Wingham Times, 1892-02-19, Page 2C?1!1F*4 Musters, Bruceeeld; he opening and tflLYIYUB Ernes resuscitating councils—Bros GQven- lock, Winthrop, Pollard, Walton, Sisk FEDRUAARY IJ,. „892, ter French, Seafortb ; special commit. tee--l3roa Tom, Godericb, Simpson, Bruoefield, McGee, Hensall, Tho afternoon session closed at 5.15, when those present again adjourned to the email room where the iadiee had prepared au exeeillent supper. Sever- al of the members had to leave by the 4 o'clock train, but those who could ,stay did ample justice to the good things spread lidera them. After Sup- per a number of the visitors and Local members gave some very interesting selections, sueh as solos, choruses,' readings, recitations, etc. Those who drove to town left for home during the evening, but a number were taken home by the \members of Eereka Council, and left town by train next day, The delegates and " visitors to the District Council were unanimous in their expressions of pleasure at the hospitality shown them by the Indies of the local council, and recorded a vote of thanks for the same. The 'District Council promises to be a use. fel factor towards the success of Royal. Templarism in Hu 'on county, and by next mebtitig more tangible results are expected to be fclrthcoming at its hands. RUOYAL TEI<VIP ARS. , aSFUL irigurnici O1' TILE DISTRICT COUNCIL. xfi GODERICII. 4B4 and aunual meeting of the ict Ooullcii of Hilton Royal Tem - s of Temperance, was held in the peranee hall, Godericii, Thursday, 23. Delegates, officers and Visi• from councils in various parts of county were present.. Quite a ber arrived by the morning train a number also brove in from as and Bayfield, While a few also in on the afternoon train, which tber with the officers and members ureka Council who were present, e up a goodly number of the men. women connected with the order, borough!), interested in the cause uhperance. The first session of Council was called to order for nese at 11,15, when, owing to the nee of Bro Piper, District Council- ) E Tom, I P S, was asked to the chair. The District Council opened in,the Royal Degree. The tnittee ou credentials reported, the as of all members present who entitled to take part in discus• voting, etc. The minutes of the ing held in Seaforth last Augast .read and approved. A number tntnunicationa were read and refer o tate various committees, after h the, sleeting adjourned for Bin- a sumptuous repast having been ded by a number of the ladies the local council in the room cif the hall. At 1 o'clock eeting was again called to order. reports of the various committees very encouraging indeed, when it sidered that the council was . ore ed only Iust August and this was rst meeting held since that time: tate of the order in this county hewn to be it a very flourishing tion, both as regards membership etivity in the cause of tempers Bro Piper, the District Coen- , having arrived at 2 o'clock from ford, then teak the chair; and, al - The Stood ifs the Life. Good health without pure blood is simp- ly impossible, and to secure pure blood is therefore absolutely neceQsary, especially in spring,when bad blood in very prevalent. Burdock Blood Bitters is t'!fs remedy, with- out au equal in the worlh of medicine. It "drives out all poisonous ;humors of the blood from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. FIealth Hints. ' l•eople who have a bad odor in their breeath, if it cannot be curedtby atten- tion to teeth or stomach, sholeld rinse the mouth with a mixture made by adding a teaspoonful of the tincture of myrrh to a tumblerful of water, It cannot harm and may retard decay of the teeth. TJIE MEDICINE. OF SLEEP. Take all the sleep you can get, but remember that the necessary amount varies greatly for different persons. Some must sleep at least nine hours, while others thrive under six. Only don't rob yourself of what you really need. The 'midnight oil' is a es he has been residing outside J terribly expensive illuminant to burn aunty for some time past. made 1 either for purposes of labor or study. +creditable report. The secre- HOW ULCERS ARE;CONTRACTED. anti:' treasurer's reports were Boils, ulcers and 'running sores come ceived, •the latter showing a from impure blood, and this is caused largely by eating pork and other .un - sheet up to date. A good deal of iisiness was taken up, :all • of wholesome foods. The blood becomes heel in view the welfare of the filled with these impurities and cannot It was decided to hold the throw them off ahead of the constant =meeting of the District °stencil in supply and they centre in these sores all in June. It was also decided and wailed an outlet, We hear it said boils save froni lits of sickness. rho regular delegates should re- half their travelling expenses It is doubtless true. Impurities better the District Cotuicil, the funds of come to the surface and run off that 7 for this purpose' and general ex -go, to the internal .organs and cause are to be raised by a per capital diease. n the membership of the Order To Avon) 'CONTAGION, i3 County at the rate of i cents In a lecture recently given to women carter, and paid froth the general in Philadelphia, a physician preseribed i of the select councils. The reelsthe best method to avoid contagion or g of)ice,s were elected for the infection, The leotnrer said : Tine r,t half year : best way to prevent the poison from trio Councillor, Taro J E 'Com, being absorbed by the lungs is to have rich ; V 0, Sister E Hale, Seas the stomach full during a period of P 0, Iiev J Fl Sitnpsoti, Bruce- contact or exposure. The lungs absorb chap, Rev Jas tauter, Varna; while the stomach is empty', but throw fro Stoneman, /Imitate ; tress, off duritig digestion. never' absobing Lewis, Oreditou ; herald, Bro Col.while digestion is New; on. While Bayfield ; guard, Bro McKay, watching at night the nurse should zt ; sentinel, 13ro herr, Win take a light lunch such as beef tea or trustee, Bro;xrdley,:Exeter. o crackers every few hours. Another point of protection against contagion following committees were also is personal cleanliness and frequent t#ed : On distribution of relsorts changes of inside and outside clothing. 4ers---.pros Reding, 1fensall, eerr, Brussels, Sister Gill, nee- a uryinu ten. ieperanee work---T3t•os Wanless, Every crying evil should be promptly evil ereleek, Creditoir, liuii'. Brie. affoehng thous. Sicanhds of Car aclians Irivhich 4tespondenoe and rt'rnarials--- eau easily be removed by the use o4 Burs ''�S Reid, Goderich, Honntti, doOk 23Iood Bitters,thebeet known sternaob 1i db [ i f k Lug, Sister Cudmore, Iiippen ; headache from whatever casae Stirling. Ver an Owe regulator and Cure or sic eine' decisions_... 3ros leleQear- Curling. f'TII, Simpson, l3rueeficld, Greg.. The game of curling is, without ex.. Atter ; &ate of the Order--i3ros eption,o011e of the most exciting anti t *ti, 13ayfleid, Young, Seaforth, interesting played. The following . web, Godericli ; finance---13roe story is told ; p iton, Armstrong', Varna, A laird in Strathaven, who owned a quarry and was reported to be worth a gey twa-three bawbees beside, was playing one day, and his foreman whose name was Lawrence, was play., ing with him on the same side. The laird was. very anxious he should take a certain.slaot, and he cried tut in. this fashion Noo, Jock Lawrence, d'ye see w haur my broom is ? Lay yer stens doon there and as sure as death I'll gie ye my decider Jean if ye do it, Birr went 'the , staple oot o' Jock's hand and went trinting, along to the very spot the laird wished it. Capital, Jock, capital.. Ye could ns. ha'e dune. .better, and yea can get Jean the morn if ye want her. Ye mann gie me something else than .Jean, 4aird ; I ha'e got her already. We were mar- ried at Gret Green six ;eweeks singe, we have been thinking ofe sking your blessing ever since, but sonithing aye Gams in the way. The laird'wae dum- founded when he heard the news, but he compromised matters by saying : Aweel, aweel, Jock, I'll let bygauns be bygauns. A man that could lay doon a pat -lid like that is 'worthy o' the best and bonniest lass in. Lanarkshire ; keep her and welcome, and yc.'ll may- be get the matter o' sax hunger pounds wi' her. Keep her, Jock ; and if ye has' ony laddie weans (tween ye,bring them up in the fear o' the Lord and knowledge o' curling. • Harassing headaches make many lives miserable, needlessly so, when a prompt cure like Buildock Blood Bitters is obtain- able. Protection of Employees. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Ontario are sending the fol. lowing to all the local unions and tem., peranee societies : AN OPEN LETTER. Some years ago our Provincial Leg islature decided that all factories em- ploying more than five employees mus be inspected ty Government ofticers,t see that fire escapes, ventilatisn, etc were snch as to tneke the surrounding of the factory operative healthful an t 0 , s and safe. All "whoyiove their kind" felt this to be a wise and humane act and the results wherever the law has been enforced have been beneficial. SALESMI�N AND WOMEN Nol' PROTECTED. i3ut while six men and women man. ufacturitlg an article are thus protect- ed in their common right to "life, lib- ertyaand the pursuit of bappiinesa," the sanitary snrroundings of the hundreds and perhaps thousands, of men and woven sellind�the same article • are left entirely tothe discretion of the employer. To'remedy this oversight, and the wrongs'ehat have grown of it, a bill has been drafted, and will be submitted to the next Legislature.. 'MoNTEPAL, Atlg. 4t11,1891. My head was literally full ,of Dandruff and nothing applied gave visible relief uu' til using Anti -Dandruff, a few applications of whish has so thoroughly removed the Dandruff there is not a grain to be found. W H O'REa.N, Ry. Mail Clerk. Unfortunate. A gentleman, travelling through the mountainous and thinly settled dis.- tricts of North Garbling, was over- taken tor a severe sto .n. As he wee on horseback, and therefore quite un- protected, he beheld with delight a log cabin in the distance, and speedily betook himself thither. The old farmer greeted , •him with true Southern hospitality, and he soon found himself seated at . the dinner table beside the old ocnlan, its his hoot desig rated his wife, while one by one a seemingly endless: file of daughters entered the room,. Turning to the farmer, he mildly, obervod, You have a fine family of daug�iters, sir, Well, said the old '1 an, mournfully we've been kinder .irifort'nate with our darters. The c '!ably fell in and !Wed' all but nine or 'ern. The historian. da a not guess how many there were at fart'—Harpor's. menet) are Wiser religion. Whet they predict the end cif the world they lino Aplrly to 1vI. C. CAMERON., at it so far in til that no tine Or «r� lerich titan live to ao1itradiut • 1I1 ' dee' elePHERSON y The prophets ofl lean the prophets of An assumed name—a wife's, All womankind should strive to be kind women. The world's sweetest songs are those a mother sings over the cradle, If there were a sister in every woman how few women could go a- stray, The girl with a made up mouth is apt to give the impression that she is a made up girl. , The praying wife whose, husband ii; not religious, , is ' the hardest worked saint in the calendar. The girl who likes to be thought a little fast ought to know how dangers • ous that is ona down ,grade. Teacher—Whatdoes the proverb say about those who live in glass houses ? Pull down the blinds. The girl•who wishes Alm had been born a man is usually satisfied to be the half of a man—the better half. WINGHAM FOURING Mli�s, • The undersigned wish to tender their best thanks for the liberal patronage given to our firm during overalyears prior to the burning of our mill by in cendiarism. During the past season we have re moddolled the town mill to the latest approved sys• tem of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We be lievo wecan now give hotter accommodation than ever before, We offer Prompt Dispatch, Fair Returns, QUALITY SECOND TO NONE IN THIS SECTION. And by close personal attenti.m to the ,business hope to bo again favored with a trial by all old friends and many new ones. Yours most respectfully, Hi]TTON "& CARR, Winrham 61111, Oct 25, 1680. . WHOA, THERE! Call and seo our stock of SLEIGH BELLS, BLNKETS, WHIPS, CURRY -OO MBS,, BRUSHES, &c. HARNESS, double and single, lieiit or heavy, made to order, in the latest styles and of the best material. TRUNKS, VALISES, HAND BAGS, 8rc„ in stock and will be sold cheap. REPAIRING NEATEY AND PROMPTLY DONE The patronage of the public solicited, and satisfac len in work and material' guaranteed, ,'Shop—One door south of Geo. E. King's store. C. KNECHTEL. Winphain, November 0, 1801 CROSS-CUrSAVYS We Dave in stock; THE LEADER, THE SILVER STAR, THE LANCE TOOTH, THE NICKEL STEEL, THE FOREST BEAUTY THE LA -ROSE PRIDE, THE IMPROVED CHAMPION, ALSO A very fine ttssortnient of .G:]....,K.ZI I 'J S. . • A. CLLR & CO, STONE I3LOCK. 'OE SAL!. Lot No, 3, and the E. 1;; of Lot No. 7 ' llth Con, T'urnborry -1G( acres; r0O acres cleared; well fenced; franro Meuse and other buildings; good orchard; cheap, on t' (1leesfarmer P. d• 441 ne'Xhngant Elmo --IS PUBLISHED-- • EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, —AT TUE— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET" WINGIIAil1, ONTARIO. Subsoriptfonprice, $I per year,iln advance ADVERTISING RATES: _ _ Spook i 1 yr. I Olno. 1 8 mo._ 1 mo. Ond Colman 800 00 086 00 1020 00 80 00 Ilalf " 36 00 20 0012 00 6, 00' Quarter.," 20 00 12 00 i1 7 00 4 00' Qne Lneh 6 00 8 00 1 2 00 2 00 Local and other casual advertiaon-onto, Sc, por line• tor arst insertion, and 8c, per lino for each subsequent Insertion. Local notices 10c. per line for first insertion, and; 60. per line for each subsequent inserticr., No local' nottcu will be charged loss than Ole. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations and Business Chances wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 81 per month houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 linos, 51 for first month, 60c. por subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rites for longer advertisements, or for longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, wfil ht inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tram. aitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements moot boin the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT Panes Aron AND PUDLIauIER. DR, SIACDONALD, LJ JOSEPHINE STREET, WINDHAM, • ONTARIO W. B. TOWLER, Af,D•C,1fI., Member College Physicians arid Surgeons, Ontario Coronor for County of Huron— Office Up. tafra,nextto Mr Morton's otfloe, Wing ham, Ont. Orrras HOURS. -0 to 12. a. in„ 1 to 0,p. m„ or at Residence, Diagonal Street. TAR. J.. A. MELDRUitf, Li Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WINDHAM • • • • ONT VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Eto., .Etc Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest, No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold, "< OFFICE --Beaver Block WnionAM, ONT J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &c., 1Vingham Ontario ii /1 tvZii 4r ,DIONIhSON, H, W, C. MEYER Q, C. 1 E. L. DICKINSON, S. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Eto., Etc., So licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Cotnmissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba, Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. :honey (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at 6} per cent. Money invested for private persons, upon the beet mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North' west. Office—HonesBloek tYIngham. DENTISTRY,— S. JEROME, WINDHAM, 'aM ••*-" Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the best material as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. Tim NOTioa,—I will extract teeth for 26 cents each. OFFICE: In the Beaver Meek, Opposite the Brunswick House, �t4fi�ai� Wm. H. Macdonald, L. .0. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's ITotel,'1Vingham, Will visit Gerrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, � J GENERAL INSiJBANCE AGENT - 1r1ac1lu I, ONTARIO Roemer CUNNINGHAM, j� INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, go DEANS, .Dr,, WtNefa31, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY 0,1,' HURON. Salts attended in any part of the Ca, Charges Moderato. • JOHN CURRTE 'WINamu, ONT., LICENRSD AVOTIOSEEa ion Tits COUNTY Or 11UEON. All orders left at tho Twits office promptly attend. ed to, Tums reasonable. JAMES HHENDERSON, _.__.. Liiesstom AVOTro:ig5R Colt CovNT,as IirJRoN ANi, • Burex. All sales attended to promptly end 00 the Shertes Notice. 00:14044Moderate Satisfaction Guaranteed. the. Toms' 011ico Wnnonr.tA1 ONT BOLTON & ITAWILINS I'. L & D. L',SOnvl:yoss AND CIVIL Elver s 'a. reseo ern AND 11'INGIlAtI All orders left at the dace of the Tales a ill rr- calve prompt attentien PAT>ERSON, J _ BeA1Lirr or EI811171I Ihvllto:t Cate{, Iflitt'sk or Sae* steam Liorureini. 1001Litt coot