HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-02-12, Page 7ear *charter's titttwotum prom the Montreal Star. The courage with which Han �'vil• freed Laurier has undertaken his pro. posed malt of reeori;nnizina the Liberal party in Queues wilt win for him the approbation (.f nil who watch. rat is not yet known iu what •spirit 31r 31t r* cier wi I tweet the proposition that he sutl e. for bra own errors acid those of his friends ;'but it is oertnin that lir Laurier hes liffeitively drotated that 1.1r .Mercier call no locger cetatietie, to) by all prominent druggists. lead the Libe":tl plrty iii this province, • •The hues of a ttue:ceshfnl leader cannot Flit=ta About E3 utter-P/Iakin • Prr'f R,hertson, in answer to•a pr(tcese are as nutritious and healthful after eighteen menthe as when freshly;, dug. Potatoes thus treated are of course worthless for planting. "La Grippe." "La Grippe" or iuuuouza can be quickly cured by the use of Wilsnu's Compound of Wild Cherry. the old reliable remedy for Bronchitis, Whooping Croup,Colds, I Coughs and other disoanee of respiratory systetn. Wilson's !Wild Cherry has been in see fnr many year,' and is highly recem- measled by It who know its virtues, Sold but damage the righting capacity of the provtneinl party, but 141r Lahurier's action slemiti brim, to it and keep in it a tatluttbte bud powerful element. 110wevtr thattmay tae -••-and that is a eire•stinu for Cenehe: to settle for her- self— li r Lauth r'H c'nraae will greatly strengthen the pnsttitrn of the Liberal party iu the rest of the Dominion, The only :taut that was set up against the flood of pejtulal.r indignation aroused by the saittudxle,us exposure at Ottawa Ial(t su►nn►er,, wits the Buis dee °bitten'a c•lteeeveties. The Abbott ministry .hn(l no &Immo until t:.ey begat) to call back "Pueaud" in the trNili of Lterr:r and Laurier. One great reiten ally the (electorate have farmer's wife, writes as follows on the subject of Uutter•muking. 1. The bitter taste which is sotne- -times found in 0/ 141111, and which is quite iujuriott't to the ilavatrr of the butter obtained from it, usually results from one of two caases ; tho cow may. have been fed upon some feed having a bitter principle in it, or they may have been prevented from obtaining a sufiicieut supply of salt ; the ether probable aid cotnmon cause arises hetet keeping cream at a temperature of about fifty degrests for several days. The retni(ly for the defect, if caused by the feed 6f the cows, would be to withhold all hitter. tastiug feed, such not siiunlry r„atdf tuned the present as turnips, and to provide a liberal Gbseroteent in•tice by-elections, is the allowance of salt for milking oows, general itupre,,viou that a victory for with .plenty of pure, cleans water every day. When the oretttu from each mess of milt: is being gathered for This swt Itil)tr bill;-a-bou,Mr Laurier ayeveral days to melte two churnings a has prietied. Ile sratlds forth as the eek, it should he kept below forty- represevtattite of that old (,inebYc Libe five degrees until the whole quantity ernlit to wbi, Il bed nothing to do with foreatub 'Awning lins been collected. chicanery or corruption. 111 this he During the winter season it should has uivirn n striking a-iject lesson to then be warmed to 66 or 68 degrees,• the. (iouservat.ive;3 at Ottawa, who and kept at that temperature; until it have not yes dared to tlimiss tliei , is sufficiently ripened or soured to be Mol•tier ; and a lesson, too, tbat they churned ' will ignore at their peril. 2. Milk should be kept in some place free from all odors arising• from CONSUAI'MPTYON CUi+•ED. A'n old phystcinM, retired from practice, liming cold vegetables and cooked or uncooked bed piaceu hi his hands by an East India missionary. food, tl witk roorn or a few shelves tho formula of a simple et stable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron- in tome sweet smelling place with a chins, C.,tnrrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung •fleshes, oleo a positive and radical euro for tenpetateere of about 50 to 55 degrees Nervous Debility and all Ferrous Complaints, after I • batit:4 tested its wonderful curative powers i't i will give the best results for settling thousands of cases, ho has felt it his duty to make it - aown to his suffering fellows. Artooted by this ; in shallow pani. Where' .deep bails votive and a desire to relieve human suffering, t • , rill send tree of charge, to all who dealrr. it, this are used for settling, the milk should •ectpe, in German, French or English, with full • irectious for pirepanng and using. Sent by nail by be set as quickty as possible its ice ddre.sinr; with stamp, naming this paper. W. �, i (Mots ePriers Block Rochester, N, Y. COW water„ AIt the create for each I3ow Long They Love. churning should be kept sweet until The average length of life of miners ; it is mixed. 009, day before . the s 81 years. Machinibts are outlived `churning itshould be raised to a temperature of 66 or 68' degress- as already reccrtnwended, and then churned at the same temperature. Thetemperzture for both the ripening and the churning of the cream shculd be nisch lower during the sutnmer,say from 58 to 60 degrees. The letter to which these remarks are a reply, appears to come from a serious seeker for information, and 1 take pleasure in adding that 1 will tae' very glad to send a bulletin on butter --I makiug and also the annual .report of the Dairy Comtnisstouer for 1890, which gives full particulars for the Lausier would wean the dreaded su- pretence of ;llereier. y printers, the average of the former eing but 38 years, while that of the tter is 89. ?iusicin`ns live a year ngsr,while the lease of life of an edi- or is 41, and that of manufacturers, stagers add brokers is 48. Clergy - eft average 53, lawyers 55, public flioers 56, iju'niers 63 and judges 65. la.ssblowers, saloon keepers, painters, finders itnd weavers do not reach the matte age of 30, and the lowest ave age is strum' iu the lives of seam- , • ceases ---23 years. Knights of Labor,. The Knights of Labor s.im to protect sir members agaiustllnauoial difficulties, carrying on of dairy work, to anyone c, Uagyatd's Yellow Oil protects all wbolwno Applies. A. letter or post card e it frotn trio effects of pold end expos- e, such as theutnatism, neuralgia, loame addressed to me, at the Central Ex - go, sore throat and all inflatnmatory perintental Farm, Ottawa, will sallies. in.• Nothing compares with it as a pain re for man and beast. I ata • 0 Long lemming of Potatoes. . Potatoes have been kept in perfect tttlitiun for it year and a half by a (mess discovered by Prof Sehrinoue, Frnnec,; and the plan has been ad- ted for preservingi potatoes for the mch army. Before sturing the to • a away Dinlige theta for hems into per cent solution of commercial l)htxrie acid in +alit'; 2 parts of tl to 100 parts of water, Tim acid :etrattos the eye to the depth of 0 destroy their spront•powt+r. It e',et have any arprecinble •'Eiger n the skin of the potatoes. After ctir°ef,)rtictlr inch, which serves Yours very truly, JAS. W. Itonultxsoi , Elm to Make GoodCortoe. To make guo'cl coffee : First—have the cotti;e good, fresh, gt'ntYnd very fine. • S°cond—Pour Ilpt into the coffee I pot, so as to heat it thorougly before use. Third—Put (for or%+inaay family) a teacupful of coffee., prepared as above, into bac placed at the top of the open , leafed pot. ' i rout th---Pour on boiling 'Vater. antis sufficient coffee is made. Renew 1 mining in the liquid 1.0 hours the as regtured, . I ra rnu!it be thoroughly dried before The process is one of displacement, ria„; away. The marine liquid may such its is used in pharmacy. It is rued any number of thwos with wonderful with what facility roasted gaily gelid rc'yutte, A barrel or, coffee itnparts its virtues to boiling 1, ut any kind will an for the Una.' water. Probably no fruit gives up its A gond cup, of ono minute in it, The :Did ie so dilated it do(t; t virtues so rapidly t,ite ct the wood. Chemical analy l eofl'eti can. 1,e mad haws that potato' ttreatt'd by that ilia way.—New Piso's .nemedY for Catarrh is rho Tent Easiest to Ilse, and Cheapest. 4,i01-10avAli„1,4 zit Hold by druggists or sent by mall.. 600. 17,T. T';azeltIne, Warren, it. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS DIZZINESS DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY INDIGESTt0 h FLUTTERING MUNDICE OF THE ilEAf;I, ERYS11 ELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEIJ , THE STOiI» CH, IlEARTBURN,DRYNESS HEADACHE. OF THE SKIN, 4iz c2 Ovorq s .ocfos oP rlfse42.-E94'04.017.1324 :o irisin” • m disordes•ed LIVER. -E94' d5Y.,f; srolf2ACri, L'OTIi E4i1 Q? 23LOOX3. T. MILBU)tL & FRIENDSHIP &z CO., having leased the shop, pined by Mr II Lcmmes, for a terns of years, beg to notify the public that they aro in a position to tprn mit fadeless Carriages, Waggons, Cutters, Sleighs, etc., on shortest notice. Only the best quality of mater- ial used In their manufacture. Tho BLACKSMITHING carried on as usual. Horse -Shoeing a Speciality. Wo are prepared to sell 50 por cent. cheaper than the cheapest in town. . FRIENDSHIP & CO. Mons hrit1,0,),MAN a Soo oar stock of new and desirable BOOTS end,SI-10EtCTN 9 Overshoes, Rubbers ao., For old and young, at prices which defy contpotitio Great Variety, Great Bargains, Great Opportunity. Having purchased the business lately owned by Mr D 11cCotntlek, next to the Bank of Hamilton, and added to the ah oadv large stock, I wish to inform the people of winghatn and surrounding country* that I tun an a position to furnish them with anything in thei;oot and Shoo lino at astonishingly low prices ORDERED "WORK A SPECIALTY. Your patrona,ro kindly solicited. • Don't forget the stand—Two doors north of the PostotHee JOHN MIMIC Beautift Denies !l JAS. H. F'RIENDg ,l WHERE DO Half of the people of position of one Townshi now overcome thin difflou COOPE OP COUNTY 0 Whieh =noted eoneEllen needed'ong n and woedrol ee. r'looked coloringfare luse distinct anti effective. THE SCHOOL. SECTION NEEDS 0&E, THE FABER NNE 1 t`• • Tllb I l•JSINESS N NEED ?PRICE. 43.50. Published' by W't . 000PER ,CO., Clinton, ntario L' 1 • School Globes and til mods of ll ape and ehool t;nppliee. Write for our traveler will call on you. Tp. 7, ,t' T VALUE u —1N— ..D. 01.10THEN I',"" t ;.n ""7-7ji 2'N 6" Pcima HATS, OAPS, COLLARS, SHIT , °UN ° , ,�'l ea)p taDr K. .8E AT ---- 4," J S. MURRAY 84., •„d �._AI.. FOII 3lANUl.'ACTUREBS 01? `lows, . ,: Plows, meoileF. r`� r:,• .o-�. r. , L' V Late of Hamilton and Parr, HOUSE, SIN AND oRNAmr.N. 1.LSO, 1',''ALMSLEY'i,S PATENT fiS l ' i 4it -Film CL TAL.PAiNTl R, PAPER HANGER,. FRES OE, &C. COMPLETE \\ITIH PUMPS, no. WARRANTJ11 Would take this opportunity of infortnuty, the citizens 01 aringham and surrounding country that having had largo experience In city work, he is prepared to do Alauastining, lialeeniohrsand Wall Favoring in the latest approved styles of plain and decorative work. Churches, Halls or other pnblio or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and cDesigns at moderate rates. • ° Graining in Walnut, Oak, Bird's Eye Ma- ple, &o., a Specialty. All orders entrusted to my caro done with neatness and despatch. orders left at Mr. hoes' ISookstorc x1111 receive prompt attention. JAS. H. FRIEND. Wingltaw, April 3rd. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOlalMSON, Proilrietor.. Lumber of all kinds, 41'st-clamShingles, and c3oder Posts. Car Lod Orders El Specially. WOOD delivcreu to any haslet of Wingleun. g,^ 0rut+ra by trail prontril}, attendvd to. (.I n:•411 THOMSON, `t l:rsbam P. 0. ;. .nom. i • �/I: F . IIR64CtOt1CKS COLDS. 5 IN A t re re it" t $„77i° • n S TO OR1)Ei r. REPAIRING, AS USUAL, JAS• MURRAY & P. S.—A11'those indebted kindly call and Bottle at once. IIs �»S IS FII+IA _(TAUTER i h"O.t• // .ta, s tr c )1' L 1 large t teek of Ghritittnus Goods has just, bee rot ai ved, suitable: lis' ;. oltl or young,. eonitatins of TOYS, PliU't() Ault VIS, SCRAP ALBUMS, 'MUTING. 'P()1Lm sED , PLUSH '(GOOD',, 'MINA VASES, :'4.\I:1S ( LADIES' COMPANIONS (in pTos'i e -ori wood„ V1O1:i. 30111'11 ORGANS. 01;I.l,l'1d)11) :tiOt'TI1 '1'(:1Y ROOKS, 514E10H8, I'OlthiliGE BLANK 13()UI<:1, BIBLES, i?ANDY llil'..11C)l S (h.wd painted). R A largo number of the t'lIhly tali iS NCIIII.P,1;.,Ss of Dominion ',Saturday Night sari Chrit-tmttn numbers of other Magazines and Nt"t:i Canadian and O1i1(rountry. .. Consisting of Leisure hours,, Sunday at lloine, Boys' Own, a i l have a lnrgt r enroll this Boar than ever before and desires the IIrulrl Sua it before p rebating eleewltero. as it iS no trouble to t4tow {scalls. MOBS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. 1'Ienieiti r the Plum• -t o ,los('i)hinc street, Winghant.