Wingham Times, 1892-02-19, Page 53aallOe o=
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I .: �. rim da, rIs 3VBPyOL
Now is' the Time to get .BOOTS .and SHOES at your own P rice
We have not got time to specify, but call and see for yourselves. We must make room for Spring importations.
We are Still Busy Making up to Order the Most Nobby Suits to be found West of Torontoo
That's the verdict of our most particular customers. We accept their decision.
FaP,ST ia± ST S=c ar_
N. B. -We must respectfully request the payment of all accounts at once. .
Turnherry of taxes not collected from Mr Hanna'
The spirit of Mrs Peter McLaren, 'on•lot south half 248, Wingham Town
(Bluevale road) took its flight to the Plot, 'charged to that Int and collected
-werritleeheeyend the grave on Thursday by him -Carried. Moved by Wm
morning, at the hge, of 52 years,„ 9 iliunfie11, seconded by John Diment,
months and 15 days. The deceased that should it be necessary to build a
had a complication of troubles, which new bridge at Gemmill's, on the 6th
baffled the skill of six physicians, and line, that the Reeve and John Ansley
after a lingering illness of about four he instructed to have plans and specie
months, her spirit quietly and peace- fications mane and tenders asked for
the work, tenders to be sent to the
Clerk, John Burgess, Bluevale P 0,
on or before 12 o'clock, noon, March
21st, 1892 -Carried. The following
accounts wpre passed and orders issued
on the Treasurer for the same : John
Burgess, • $$, registration of births,
marriages and deaths; J A Morton,$2,
affidavits re race bridge ; R Shrigley,
$5, charity ; Wm Anderson, $5, do ;
Thos Montgomery, $8, do ; Thos Biles'
lingsley, $8, do ; Wm McPherson, -
$1.50, attending; audit ; B Saults, $1,
rent of room. Moved by John Diment,
seconded • by Wm Mundell, that the
Council adjourn till March 21st, to
meet in Saults' hall -Carried.
Joliet BURGnss, Clerk.
fully passed away. The funeral will
be on Saturday, 20th instant, leaving
the house at 2,80 p m for' Wingham
Mr CVm, G'Anderson,• of Clare, N W
T, son of Mr W S Anderson, of this
township, is home'on a visit to friends
and acquaintances, Mr Anderson has
been in the West for nine years and
gives a very favorable report of that
country. When he went, there first
he was seventy miles from a railroad,
at present, he is thirty tive, but the
road .is to he extended next summer•
so that it will be, nearer to him in the
future. He returned to this 'province
a bachelor, but one of the fair daugh-
ters of West Wawanosh, Miss Martha
Young,eldest daughter of Mr Matthew
Young, so captivated him that he
could not think of returning alone, so
on the 17th Inst they were united in
the holy bonds of wedlock. The
happy couple will leave for the west
shortly. The Tins wishes them long
life and prosperity in. their far west
•The municipal Council of the Town-
ship of Turnberry met at Saults' hall,
Bluevale, on Monday, February 150,
1892. Members all present. Reeve
in the chair. The minutes of last
meeting read and signed, A commue
nioation was read from the County
Treasurer, re arrears of taxes on south
half of Lot 248, Wingham Town Plot.
The Auditors laid the detailed state-
ment for the year 1891' before the
Council, Moved by. John Diment,
seconded by George Harris, that the
Auditors' detailed statement be receiv-
eceived and adopted--Oarrted. Moved by
Wm Cruickshank, seconded by George
ll:arris,that th.e Treasurer be paid $40,
balance of salary. and $7, stationery
and postage -Carried. Moved by Wm
Cruickshank,seconded by John Diment statement to the effect that a dog he
that the Clerk ke paid $40, balance was assessed for in 1801 got poisoned
of salary and $11, postage -Carried. shortly after being assessed for the
Moved, by George Barris, seconded by same, requesting that said dog tax now
Win Mundell, that any y person wanting be refunded- Granted. The annual chango of Fatlirnasters must notify. e certificate from the Registrar General,
some mintier of the Oonneil or the Toronto, was received, stating that the
Clerk before next mooting of Council Clerk had, in 1891, registered 50
---Carried. Moved by Join Diment, births, 1,3 marriages and 21 deaths,
seconded by George Harris, that the and authorising r him((aecoordiing t
scale of statute labor be the same as statute) to receive $8,40, payment
last year -Carried. Mor• George for the same. The Auditors' Report
Maris, seconded by John Diment, that and
Treasurer's e abstract for
b 1 91
.the Auditors be paid $10 each, on ae received esecondedaby. Anderson, that
count of extra work, for this' year'• r
Carried. Moved by Wni Oruiokshauk, the same as now read be received and
seconded by John Diment, that as adopted, and that the Auditors be paid
this Council has already allowed John , as formerly, $7 each, foil their services
Hanna a rebate of over $8 on his' -Carried, The Clerk was instructed
arrears' of taxed, that the County to get 800 copies of the minutes of
Treasurer be instructed byour fllerit 1801,witb Auditors'Report and treas.
tit Naive the suiri of a,7of ocean tit'er's Abstract, printed. Applications
for the office of Assessor were received
from Fountain Naylor, John Taylor,
con. 8; and John Anderson, sr., oon.6.
Moved by Mr Shiell, seconded by Mr
Robertson, that John Anderson, sr.,
he appointed Assessor for the current
year, salary $60-0arried. Messrs
Taylor and Anderson were authorized
to arrange for -the purdhase of a few
road scrapers for road making purposes
within the township. Board of health,
same. as last year,viz : The Reeve and
Clerk, and Messrs Walter McGowan,
James McCallum and Alex Rintoul.
Dr Meldrum, W ingham, Medical Health
Officer. By-laws Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4,
1892, read and passed. The following
debentures were ordered to be signed,
viz : Corporation of Hulled, half
share of building dulvert, lot 36, con
1, on. 5 B, 1891, $6 ; Joseph Jackson,
con 4, error on dog tax, 1891, $1 ,
Henry Madden, Belgrave, refunded
dog tax, 1891, $1 ; Andrew Ferguson,
ditching on eastern gravel road, con
10, $2.50 ; P. Porterfield, services as
Division Registrar in 1891, $8.40 ;
Charles Campbell, services as Auditor,
1891, $7 ; Wm Robinson, aervices as
Auditor, 1891, $7 ; John Anderson,
part payauentof salary as C,tllesstor in
1891, $60. The Council thee ad-
journed till Thursday, 24th March
next, P. PoriTJsnFnnI,D, Clerk,
East Wawanosh•
Mr Fred Anderson has returned
home from Eastwood, where he has
been working during the past summer.
-Nibs E P i5'owler has returned from
Michigan, -Mrs Murray, nee lliiss An-
nie Anderson, of Essex, and formerly
of Wawanosh, is visiting at her old
hpme on the 6th concession. -Mr
Thos Turnbull, of Whitewater, Mani,
foW, having spent a few weeks among
friends here, returned home on Tues-
day, taking with him a number of
horses, -A number of yogng peeple of
Westfield drove to Mr E Storehouse's
residence, on Monday night, where
they had a very pleasant time.
The Council niet at the Council
Room, February 11th, 1892, pursuant
to adjournment. Members all present.
The minutes of last meeting read and
signed. Communication received from
'Abel 5 Weekes, .Provincial Land Sure
veyor, Clinton, asking for the position
of Engineer for the township --Filed.
142r II 1iiadden, Belgrave, sone in, a
The short series of evangelistic
meetings in the Methodist church
have been well attended, and season
of Divine grace and power Fourteen
or fifteen have signified their desire
and purpose to live a new life,ainongst
whom there were some clear, bright
conversions. Evangelistic, meetings
will Le held this week and next, at
the Johnson church. -A new grocery
Las started in the village in the shop
lately vacated be Mr Archie Ashton,
tailor. Mr J 0 -Johnston is proprietor,
and has on hand a fine stook of new
goods. --Mrs Lewis continues very
ill and also Mrs Ashton, on the 1st of
Morris. -Mrs (Rev) 1 13 Wallwin and.
her mother 'Mrs McClean, were in
Goderieb on Tuesday attending the
funeral of the foriner's grandfather,
Mr Edward McClean, .of Goderieli
township. -"Manhood" is the title of
a lecture to be given a week from next
Monday, in the Methodist church,
Dr Chisholm and Rev S Sellery, both
of. Wingham,•,wtll- discuss different
aspects of the subject. The former
will speak of the relation of physical
culture to true manhood, pointing out
the disease and popular error in the
treatment. thereof, Mr Sellery wilt
•discuss the .relation of mental and
moral ettlture to true manhood. Both
are specialists, and are giving their
lives to tIiq,,two•,etlb'nets discttssed,and
no doubt a treat is in store for those
who hear them..
Messrs Duff Sr ,Stewart have sold
their farm, which is situated about
two and a -half miles east of James,
town, to Mr Anthony, Macdonald for
the sum of $1775, reserving the right the vicinity of the station who were•.
to take off all the logs. -Mr Samuel all confined to the house though sick -
Scott left for Manchester on Wednes- ress and had no way for communicating
day -Mr John McEwen has pur- with tbeir neighbors. They are in
chased the back half of lot 53,, straitened circumstances and require
concession 1, Turnberry, for $700..- assistance. -Quite a number of strange. -
Master William Bailey has been laid l faces were noticeable pie our streets a
up with bronchitis. -Mr Peter Hill, i few days before election day.. A. few
of Turtle Mountain, Manitoba, is,. weeks will reveal things that will make.
visiting at MrWm Thorntou's-Messrs some ( f our honest(?) politicians blush
Hewitt and Conlin, of this place, were for shame. A species of the genus
in Walkerton last week, to vote for homo of a Toronto Tory journal prowl
the Grit candidate, Mr Truax. -At ed around the Greenech swamp and in,
the meeting of the Yount, Peoples Brant township during election weelr,
Christian Association, on Thursday Rumor has it that be did not cover up
evening,it was decided to hold a grand his tricks -very skiltally and also
ooncert on or about March 4th. -Fri- dropped something. -Mr Selly moved
day evening last ended the quarter of to Wingha►n the fore part of the week.
singing lessons. Mr Skilling could Mr and Mrs Kelly were good citizens
have got another large class, but dP- and will be missed here. -Mrs. D W
dined to teach another quarter. He
is an excellent teacher. Ile had a
very large class in Bluevale, there
being nearly 65 pupils, -Miss Annie
Gray is seriously ill at present. -Mr
Dunn, who owns the house and lot
near the school, is in .Bluevale at Pres.-
ent.-MrElugh Ross drove to Seaforth
on Monday, where he will visit friends
for a few days.
• Wroxeter.
The Council met on the evening of '
the 16th Feb, in the usual place.
Members present- Messrs T 13 Sane
digs, Reeve, John 13 Vogt, Wm Lee
and Thos Rae, Councillors. Minutes
of last meeting were read and confirm
ed. The following acisounts vsere
handed in, and ou motion by William
Lee, seconded by • John l Vogt, were
passed and debentures ordered for that
same„viz: Gore Mutual Fire Insure
ance Company, insurance on hall,
$7,50 ; Clerk, registering births, ete,
$1.70; Olerlt,half year's salary ,$87. 50;
Wni Sanderson, ringing bell,half year,
$12.50. The auditors' report was
taken up and examined,and on motion
by William Lee, seconded by Thomas
Rate, was referred back to the auditors
for correction. On motion of Thoinas
Ras, seconded by Win Lee, the matter
of the mill dam was laid over till next
meeting, and the clerk instructed to
notify the trill owners to attend, On
motion of Thos kae, socouded by Win
Leo, the clerk was instructed to have
the roll box enlarged. On motion of
Win Lee, seconded by Thos Rae, the
council adjourned to meet in the usual
place on the third Tuesday in March,
or at the call of the Reeve.
J Cow,or, Clerk.
Miss Mary Sharpe is slowly recover•
in; from her serious illness, -Mr.
Norman Mol enzie has liad a severe
attack of inflammation of the lungs,
but we are pleased to state that he is
on the tient[.---There teas no mail on
Monday, owing to the roads being
blocked. -Miss Howson, who has been
confined to her room the last two
weeks, is able to be out, -While Mr
McLaughlin was out on a pastoral
visit, this week, he found a family in
Chadwitk's little boy and
been ailing this fete weeks.
they may soon be restored
Subscribe for the TIES.
Girl have
We hope
to health
"How are'yo3a?99
:: Nicely, Thank. ;-�'
"Wily the i:61,1 P :;;t";; .e
Which cured lie c CONSIIMPTIM,"
Give thanks for its discovery. That it
does not make you sick when you
take it.
Give thanks. That it is three tines as
efficacious as the old-fashioned
cod liver oil.
Give thanks. That itis such a wonder-
ful flesh producer.
Give thanks. That it is the best remedy
for Cogistts;rptionyeerofttlrx,
2)•oncliiti,s, 1t^aslen,q tis
eases, Coughs and CoZdr,
Ile sure you get the genuine hi Salmon;
color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at
-50c. Ind:;r,;�.
consu PTAK
The success of tills Great Gough Cu:
without a .parallel in the history of medic'
All druggists Are authorised to sell it ee a i'
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can s'
cessiully stand. That it may become knos
the rroprietors, at an enormous expense,
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every ho
in the -United States and Canada.,. If youlu
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Morseliitis, use it,
it will cure you. if your child has the Cron
or Whooping Cough, use itpro stly,andet'
is sure. 1f you dread that insidious .
Coonsumption,• use it, Ask your Druggi
SSIIILOH'S CUTIS, Price to eta, AO ct. ,
$r,00. If your Lungs arcuate ofk I
itse Shiloh's "porous Plaster. Price as Sts,