Wingham Times, 1892-02-19, Page 4a. pleased to appoint me administrator
DITORIAL NOTES. vision for the assessment of collateral the causes of holding this session of approve of being introduced into the
fin Tun sugar combine has suspended
It 1 1 I M 05 the olauso in their agreemed whickt
Sbinds the wholesalers not to sell Owe.FIMI1 •. fated sugar at te less price than that
now on.Th Object 1ect of this Inoue
set by the combing, and a sugar war is
pears to be to force all the wholesalers
•; to go alto the combine or ruin their'
1 business,
LORD JOHN RUSSELL, speaking of
the effect' of the policy of "protection"
in England,on the eve of its abolition,
said : "The system has been proved
to be the blight of commerce, the bane
oCagriciilture, the source of bitter
division among classes, the cause of
Opp, Brunswick House,
r'ingham, - - Ont
* iftiatgOam gimes
«IDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1892,
,she campaign in this riding is being
lied vigorously by both parties.
1p Government is making a desper-
effort to capture. the constituency
are promising all kinds of things
ifferent sections of the riding, in
sideration of the election of Mr
terson. The electors are not likely
Iut much faith in election promises,
the indications are that they will
xrn their old, tried and trusted
?esentative, M 0 Cameron, by a
ee majority. To make this certain,
-as supporter: of the Reform cause
Id put forth every legitimate
t from now till the lass vote is
penury, fever, mortality and crime
among the people," History has
been repeating itself in recent years in
the fanners, 3. We express our em-
phatic disapproval of the aotien• of the
Dominion Parliament in appropriating
to themselves the extra $a00 indem-
nity for the last session. 4. We would
ask the Government to reduce the
ditty on coal oil to 3 Bents per imperial
gallon. 5. We would ask the Govern.
intent of Ontario to amend the 1VIuni.
cipal Aet,that the number of members
in .County Councils be reduced ;, the
ballots for the election of councils to
contain a blank for the elector to vote
"yea" or "nay ;" and at any election
where the majority vote "yea," the
county council shall consist of the
reeves only and , each reeve shall be
entitled to as many votes as their, had
been deputy reevea in his municipality
in addition to his. own, , 6. We are
also in favor of the abolition of market
fees and, toll roads.
upon existing and projected enterprises
in Ontario also. A steedy demand has
nevertheless been kept up .for our
mineral hinds, the leasing provisions
in the Mining Act being regarded with
special favor, A bill to consolidate
and amend the mining laws will be
laid before you..
I an pleased to be able to state
that the new Parliament buildings acre
so near completion that the. depart.
mental offices will be•removed thereto
during the summer, and that the next
session of the. Legislature will probably
be held in the new buildings. •
•I am glad to inform you also that
is niversit buildings
so seriously damaged by fire two years
ago will be fully restored within the
next two months, The improved
interior arriingements and the erection
of a library apart from the main
C THE ONTARIO LEGISLA- building will add greatly to the effie
TORONTO Ne:t'S of Saturday : A peti I am pleased aisle to ,perceive the
the Provin
c l U y g
anada. TtTRrE eienoy gf tit work of th rversity,
The second session of the seventh
e un
tion was presented in the Legislature Le relators of the Province of Ontario, progrosa made with the building for
g Victoria University, now federated
yesterday from the electors • of the the first session in the second century'
entury with the Provincial institution.
Township of Turnberry, praying that of the,parliamentary history of the The completion of the new build -
the membership of County Councils, Province, was formally opened on the Ings for the use of "Upper Canada
Provincial` Legislatures, and House of l lth lust. Owing to the illness of the College makes an epoch in the history
Lieutenant -Governor, Sir - Alexander of one of the oldest educational intitu.
Commons be reduced by two .thirds, Oampbell, the ceremony was performs
and that the Senate be abolished altos ed by.eommission, Chief Justice Hag- tions of the Ptovirico. So great has
been the demand for admission to the
gether. Of a truth, these be radical arty having been appointed adminis- college that the increased aeeommoda-
refbrmers who have their abiding place trator for purpose by the Governor- tion is still inadequate to meet the
General, public wants. A full the
out in Turnberry. SPEECH FROM THE TIMONE,. p p y
trustees of tke college will be flub -
HorT JoI'GIBSON has given notice Everybo:iy listened intently while milted.
will introduce bill th Q the administrator read the speech from
present session, r A p ' r Bills have"been prepared and will
that he wt 1 e in a II- LAWS TO $E CONSOLIDATED.
tario Legislature,at its the throne as follows •—
to amend the laws relating to insurance,
ivi S Baker and Gentlemen
o. the
to amend the set respeetiug insurance
L islrltive Assembly : be laid before you immediately, con -
of the illness or the solidating the municipal laws, the
In consequence
corporations and to amend and con- Lieutenant -Governor, Sir Alexander assessment laws and the election laws,
solidate . the acts relating to game Campbell, his Excellency, the Govern respectively, as these now stande
nor -General in Council, has been Bills amending these laws will also be
d fur bearing animals. Mr Harcourt
an b
submitted for your consideration, with
bas given notice of a bill to make pro- for the purpose of declaring to you the view of such amendments as you
the Le rslati�e Assembly the first in cunsolidated acts before the passing
n recent sales of school lands in:
or remote inheritances in certain cases, g thereof.
itoba were very successful, up- and Mr Wood, of Brant, to repeal the the secondcentur}„'of the Parliamen .A bill will be submitted to extend
tary hietoryof our Pravince
s of 15,000 acres being sold,at an bonus clauses of the municipal law. The lamented' death a few weeks seine of the provisions of the laws
age rice of $7.95per acre: Sin Jona Teton/mow and Hon Messrs ago of the Duke of •Charente and heretofore made in respect of insurance
p Foster and Bowell returned from Avondale caused profound sorrow to certain classes of insurance not in -
E London City Council has passed throughout the British Empire. 'the eluded in the present enactment ; Oleo
l','+law reducing the number of hotel Washington on fVVednesday. While Lieutenant -Governor communicated a measure to correct the evils which
ses from 50 to 40 Last. Year the there they met representatives of the by cable on behalf of the people of have arisen fro n the difficulty under
leh licensed
d thetrade t According Majesty and their Royal Highnesses insurance companies and legitimate
re United States Government and drs- Ontariq their deep sympathy with her existing laws of distinguishing lessee
er was reduced from 69 to 50.
ra a gees ion. and bona fide benefit societies from
nn, official izoinination for West the Prince and Princess of Wales in .
. to the dispatches to the daily papers greaty organizations which are unauthorised
on was, held at Goderioh on their afflic"tion. His Royal g
e'da , when Mr M C Cameron and from . Washington, the negotiations Highness was pleased to acknowledge and illusory. -
i y have not resulted in anything being PROTECTION OF FISH AND GAME.
J 0 Patterson were nominated. y g g the message very graelehly.
t.accomplished towards closer • trade AGRICULTURE. The report of the Commission • on
tit United States. The Minister's will late you on the bountiful harvest of - will be laid before you, and,rf possible,
tiros will be held ori Tuesday relations between. Canada and the I am pleased to be able to congratu-,, the Fish and Game of the Province
,iE Toronto Exhibition Association h result the past year.
measures will be submitted during the
c give no information as to the
The demand for the publications of session, having in view the more effec-
'tiroven a splendid financial success. of their mission. the Department of Agricultere and five protection of these important
actual cash profits last year MoenREAL Witness: In spite of the for the enlargement of the scope of sources of food supply. ,
double tariff wall between Canada and the Buteau of Industries evinces a Amongst other bills which are in
feasted to $12,811.39, and the
adonis assets over all liabilities growing desire for fuller information preparation lea bill for the assessment
into $135,124,75.
the United States, our imports from with respect to all matters affecting of collateral or remote inheritances in
• the latter mounted from $92,814,733 the interests of the husbandman. The certain cases, a bill adopting. in sub.
byeeelections so far have been in 1890 to $94,824,352 in 1891, an in- large attendance at farmers' institutes
favorable to the Dominion crease of nearly two millions. • Our and at meetings of other associations
ritent,they having won Lennox,exports to the United States also ing connected with , agriculture, and the
Bruce and North Victoria, in' creased in value from $40,522,810 in practical character -of the work which
iv, and &oulanges, in Quebec, gg is now heing done, are further signs
1890 to $41,138,695. The aggregate of agricultural progress. The work of
the Opposition won Eichelieu,in trade between the two countries rose instruction carried on during; the past
F from $133,337,593 in 1890 to,$135,• year by the Dairymen's Association,
E superintendent of Government 963,047 in 1891. Canadians and and by means of the travelling dairy,
ph lines says that it is probable. Americans are bound to trade with
tion will ba made at the one another in spite of the McKinleys,
session of the Dominion Pare the Fosters,aud the rest of the "Know.
.to acquire the telegraph lines nothings" of both countries.
urate them in connection with THE Committee on legislation of the
tal service' as in England. Dominion Grange presented the follow•
election in East Bruce, on ing report at the recent meeting of
y of last weeei, resulted in the that body in London, whieli report was
of Mr Cargill by a majority of adopted : 1. That the Dominion Gov-
he means used to accomplish eminent be asked to reduce the post.
are told by our Teeewater age upon letters from 3 cents to 2
nt. A recount has been cents per ounce. We believe that by li
which will be commenced such reduction our income from the
rton to -day, so it is reported, sale. of stamps would not suffer to any !,
S Mem' will introduce buts material extent, as it wouid induce
esent session of the Ontario many more persons to write letters
n than do so now; also, that fewer postal
ewiB re, to consolidate the Muni- tarda would be used, as many letters
,to consolidate the Assessment
Bays amend the Land Surveyors' would be sent in their stead Muth
11 ; ir"oorporate the landsurvnyors; of the business of the country is done with the injured timber, andabout
tr through the mails, and every facility one hundred million feet of pine in
and consolidate the mining. unlicensed territory through 'which
fol to amend the Fisheries Act, should be accorded to the 'public for y g
fires had passed were, during the latter
e'r the transaction of their husiue:ss in the art of theyear,disposed of at good
mit IiEPUTaTroN from the city cheapest and most efficient manner. - prices. p
,01 .1 interviewed the Ontario 2, That we meinorialize the Dominion A commissio i has been appointed to
Tuesday, in regard to Government to placebinder twine upon report upon the desirability of estab•
hinetit of a Normal School
Are slaughtoiing wintergoods; we wi
carry none of them over, if out prick
will clear them out; all that we gain b
this is the use of the money and tle
advantage of room, What you gain iq
good fresh goods at cost; it is for you to -
say whether or not such inducements
are sufficient to briug you to the Anchor
Our Tea trade is constantly inoreasing
in volume and growing in public favor.
'Thet`reasons are—lst, that•we have by
long years of careful and thoughtful
experience learned to judge Teas by un-
failing tests. 2nri, by making the wants
of the trade a daily study.. We know
what our Patrons require in this line,.
and so aro always in a position to supply
General groceries—pure, fresh ' and
cheap, are always a leading feature of
our trade. Special value in sugars,.
syrups and molasses.
We de a large trade in butter, eggs,. •
lard, cured meats, oatmeals, cornmeal,,
pure honey, wholesale and retail,potatoes,.
sem Goods delivered promptly,
Carpets and Curtains, Gents' Furnish
ings, ready-made and ordered clothing,,
form no small portion of our trade.
You know we carry the finest stook of
boots and shoos, rubbers and overshoes.
Competitors kick about our low prices, .
but you need not mind them; you want
the best and cheapest and we can supply
you. .
Very Respeotfully Yours,
The Big Brown Anchor.
Wingham, February 17th, 1892.
Moffat is moving his office to the
building formerly occupied by Dr
Sloan as his office.—Mr Somerville is
visiting his sister, Mrs Dr Ferguson,.
this week.—Mr John Gemmill, of
Turnberry, was in town this week.—
Miss Ferguson, who has been visiting
at her brother's, .Dr Ferguson,returned
home last week.—Mr and Mrs James
Wylie, of Turnberry; were in town
this week. —Mr Aaron Bentley, of
Hamilton, was home attending Mr
Curry's funeral,—Rev Dr Robertson,..
Superintendent of Missions in...the
North West and in British Columbia,
will (1) V) preach in St Andrew's
church here next Sunday morning,
West Wawanosh.
'The Council met on Saturday, Feb..
ruary 13th. Present—Reeve Swart,
Deputy -Reeve Bowers and Councillor
Todd. The minutes of former meeting
were read and approved. The Treas-
urer's statement for January was read.
It showed balance and receipts of
$3912.47, and expenditure $3731.23,,
leaving balance of.$181,24 on hand to
February account—Report filed. Ten-
ders were read for the township print-
ing for current year. Moved by Mr
Todd, seconded by Mr Bowers, that
, the tender of the Lucknow Sentinel,
at $45, be accepted—Carried. The
Treasurer reported that he had been
stance the recent modifications by the unable to collect $7.24 of the amount
British Parliament of the laws relate
promised to pay the balance of the
lug to mortmain,, and a measure re -
ex -Treasurer's liability to the township
speeting the emoluments of certain of and requested that the Council take
the county officers who are paid by 1 some action in order to have the ac•
fees. l count elr�sed and audited. Moved by
The public accounts for the past Mr Bowers, seconded by Mr Todd, that
year will be laid before °you . at an the tiounoil accept what has been paid
early day. You will be pleased to as a final .settlement of this account,
was very satisfactory; the demands learn that the expenditfire has been and that the Auditors be hereby
for the travelliug dairy were far greater kept within the appropriation and that authorized to close the account in the
the revenue has exceeded the. amount .audit of 1891, giving credit to the exw
than could he met. Treasurer's account of 7,2 as a
WOODS AND FORESTS. anticipated.
`q� 4
Notwithstanding the decreased out- , The estimates for the current year donation from the township—Carried.
put of timber and saw logs last winter, will be presented for your approval. Rev Mr Anderson and J B Weathers
the revenue from woods and forests for - They will be found to be framed with head, representing St Helens Mei.
the year 1891 was in excess of the due regard to economy and to the ehanics' Institute, sailed for a grant
necessities of the ul7lic service. towards the mn.intenance of said insti•
estimate. The receipts on account ofp - i tote. Moved by Mr Todd, seconded
Crown lands sales were also larger by Mr Beavers, that a grant of $i20
than anticipated. Bluth.h
Owing to the exceptional drought. ENmetera eemee. — The C 0 F be given to St Helens Mechanics'
in the spring and'early part of the Court intend giving an •entertainment Institute—Carried. The Auditors
summer of lust year, forest fires were next week, and the public may be presented
retionoft Messrs report,
Y3o�vers, mo-
numerous and extensive, sure of a treat, as the Foresters never
13y means of the system of fire -ranging do things by halves. accepted. Moved by Mr Bowers, se-
adopted some years ago, these fires , DEATII.- -The funeral of the late Mr conded by 1Vlr Todd, that $10 be paid
were in.some instances entirely ex• Orlando Curry took place'on Monday
$Xpend expended for thelbe ie �e nnnoof e family'
tinguished at an early stage, and in of this week. Mr Curry has long of John Anderse beii n are in destitute
others confined'to limited areas.. been suffering from, that terrible of atanceit Carried. The follow -
The prompt information oonveysd to disease, dropsy, and his death, though iu checks were issued : St Helens-
the Crown Lands Department through not altogether unexpeoted; was still a g
this service greatly facilitated the severe shock to his relatives. 1Ie'Kas es,Mechanics',Inst tote, grant, $20; John
work of the department in dealing the son, by a former marriage, of 'Mrs Wabst ergWau lion_ books, $6 ; J B
r James Bentley, late of Turnberry. He a er�ead, do., 6 ; ,lames Diclt-
was a young man of great promise and son, registration fops, $1 ; Thomas
in the prime of life, and his friends Nicholson, gravel, $5.04, 'Missed by
have the entire sympathy of the corn. Mr Bowers, seconded by Mr Todd, dist
inanity in their severe affliction. the Council adjourn to meet on Satur•
Brims —Miss Maggie McQnarrie day, April '2nd --Carried:
visited friends in tlhnton last week. B. K. 63irLl.rt, Clerk.
Mass Wallace, of Goderich, who has
the free list as it has become an indise Iishing a forest reservation and park in been visiting at Mr Buie's for the past
Pfau, Mr Mowat ititirnet•ensable article to the farmers of this part of the Nipissing District south of week, returned home on Monday,-- ,The horse trade is booming in this
deputation that his own p the 1Vtattawa River and upon the The brick store, formerly occupied by section at present, Last week five car
country. The revenue derived at � methods and ' expense of maintaining 1VMcKinnon it Powell's. grocery, is now , loads were shipped to Manitoba and
haat such a school was present front Tionie Is almost nil, and and managtnl the same. ready to receive its new occupants, the one load to Alpena, Mich, Tltose
el to the educational work VIM MINNING1NDUSTRlEs, Misses Watson, and the onlyawait a� sent to`,hlanttoha averaged fr•oin 1200
the raw material from which it is made, y
arra and ,that the matter! is admitted' free ; hence the increased The depression of the mining in- fine day to remove their store effects to 1500 lbs in weight and.were per.
ernes dustries of Great Britain Wand the to their new stand, All their friends ehased at from $85 to 125, 'Those to
ley the 11,m1ilVir Ross, but price paid in Canada., for twine over United States from the failure, of hope this will be a move for the better Michigan averaged from. 1500 to
ambers of the Cabinet, that of other countries which, enriches several large mining compsnies durinit and that they will be successful in 1600 lbs Atid were purchased at an
ging the matter. the manufacturer at the expense of the last year had, an injurious effect their new place of business.— Ir John average price of $150.