Wingham Times, 1892-02-19, Page 7TEMPERANCE COLUMN.
corn even DY TRE Y. W. Q. T. U.
Fight for Prohibition.
vinegar and water and then ifs soap and going to attend to it, You tell Ethel
C. P. R. '.l'IA4k1 TABLL.
water will remove all ordinary ink stains. live gonfl, and see what she has to say Trans arrive and depart +iafollows:
liquid citric acrd or oxalio acid is another u ft:35 a. an..., „ ,,.,FGr Tor etc . ir:85 r.. nt.
mode, Oxalic acid is very corrosive, and Before the boy could. form soother 1.010p'm sw
r Per Tceator L oo;1.
e.sbing at once iu water and then in act that ver v,lra ARRIVING
1tmTAr. BBAi4 hTY.ANslllre.
flteamers.nail reguitirlr from
Y Tums—"lting the Belle of heaven, Key of B. Oat," ahould be removed from the article byle question be was off, 1.0;65 p. ru 10:Sft
PORTLAND �Nn •tiaLiFAX ra l.iuEs-
p thorough washing in water, Zf, atter the 4R,A LQ' D TRV l�TK .R' y
41 Fight for prohibition, gird our armour POt7L via 1.orid FAX
GU washing,the article be wet with household To Avoid Publicity. A. 0. STRATHDEE, Aossr, itiouiAn4 aoaiNG vii WINTN>4 NONTUft,
antsy we'll march agiliust the foe, ammonia any acid remaining will be nen. Here area few sit cnidae from tl 0 Through tickets to all points In America—Nortir. Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, (;2G•
ggt few rates. No tt e Carried.
won, a �a Detroit ',tribune, to Ise followed -by popular routes. 'Baggage checked through to t,TATEI sEuviCII or
Hestination, Lowostirelwht rats to all points
w• Steerage a Crr. f
We will wield the sceptre till the battle s tr Ir d west Pacifle coast etc via the shortest and all
No matter what substance be used to
Till woostay the stream of blood and remove ink, the atain must be rubbed well. • men who wish to keep their names out ----TtME TABLE...--
. A L L A Al L i N E
of the newspapers. STEAMSHIPS.
Cho,—Geer for let the eo le sing,If the article stained be a carpet on theLUAVZ WINGUUAtt. AR8WV1. AT WINGITAM,
Cho.—Glory, glory, p . Don't have a enemies. 0:30ant,Totonto,Guelph,Palmeraton, &o. $:81 p.m. NEW YO,,$ & GLASGOW
8oer,use a brush. As the acids of,eu affects
Glory, glory, make the Walken ring; 11:10 1031 '
'Tie for prohibition we will take our stand, the colors in fabric, it is wise to try the Don't have any friends,
7:355 p.m.
0:I5 a.m
3:20 pan,
11:10 n,In
3:40 p.m
" " Clinton, " ' via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $g0 and
Palmerston, Mixed 10:85 a.nt, upwards. Second Cabin, 520. Steerage at low 1.4E4.London, &c 11:00 " Apply to I1. de A. ALLAH, Montreal, or
7:5b p.nt
Kincardine, &o ., ,0:30 a.m.
11:10 "
7:10 pan
Till we rive intemperance from the land. water and milk, or the water and vinegar Don't inherit money.
2'yote for prohibition --hoax the bond- methods before resorting to the acids. Don't lose it,
leen call; Chemicals should always be the last resort, ,
From the weak and fallen comes the union one be rattler familiar with their Dont sign any petitions.
errsaction. Don't subsdribe to any lecturecourses
Come,' undo the shackles, burst the
chains that gall, My own experience is that it is a most or stock comptinies.
Come and rescue, save us ere we die. difficult matter to remove the etaine of
2 Pray for Prohibition—how the mothers Some kinds of black ink if they have stood
plead,, for a few hours ; whereas, other kinds,
. While their hearts are breaking with notably stylographic ink spats, cau be,
despair; . removed easily with soap li and water,
And the little children in their want and
Ask that God will grant us this our Greatly Reaelltted.
prayer.• . Dem Sins,—I have been using B. B. B.
for calmer of the breast during the last
There's a Time that is Coming. two years and four months, both external.
Teas—"sweet Bye -and -Bye." ly and internally, mud have been greatly
benefitted. Have had cancer ever seven
1 There's a time that is •coming at last, ' years, nand no medicine ever did roe as
Oh work for that beautiful day, much good as B. B. B. I feel Imre that
When the rum traffic's power shall be sufferers from cancer oau obbain relief
pest, or eveu cure from B. B. B., • and will be
And all christiens shall vote as they pleased to answer any questions as to the
pray, use amd benefit received from the remedy.
In the sweet bye -and -bye, Mns. A. Elmore, Watertown, Ont.
Ob work for that beautiful day,
An Expyd3ant Trio.
In the. sweet bye -and -bye, •
When all Christians can vote as they A' trio of excellence is the Daily Witness,
• pray. . Weekly Witness and Northern Messenger,
2 When the prieon.shall clode up its doors, of Montreal. The first, as a Daily from
And the poorhouses tenantless stand, the •commercial centre of Canada, should' Don't sue anybody.
When the rum shop shall .darken no more be mead by every business mat; the Week. Don't get sued.
The dear homes -of our beautiful land. ly Witness, as a useful and interesting Don't go to law at all:
3 When In the tstre gth ofChurch nt eirtvi tueaand family paper, is known throughout Amer- llon't lite to be an oe tog enarian.
cm sod Great Britain, while file Northern Don't die.
And led by a voice from the skies, Messeuher, for the younger members of
Shall dare •everywhere to do right. the family and for Sabbath Schools, is The Hcad Surgeon.
most desirable. The great success of these
Aloohor and the Heart. pipers make their •circulation very large,' Of the Lubon Medical ,Company is now at
• 13r *G W Riullardsoli, of London,tlieda.' and may be consulted
Any tan of them with the Moms for the•lToronto, Cana'either fu person or by letter on all chronic
Don't recommend anything.
Don't get victimized.
Don't exhibit any public spirit.
Don't tell stories.
Don't register at a hotel.
Don't visit a friend in an adjoining
township or elsewhere.
Don't a11ow other people to visit
Don't show any interest in music,
art, literature, science or education.
Don't meet long -lost friends or
Don't go insane.
Don't get sick.
, Don't accept presents.
Don't do anything that might bring
you a vote of thanks or condemnation,
arca.. 9TH Div. COURT, CO. IHueoN,
CoafarxssxoNED IN H. C. .T., ETo.
Capital, $11,200,000. Rest, $600,000.
President -Joust STUART,
Vice•Prosident—A. G. RAmsAY.
noted physician, says he was recently herxte news would add to thelhappiuess and
able to Convey a considerable amount proeperrty of way Canadian -home. The
of convictiou to all intelligent scholar pisco of the Daily Witness islthree dollars
by a.sinaple experi• •eat. The scholar a year, of the Weekly Witness one dollar,
wed of the Northern .Messenger thirty
was singing the p aides of the ruddy ceats: Messrs -John Dougallak Son, Mon.'I
bumper, and saying.he Could not get treal, are the publishers.through the daywithout it when Dr
A Wonderful Change.
Richardson said to him :
ly; what does it sayl• heartily of any food, and am strong and
smart. It is a grand medicine and has
Your pulse says 74. , made a wonderful change iu my health.
Then 1 eat down in a chair and Mits. W. H. Tale, Harley, Ont.
asked Bine to count ++•gain. He did so Eterllrotnor Entertained Rim.
and said : Your pulse has gono down She was hilt quite ready to receive
to 70. hien, so she sent her brother to enter -
I then lay clown on a lounge, 'and tain bin: while site put the finishtug
said, will you take it again..? touches on her toilet. The entertain,.
He replied. Wily it is poly :64; what tnent was lively if not satisfactory,
an extraordinary thing? You are Ethel's bean, ain't you
I then said : When you lie down at begat! .the youngster,
night that is the way nature •ivestyour yes, pleasantly.
heart rest. You know nothing abort Have you money in the bank ?
it, but the beating organ is resting to Yes,
,that extent ; if you reckon it i p it is a Ill your own name'
great deal of rest, because in lying yes
down the heart is doing 10 strokes
less a minute. Mul.:iply that by 60
and it is 600 ; mnitip!y it, by five
hundred, and within a fraction it is
5,000 strokes different ; and as the
heart i' throwing six ounces pf blood
at every stroke, it slakes a difi'erence
Will you be moo enough to feel m C situ LEaxEN,—For tieeuty years 1 suffer -
Will b n y ed from rheumatism, dyspepsia, poor
pulse as 1 staled here �? appetite, etc., and received no,benefit front
the mauy .medicines 1 tried, but afier
He did so. 1 said, count it careful. trtfsiug Live bottles of B. B. B. I •c.tu eat
diseases peculiar to mar. Men, young,old,
er uniddle•daged, who find thenlselve uerv-
ons, weak and exhausted, who are broken -
,down from excess or overwork,.resulting in
many of the following -symptoms : Meotal
deprossion, premature old age,loss of vital
ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness
of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions
lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head.
acbe, pimples on the face or body, itching
or :peculiar sensation ;about the scrotum,
wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks bee
fore the eyes, twitching of the mueoles,eye
aids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits
of the urine, loss of will power', tenderness
of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby
muscles, desire to sleep,failure to be rested
by sleep, constipation. dullness of hearing,
loss of voice, desire for soli tude,exci tability
of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with
LE.Ants IncL1,oily,looking <kiu, etc, ;lire
all symptoms of nervous debility that lead
to insanity and death unless cured, The
spring or vital force Raving lost its tension•
every function wanes in consequence.
Those who through abuse committed in
ignorenoe may be permanently cured.
Send your address for book on all diseases
peculiar to man. Bootie tent free sealed.
Heart disease, the sytnptems of which are
faint -spells, purple lips, numbness,palpitas
tion, akin beats,hot flushes, rush of blood
to the heat, dull pain in the heart with
beats strong, rapid and- irregular, the
second inert beat quicker than the first,pai n
about the breast bone, etc, can positively
bd cured. No cure, no pay. Send for
honk. Address M. V 1,1113 ON, 24 llacdnu•
ell Ave. Torouto, Canada.
701x PROUroR,CStAS. GURN&r, Geo 1toACII, A.
Woon, A. B. Lee (Toronto),
Cashier—J,, TURNBULL..
Savings Bank—Hours, 10 to 8; Saturdays, to
1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of interest.
Drafts oh Great Britain and the United• States
West Huron Wooden Mil1s,
bought and sold ,
Arid you expect to keep it iii your•
own natne after you ,:Harry Ethel ? •
Well, Ethel will have something to
say about that,
Will she ?
Yes. Do you smoke ?
30,000 ounce's of lifting daring' the Yes.
night. When j lie down at night And you expect to smoke after you
Withput any alcohol,' this,, is the rest etre married
my heart gets. But wiled you take Yes.
your wife or grog you do not allow
that rest, for the influence of alcohol
• is to increase the number of strokes;
and instead of getting this lest, you
put on somethin4 like 15,000 extra
strokes, and the result is you rise np
very seedy and unfit for the next days
work, till you have' taken a little more
of this ruddy bumper, which you say
is the soul of man bslow,
elittdetl Dees.
Among the many foes to human health
and happiness dyspepsia and temetipation -
are twin enemies greatly' to be feared.
'With 13. 13. B. to drive them out of the
system, however, no danger road be Antici-
pated, as every dose brings the nufforer a
long btep further on the road to porfeet
health and strength, and a permanent cure
always results.
To Remove Black Ink Status.
Several subscribors asst how ink stains
cam be removed. If the stained article
be washed immediately in several waters
and then in milk, letting it soak in the
milk for several hours, the stains will
Ohl at'tteIS* imarnediatoly ire
We wish to inform the' public that we have thes
Woolen Mi11s in A 1 running order, and xi)) thi
season give special attention to
in all its branches, and will keep in stock a
class of flrst•class Goode, such as
Stocking Yarns
&c., &c.,
. (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash ore
I change for wool. .
Customers from a distance can hare their°ro
Dhome with them the same day.
' 63'llighest market price in cash for Merchant -a
Call and • see our stock of :
Horse clotliieg of all kinds.
HARNESS, double and single, light or heavy,
made to order in the latest styles and of tho best
material. -
Trunks, Valises, hand nags, &o. in Stook and wil
be sold as cheap as the cheapest.
NERVE BEARS aro a now die•
covery that cure the wont neem of
Nervous Debility Lost Vigor and
Failing Manhood; restores the
weakness of body or mind caused
by over -work, or the errors or cm-
cesses of youth. This Remedy ab-
solutely curea the most obstinate casea when all other
TJIIATMENTS have failed ovento relieve. :,old sent bydrug-
rreeoeeiipi 0 tprice by addressing TIIE$JAMES MEDICINE
CO.. Toronto. Ont. Writofor pamphlet. Sold 1a—
Wingham by A. I.. HAMILTON.
Well, Ethel will have something to
say about that,
The deuce she will 1 .
Yes. You belong to a club, don't
you ? purstied the inquisitor,.
And you expect to belong to -it after
you are married l
'Well Ethel will have something to
say about that.
I want tb know'
You play billiards sometimes, don't
you f continued the boy.
And you expect to play after you
Ant married 1
J do.
Well, Ethel will have something to
say about that.
The.loyer here arose in his wrath,
Look here, my young friend, add
he, Irve got an important engagement
which I sante near forgetting. Ion
3iL'y i.F+ Ei) k, ft
exu.; t^t'��-e .n ^•�arnzrtluntr
1 Are pleaScsrt fe i1' - '. C001:41.",t 'r r ow t v
PrePsat'iva. x 't 'e; , r' • I of r' vert
tel tecyeYofou' to 'J. '. , a, i rLI.t).6
nteont.leate,roa ^MYNA, .`L.-.:i4v Es4. r'.; ,citAi•:"..>`•fll
.iu la
All Dien can't bo Apo!.
los of strenrtth:nalfarm
but all may stave robust
strong�*.� nerves
and Clear melee. 000
treatment makes such
num. Tho methods aro
bit r o11.110Neinsitoly,ai'd
where. enythi:g Is 1,41to build iLi1
ttnontltoViow3 Qfllc
is t'ttstly., m-�.i:<'kiy,
1lertrr1t1Ctl try resit).'.
td, NVeu1oner.s. Nl•04
v ttiatie,ry t a.1t f5•,
and allt)'iOf ruofevil5
fpont t^il)+ :tl e•
['NCO L., t 1, -Ill( of
ntt•1'.1 dl .. r,••• '
•'r P•
r1. rt•.i„r.- .r ,„.0
11.•Pr,l::h, c,•..L'l
Y'tUl1 (11,11 tills, el Voll 11 t1 It 11. all:
portion of the body, c • r to - 1 •.1,.: .
111110 'sato 1....•,t ei 0 -b: 1,1:10-0 1:u•
310iolble ',ata) r, meet, rook, lU'taaa+
Boos*. t llur,)i3Oi dtrc.•'di1 Attdn's.I,
leltIii •1Z10t1I14Al,C100 3.1Ub"L'Al.ty,+Qa
Repairing neatly and promptly done on short notice,
The patronage of the public solicited, and antis
faction in work and nmt.xial guaranteod.
SHOP—One door north of Cai,adian Expresa Office
M. A
m .. , .. mat,.tr _,
Scientific American
Agency for ,
Por information and free handbook write to
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free Of charge In the
cKeixtifxe amaxicaix
world. st Splendidly illustrated.
rated. 3(n of any scientifico paper
aman should be withouty
Syear; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN & Co.,
mums:m x.361 Broadway. New York.
Restores Fading hair to its
D. L. CAV.^N.
. "",,•" " Toronto, Travelling Passenger Agent, C. P R. St0 S tailing Of'hatr.
3071: Antl•LondrufflsapertoctromoverofDan. P g
' deur-Its notion le marvellous—in my' OM] Case• Keeps the Scalp clean,
n few applications not only thoroughly rnmoved
oa �����,„,� oxcnasivn dandruff accumulation but stopped Makes hair soft and Pliable
GUARANTEED tiling or no hair: made it soft and pliable and Promotes Growth.
promoted a visible growth.
original color.
.$1,000.00 REWARD
Offered for any Dinehino that will do as quem ru,eo of w rk. and d
it as anvil• and as well as gnu be •done ml the Paris Vo tical Cee
Se ring Machine. This oar has been befnre the public for the pd
ton years. It has ,.ot boon Maimed, proving that the Davis Vedic,
Feed is the "host 011 Earth."
intending pnrchascrs will make a miatnite if they don't see t1i,
machine before buying. Go 10llttCed for ten years by the ttlanufn
furors and myself,
The first Davis SetVing Machine wan made in 18110 in Wetertow
N. r. The now factory is located at Dayton, Oliin, mid is the too
complete Sowing lfachtnc factory in the Uniteri States, its tannai
being 400 utnchinns per day. It has over 4 acres of floor space.
and everything in the implement line, from the hest makers, 01
In stock. -
I make it a special point to keep always a fall stork on baud.
NEEDLES for all kinds of aen•Png machines, also tho best,
and repairs.
N. 13. Agent for the Massey -Barris Co. Ltd, of Toronto, llrantfold and Woodstock.
`. '. () S
• Winglttm, Ol
A Blessing to Every Flouseb.old.
These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the hest Medicines
b'atnih• 1100.
Purify the blood, correct 1111 disorders of the LIVER, STh:lfAClt, 'tittr\li1'S AND TROWELS ani
invaluable in all complaints incidtntal to females of all ares.
1 is the only reliable remedy for batt leis, Sores, ulcers, and a41 a'rntn.1e, POR 1'IN?N('11I1Ilt,
;111110ATS, l'..ttl`GBR, r0LI15, POTT; BVII;:IIATISM, (ltAI/1'1.d11 4W1:1.ilinS 'l5I) A1.1•
DtS1•iA'l1i8 IT IIA1 N() )tt1t Ar,, llfnnufaetured nnly0178, Neu't)N"". Late C:n, ttxiolwl' Siren, 1 1 and sold by nil :Medicine Veudora throughout the sterid.
t ''I'urllaaers should look to the Lsiel 011 the l,r,ios end Dots. If the satires
ton dila Oxford Street, Loudon, they ate spurious,