HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-02-12, Page 1•
You have noticed perhaps the general
Absence of prices and quotations in this
store's talk with you. It answers our
purpose bent to appeal directly
to the intelligence of shoppers, 'Some-
thing published prices seldom. do. They
may MORA a great deal or they ma
mean nothing. Who shall determine tji
value of this pteeo of goods at25 cents or
that at 50 dents, unless the goods are
iirst seen and examined ? A critical
comparison of qualities side by side with
the prices is necessary for you to decide
whether the purchase would be a money
saving or a money losing transactio
The way to get the best goods to be
no matter what kind, is to buy of a 0 ore
whose stake is for honest goods and
square, honest dealing. Lay stress on it.
You stand a better chance to get well
served if you insist on having the best
quality. The child will be served as well
here as the older man or woman.
Just now Spring Goods are beginning
to shove Winter Goods to one side. A
lovely lot of new Flannelettes just in;
new colors and designs. See them, and
hear the prices. These goods answer a
variety of purposes. 'Also, an elegant
range of 'house and toe slippers, best
makes. We have put on the 'counter a
lot of odd sizes and lines in Hosiery. You
May want a pair or two to carry you over
the season. Also, a line of Gloves. We
want to get rid of them.
To housekeepers we would saythat we
can supply you with Potatoes, Apples,
Rolled Bacon, Breakfast Bacon, Hams,
Lard and Groceries. These goods form;
no small part of our stock, and every-
thing of the best quality.. That is what
we aim at always—quality.
Shop early. This store dloses,at seven
e$), 0148.04 •
. •^',•••"'?
.ORR njscocas,
• Direct Importers.
The BEAR. January 23,1102.
In life depends largely kion charaeter
and ability. The latter should always
include a practical knowledge of busi-
ness, such as can be obtained by spend-
ing a term in the
A special line of 35e Cheviot iderges.
They go at, 25c. . G. E. XING.
Vgentiaa'a day
--Conductor Snidej preached in Bele
/rave on Sunday 1 st, in the Itlethodiet
oluiroh, to large con regatione.
--Oysters served in any styli, at D
Bush's restaurant,opposite D Sutherland's,
Josephiue street.
--The weather duri g the latter part of
set week *as exceedi gly fine,,being bright
and sunny. Sunday fras warm, thawing
oot o-tbe day,with light showers of rain.
Since then it has be u cold,with local sutra
—Oranges, 20 c is a do
cents a dozen : A erica g
per lh ; at
Monday next will
u ; lemons, 25
pea, 20 cents
• —The Oorresp din4 Secretary of the
Wingbera W 0 V, hereby requests a full
attendance of 14 members at a, meeting to
be held ou Mon ay, February 15th. The
members of the nion are expected to take
seats on the pl form at the Gospel Tem-
perance neetiig to be held on the evening
of the 22nd it4t,, in- the Temperance Hall.
--Poi first -Mass taikiring, and °heap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co,
Remember the place, only two doors north
of the old stand and between Ross' book-
store and Haleted & Soott's bank.
—This evening ( riday, Feb 12th) i
the vestry of the Ccigrogational chino
the pastor will deliler adecture, entitled,
"The connection 1etween the Old and
New Testaments ' being an account of
the history of thj Jews from the time of
• Malachi to th t of Jqhnthe Baptist.,
Collection on jehaif of. the YPSOE
—50 dozen Wool Hose —Whalen a
Missee. To clear at about half price.'
—The piotufeequti
startling incidents of ti
in the middle of the la
ed by the masterly h
D Roberts around th
eating story, "The 11
i the P.ihreer
This school is now one of the leading
.ones in the Domieion.
. Students may enter at any time. ,
Write for particulars to
• —Fruit and Confectionery, all kinds, at
'D R sh's restaurant.
For want of a quo urci, there was no
..meeting of the Publi School Board on
'Tuesday evening last.
—Cash for good butfer and eggs at li, A
,Gr ham's, Market Grocery.
• —On Friday evening ast, Rev E W
Hughes, of this toivn,. deifverad a Temper.
-ewe lecture in Summer 11, Hallett town.
ship. .
—Oysters, oysters—By the dish, quart
.or pint. .1,0 cents a.glass,or 5 cents &glass,
R Max's,
—The iegular quart •Iy services 'of the
"Wingham Methodist oI4ioh were held last
t'Sunaay, the Rev M 8 n taking the morn-
ing serviee and the aster the evening
— teh out ext week
• faction y and bey candie
or cheityi cot.
at the Eolip e
It taur t, 1 T Stutiaso.
—After the regular meeting in the
Methodist church, in th4s piece, on Sunday
evening last, a rcceptio4 service was held,
-When thirty six parsons were received into
membership, twenty.t o on profession of
Iaith and fourteen by tter.
--Money to Loan at l m interest on Real
lestate—Privete funds inly,
—The juvenile teineeranee lodge receipt.
• ly organized in tow i has been largely
Ina -reamed in memberel ip, over thirty hate.
jollied at the !eat wo meeting& The
lodge meets every T4asday afterucca at
o'eltek. , .
Monthly. The tale
G. Imo'•
eurrouudings aud
fighting in Acadia
century are group -
d of Professor G
heroes of an inter'
id from Beausejour,'
well illustrated, aud
promises to be u usually attraotive iu
every way. •
—At Dore's Carriage Factory may be
fouttd a grand display of cutters—the
best in. the land. Call early and secure
yotr choice; prices away down. Stand --
Opposite the Exchange Hotel,Wingham.
—Anchor ol Hope LoIg, No 280, I 0 -G
T,held its regular week meeting, on Tues-
day evening. The at ndanee was good
and the interest taken the Temperance
cause is rapidly incre slug. There were
two new members ini ated into the order
and three proposed f membership. The -
number who have jo* ed since last Novem-
ber is fOrty,which w' I be greatly increased
daring the present narter. •
—G T R trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.30 a in and 11.10 a m
via W G- B Division, and at 6.45 a m
and 3.45 p m, via Clinton and' Guelph.
Good connections by all trains.
—On Thursday evenin
live mile skating contest
Wingham rink, betwee
gus, and Hastinga, of
to be the champion fiv
toxic). The stelee! wer
the rase was a fraud t
winning quite easily '
same two gentlemen
town to town, some
natnes, and taking i
pockets of the'rinno
of last week, a
ook place in the
Graham, of Per.
rillia, who olainis
mile skater of On -
$100 a aide, and
roughout, Hastings
27 minutes. These
are travelling from
mes tinder assumed
the money from the
—The Misses Hodgson and Kenneneg
to inform the ladies of Winghatxt and
vicinity that they h
Mrs have started Dressmak-
in in Coolican.'s old stand, and would
be gliicl to receive orders. They guarantee
a perfect fit and good work. They also
teaeh Prof Moody's Tailor Systena of
Bre and Kande cutting. ,
—The missionary min emery services
in connection with the inglie,rn Metho-
dist Mural will be held n Sunday next.
Sermons will be preach at 11 a m arid 7
p m, by Rev T 0 Coo i g, returned Mitt.
sionary from japan Monday evening
following, the Rev Ir 0,ocking will give an
illustrated lecture in ti e church, en Japan,
the cuatones and habit -4 of the people of
that hula. He will else, exhibit a large
uumber of views of J pan, which will be
shown on canvas by t aid I. time Halt t.
—W I' Brockeushi a has a lot of Oil
Painting,s; eleo,a few 13eautiful Arfotypes,
which he m selling very neap. 1 have a
large stock at Moulding on band, and I am
making t'ioture tames to order. Pho-
tography in ell its branolies from minis.
tures to life Ain. Call mid see 'what I have
wimp in town. W FBROOlUiNaRtika.
e Mt 'd Week, Wi-egerare.
—All winter goods going at'elettring
prices, ' G. R. Knee's.
.....-- .
nnlveraary $ rvicea andlooture. I
The anniverse y services in commotion •Tbe
—Ropier Me ingot Cou Maitland, with the Presb rim church,Wilighaim upettoct 4 J
Canadian Order of Forester ' this (x' rir
were conducted sat Sabbath, by theRkee with a
day). evening. ,, A, full at ndance of
R N Grant, of Ori a, who preached two anew Xy
tneinbere regne ed.
—A copy of th Aral bine f the Palmer. earnest, thoroug practical and sloe intred ' 'ItL, j,
quant sermons. ., 1
or two quotaitihns. zere,, of ,
ston .Roporter rea he d this 0 ee last week, from MS eveni s mon will sufflee. to, delivered ...,it
The paper is an ight' page sheet, is well show that Mr Gra t is both arroriginall conercette e'
gotten up, and u der the anagerneut of sod judepende thinker. He. seicra minutes
Mr A °lark°, ia of the Rr n ,iiclvocafc,wili "There le a spa ons kind of so-called re,- count at
no doubt, be a ft anoial su ess.
ligious liberal' In to be found in every'•secomaied riPt
—Clearing out
start the dress goods at*.
all I,Vnter Goods. We community, t
, _
at would send every per.: aeked, to -
son to heave at death. What kind of a, they will
Gip,Al Kum
heaven woul that be ? You have here A flet watt', '
the first number of the Glen
--Wo have been feted withgararycoNpy of
hiWingham, levo, a very nice town guarantee
e", and very' respeota epeople, but are they printing
the Reform
Alexandria, and haw Lb thank Ur A .A.tnt
paper recently started in
all fit to.go to the eaven of. the Biblel. The Amt.
damn, formerly of t is town, for same. If the whole of W •gharn Were takento• sentlat in
The paper is a Large porvage sheet, well heaven, would it a heaven—a prepared Devotional
place for a prep ed people? No, itwoukl' Teaching,"
prieted end edited, I
be Wingham Clinton,. T
W. j Johnston
has opened a new
custom tailoring establiehment, one doer exalriPle• 11
ortli of D Suthorlitud's: stove and .tin Marty that
s op, aud is now prepared. to give the eiti- between t
mina of Wingham and surrounding countfy end the na
satisfaction in every thing that may
at first Ma
iutrusted to bis °aro. Coatmakers wantede.
at nee. ••• the human
1 the eternity o
—There is still pensiclerable sickness in
town, owing to La (rippe, but all or near. journey of life is
said, "two strea
ly all are progres ing'favorably. Those
the Rockies; t
ing rain into '0
of these strea
their course
and finally
The other
empties int
lantic. Eg
the oourse of
Jesus and the
world. They m
pew, or they m
family altar; y
the same mot
go upward a
.The other,
the beaven
ward until
stormy se
ill." Let us give another
said: "It is claimed by
ere is really no difference.
professed follOwers of Christ
n of the world. The difference.
be almost imperceptible to
but who can estimate
difference when the
nded.?" Continuing he
s have their source in
wind may drive the fall -
tiler the one or the other
s,but how widely different
The one flows westward
:nters the calm Pacific Ocean.
owe eastward and ultimately,
• the boisterous, stormy
ally widely different will be
ie followers of the Lord
impenitent man of the
y start from the same
y start from the same
11, they may start from
er's knee, but the one will
d onward until he enters
of eternal peace and i•est.
ill go dow? weal and down -
he finally drops into the
of God's eternal wrath."
ay night, he gave his justly
re, "Across the Rockies."'
abilities are of a very high
pt the rapt attention of
m the start to the close.
oronto, he described the
angers and every point of
through to Victoria. The
.lanitoba,the grandeur of her
wheat fields was touched off'
hand, but the climax was
described, with. graphio
uty, the sublimity and
sur of the Rookiee.-
ctiire brim, full of ac -
le information, concern -
mineral wealth, extent
f the country- embraced
whom we know to Xs ailing are Mrs Robt
Bitandoo, Mr W H laines, Mr Alex Daw..
son aud Mr arid Mr, ,Alexitoss. Mrs Ross
has po far recovere.- as to be able to be iu
t e store again.
—Wing,ham \as now one of the best
markets for gr in in the county, there
being four bu!ers on the market. Mr
Geo McKenzie having rented Mr Thos
Gregory's stexahouse, started to buy
grain on Wedn -sday. Our pork merket
is unsurpassed, 'n Western Ontario and
farmers, far an near, are bringing their
pork to this na mt.
—Having opened . a dust= tailoring es'
tablishment in this toone door ninth
of.» Siitherlaud'tfitove and thishop, I beg
to announce that I guarantee every suit
that leaves my shop to be_a.perfect fit aud
warrant them to be built by superior
workmen, only. Give us a call. Sa.tisfac.
tion guaranteed. Chargee as cheap as the
cheapest. Coatmakers wanted at once.
—Mr G H 13Iac well, teacher, is devot-
ing some time thi winter to temperance
work. Last week he succeeded in se-
ouring a large nu ober to become mem-
bers of, a lodge of he Independent Order
of Good Teraplars , 'which he organized
in Clinton, on Vt.lednesday evening, Mr
Blackwell intench organizing lodges in
• \
several other plac a in the county if
dy ,
On .Mon
popular lee
His clescrilitiv.
t W Jointsrox.• order, and he \
his audience fr„'
Starting at
train, the pa
. interest ole
fertility of
by a maste
reached as h
eloquence, the b
picturesque gran,
Not' only is this
curate and;valu
ing the ferbility
and grandeur
Bible class at 2.30.
in the lecture, \hut it is spiced with sal -
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 7.30 p. Seat4-free. Strangers wel- . lies of genuine humor and flashes of real
wit. One example may suffice to prove
come. Sunday,Fe ruary leth. Morning this: On leaving.\• the .summit of the
subject, "The valu3 of Christ's blood.", bo cOnsidered
Rookies, going. we ,
To young people, "iVliriam, • the faithful
nurse." The first highly pictures ruof thirteen or and the'
four sketches of a a
girl's eharacter, Letting subject, "The fourteen miles.
Louisiana Lottery.,• who was one o
—Last Tuesday, s Mr Richard Walter, .the lecturer tha
of East Wawauoah, 'was engaged in skid- view of their wild
ding logs in his bush sad accident boleti lugs, they should
him, which may ye -. prove fatal. From motive. The le
what we can learn, r Walter was stand- like to admit t
ing beside the logs the skidway, his thankful that iy insurance policies. w
right lag placed befo the left, watching • [aright and th. remiuma all paid.
a log which the team was drawing on to we tool our place as suggested, an
• the skidway. The hal had, just got past Potts being a stro Armenian an
J?rnsr Comm
Wr.wcuraitt.--W. H.
vices each Sttnday
Sabbath School a
atson, Pastor. Ber-
et 11 a. in. and 7 p. m.
p,oin te,. as ,
At three o't;
•ren of that'
singing a
cal liaise
villa., l.1
one ana,
answered by
te.ry. The
,the benedio
tion op
S Beliery.
vention, e
o Schola
with- inter
rnatioq. '
the assoeia„-
meet its eb-
their van en -
moved by
J H Eden
IR Waltith
the next mit
tile Mural
Wellwin, i
ed out tha
or the oll
f; . vete
cretaryi titu4
trlitte41 en,
the pek
to the ch ,.
nthe tonve
there is what might
was ad Olt
tither dangerous, but
8 Sells
Dr Potts, cif Toronto, of tan) 000
the party, suggested to tee mea
'n order to, get a batter 1 easeful.
but grand surround.:
eke seats on the loo?,-
urer said: "I aid no
t I was afraid, hut I wit
his left leg wheu it suidenly and unexpec- ardent Tory, sat
tedly swung against lis right leg,smashing a sterling Grit
it ahnoss to a jelly jt\t below the knee.
Calvinist, sat
Medical aid was soon summoned, when it
keep the trai
was thought advisab to amputate the
collections, altho
limbsbat owing to the tate bf Mr Walter's
ably short of las
constitution a was no thought safe to give $110 after (Ape
him ohloroform, and t erefore the ampu-
tation has been dela ed. As it is, Mr
Walter is lying in a ve low state.
the one side, w
d an uncomprom
the other side, jt
venly balanced."
gh fair, felt cons'
ear's, being only ab
es were decimated.
P yaonals.
Mr and Mrs ood Mann, of St P
Attention armors, Minn, were the rueste of Mr and M:
• We understand th e are a couple of T Yates, a f v d s during the
Ming wheat caned week. Mrs nn es a sister of
,h,olidifroordniabutheefilastit:f. ,
left with lfesarsYates..tdrI3 S MS1 th, of Listowel,s
Hutton 416 Carr jus for seed. The object
is to get a new kin. of sprino wheat in- ft few days i0. to last week, vis
troduced in this see . on. It ittbeing put friends..Miss A le Ritchielet Oksv
out on shares. (No .• obey or note re- Ohio, who has ion spending th
quired.) There are wo bushels in each five Weeitif mule the parental roof
bag and anyone es, have the bag at that
cost, 10 cents each cash). The wheat is father, blr JohnILWchie, returnee
stored at Mr A IT • ., 's feed store,
Mart- this Morniag... John Ritchie,
ket square, so any
•0 Wilettiag toftwt, a ansa Wgant, is down et
i change of Seed hen n , tter 4,a11 early as it Ga -. ,.0 1 oa Irintaot ifff
wil0' only last a got tam