HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-03-04, Page 1,VOL XXI --Na.10.
11 I VI IAl9l, ONT„ FRIDAY, JI..,, MA-L,ROI.A 4, 1892.
—Largo quantities of grant are being —The Public''chool Board' will meet in
brought to town, tho>,;ih the markets have the Counoil Ch mbar on Tuesday ovapin;
e, downward toudenoy , The prices at pros• neat.,
ant aro about as folio es: Fall wheat 88 to ,;,The revive, monthly rueeting of the i and most highly este
OOo; spring, 85o to 88e peas, Glo; oats, 30c. Town Council hll be held ou Mondeay I of Wingham, Mr Rob
--Chisholm's Winter Fluid is not sticky anteing next. , event took place on S,
or greasy, cures chapped hands, face and , last in his :18th ;•ear. T le deceased had
lips, rendering the akin soft and white Pbere were ve Mondale: in k (b'us'y . '
'_ this year. It is t vo hundred curl tweet been in failing hoalt f years, and his
wj Aso, an excellent application after shay- Y y` (cloatlr was caused by t t dire disease
� � �q t;�... ing, For sale at Chisholne's Corner Drug• four years sive( ti is happened before. ,•
Store, Wingham. —The America' postal authorities havei (oistrmptian, which els indu�:ed by
Oxroegn or t ar the of the firniieg the death ofthe rbus -The first exom'aian of the season to leaned a new post aril of a mammoth xtze, 1 catarrh. A year or so
Hess will be conducted as heretofore and Manitoba, per tlu 0 P R, left here on It measures a xG calls(, The Uanadian south for the benefit
under the same name and style of firm. Tuesday last, when about fifteen people article is only see riches.after an absence of a
ORR & IUISCCCICS, . and four car loads of settlers effects took returned, his state of
Direct Importers• their departure. The destination of the Mr E II levo , brother of Mrs Wmwhat improved. l u
2. different cars was Boissevain, Holland, Button, was in to
The Be,tta,lVTiu•oh 3,119
Melita and Frankl n, and amongst those tented k shop au
utrdortakiug basin
going were a COU>le of sons of Mr W•
Rutherford, of Bh-(vale, two sons of Mr First it's alipp
John Hardie, o£ 04iuevaie
boss, and a son of Miff now you melt, an
Chas Henderson, road,
-For first-class teiloripg and cheap
gents' furnishings, try W
ebster & Co,
Remember the place, only two doors north
of the old stand and between Ross' book-
store and Halsted & Scott's bank,
1 Death oe no .t. Orr. ` pac9:ai $erv�Rces.
"e are celled upon lis week to: citron- I1 By way of pe•
i tele the death of one' of the beet known season of Lent, spec
ed business mon - in the Catholic (here
Orr, which sad evening and Friday
,urday morning. ult. The pastor, I
assisted by Itov J
St An9nbtine (Moir
both ooaasieus, On
Cervices aousisted of
go, he took a trip and Benediction of t
f his health, and ment,.at wliiclr Fats
month or so, he The sermon was a
health being some- elaqueh'.t explanatic
the relief was only Feuauce, sas taught
e of months ago, The rev preaelxe
ildren went to•'. Matthew, chapter
expecting that I. say to thee, thou
notioial. They this rook Z will buil
rary home—Las gates of; hell shall
,when the weath- .And 1• will• give to
ntedly cold and. kiugdotn of kasaven
w fall,. This • had shalt bind upo
Orr's health, . and also be bound in
miles further south,:. soeveu thou shalt leo
weak that itwasbe loosed• alga in
n to Wingham,. 2Gtb, Father 11fcGe
of weeks before 'at which• a lathe'
d been a resident. Comn'uniona dt 1
There is a greet soaroity of houses in of Wingham for ove twenty years, come_ celebt�ated•liugli mea
town just now, i Several gentlemen, who ing here from. Wee,'
would have became residents of the town, first•fow years were?
were not able to s ure teneutable•houses• of different meroba•
during the week i which to Move; and" considerable number
hence the town is eprived of their pres-- been engaged in the m
mice, trade, &o. oaid.it not pay same for. (time with MnR t
of our moneyed m n to creat a4 number•of: sail„then with theilat•.
residences the co
tho catholic Obereb.
ration for the holy
1 services were bead
here, on Thursday
oruiug,2eith. aud 20th
v 0 l+ Meflee, was
Jtabe, .Irisbtowu, the
sing present ou both
Thursday,ea'enieg the
the Itcsary sermon
a l',Iost,Holy Sacra -
r A1:eCvbe officiated.
oat exhaustive and
of the Sacrament o
by the Caaltalio ghuroho
took for bis text St
6th, versoel9th c "And
art Peter, teed upon
my church ; and the
at prevail against it,
bee the: keys of .the
and whatsoever thou
earth,. it • shall
eaveue. and what-
e upon. earth it shall
eevenee On Friday,
celebrated low tees(,
mberoreceived Her
.30, Welter Wee
iteceyreachod a, eel
mon on•tbe comma menta;, taking Gag
in detail au& givin a most instructive,:
dissertations we their obeevyanee, At tine
mass• also,. there, wee a :iaruaber a£ come—
et is not teem
I;undergoes& a reports is -being otroulated•
thiterminichesing fromeala to $20 nge
for fenera2i ternisbinge duel, is charged for
theesame.entieees ipa; neigbbaring towns . X '
wisl%,it dffsti:nctlyt'understood 'that funeral :•:
fuunislanhs have i eo'n dlie tete( and will
beee.theeeceren sittplieeheeualitv.00nsidor
cljlas;rbeap1y as by any' ether undertaker-,
In life pends largely upon character
.and abili . The latter hould always
• include a
ragas; such a
ing a term in the
radical know edge of bust -
can be obtained by spend -
This schooles noone of the leading
,ones in the Dominion.,
Students may enter\kany time.
• Writelfor particulars to
Pr q,ipal.
—Fruit and Coufectionery, all kinds, at
D Rush's restaurant.
Rev Mr Sellery rind Rev Mr MoQuar-
rf ie will exobao a Pulpits next Sunday
evening. -'. g
—0 L—Your cpm:nunicatiou has been
received and will appear in next' issue of
the Txtlzs.
...Cash for good butter and eggs at R A,
Graham's, Market Grocery.
Mr J Swartz, of ayfield, has taken
possession of the Exch lige hotel. He has
Made considerable rep ire upon the house,
dieting the bast few we Its.
—Coes ;pondenee should reach us by
e,-rv3'ama” i ay's mail, if it is intended for
publication in that week's issue of the
Times. •
—Oysters, oysters -13y the dish,quart
or pint. 1.0 cents a glass,or 5 cents aglass,
at R Hnees.
—The next Gospel emperance meeting,
under the auspices of the Wingham W C
T U, will be held in t e Temperance. Hall,
on Monday evening, ..prii 4th,
--Rev Mr Fatt, of :ester, preached mis-
sionary aermons in S PaaI's church, this
helve, on Sunday ast, the Rev .III W
Hughes taking his ark in Exeter.
Oysters served in any style, at D
Rush's restaurant,opposite D Sutherland's,
.3 Osephine• street. •
—The 'IvIethodiet church was Ailed to
,overflowing ou Sut day. evening bet, to
hear Conductor Sr ider preach, and the
discourse, which weir on "Heaven," was e
praotioal and pointe 1 one.
—G T R trains for Toronto and east
3 a ni and 11:.1,0 a m
mat G. 0
leave Wfngha
via W G & B Division, and at 6.45 a m
and 3-.45 p m,, via ' Clinton and Guelph.
.Good connections by alltrains.
Lodge, I 0 01+, wi be held in the lodge
toom, Mason Block on Thursday evening,
Match 17th, at 7.39 _o'clock. Au excellent
programme is beim prepared, and an in.
• teetaining evebing tray be eutioipated.
—At Dore's Marriage Factory may be
found a ,grend display of auttere--the
best in; 'gland. Call early and secure
yonnr,d *betakes away down. Steed—
O lit9 Exchange Ilotel,Winghatn.
FIRST t,',ovoux( Aametea Orrxatog,
Wroorltis —W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Sabbath School and Bible class at 2,30.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 7,30 p. m. Seats free. Strangers wel-
come. Sunday, Marah 3rd. Morning
subject, "'A sower went forth to sow,"
being No 2 in the series of parables.
Evening subject, "From Cameros, to Jer=
usalem with an old Disciple." Lord's
Supper after morning service. Lower•
Wingham service at 3.30.. -
-Mr W J Johnston has opened a new
custom tailoring establiehment, one doer
north of D Sutherland's stove and tin,
shop, and is now prepared to give the citi-
zen of Wingham and, surrounding country
satisfaction in every thing that may be
intrusted to his care. Coatmakers wanted
at once.
. e Wei Nesbit, of Florence; Peovin
oil Organizer for tl a Patroni}^ ot'Iud
try, delivered an adcheess, bathe Temper-
ance Hall, on Wed tesday evening, to, a•
fa?taudienee, with 1:r John A McEweny.
of Morris, in. the &(air. The lecturer
was a fluent speak +r, and he. gave an
outline of the aims`and objects' of the
Patrons in an addrF ss oceuppying about
an hour and a quer er. In regardto•the• •residence, and wee
contract system of the Association, lis•.will be benefitted•b;
id they wished tc bring in, the oash,
said of. it. The Tnesete
system of doing beeeness andonly asked• cone to him andel.
to be recouped for .heir efforts• in that '
n this week and has temporary, and a cou
will open a general he and Mrs. Orrand, c
s he hortly. the ':tate of New Moxic
ry, terhensit's sloppery, 'the, change would be
thorn you freeze ; now had been at their temp
you cough, and th >u you sneeze; watch the Vegas—for a few week
mercury hop and.sldp ; it's not strange we er became unprece
have the grippe. t, there was a heavy sn
--Dr Taml u returned from Buffaloon
(•bad effect upon AZ
Tuesday. His so Washington, whom bo• thoymavedabout80
and Mrs TamlSu went to wait upon, is . but he had become' s
improving and it i, expected time he will decided that they rete
soon be able to g +t around again. hire which they did a coup
Tarul,yn remained n Bnffalo with het son, his death. Mr Orr h
osh township. His
pent in the employ;•
s in town. For a,
f years. he had,
roantihe business,.
oad, new of Hen-
onWm. Hiseock and
e time of his death'
net in the firm, of.
J Hisseoks being,
He hacl•>been twice
wife and two child
of a hind husband‘
in<orrwitatetiwn 'relies •oE WVinQham: ; Attcl >.
r Oar ,was a mem also, that when requi:,ed;.all such •supplies
p ars of:•Temperanoe, ar-ds<lincere& free anywhere within. eau
d an insuranca;on. ;miles„and funerals aeo attended. ,to per
sanallylay ntf
as O'1so t4 met>abpz :... Prtbotioal l iudertakee
of Foresters and, yyiiightirh;::Ont,
n his life in that,
o these, he, had, rot§oilals:
ranee on his aifer. ; aMs, rosf STamnp1.$, ?him
oJwonhcnr aucogiisrr;
his estate,, will.
riineral of the late
\Holloway, ble theli.'-
day reetweing ace
1k, of :f';,iptowel,i,.,
Vistoway .on eal:buxas asR.siness;'
`Union ,faevoryr, '•
sley wits in town',
for fiobb,af,Clinton;,
a visit Jigs wee s.
f Eseterel ayabeetii
or thapastw4ei.
nton,,yatps in tare n
friends . and mine
al wi elts'e lefts ore
Reneltneeter- Iris.
itewn, onel,Vetzle
rr Peterson; .. o1
Messrs! t S •
terse Latae retell !
ng. summer? T E. Bowles, and at t
—47 F Brocseushire hyas. a lot of• Gil+ he was the senior:•pa
Paintings; also,( few Beautitfsl Artotypes, Orr. &Hiscocks, Mr
which he's selling very' cheap. I'have a
making Pidbure Frames to order. rho- • maimed and'leaves
tographyin all its branches from' minis• relate mourn thiel
tures to life size. Call and see wliat I have.
when, in town, F 'Bthe
noo k Wiusy, and4indulgentLathe
13Ver•Bl'ook, wiugh roe benc'f the Royal'
—Mr SamuelYoubi real in.whieh society he h,
, t>state•agent;, : his.life of 52,00Ck> He
disposed of the^fete- 't Cur's-resideeee ,
of Capadi wOrde
on the Diagonal'fteed, on Friday 'aet,.t°haof the,000 insairanoe
leer Wm McAllister, if: Grey tovinsh'p. Qndgr. In addition
The•sale was made act papers sigieed bye istle0 of company ins
Mr Orr, on Friday: sexing, the
last, `seat
an:d these susss, wit
Mr•Et7rr did: , The prime 'wee $1;550;' end 'leave his wife,•and fay
Mr McAllister seeur d a bargain) 11e is, 1 aveeircus w cava. Mr
said',he intends rear ing to town shortly:
to live retired. 13e, has sebu•red • fins: ;part in public affairs,
el certain:. thes, traown,; egad consistent' mem
his becoming•a', oiirizen 'church, and.bad be
tends a :oorditalr weir.
,The funeral„en Tu=
milt'. •the direction of Co
dian Orden of For:
large stook of Moulding on hand, and •I•am• a panne' with hitt',,
—We have
• Camel' i�itllson; i
-Having opened a custom tailoring• es•«' gee hes before the,i,
tablishment in this town, oue door north ° h, . to have his lar
of D Sutherlaud's stove and: tinshop, I beg, ; Town of Win htt>nt
suit :
to announce that I guaranteey
that leaves my shop to be wperfeot 114 and ; aril attached to the
warrant them to be built by superior 1 beery fonaid ?mem
workmen, only. Give us a call. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed. Charges as oheap•as,ther
cheapest. Coatmakers wanted at once..
W J' JoisNsrox..
infornmed that •• Mr”'
tendo pushingtete bull , largest seen in Win ham for many y,,eaxs.
fly, iai comfortable: 5` dair to attend. the.
rr never took any, sRbletl Orr..M:r Johl
bukwas an votive• 'satowu, &tm
r,of the Methodist, ic;uisintaintnces-.no14Ir<tV:1-T,i Buc
n fear many. yearta.,17 10 towraon Wbdnesc
dad, last, wes.unden i Mr Jas Vendrseli;, of IE
rt,, Maitland';,, Cana- ;¢e>ted a penition>iki t
License Ina. c x•
r P to
and was, tlafl>
on Tuesdsd:,.Itxp•
paid the a eltool;lke
The Misses Ek Brett,.,
visiting teiendeate tciw,n
..Mr J P`TisaIiill, of 01
this weal.! .1V,ii,;`111os W
who has:beevisiting
tious i, t iwa: ofrer sev
Tuesd ysfoe> Detroit.
—One candidate as initiated at the
meeting of Anchor of ope Lodge,. 1'00
T, lastTuesday event +,and'four proposals•
for membership sub itted. The sick
benefit scheme propose : to• be established
in bonuectiou with the • dee' was•submitttedd
by Mr A Dawson, ohe man• of the com-
mittee. After discuss on, the report was
adopted and the tame committee was ape
pointed to solicit apply ants for adrmission
td the benefit branch. The prograteroe of
Heusi ba -et socia! af'1liaftland the evening consistsi of a dfaloga e• 1y
-The 1 Misses C Linkfater, 0 Carruthers and 11r
W Lawrence ; music by the Harmonica
$and ; recitation by M se Varney;: reading
by Mr John Aikins, :. at a swig • by Mr
Ogle ;Johnston.
teriei rsr Onetton,Wii enett.-•-ftev S Bel-
lery,13:le, Paster. Services every Sabbath
at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sabbath 'School and --•Mr Harry Hot,
Bible Class at 2.80 ,;m, Geueral Prayer ham,Dratnatie Comp
meeting every Wedh14,eday eyenfng et 7.30. •ggebtated play, "Te
o'clock, 'Young People's Prayer Meeting . touna; itt the Tempe
every Thursday evens at 7.80 o'dloole, ham, on Thursday” e'�
Sunday, March iieh.' Morning subject, The caste for the play
allot oring God'I teg hweeted by God. " 'Sample i3wioliel......
To the evening; MoQuatrie will • atm
s ao ran`y......,.� Y,ii
preach. Willie ilannmond .
The iMissestrtdgson and Itennedy Deg • Harvey Groot .......
to inform the; ladies of Wiughtan andFrani' Blade.........
vicinity that they have started Dresamak• Me ittfore Caxtwrig $.1
ing in Mrs' Cooiimee a old sband, Mid would M
be glad to receive orders, They paaarantee Mrs s SMorg.............
e; perfect fit aael good work. 'There also '
• ireeivb Prof ef, : , y's' TewiIGI Bystoto of ' Deere open at 7,80;
These aud .i,o avotrg.. oltoit.
tario•ltsgislatn ,,aslc •There werqnapwardt of,115 Foresters,in.
' detached::i#em, that ; the procession, bes des large nnmb>ere,
of citizens in vehicles. The bereaxesd
r muni¢ipal,p 1posee wife and.clesildreu, i it Orr's agarlr m stkeir•
Townabip:: of Tone and his sisters and brother saki: other
fees t of
relatives,have the h ttrxt 1 sympathy es. It wee -genes -aft 9nermis y p
tixat. Min aWillsa>a, the townspeople in, their sad bereave
understood in,•ttjwd meet. /'rquHn.dace.
on account of the op aosition, eeltibitedr lay,
• the townspeople stele the. n2atter vette. fest Grand Zt
mooted, bad decided mato push, the, mat. Mr DN MoKelflr
'ter; but suchado n -.t appear: to, he the enteeta'inment with
ease. The Toten lmunoil•take
should .
prompt andsdeeielve Moraine the natter.
Windham, on P.k
The Corpozetioe of 'I, iughara,c,onta >m5Iess 8th' comment'
land than any tows
say attempt to deeri
ted by the:Couugit a
orally. By allowin
his farmout, 01114
Messrs Molteu. ,
—The furniture, .picture framing and
undertaking business is what 1 ant here to
attend to, and I an determined that 1 will.
not be undersold ley any legitimate dealer
in the flame line, if I know it. For proof
of t
above, call at
S G1xAoax'a Furniture Keens,
;silted by the Wing-
ny, will produce the
IV'ights in a l3at'.
ante Hall, Wing;.
uing,. March 10dr,
is as follows;
''.Mr Harry 'Hart
alter Crawford
. 41r T B Cornyn
Mr .'f •: Msrtin
. My I3 ielkipson
Nit W J' 1d'ailaglt
will gir:e. a wand
the celebrated, Edi -
he Temperance Hall,.
day evening), March
in, the, coolly, and t 7.301 Q'cloek. A
ase •itaitC+uld ice reels- large, horn will,ba a taohed;tetheinstru-
meat, and the, cele ions 'eau be heard
a the.natepmyers gen• intevery part of the all.. The following
Mr Watson to bake x ramme will be • ndoere
og de.
dr will: ba• aPened for le The Old Irish Go the can, -.J A Cline
Angta,. Ylawson and 2; Bonnie ;TM ;ao.Cor iet,Solo.Jules Levy
others to do lileo ee, and tbero is no 3 Medley ` et, ..lt;•atbeeee and Russel,
telling whore the misahief: would stop. ;4. Laughing Song.. ...Geo W Johnsteu,
Only let those propentios cut of the: 15- Simon the Ceilare�.,.,Duot.. Phos
nor oration d° thein corners couldi 1. i'ott Tuttle C1iza, Lov0 'You$ort, Song
P and o aca, . Ashltury
make a good, ti hex selling lots fon• i 7. comity:Through o Rye.. .Clarienot
Solo.. W Tusor
Canpa's 7t+b,Reg
Minters Banat
, with variations..
arionet.,.\ Tusor
petition 'from the rile payers as well *none 10. With all Her Pau is I Lovd Her Stili,
from the Towe Court '.il should be plated Cor et, .G G Davidson
in the hands of leer S T Qareow, our re. 11. ' ea
%avosofthDan a\Valta.Clarionot
resentani,ve en the legislature, to be ilio Band
P 1.2, Carlotta E'iPaitz,,,.0 S marine Band
pihoed before the, l'ri. eta Dilt Committee. ill, Forget McNot.... rd Artillery Band
Also, a deputation Iron the Courted should 14. Pretty as it Pieter , Some Bogan
attend. the uxpoting 'c i the Private bills 15 Life's ong.11aritn (Solo, os $orti , leave the hall door open
S.G. Beautiful Stars, .1. ug. haneardj
Com mittee,`te,press "pee that body the Quitrtettel noon from 4,30 till some
great injury that will >e infiloted npou the 17. Always 'Together. ,'Tenor' Solo... Geo ' to have the pleasure of
Mt' Vi
town if Millson'a iii be passed, 3 Schee—,
room with any, wheth:
18. Seeking the Lost. ,,Sacred Dttet... nisei' ; 9nd it convenient.
70ioturo' ,atnft►g, Ma Boson and tuss:ll mn oarryfng out my
1 have just received one of the largest In addition to the shove progratutne, ; or more do so, T mean t • give an outiane
stocks of mouldings :fora icturo and wreath selections by Contluot-sr Snider and Mr t the book the one evening and on the feel
framing ever brought in Wingham, Laid I s G racoy will bsa gives . lowing one have a leisure • 'talk over
have bought it sped' to -sell, and will ..... itgrtainntont ° til. given under contents of the books un • r review,
s Hello Aicllardy sell as cheaply as oa' fp, elsewi'erts. t the mortal •remains of a. tiblie Sip•
Bo if you Glave pictures, wreaths or oil the auspices of Ancht r of Ilope Lodgers well.beIoved ettieee Will le with
Maggio Martin paintings, any sire or styles too bo Treated, 10 (l'1', and the a iii$siOn will be a ( kindred awe this aftet's. m, 1 1-"'.
Mimi Mabel I1eut bring them Mon , we will trate* them silver collection at alt doer. 14/leathers to develop my Platt and •``
stn l~ rankle Blank for you oleo taotien at 1 fain do, and will oleee
buildeig pat;poses
would builds 4 live
all the benefits of th
buting one Haut t
rand those whiz,
oa them would hake;: 8. God Savo the Qua�o
towatiwithout °antra-
warslss the same.. g `J• Home, Sweet Hem(
oott, of 'Loden, Loden, ryas
nosd•fer ori', lousiness:.;
Toronto'• representing
Notdheitner; music d:.
Mx Data TIati:s,—
sad how Alfred the
twentjt.ewer hours into
ing. a. tltind to sleep.
=owe, ye
• Lr, I beat
bourse dem In an ou
I beetiu,goodly nu
1Vb wuiek's on the tif
dare, sant ysau have
teat diedded the
se !teats, devote
or• the. first time in
¢otd y som b
is re
eseI. Ira& en Sunday.
her of etch frieuds at
moos el'diet dented
owed them espeeiell, cleai;t n' e to state,
writing how please tlirg u ittewi
Iroly, calm of a Susi (+ kill
to Win;tham. I mem ,ba *-orange See
of persistent, mettle ical 'study of the
Tt,stament, .stertin • with the boo
Daniel, ou Sunday. It spitted to see
Friday I moan, to: r view the work d'
Warwick's eo ieol, o the afternoon
day. The books of xa,. lteheinish
Esther may, lae1,11)t *tab read up in
counectioe. vvit f • the rophetio b
lieggai, Zechariah, Malt hi. 1 Men t
ix Suerley afire
tree after 5, so
nesting in my ow
r young or old, w
to eo•operabe wit
ettpose. Should
urtain rises PA 6 S ant's ref the Juvenile Lodgeadmitted free.'1 be your kind induIgentre
1eurni ate itooms.- trublis tferdislly invits5 '•
� i