utile thi .m.'ason give specidheetention to CUSTOM WORK in all its brandhcs, and will keep in stack a class of first-class goods, such as Are you? (ling to shut dlown Yea„ solar ez you art, concerned. What, you .don't want tree any long. er 2 Yes, 'thatLs it. Why, 'haven't 1 been giving satis- faction Oh, yea, •sotfar ez yo work goes. (since ,eottrupted into hip) ,and hurrahs, • NSR v L ooTalyEhat cure Ehe wonrtcasea o. s -t 9 -relts Debility, LosE Vigor and : la?llIlel`S, ITKRVE BEA FS area new lir a connection that .continues to the', BEANS ,Failing Manhood;; restores the weakness of hody or mind caused - preseat day. I regret to say that I by over-work,•or!the errors ore - have hetind this etytnology,eredited to a clergyman who was .0000 president of a Canadian college.-l+redlt •Scrap8 and Snips Ly 1+'. BLAZE .CisoFfioN, ift Then wliattis the )natter? ,Toe Domirtarat Illustrated Ztlrtnthly for Well, 1 have noticed that ,you put 1,1Wareh, on too many shits. 1 don't ttdnderstand you, Nothing &uocoeds Like Sanoess. Burdock Blood Bitters is a household Wall, you change yo' shifts too reenedy for dyslaepsia,it expels rheumatism often, You have been workite here and neuralgia flwm the systdni, acts as an now three weeks, can I notice thatyou aatdbilious agentuu.thestomach,liver and boa�,els, auta�ouiaes blood poison, builds put on a eleau +Shirt about ,every up Imaci revitalizes the bodily functions and restores and purifies the entire system). eight days. But, my gracious a Is there any- ., Dairy Notes. thing wrong in that .1 If anything can be more filthy ,than To some folks that tnoeten't be, to put the milk away, without strain - kit tiler is to me. A feller came along ing it is to use a wire strainer or a fere once and changed his shirt every dirty rag that has not been washed shelve days, since the last tittle of milking. Well, said the sawyer, what else The secret of obtaining andretain- aid he do ? ing customers for hotter, at prices II= away and married my dough. above the regular market quotations, ter, that's what 11e done. Then Char is to smite good hatter, and slake it cense alae, a feller that changed Isis every time. shirt 'boat every ten days. He ran If the cows are not all of one breed away with ray wife.' Then another some of the cream.may require longer feller changed his shirt 'bout every churning than the other, and not get. Wins days, and ran away with my ting it will go off in the butter'ynyillt, pocket book that contained $15. SO giving e0 profit, It is a good idea to 1 find that worse 11e is, an' fearl& that test the cream of each cow by itself at yott might run away with my mule i various times, to -see whether there. colts, 1 reckon you'd better go now; are any among them whose cream does wlir'i1e I've ` t5i'x' .ityss et you. i wit toy* to,bittor vVlltewl tlho rest doss, ,ocese_. a youth. This Rem EtcffS odyn solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other �Zall etS� i0REATMENTS have failed even to reliove, •old bydrug- SiS. relate at 51. per package, ortfiv for 55 or sent•by mail on reoeipt of price by addressing THE .IAMIIB M1.DICINE CO, Toronto. Ont. Writolor pamphlet. ,Sold in - d tinghaln Sheetin.gs, AN I.LTON. Stocking Yarns J: 71 toe eha,. w._.:nrnn't�:�xteswrnmytam•,¢a�+eam� = WORM POWDERS :Aregeosanttolake. Comtafntheir own :Are is a safe, stare and oanal destroyere,fioo.rtrarsClcileblutdr,elduits. - La0000n in the t{]_:. eons of the fatal ot lett Tet401p1AD e88 than is the man Who pines under the effects of d1g- eas0, 0X008808. overwork. worry. etc. Rouse your. self. Take heart et hose a ain and BL A _again Wo havandg,Wltoal10 vtu7 tt, refer to tllrin. II1:CAvc1111:2oC by use of our ex• elusive methods bifid appliances. Simple unfailing tre,ttulent at ll0me for 1 est 01 Fnliittn 11latnliced, General std Nervous tit bility, weaknesses of Body and Mind,1tfreete of Errors or 1sxcossea in Old or Young, Rebuilt. Noble 4814Nnoon-Fit11? Restored. l�mproventont seen mit rt day. HOW. to enlarge and a renathen Wat4,l 15 ETXL Psb' 0B0Af48 ANIo itis OP 801,1. Man etify i oto 50 St -Oman Foreign (Jauntrle�., Wribppp tureuu, Hoole, gip „nations And proem=Ind 01f11ed) Ire. Aadreu, lanit MISD WAL Oho 111'rr A40, Nor. y!' ll�w iu �I Ill Ililll.:'j.$LII'Iillllll (made from puro wool only) cheap for cashor r chance for wool, Customers from n distance can have their ro Immo with them the seine day, 3 'Higheet market price in cash for Merchants Wool. INGLIS & C10'Y., Wingham WINGHAM FOURING MILLS1 WHOA, THERE! The undersigned wish to fonder their best thanks for the liberal patronage given to our firm during everalyears prior to the burning of our mill by in cendiaristn. During the past season wo have re moddelicd the town rutin to the latest approved eye. tent of ffimgerian Roller ?recces mil ling We bo Neve Weetai now give better Accommodation than ivorbofore, We offer Prompt Dispatch, Pair 1tet'urns, QUALI'T'Y SECOND C i N NONE IN THIS And by close personal attentian to the btteinees hope to be again favt.red vrlth a trial by X11 old friends and many now ones, Yours most reepeetfulfy, HU'TTON . CABIi. Winghanl Mill, Oot 444100. Call and Hee our stock of SLEIGH BELLS, BLANKETS, WHIPS, OtTBRY•O0MBS, BRUSHES, &c. 1I, 1-tNESS, double and single, light er heavy, made to order, in the latest styles and of the best material. TRUNKS, VALISES, HAND BAGS, &c ••in stock and will be sold cheap. IMPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE, The patronage of the public solicited, and sattsfae donde work and material guaranteed, .':Shop -One door south of Geo. E. King's store 0. ICNECHTEL. Windham, Novelnbcr 0, 1801 !ALLAN LINE ROYAL 51611 SvammiII'H. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail rer:Iarll frcm PORTLAND AND HALIFAX To LIVE Pott L Via Loudunderiy. D011100 TfN wINTEa IIONTal$, Cabin, 540 and upwards, Second Cabin, 525 steensge at low rates. No Cattle Carried, STATE LINE. SE[LVICE OF - ALLAN L- °TEA,11S[iIPS, NEW YORK & GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, 540 and upwards. Second Cabin, 825. Steerage at lowrates, Apply to •]3, & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HENRY DAVIS. WINGI4A1sI. Scientific American Agency for. CAVEATS. AE S OESICN TRADE COPYRIGHTS. atom For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO, 381 ISROADwAY, NEw Yoa>;. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America,. Every patent taken outby us is brought before the public by a notice glven free of charge in the cfticuti it linevicatt Largest circulation of any scientific paper inthe. world. Splendidly illustrated. No intellilgent man should be without„it. Weekly 53.09-a year; 51.50 sis'montits. Address MUNN & o retunasnEae. 381 Broailtray. New York. CROSSCUT SAWS We have in stock : TU.E LEADER, THE SILVER STAR, THE LANCE 'mum, TRH NICR13L STEL, THE FOREST BEAUTY THE LA -ROSE PRIDE, THE IMPROVED Cld.ili1?1ON', - ALSO A very fine assortment of A. °LIFE & co, STONE B 14 .