HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-02-12, Page 51
J_ . 73 O SLC v T .tom 6a S O N
3a_aflca of ti -33. 'rices ;la, Sunrises eve
Now is the Time to get BOOTS and SHOES at, your own Priv
We have not got time to specify, but call and see for yourselves.
We must make room for Spring importations.
We are Still Busy Making up to Order the Most dobby Suits to be found Nest of .Toronio-
That's the verdict of our most particular customers., We accept their decision.
N. B. --We must respectfully request the payment of all accounts at once.
great eneouragement from our citi.
On last Wednesday evet,ung, at tae ' Mrs John Hayes and son, of North tens. Clinton should be well lighted,
e t
Bella Potter was united in the holy Fraser last week.-ii1r Agnew, of Armstrong has taken the place of Mrs.I
bonds of matrimony to Mr Christoph- I Wawanosh, is spending a few days Coleman, as shorthand writer and
er Johnson, all of East Wawanosh. this week at Mr James Wylie's.- typewriter in the office of the Canada
The ceremony was performed by Rev Dr and Mrs Tamlyn, of Wiul;ham, Salt Aesociation, during Mrs Coleman's
residence of the bride's father, Miss I East hop , were guess at Mr 1 if their p1 carried is c ed out. -Miss'
Lower Wingham- ford, of Paluse "rs
last week.
Mr Will Lockeridge, who has lately
came home from Manitoba, is so much
taken up with that country that he
intends' going back in the spring.
Before he goes, he wishes to dispose
of his eleven acre lot 'here, This
The funeral of thesis
gins, which occurred
, i\londay last, was with°
Mr Higley, of Blyth. The bride was spent Sunday last at Mr Alex Mc- illness. -Dr Shaw, who has been will be a chance for speculators The I largest ever witnessed in
assisted by Miss Wallace, of Londes- Donald's -Miss Ageie Hastings, of ' ailing for several weeks, is now res.lot is well situated and has four acres of liowi°k. Deceased, w,,
covering nicely. -A lodge of the In••i under wheat and the rest is seeded was a true and consistent Or
dependent Order of Good Tempters is down. It also has a fine frame barn and the members of that o
about to be organized in town. 24x30 on it. -Our sick : Mrs Flack is' present in Largs numbers Mfr
ve'y much improved in 'health. ---Mr lodge in the D.rstrict;";h't l
Bluevale. Montgomery is seriously ill with La pointed for the funeral dome
Mr and Miss Kirkpatrick, of Mount Grippe. -Mr Richard Walter, who dred Orangemen, inarshal
Forest, were visiting at Mr Hugh lives a little west of here, met with a Cook, Esq, formed in pros
Ross' last week. -A load of Blue- .serious and painful accident, on Mons front of the hearse stn wed t
valeites went to Wroxeter to attend day last. While saw logging, he had march to the cemetest''
the concert, on Wednesday, and ex- the misfortune to have his right leg the number who attended, `
pressed themselves well pleased with jammed to ajelly between two logs.- though the distance frotin th
the proceedings. -Mr John Robertson Ou Wednesday morning at half -past residence to the cemetery is a
mile, the Coffin had been low
the grave before the last of
cession had left . the s
Such a with trine of fronds
some slight a tent thie hist%
which d4.is d`was geld w
born, while Mr Johnson, a brother of Whitechurch, a few spent days this
• the groom, performed the same friend• week visiting friends at home.-M'r
Iv offices for the groom. A large Win, Treaeey left Monday for his home
number of the friends of both the con- in the North West. -Mr J McCracken
tracting parties were assembled to wit- spent Saturday and Sunday at Mr P
ness the ceremony and to partake of Powell's.-On Thursday evening, the
the bountiful repast which followed. young people of the neighborhood and
The bride was the recipient of many surrounding country, to the number of
useful and beautiful presents and the about one hundred, gathered at the
young couple s many friends join in ,fine new brick residence of Mr George
wishing them a, long and happy life.- Fortune, a "house warming" being in
On Monday night of this week a num- order. The evening was pleasantly
ber of the youth people in town spent sper.t in "tripping the light fantastic".
and Mrs William Messer, along with seven, the spirit of Maggie Morrison
a very pleasant evening at the home Mr and Mra Fortune and family left Mr Ifing, Superintendent, were elected took its flight. The deceased, as has
of Mrs Curtis. -.A1 sleigh load of young nothing undone that would add to the delegates to attend' the Sabbath School been reported was suffering from icons
people spent Friday evening with Mr pleasure or comfort of the guests. Convention in Wingham on Thursday. sumption, which was helped on in its
-Mrs Joseph Breckenbridgo is slowly merciless work by La Grippe, for the
ladies this week. -Tho anuiver� 'mproving.-Mr and Mrs Thomas last three months. She was a young
youngthroughout with hot air. -The silver Cornell, of Hespeler, are •visiting in woman of • superior intelligence and
sary sermons of St Andrew's church cord which held the spirit of Mr Wm Bluevale and vicinity. -Mr Alex Mcs was loved by all who had the pleasure
were preached by Rev Dr Fraser, of Porteous to its tenement of clay was Ewen has moved into the hoitae of her acquaintance.' It is a sad blow
Hamilton. The Dr preached two very severed on Sunday evening. The lately vacated by Mr StP''isenson. - for the family, and especially to her
. interesting and profitable sermons, bereaved have the sympathy of every Our sick list is dimini. . -The mother, who proved very attentive to
taking for • his text in the morning
the first verse of the 62nd chapter of
Isaiah; in the evening his discourse
was founded upon the last clause of the
10th verse' of the 2nd chapter of Revs
alations. To judge from the smiling
faces of the congregation, the Dr was
well liked and will receive a warm wet,
come should he ever again .visit our
village, The Rev A McLean occupied
the Dr's pulpit in Hamilton. -We are
sorry to hear that Mrs McLean is in-
disposed this week. -Miss A Waniess,
of Toronto, has returned from Bruce••
field and is again visiting her aunt,
Mrs Graham, here. -Mr McKenzie, of
• Auburn, has moved his family into
Mr Win Campbell's house on Queen
, street. -Albert Robinson leaves for a
short visit to London this week. -Miss
A Moffat paid Clinton a flying visit East ^Gvawanosh•
this week -Some of the boys drove A ,gaud tea meeting will be held in
up to 13elgrave Sunday afternoon to 4 1,
Bear Conductor Snider preach there.- the Methodist Brick Church, 10th non,
Hopeful Gleaners of St Andrew's on Tuesday evening, Feb 23rd, 1892.
church meet to -night in the basement It is expected that addresses will be
of the ehurcli.-The following delegates delivered by Revs S Sellery, M A, 13
attended the Sanday School Conveu- 1), Wingham, W Crowle, M A, and
tion ill Wingham last weeks Messrs \V H Geddes, M A, both of While.
;IIcl�iiuior., Moffat, Stewart and Som-
ers Mrs Chamberlain Mrs N II choir of Westfield church will furnish
• and Mrs Harry Kelly, of Hullet.-Mrs Their.new home is a marvel of neat -
Graham entertained a small party of nese and comfort. It is heated 1
one in their loss. Mr Porteous was
father of Mrs William Gernmill.-Mr
Adarn McBurney,who left here with his
wife and brother for the State of New
Mexico, for the benefit of his health,
died on the 4th inst, in Kansas. The
change of climate not been ,,,beneficial
to Mr McBurney's health, they were
returning home, and Inas only as far
as Kansas when he died. His remains
were brought home and interred in
the Wingham cemetery on Monday,
the 8th, and were followed to their
last resting place by a large number of
sorrowing friends. The bereavecl
widow and relatives .have the entire
sympathy of the community. Mr
McBurney was a suffer of that terrible
disease consumption.
Young, Misses McLean and Stewart.
They express themselves well•ploaed
with the work done at the Convention,
°-Miss Wallace, of (ioderich, is visits
ing Mrs Curtis this week. -We deeply
regret to have to record the death of
Mrs Ilennie, mother of Mr Thos Ben" •
nit., of East Wawanosh. The old•lady
has been ailing for some time past and
quietly passed away on the evening of
Saturdayjast. The funeral took place
from her former residence at 1 p m
Monday and the reriaios wore follow-
ed to their last rest lag place lay may
eloPittlaftnic z.
music. Tea will be served by the
ladies ftom 5 to 7 p tn. The proceeds
of the evenin„ ivill be placed to., the
credit of the Sabbath school and circuit
fn nds
The vacancy ni rota' public school,
caused by tun resignation of Miss
Sterrat, has be►rn tilled by Miss Copes
hand, of Kirktr>In.-•• Dr Gunn has disw
posed of his property, to 17 l\MeCnrvie,
-It is reported that the In nude ••gent
r ret are
E1Pc;trts' L .i^,. "�' r
i �`lRlini,
funeral of the late Willi "€t 4te.rns her and who is almost worried out by
took place on Tuesday, dy was sitting up at night. The grief-stricken
interred in the J3lnevale t:ait etery - family have the true setripatiiy of the
We ere sorry to say that Mr Samuel community. -The, following is the
Scott is about to depart from our report of Lower Wiuiham public
midst. •Ha intend' moving to Man- school for the month of January : Seo
Chester, where he will manage his 4th- marks obtainable 389-Recirel
farm: Dey 301, Florence Green 287. Jun
4th -narks obtainable 439 - Hop
Netterfield 418. Minnie l.iukluter 378,
Win Campbell 319, Frank Hill 302,
Thos Grahani 277, Lorne 11•+aluuald
265, Allie Ring 220, May Liukater
210,Lulte King 185• Sen 3rd -marks
obtainable 441 --Norval Morris'nc 185,
Jessie 11lcIlwaiu 310, Nellie Beckett
288, Eddie Groves 281, •J no Murdoch
tions for insurance were passed by Ina 240,Jno Currie 170. Jun 3rd -marks
Mr Jas Leeeh is once wore able to
be out after this recent sickness. -Mr
0 H Donley, who has been confined
to the house for several =seeks, is also
able to be ont on our streets again -
Mrs k\'m Dunlop, who has been very
ill, is impr)ving.--Fl ifty six applies-
DirPcto• of the ltowick Ins urance ebtiuuble 511 -Jennie Dey 45`2,.�irible
Company at. their mooring iii (xorrie Halstead 438, Rnbie Otu•rie `239, Jas
on the 1st Inst of these nine werenewCrtr 100, Lo.ter Adams 145, Phoebe
risks and forty-seven renewals. The England 106. Sen 2nd-tn rka ohs
property insured ameuuteea.to $90,325, tairiahle i06 -E deo Welsh 472, Thor
for which the Company received pre. Stark 465, Oliver Watson 443, Jas
inium notes to the amount df $1,516 • Lockeridge 436, Nellie Martin 481,
Annie Patterson 150. Jun 2ud--
marks•obtainaLle 51.1 -Ida Murdoch
441, Minnie Campbell 418, lloesana
I3elmore, Johnston 386, Geo 1 lford 381, Jeunie
The following report, allows the Campbell 312, Julia Linklater 296,
amount of business transacted by the Mary Macdonald k181, Jno Eine 42.
helmore Cheese and Butter Cornpany
for the season of 1891 :--Total lbs of air John uorrisolr, of Culross, has
milk received 820,760 • total lbs of rented sir Geo Durk's fauns, of this
cheese made, 74,816:1 ; average lbs of place, for a term of years.--. Jas and
mills required to ilialtri 1 lb of cheese 'Aralcoltn Graham were the guests of
11 ; total amount received for cheese, miss IE:Ilon Graham, last week. -Mr
703G• 50 hence the annual meeting,
Chas II f
+• sunset. and 311' 0111aewitt, o
the Directors have held another public
meeting, at whi4 i they lot the cotiitract
for hauling the rhilk on the different
routes to the fatory for the season tf
1892. They h ve lot some rout
this year whit they had not last y- r
and the fere the make
this place, re off work, on account of
ill health. MrEverrett has moved in-
to the lion=.; lately t+ectlpied by 3rr
Burrows,• r and:trrs John Porterfield,.
of Iiowtok, ere the guests of errs
Robt Ct1tr , , tall vteek.-lits ' et3
r• ,
1 i:acoi:i:, listless, frctf:ir`'
set, thin a - sI weak. Ce.:
tiiet,s •e', `.y ..he use •~
is 's ` ' a sI' rt i•1 111"4;
a nK± .+1 ..n'
Of Liam and
Palatable as Milk. AS A PR
Genuine made by Scott & Bov
Salmon Wrapper: at all Druggi.
The success, o%•tirvt
witheut s parallel in dii\
All druggists are nuthoriz
hive guarantee, atest that
cesstelly stand. That it
the Proprietors, at en etror
placing a Sample Bottle F
in the United Mates and C
aCough, Sore lienal, or
it will cure you. If
or Whooping Coagli, tat
!arse. If did