Wingham Times, 1892-02-12, Page 8000,
Id on Drees
bhe world have
novelties as
fabrics, and we
fine a oolleotion
ds as can be
>itside the city.
=ode by cantly
chmen, enter
plums Germans
rs. On out counters
Cheviots, different
1 fabric from tiny
d••svllich have been
noble dress makers
Cheviots in new
:'aid all over effects.
eo many kinds that
+'i c•� : head in a. whirl if we
EIT,--4, atq. The better plan
•e them as, walleye no
• a - emphatic, enough to '
•�.-sir praise. The color
modest and such as any .
¢i d like to wear- Our
case goodsare not slimly
Yle and drop ill soft, neat,
iia all the light shades as
'iles,',tpinks, helitropes, grays,
&eaented, with all the leading
!kll'ack& We are having a
in our prints. We would
y lady to buy their prints
an. get first choice; we
It the Dress' Goods de-
p,,rrls week, at
IY Iia
U Lt
iU • once in four,•gives
g match was playe
uesday afternoon,
n +nd Brussels curlers.
t • match, coming out
hea' .oi: the .home team.
• 'rtil1ata Cough.
&the warning ? . The signal
sure, of that more
Oousumption. Ask your.
afford for the sake of
the risk and do nothing
w • from experience that
will cure your . cough. It
usists is reading a
t 1 eves a pleasant taste
tel at youqan rise up
with a knowledge that you
om tli' of..permanent ado
err ar . mere which do not
uees, but 1Ghich,, while ex-
l lomeatt,reault in permanent
tl3e i nmediate effect at the
mot b apparent. ' The Mon.
•er of the former
rtes good'.. The
bsoribers for
for throe dol..
n : • essenger, a -raper
muhet's of the family
and or . Sunday Schools, for
a y: r.
rata ,--As 1 have been'out of
s 1✓ck, it Wasmy intention
bre in: an even- tempera.
LI. ready for my secular
.li of I looked out and saw
d in graceful curves from
sit :,1 }straightway began to
Ws : ,,Your first cams anion
.efor edPreabyterian Church,
be fa of fiction, pastor and
ip,•iug on the hillside, liable
t . be pounced u4ron by a
ereaft,ec im,,,risonecl,lijn•
to ea '`.: 1. cj xiiescxiild
market of a tnburgh," ,tetp
h• fire and other household
1 w to only a few minutes be-
ual sane in entering the house
1'1t pletteant warmth within
e a •blray day when the
11la were, au aglow with the
li r, and /was on my way to
Mind invitation of Mies.
aer and Powtrail were
in anew minutest am tramping.
road from Edinburgh to
rdloss is a sheep walk in
iison had a ti tri share,which
vision pass, descending with
t, affording access to Dun1-
i;lre foot of the paws, and to
is a iu .. • meat, on the spot
°Michaels was shot
*us of a fatuous, but
' a slight eminence
lance of J Wilson, a
15Pile<1ts. I fostod Misss
W vtf refilled
haysI ventjsrtdta+ttle. 1
• p
younger ones were poring over advanced
books of astronomy, au • their elder% were
thoroughly versant in he literature of
Scotch Puritauistn, Suchen one atom in
my mind's eye now, C abbe, the poet;
would have got a few 'Ue11e8, more to
throw into hie favorite twister, Joseph
Ashton, We were sit ing., on a hillside
!twang the heather disqu::trig the relative
place held by faith and wo s. I happeu-
dd to reakti the slipshod ret ark that we
aresaved by faith, No, s d he, we are
saved by Christ through f th. This rap
over, the knuckles did file world of good.
But here iiuoxoniau ate . u in : As 1 have
no liking for pen and ink : etcbirg.I'hurry
on to say that his disoou'se bristled with
three points ; 1st. For: ettiug the past
2nd. Dissatisfaction with he present; but
his, thirdly 1 could not foil w out so well
for when lits voice took a conversational
key, T could not catch the ords as they
fell,. So my thoughts r urued to my
Covenanting brethren. AA a narrow chan-
nel separates Scotland a• d Ireland, many
of the persecuted remn ; t took refuge It
Ireland, where they for ed the nucleus oftr
what is now the banner rovince ot the; un-
fortunate country, with a elfast for a oapi-
tal,e. Glasgow,Liverpool a d Sunderland i
one, . Among the ref gees were the
Hannan, who must have hailed from Gal-
loway, for the came sur ives there They
are the ancestors of • r Reeve, whose
cousin died last week,ku,wn in the annuals
of Irish Presbyteriauis • as the Rev Hugla'
Hanna, l) D, of Belfast. The mantle of
the stalwart Henry Cool fell upon his
shoulders, worn as worth' y iu its way as
Elisha did that of Elija
' Numeruus paper
missions held,
Chicago, editor'o
ald, is one of the
convention. Re
th tulle AX pres$i Vo
appreciation of h'
worth League.
was held in the
were read aua disc
Bev Dr" Berry, of
the Epworth
ding spirits of the
eceived n vote of
of the convention's
services to the Ep•,
welcome meeting
28th, the wife of
a son.'
• MoI•ity—At GI nd Forks, Dakota, on
the lot inst, the .% ife of Mr Did LI lvfe$ay,
f rmerly of Wingh ' m; a sou.
GAwTor--In East Wawanosh, on Feb
8th ,the wife of Air G -o Garton; a daugh-
BRGLEY--In Ely • on the 4th inst, the
wife of Wm Bogle , shoemaker; •it son.
M ' REED, •
Witwocx--SVA •SON -^•In Culross, On
Feb 3rd, at the r=:idents of the bride's
father, by the Re J Malcolm, Air Win
Whytook to Miss gig Watson, both of
ROBERTSON-• W : THLY'-13y the' Rev 3
s Howell, M A, c* sin of the bride, Fob
3rd, Win James " . bertson, of Hullett, to
iss May Whttn:y, of West Wawanosh.
PouLTow—Mu '.H—At the residence of
the bride's fath r, Poplar Hill Farm,
East Wawanosh, n Jan 20th,. by Roy P
Swann, Mr Thos . • oulton, of Cleveland,
Ohio, to Miss .Tenn a Muton,
D D.
BRIDGES-1u'Fa Wawanosh, on the
ith inst, Thomas tifOble Bridges, aged 3
years, 4 months ani 11 days.
MCBURNh)Y -At Dodge City, Kansas,
on the 4th' inst., Adam McBurney, of
Turnberry, aged 3`I wears.
•MoDoNALD-In ''ulross,on the 1st inst,
Mary Laing, relict f the late ,Toon Mc-
Donald, aged 87 yea , 6 months.
18corr—Iu• Tomb rry, on Feb Gth,
Richard Wallace Sco aged 17 years, 5,
onths and 23 days.
MonaIsoN—In L wor Wingbam, on
eb 10th, 1892, Ma, gie Maud Morrison,
eldest daughter of li r J F Morrison,aged
25 years, 2 Months a d 10 days.
Funeral will take lace today (Friday)
from her father's re dente, Lower Wing -
ham, to Winghatn ereetery. Service at
the house at 1.30 p 1.
ourieford, Man, on Jan
r Peter .* Mo1!lwen ;
Quarterly services iv re held last
Sabbath in Methodist church ' here.
Conductor Snider" pre died excellent
sermons morning and a ernoo,i. The
congregation was very.lrge at the af-
ternoon service-•Reviv LI services have
been in progress durin _ the last four
weeks in "13elgrave. Miseinnary ser
mons will. be preaches next Sabbath at
the Brick °Lauren, Su •'shine olid Bel -
oxeye. by Rev F Swan , of Auburn.
Sat•urd`y night
young people were
bor hill, When the
-The sleigh dashed'a
of the Ocean house
force., Richard Cot
broken and the sofa
other leg fractured
face ; a young, lad
lace, son of P B 1
traveller, lead one o
en. Miss Straiton,
,Straiton, G R agen
senseless. by the
slightly injured.
oh. .
(last, a party of
(tasting on the bar-
Leering gear broke.
inst the corner
ith tremendous
le had one leg
ler bones of the
nd injured in the
amed Alvin Wal.
Ilace, comrnercia(
his thighs brnk-
daud•hter of A
was knocked
omission and
. Shiro horse readers. '
Tile fourth annual Meeting of the
Shire'Rorse Breeder ' A'ssooiation of
Canada was held las week iu Toronto.
,The annual report f" the secretary
showed that eleven 11 w members had
joined .tile association hrough the year
and .that there had bee 1 83 registra-
tions made in the pgri d, viz, 20 stal-
lions and 18 mares, m king a total' on
the registry of 819. The treasu`rer's
;report showed it cal •balance on hand
, of $78. The follow ng members were
chosen as the ofiic='s for this year :—
President, John 0 t rdhouse, Righfield;
' vice presidents, J•hu Donkin, River-
view (Ontario) ; V Papinean, Barn,
Ston (Quebec) t eqry Munn,l3ratldoii,
( Manitoba) ; Tho • as Robbins, Centre-
ville (P E 1); an Dr 0 J L Bush,
GlenfeIl (N W ''). Directors—J. Y
Ormsby, . V S, • rulgfield on the'
Credit ; W, H Mil man, Woodstock
J G %Vardlow, 1'ownsview ; Robert
Mackness, Tull More ; • F Green, jr,
Toronto ; W (a•1. tdenning Ellesmere;
and C•G'nt ]+ergu:on, Auburn. • Secre-
,tary.treasurer, ' eery Wade,.Toraiaeo.
Auditor, P Gre , jr, Toronto,
The following were suggested as
judges- William Mott, Stanley Mills;
Richard ; (3ribsol , Delaware ; John
elope,Brantfor 1 ; W II Hunter,
Orangeville; Da id Rountree, Carlton
West ; }homes i vans, St Mary's ; M
Honey, Mitchell ; John Bell, L'Atn-
aroux and W111 t ell, Willowdale,
License :. mmissionors.
The following gentlemen bare been
appointed Licen o Commissioners for
the ridings nam a:
Huron, E, ---'hos Gibson, Geo Fut.
tune, Geo Murd e.
Huron, 'S.- r :Cobert Spicer, Peter
Douglas, John Weir.
Huron, W Samuel Sloan, M
Young,•3aa St4vens.
Perth, N.— so G :McPherson, John
Wqy, Henry %ochriag.
WINGH A ni' A:1'AIi13 L T S.,
• Rhnouxli,lrebruary 11, 1892,
Corrected Lt P. Deans, Produce Dealer. .
Fionr,por 1001bs, a 2 40 to 2 60
Fall Wheat per bushel, • 83 to 84
Spring " SO to 8$
27 to 27
30 to. 60
56 to * 66',
16 to 15
15 to 15
36 to '16
169 to 175
9 00 to 9 60
20 to ' 25
- 6 00 to 0 09
:16 to 30
40 to 50
8 to O
6 to 0
Barley -
Butter, tub
do nolle,
Eggs per dozen
Wood per cord,
flay per ton,
Potatoes, -
Dossod flogs, per MD
Chickens, per pair
Ducks, per Bair • -
Turkeys, per ib
Geese, per lb -
To Nit: . i Venditioni &po,iau issued County Court of re County of Huron, and to me __
out of .Hcr'Majesty : County Cotnt.of the County of vlirected and delive ed against the Lauds end,. Tene. We are prepared to pay the
Huron and to mo di ected and delivered against the menteof John' Allen ell and Wm. E dell, at the suit
'Lands and Tenemen' of John Wellwood at the suit of John Clegg, I her seized and taken in execution A e
of Thomas Agnew neve seized and taken in all the igbt,title ,Int est andequityof redemption pp4 y �5� PRICES C+ Pi CASH.
Execution all the rl +h title, interest and equity of of the above named def dnats in to and out Of the I[i 9 r 18d 6Dl
redemption of the abnv. named John Wollwood in to following lands and prep es, via: The south half of
and out of lots 94 and 9 on the East side of Frances l of 15, in the 3rd conic ion of the Township ot
Street iu Leet St McRay •. survey in the Town of Morris, in the County ,ot liuron, containing one
'Winghatn in the Clotitity o. uron. Marked acres more or lees, nd subject to amort -
The said land is siibj t to wo mortga,ges of 8300.00 • gage of About 82,400.00,whicb :ands and Tenements l
and $1b5.00 and interestan
,. wl ' h Lds and Tine. shall offer for sale at my otMoe in the Court House,
meats I shall offer for sale m of lco, in rho Court in the Town of'Goderich, on
House, in the Town of Goderieh, n Wedn.esday, the Sev teenth day
Wednesday, the neve • eenth day A of February, 1 92, -
1 February, 18 2, - at the hour of we}ve of the cloc noon. Terms'
at the h it of twelve of the, clock,
cash. reserve,
Sher, Huron.
Sh iff's Oilice, Gode,ich, Feb Sth,180-
f 1
oves,staves,StQv est
.•All intending purchasers
of stoves
winter will save money by buying from
for this
Having bought a very large variety of
r O. 7, S
to choose from
Every stove guarenteed against breakage and
to give complete satisfaction. , •
• •
She .11 's •t31 ie .of Lands. i.covigTy 0 URON.,By virtue of a writ of
venditioni lxponas issued
RON, 1 By virtue of n writ -of ' To wit: ) out of Her hiajoetris
Wingham, October Sth, 1991. '
riffs Sale of lands. LOGS! ) LOGS ! lOGS!
noon. Terms cash, No re rye.
Shoreri ,Huron•
Sher s Office, Goderich, Feb 8th, 1892.
The undersigned has for sale on Lot 10, Con, 4.
Turnb rry, four thoroughbred holstein bulls. rang-
ing frdu 9 to 18 months old. The above mentioned
animals aro all well marked and registered in the
Canadian Herd Bonk. They will be Sold cheap atld-
on easy Corms to suit mpirchasori.
Breeder of Holstein Cattle,
Blnevale, Ont,
ST 't k\ HEIFER.
Strayed from my A''. (Btuevale Road), on Mon.
day, December 14th, t89 . . two year old rod and
white fat honor. S .e -ha- small' horns turned in.
Any person giving s eh info. action as will lead to
her recovery Will be lberally i •arded.
Wingham, Decemy rig 1801, Butcher,
An • L. H.A ! RTO N,
has on hand
' C E S
lt112 d BLOOD HW 1 LEN, all lengths,
LEATHER, Single Tag Horsehlcte "
One of the best blood purifier on the LEATHER, Double Tag Horsehide,
market. It cannot be surpassed by • GENUINE PORPOISE, ' •
any for skin diseases of all kinds. =GUSH LEATHER LA C1Sr
TSLERADE B Basswood Heading Bolts,
by the eord,
To Genera Merchants and Boot and Shoe Stores. 0 M _A. R P O s' S 84 0.•
In connection with my Leather Business I keep a .
full stock of
for all kinds of good, sound
delivered at our AIM.
hoemakts' findings.
done cheaper than ever and satisfac•.
tion .guaranteed.
and can supply the trade at lowest prices with Call and get prices,; lengths to cut,
LR..SS=NGJorAll kinds of Lumber, Shingles;
IN 10, 15 AND 25c. SIZES. Laths, &c., kept constantly on hand.
gross lots at gross prices.
I NE 1D I Y 1 101 N ES, bomestie and Frenels, at~the very lowest
1 Y 1 L./ �J i Prices.
quality is of the first importanee.
The first ens nal meriting of dee- PURI i,.l./3'8
+ales to the Y. ung P .- .1e'n i ociety of
Methodist )FtUtro ttdnamon ord in Go to the PITAnaf,,r.
Toronto, on rusisdr. o last, Thom,
were tremorous >le+ "
• Orel
Best brand always on hand, in oak or
hemlock tannage.
DUCE ING, AT MUM) iztmi:s.
Your patronage respectfuily solicited. You hill
506 freight, time and , obably a'percentage. Set
the txample of dealing home.
M. b. 50. A„ L, C. P. S. 0„ M. 0, P. S. M.,
Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says
"After spending all my money and prop-
erty to no purpose on medical men, for
what they termed a hopeless case of con-
sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured mel"
Mrs. "When all others ry filed,, Dr.0 Sinclair
Cured me of fits."
W. McDonald, Lakefieid,
Sinclair cured mo of Catarrh."
Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says :•-•-"Dr. Sin-
clair cured me of heart disease and drop-
sy when all others failed."
of private nature brought on
by folly Dr, Sinclair certainly cures.
t SIN AIR will be at the
O'1(" * .ri Wingbam,
IaR H i h 3