Wingham Times, 1892-02-19, Page 8314:. 1111cik)050.
Di;r ss OnoAS. Season vies with season
in producing; novelties and this season
stands without a'icor; such exquisite eon
captions, marvellous cireations, artistic
triumphs and matchless novelties have
never before been brought to light.
We have entered upon a crape season.
It is fashionable for everyone to wear
crape, and those who don't hoed fashion's May moulder ofmp clay
to silenb graven call e body,
whistlers can't elope to bo In itI We But the soul has gone to be with Jesus,
Fie who gave his life to save,
In alemor1um. Daniel Gordon, father of Mrs (Rev). G P
en the death of Maggie Mood Morrison, Salton, of Brussels.,
who aces Feb. 10th, lana, MANNING—In Clinton, on Sunday, Feb
7th, Mary, second daughter of Mr A. II.
It anning, aged 5 years andrgg0 months.
Shalt chose Hoar lips no more speak t oY wife. of Mr ON —In 1Pet rerlV.IoLaren, ageon Feb d
? 50 years,') mouths and 15 days. ' g
Ar,Tkn--Iu East Wawanosb, on Pri-
} Feb. ,iha Walter, aged 51
yes, 12Richard
1 y.
Can i0 be true that you have left us?
Shall we no more thy face behold?
Those lips that now are stiff and cold.
011! yes, 'tis true you have`departed,
A vacant place is left behind,
, The soul -that ono? shone out amongst
Iu Heaven, but, not on earth, we'll find.
don't mean blaoi=;, of course. but the rich
new colors in various combinations of
cords and crinkles. These goods make
handsome gownil for all occasions. Bed-
ford cords,whieii were so popular through
the winter, promises to be favorites this
season, and come in light weights, the
. favorite colors being tones of gator al
gray and baize.
English, Scotoh and German Tweeds
and Clhevoits are alsoamongst the load-
ers of fashion in dress, and very nice for
tailor made suits. Our variety is very
large. The combination of calors very
genteel and the entire effect very hand-
Our Silks,Prints,Delaines and Challies;
"magnificent, matchless," • exclaims the Lower Win ham.
ladies when these goods have been'looked
over. Loveliness and daintiness of tex- The stables and sheds on the comer
ture and soft tints, brilliancy of idea and here have been purchased by ' Thos
admirable execution, are all combined, lietterfield, who has began the work
and represented in our stock. How they
could be more beautified we can't imagine, of taking them down.—Mr Archie
Many of the choicest pattern are going Morrison anis home last week from
rapidly. Delay is dangerous here. The Detroit. He did not•arive in time to
resent offers the best opportunity you'll sae his sister alive!, but attended the
ihldvicehor wait untiis season. l it isll ytoo late, ou at t our funeral, on friday.—The' sad accident
It H. McINDOOS. has proved fatal. 'The leg, which was
jammed to a jelly, was not amputated,
•Enpta,the doctors fearilig he could not stand
(l ef f! q,• g aYt1 .the operation, and mortification set in,
a which caused his death on Friday
afternoon, The funeral, on Sunday
afternoon, was very .large,•showing the
'Tis true that we shall miss thy presence.
The form and voice we've learned to love,
But through Jesus' tender mercy,
To meet with joy in heaven above.
Forever praise the Great Redeemer,
Forever not to part again,
Forever among the ransomed choir
Sing praises of the Lamb.
Farewell, dear sister, Christ has called
All your troubles now are o'er,
Boon we'll meet bey oud the river.
Clasp oar hands on Ca naau's shore.
Belgrave, Feb. 12th, 1892.
which befel Mr R Walter, in the bush,
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, £8•92. estimation in which Mr Walter was
held.—Some of our local sportsmen
Personals. : have been fortunate enough to secure
Miss Louise McKibben, of Toronto, is several wild dunks this week. We are
the guest of Miss Emina Ross this week. pot just sure that this is lawful.—air
...Mr R Vanstone was in Goderich this Montgomery is no better this week.—
week on business.. Miss M McDonald, Mr Samuel Loclteridge, senior, is able
who .has been visiting in London this to be;; around again after a severe
week, returned home on Wednesday.. i
attack of La Gr
ppe.—lair Netterfield,
Mrs Galloway. of Clinton, is the guest of who had the misfortune to have his
fingers badly out in Messrs Button &
Mrs W S Snider this week.. fir Jas , Peasant's mill, is slowly recovering
Ridley, the efficient manager of the ' from the wound and an at'taek of La
skating rink is in Mitchell this week on' Grippe.—Last week, one of our young
business—Mr Malcolm Mutton, son of men bethought himself of marrying
W •R Mutton Ifs of this town is home ; g y g
from Toronto for few holidays—Miss and accordingly he took unto himself.
Aggie Tilt, of Listowel, who had been ! a wife, whose name is now Mrs Find,,
visiting friends in town, returned home !lay. They are now living in the
,on Saturday. i house lately vacated by ?Jr Samuel
' Lockeridge. We wish thein much
Glenannan. I joy and prosperity.
.'"-here is no flock. however watched and .
tended, Whitechurch.
But one dead•lanib is there : .
There is no firesidet:howso'er defended,A ineeting in the interests of M 0
But heali.ts vacant chair." ' Cameron; the Reform candidate for
The •rleab[i of one who has passed . West Huro .syilI be held in the For -
the allotted tinea score years and ten esters' haif'0ntSate,rday ening next,
is sad enot2 ,h to those near and dear, at 7.30 o'clock. Dr' Mac 'dnald,. M P
as according to the natural course it and otters will deliver ad cress ,; Il
comes ilei i.,altogether unexpectedly, i cerdiali r invite•
but, it is never sadder than when it
rays its icy hand upon vigorous ,youth Dominion range.
and chills The followingii officers were e lec ted'
and nipv a .lily;wh ch;';is full.:
at the recent meeting of the, above
of ho.'4 and ;promise. %t is -Said that:
the desttoyar `..Loves a shining mark,' body ' Peter Hepiustall, master,
Fordwich Wne Pranglen, overseer,
a..ei;gnal'biow," and. the truth of this 1 b
ir, wars never more aintall ' St Thomas; Robert. Wilkie,seoretdry,
P ' Blenheim •, Geo Hood, treasurer, Sun -
town than when it came like
yail un..shine. E J Henry, leotard', Soilibra
"timely frost afld entered the home of ; Geo Lethbridge; chaplain, Glencoe ;
John Scott, on the 6th instant, and ° James its; ,steward, Carmine ; J
laid low in death by inflammatory 1 W Philpr'nssista.nt• steward, Whitby;
rheumatism their beloved son and
'4lrothex Wallace, at the early sae of i I Berm Henry, gatelte$der,,, .Soiitura;
•.17 years, if months and .23 days. I Sis J Robirison, Flora,1itldlemarell ;
Youth is no snield against the ravages! Sis J ;d Kaiser, Pomona, Raper; Sis
lxe Let hr d lad assistant o h i e a tz3te
i ward
and pains or I,adily disease and death.. • y
r- , ,
'visite with impartial steps the youngGlencoe. Executive. Committee—
as well as the old.. °Tide is an an too..Peter He inatxll. Fordwich H
etsnimou: 'Rpursnc Giendinnin;, Mahilla, and . Jebel
Robinson, Middlemarch. Auditors—
',Never morning wore to evening,
But what some heart did break, Jas Faliis, . Newbridge, and Jas 1
with is no respecter of ages, times nor Little, Lambeth.
Leaves, have their time to fall, BOJtN.
And flowers to wither at the north ,tvind's ` NIxoN—In Whitechurch, on reb 12th,
breath, a wife of Mr Jos Nixon; a daughter.
Alla share to let—but all— J•oienvois—•In Morris, on Feb 13th,the
ileo bath all seasons for thine own O, i.fe of Mr Jag Johnston; a daughter,
death I" Er r.tor—In Turnbeiry, :on the 31st
The sudden depart'.re of a felloti anuary, the wife of Mr Jas Elliot; a
3atortal from this earthly 'scene reminds daughter,
at that health and strength are oursi
ayihnt we know not what tomorrow
ri s in .:torn for its, 90 we ought to
listen he 'Melly tothewords of the
eat ,1 aster : " Therefore, be ye also
sally, for 1►r Hugh au hour as ye think
of the S•,n .of elan cornsth," The
rices of those who have been out
'wn at our sides in the freshness of
tith and tlin vigor of .Wanhood, and
eisr,val of one sti. young say to'
h of us: "LI+.eo.'live today; to-
ttirow fever yet,.'on'any human being
a or het." While' we pay the tribute
sartfelt sympathy to the bereaved
nit, brothers. and sister, let us
nee how impressively it teaches
That in, the midst of life we aro in
h. A'Pry Ilfrge number of friends
ivIstaiorns accompanied ilia remains,
At' keit resting place in Wibgha
fiery, on Wednesday, the 10i
ANDERSON—YOUNG—At the residence
of the bride's parents, West Wawanosh,
on the 17th instant, by Rev Jas Carie, of
Dungannon. Mr Wm G Ahdorson, of
Clare, N W T, to Miss Martha Annie
Young, eldest daughter of Mr Matthew
Young. •
JAoitsov—BALL—On the 10th inst, by
the Rev J W Shilton, B A, at the Rat-
, tenbury St Methodist Parsonage,Clinton,
Mr W Wallace Jackson, of East Wawa -
nosh, to Aggie, daughter of Mr Henry
Ball, of Londesboro.
MoCe~rcnnort—Wlrsox--In Morris, on
Feb 3rd, by Rev W ,T C1ufi, of Brussels,
Mr John McCutchean to Miss Mary,
A Bugineos Eduoai;ioq,
will secure the catalogue of the
Business College,
O SJON, Q '''J.7,
O 100 students In attendance,
J W. Woatexvelt, Principal
weammt, February 18, 1892
Corrseted by P. Deans, Produce Dealer,
Flour per 10014x, • ;#2 40 to
Fall Wheat per bushel, • 88 to
Spring " 85 to
Oats, - - 20 to
Barley 80 to
Peas, 59 to
Butter, tub 15 to
do Rolls, 15 to
fEggs per dozen 15 to
ood per cord, 1 50 to 1
Flay per ton, 9 00 to 0
Potatoes, - 25 to
Dossed Hogs, per cwt 6 00 to 6
Chickens, per pair • 25 to
Ducks, per pair - 40 to
Turkeys, per Ib 8 to
Geese, per lb • 5 to
2 00
The undersigned has for sale on Lot 10, Con, 4.
Turnberry, , four thoroughbred Holstein bulls. rang.-
ing from 9 to 18 months old. The above mentioned
animals are ail well marl sed and registered in the
Canadian Hord Book. They will be sold cheap and
on easy terms to suit purchasers. .
Breeder of Holstein Cattle,
Blnevale, Ont.
We are prepared to pay the
for all kinds of good, sound
delivered at our Mill.
Basswood .Heading Bolts;
• by the cord,
CEDAR. POS* ++ , azC.
done cheaper than ever and satisfac..
tion guaranteed.
Call and get prices, lengths to cut,
McLean' Sr Son.
, i All kinds of Lumber, Shingles,
Laths, &c., kept constantly on hand.
To General Merchants and Boot and Shoe •Stores.
In connection with my Leather Business I keep a
full stock of '
and can supply the trade at lowest prices with
nI 10,.16 AND 25o. sIZns.
grosots at gross prices:
COTTON• til engths,
RIFLE r:. n
LEAT.EtE , Single Tag Horsehide,
LEATHER, Double Tag Horsehide,
Domestic and French, at the very lowest.
Best brands always on hand, in nak or
youngest daughter of the late William ' hemlock "tannage.
Wilson, all of Morris.
GItEExsr.AnF --In Morris, oil /10b Oth, BLACKING, AT nEntscxn PRICES.
Alice, relict of the tato Geo Greenslade,
ed 90 years. Your patronage respectfully solicited. You Mil
$Amatil- Ill Luck00w, on rob loth, cave freight, time and probably a percentage, Set
hog J Barber, aged 4 years, son of lir the example of des nit at hr»ne. Go to the PHARMACY.
Samuel Barber.. Deceased was a nephew
Oves, Stoves,
All intending purchasers of stoves for this
winter will save money by buying from
Having bought a very large.variety of
to choose from
Every stove guarenteed againit breakage and
to give complete satisfaction.
D. ° TTTH a l3LAN0.
`Mringhatn, October 8th,1891., ,
Over 25,000 Hoosier Drills and Seeders' with our Posititr !' Force}
Feed in Use in Canada.
GUARANtEED THE BEST IN THE WORLD, and the,,lilJ'iry drill that can be instantly regulated to
run the desired depth in hard and sort ground while moving,
THD•IIOOSIF.It I8 THE ONLY DRILL that sows all kinds of grain and coeds evenly, and at the
depth desired in all kinds of soil..
THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that commences to sow the instant the horse 100*s.
THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEED, and is tine only drill that deposits the grain evenly
just the depth you want it in hard or soft Bail. REMEMBER TREE
TIE HOOSIER COMBINED DRILL with cultivator teeth is the best eultivahor made, end is the only fmple•
ment made with teeth oh independent draw bare that can bo set for hard and soft land while the team is in
motion. Tun Roos ,a is lighter on the horsee than any other drill made. The points of excellence in the
Iloosraa t other drift do 0
s not have are Worth more to the farmer than an drill in the world.THE COMBINED HOOSIER can be ehaoged'from drill to seeder dr seeder to drill in less time than any drill
made. Send for our new illustrated catalogue' and testimonial Sheet. Beware of purchasing drills thi,t'
infringe Our patents.
No combine he.rie
JOHN, CAMP' Li, Agent,
Also, dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implement Organs, Sewing Machines,
&c., all from the best makers in Canada. •
The tinanoial standing of this Company is first•elass, that' being rated at $24
A. L. HA MLION3, rs StuoLdr
has on hand M. 0. II, A., L, 0. P. B. 0., ti. 0. P. S. ;u.,
21A1211 81000 SYRUP,
Ono of the best blood purifier on the
market. it cannot be surpas'sod by
any for skin diseases of 011 kinds,
quality is of the first importanee.
Jonathan flusllart, Listowel, says :
"After spending all my`money and prop.
arty to 110 pprpase on medical ]nen, for
what they termed a hopeless case of con-
sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me."
Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse; says:
"When al1 others failed, Dr. Sinclair
cured me of fits."
W. McDonald, Lakefield, says :-•-•"Dr:
-Sinclair cured the of Catarrh,"
Geo. Rowed,I3lyth, says :--"Dr. Sin-
clair cured me of heart disease and drop-
sy when all others failed."
Diseases of private nature brought on
by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures.
of Air Charles barber of this lawn. , .
Goation --In Goderioh, on Feb iltb, WIttcil3Att T N>r1 ztY.
n; a
DR. SINCLAIR willA at the
'S ' 'P'. ., v Ingham,
i . ON
itttatat, RABAT, MARCH 14:1111