Wingham Times, 1892-02-05, Page 7'-Wena HuronFarmers' Institute,. ward way, (Clinton NOW Bra,) The ploughman, w. it The regular Jaunar'nesting of the Y, plods his Y g homeward way, West Huron Farmers' Institute was ' ilia homeward way the ploughman held in Clinton, on January 2211d and - weary plods �l)rd. Tho epee iters Present were Sohn His to niewtird way the wintry plough,. 1 Dobson, W J Palmer, J3 S,, A AtGD - alta plods Allan, R McMillan, 1) 1) Wilsrnl,Joliu • The weary plougniau homeward plods Hannah and othe=rs. The meeting his way, was cotmneuced on Friday afternoon, The p'oughmlan, weary, homeward and. was addressed by joint 1 Robson, plods his way. Robt AieMillan, D D Wilson and A. His way the weary p'uughmau home. MUD Allan. The addresses were point• ward plods, • ed and pruotical, and mere attentively The ploughman, homeward, plods his „I%i�lv:ksr'It eclogged arcnaos of tiro. listeued to, Mr McMillan gave a s.ti" .01.s, i' �iirleiys alis Liver, carrying weary wuY of/gradually wit rout weakening tho sys- spleudid address on .silage for win• His way, tihe ploughman, homeward tc1,., :ill theitnpuritirs and foul humlor. for teeding,slro�viug how mach cheaper + o:.the secretions; at trio sane time Con.. 1 weary prods mating Acidity Of the Stomach, it is to feel cattle on ensilage than His t,ouit•wnrd, weary way the plough ',71-1112' B:.il;sttsfise°.�T,, f: Jti7 Acini, 1',eatt;eche:: DIV-F1ROS:lRena Skin, any other way. Thr, evening meeting turn pods, fO GRia' ,rrry•�'tx.iafia, Dryness' oi'tll0 i~1Si13, was not very well attended,on acconut •Wear,}•, t.ltc= plrn hnlali hoLnewardplods i)74•11)10LI Yip nor s �.lcln',, re o' of other attractions. Mr D Forrester his wiry, itala, >~'i!!tterin of fila 1'ietlxt Neill. was elected chairman, and spoke of the `;Veury,the ploughman plods his home- iroistaess, tint (e:a©a:ti 134kriliy 9a14 tile•estinct many othar similar ili43 inns loss the fanners suatarued by not ward way. sl':clltothehappy lath -mace ofBJ1?i900. attending the Fanners' Institutes and 'Homeward, his way the weary plough- 'dL00 1;3'J:TE ,wj. nTor Pao by raib Derck,:^, gaining bythe experience of others., f ar P s3rtlgtrSI kONIAGa �r n p tn111; plods. xq' I �-'�py,yy pp,,��qq • , 4sai9L151�$t1�yCV.eJ�c �f.Jt•irv.. 1 4 _if? 1 C111iES Wlltlili Ali ELSE AIL Best e.ouji1 Syrup Tastes Good) Use In time, Sold by druggists. • a - • ta, .:a yyEkl"r�r wC��RclPl1 A �' li° �264� ir• fl ars.07>« isakok =�n17 r:• 2r The musical part of the programme Homeward,. his way the ploughrnan, was given by G F Oakes, assisted by weary plods. --- • — -___ _ _ _�_ ntliers, and judging by the way each Hameward,his weary way,the plough - FRIENDSHIP CO., piece was received, it was much ap- preciated by those present, Mr Hob- son addressed the meeting on agricul- tural depression, and gave some of tiro reasons why farmers are not getting as good returns as formerly. 1lrPalmer also spoke on "A peep rl)tu the unseen world around us," explaining the dif- ferent causes of disease in mankind and the animal. Mr Allan spoke on fruit, fur a few minutes,explai'ling the position of different apples held in both the home and foreign market, giving their value and Iteeping qualities. Mr Wilson also spoke un the apple, and told some f tots which he saw in Great Britai,i. regarding the selling of die apple. • On the second day the meeting was opened at 10 a m, liy the Presufeut. After some routine business, Mr Hob- son spoke on ''Si*,ntner fallowing ver- sus grenn crops," explaining the advantages of one over the other. He favored ttto growing of rape for the fattening of lambs 'in the fall: The afternoon meeting was presided over by henry Morris, in the absence of the President. Mr Palmer spoke on the testing of with, i xplatuiug the different methods used, and the car - rectrless of the test. Air Hobson spoke on "Farm yard manure," telling; of some ways in which he found it best to use manure; also in the saving of the same Mr John Hanna spoke .on the shipping of batter to foreign markets, showing the price which good butter would command. Mr Allan gave an address on small fruits for profit,naining the different varieties which were the most profitable to the grower.... The following officers were elected for the ensuiiig year : Wm Bailie, Pres ; Elenry Morris, lst Vice Pres ; D Forrester, 2nd Vice Pres ; W N Rowell, Sec•Treas. The Directors appointed were : W Weir, A McMur- chie, Clinton ; Jas Cornish, Jas Snell; Hallett; H Elford, )acnes Connolly, Mr Tom, Goderich ; John Dustow, Norman Ilerningham, Colborne ; Mr Anderson, Jno Mallough, Asblield; W P Grierson, Chas Washington, West Wawanosb ; Tilos Brown, R Currie, E Wawanosh ; 141 McQuarrie, 0 Hamil•. ton, Blyth; J A Morton, John Hanna, Wingham. J A Mallough, and Jos Iieatherington were appointed audi- tors, man plods. The ploughman, homeward, weary plods hie way. 'lie pluughruan, weary, homeward plods Ins ,tvay. [lis weary way, the ploughman home- ;, ward plods. His weary way the homeward plough' man plods. His way, the ploughman, weary,home- ward plods. Homeward tho ploughman plods his Weary way. Horneaard,tbe weary ploughman plods his way. . The ploughman, weary, his way,home- ward plods, The ploughman plods his homeward weary way. The ploughman plods his weary home- ward way, Weary, the ploughtnan liis way homes Baird plods.. Weary his homeward way the plough- man pods. ' lilac!, Worse, Worst. Cold, cough, consumption, to oure the first and second and prevent the third use Hagyttr•rl'a Pectoral Balsam, the never•fatl in,; family medicine for all diseases of the throat, lungs and chest. a. marvel of heal. lug in pulmonary complaints, A man should be careful how he walks ' when there is a wash out in the back yard. • Itch, Mange and Scratches of every land, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Wool - ford's Sanitary Lotion. This nevor fails. Sold by . A. L. Hamilton. Were you ever atnbusoaded by a coal man ? No, but I always find bim lying in weight. Aa'" NISTRATOR'S ? OTICE. Pursuant to t Revised Sta rtes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 110, see ••n 30, thcreditors of Thomas Hastings, late Of t • Towns. ip of Turnborry. in the County of Huron an Prov ice of Ontario, yeoman, who died on or about the 3rd day of October, A, D. 1891, aro required to s to J. A. Merton, of the Town of winghatn, in °County of Huron, Solicitor for the undersigned 1 inistrator of the said do. ceased, on or before o S :t day of December, A. D. 1801, their names, idress s and descriptions; tho 1full accounr s of Mr accounts and ature�ot s of he securities (itheir hold by them ; . d notice is he obv given that the Faid Administ ur will ininedi,oly after the last mentioned da noc0ed to distil Ito the assets of the said deco :Octamong the partientitled thereto, • having rega unly to the claims of •hir:ithe shal Hien have • ad notice. DAVID II Y. HASTINGS, Ad inistratoite J. A. M.RTON, Solicitor for 'Estate. Win Ilam, 24th November, 1801. having leased tho shop, owned by Mr II Lenunox, for a term of years, beg to notify the public that they AM In a position to tarn out first class Carriages, Waggons Cotters, ,Sleighs, etc., on shortest notice. Only the best quality of mater- ial used 3i their manufacture. Tho BLAOKSMITHING carried on as usual. Horse -Shoeing a Speciality. We are prepared to sell 99 per cont, cheaper than the cheapest in tow». FRIENDSHIP ti; CO. MouyskliMoneyMah See our stook of new and desirable BOOTS tind,SHOES, Overshoes, Robbers, &c., For old and young, at prices which defy compotitin Great Variety, Great Bargains, Great Opportunity. purchased tho business lately of 'nick, next t0 the Bank of the aheady large stook, I will of Wingham and surrounding a position to furnish with Boot and Shoo line at astonishingly ORDERED WORK A SPECIALTY. patronage kindly solicited. the eland—Two doors JOHN MARTIN, :YourBcii1if' Homes!' WHERE DO YOU LJVE Half of the people of our County dont know position of one Township from another, They now overcome this difficulty by consulting the ell•' Tull COUNTY 01? EURO Which has been long needed and looked for. The size is four feat by five fe mounted on linen and woof! rollers, Six coloring are need, which nlrtker it ve distinct and otfeetive, THE SCHOOL S1 CT[ON NEEDS ONE, THEPARER NEE I CNE. TETE DUSINES1? .:3N NEEDS '): PRICE, $3.50. Published by W. COOPER & CO., Clintons ntario Booksellers and Stationers. ' School Globes and all hinds of Maps and Sehool Supplies. Write for prices our traveler will call on you, FOR T p ORDERE VALUE UE CL THING, —GO TO — HATS, GAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFFS, Cheap for ASHH. AT— — �` E B S r,. 1 'i ,' S JAS, MUR / Y 8.4 00., «jam s��� Haringowned by r 'c r� ' I I Mr 0 }ICC Hamilton, and ' �� ,` l r d added toI to inform the peopleng country that I am in anything in the low prices ORTY. 1 , Your , Don't forgetnorth of the PostoRice , JAS H. FRIEND, Late of Hamilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, B,.C, C TI NGS 11 VIII,�J Y MANUFACTURERS OF 'lows, Iron Gang Plows, Land Rollers, . � Owers. :9 LSO, WALMSLEY'a PATENT %Ni1 EllS�,f-9fd1�iC and'�E�"-R�G:6R11�'G COMPLETE WITH PUMPS, &c. WARRANTED THE BEST IN U$ Would take this opportunity of informing the citizens of winghatn and surrounding country that haring had largeexporiencoih city work, ho is prepared to do Alabastining, ICalsomining and Wahl Papering in the latest approved styles of plain end decorative work. Churches, Halls or other public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at moderato rates. Graining in Walnut, Oak, Bird's Eye Ma- ple, &c., a'Specialty. Ail orders entrusted to my caro done with neatness . 1n B ASS or IROIN TO ORDER. REPAIRING AS USUAL. JAS. MURRAY & CO. P. S. -A11 those indebted kindly call and settle at once. and despatch. Orders left at Mr. Ross' Bookstore will receive prompt attention. JAS. H. FRIEND. Wingham, April 3rd. Tale PopiIar BBook Star ZETLAND SAW MILL a Dreg Sinclair, GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. M. D.11. A., L, 0. P. S. 0., 91, 0, P. S. M., SI".E LIST, TORON TO. P'IVO td, One. Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says :--- MBAIi. SIRS,—List winter I had five "After spending all 1ny looney and prop - Li large boils on my neck and was ad- ' arty to no purpose on medical men, for yised to use I3. 13. D. Before I had finish- • what they termed a hopeless case of con- ed the first bottle 1. was completely well i sumption, Dr, Sinclair cured me." and think 13. 13.13. cannot be excelled as a t Mrs, Mary Purloni , Woodhouse says: blood purifier, 1 "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair ,Jona WOOD, lottnci 1'lrtins, Ont, I cured me or. ma." W. 'McDonald, Lakofield, says ;•---"Dr. A Wonderful T lite, Indeed. !Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." Every student of nouns, yirollotius,; elaiiGrcured ins of heaa t disease andUdrop- and verbs knows the necessity of 'sy when all others failed." transposing . lair ua r for the sake o£1lseases oC private nature brought on P g gr g1 by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cores. ascertaining its grammatical construe- i CONSULTATION IMItEE. tion. The following shows 27 difi'ereat' _..� •• - readtn;'a of one of� Gray's well 'mown } Dli•. SINCLAII; will bo at the poetical lines,yet the sense is trot affect, , QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham, ad (`N The weary ploughman plods his house MONDAY, 1 RROARY 8th, I892 i aasiet„,;.40 Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. IS IIEADQUARTER.S FOR ristmas resents A large stack of Christmas Goods has just bee rocai ved, suitable for till pa old or young, consisting -of ,1 TOYS, PEIUPO ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS, WRITING DE TOILET SETS, PLUSH GOODS, CHINA VASES, XMAS OARD1 LADIES' COMPANIONS (in plinth and wood„ VIOLINS, I MOUTH ORGANS, CELLULOID MOUTH ORGANS, TOS!" BOORS, SLEIGHS, PORI41)GE SETS, BLAND. BOOKS, BIBLES, FANCY .MIRRORS (hand painted). WOOD delivered to any part of Wiugh tum. Ita-fi Orders by' nail promptly atteiakd to. Gl:•91LGli THOMSON, whuf1 ani P. 0. ly DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS Or ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR AbUL1S SWEET AZ SYRUP AND CANNOT HARM •ram MbsT ,....bwLICA`t'iC H �c�• • A. largo-� number of the CHRISTMAS NUMBERS of Dominion 131ustrr< Saturday Night and Christmas numbers of other Magazines and Ncwspi.pers, l Canadian and Old Country. A large assortment of ANNUAL Consisting of Leisure Hours, Sunday at Home, Boys' Own, Jrc,, &c . I bavo a larger stood this year than ever before and desire the n1nblia t :• tee it before purchasing elsewhere, as it is no trouble to show goosbs. ?WOES AS LOW AS p t Li) t/jST. al"' Remember the Place -120 Josephine street, Wingham. ALEX.