Wingham Times, 1892-02-05, Page 6rt1lingdm E 'im t S i3l l)3 4', 1'I':L'RLI ArtY ars, 1830_ J> ,ON OOt TY °MINOI ,. tar ilea'emat or 1892 —REEVE TOR-, ttANCE:, OF STANLEY, ELLOTED WAR. XWN The !first meeting of the County ruuctl for 1802was opened at 8 o'clock t Tuesday, 2Gth Janlulry ; all the embers present except Reeve Man, Clinton,:u'„ of who is still to ill to he 1t, The Clerk called for nominations for Ie office of warden, when John Torrance, reeve of Stanley, las nominated by henry ;!looney and John Cox, and William Milne, reeve of Grey, was ontinated by V Ratz and T H Tay - r. Judge Toms was appointed to act 'Atli the clerk as scrutineers, and the ;blot being taken resulted in 20 votes 5r Mr. Torrance and 24 for Mr. Milne. r. Torrance was then declared duly i1ect.ed warden, and formally sworn in 3' Judge Tonle. On assuming the Ezair Warden Torrance briefly but ctrraiestly thanked the Council for the nor done hire, and promised his fest efforts to the fulfillment of its f Ates. The minutes of the last day of Oc- ' her session were read and confirmed. On motion of Messrs Kay and roudfootr the rules ware amended by largin; the Education Committee t,otn six to seven members. On motion of Meesrs M Y McLean id Kennedy, Thos Kidd, Seaforth, 1: -nry Pltunstead, Clinton, and F Jnr- tn; Goderich, were app..inted true - ,es for the respective Collegiate In, flutes: sMessrs Proudfoot and Holt nominal George Steven auditoe for the ltrrent year,. and :Messrs Demmer and ofeixitln nominated Richard Radcliffe pr the position ; the amendment w•as entered carried. .The following were elected as the ajttntnittee to strike standing cotnwit- 'geit for the year : Messrs Beacom, 'tattle, Beck, Eilber,McPiierson, Ratz, Id MI McLean. .10n luotion of Messrs Stewart and .ittton, henry Either and 'Ym Lane ,re appointed on the board of Grim in e audit. !loved by Mr Either, seconded by Y McLean, that the Council desire express its deep regret at the illness one oar our esteemed members, A A Lining, reeve of Clinton, and wel ire to express our hope for his edy recovery, and that the clerk nsrnit a copy of this motion to him. e "'Carried, 1 s 4 n Motion of Messrs Beacom and `pY McLean, Messrs 0 Clarkson, B; of Beafortb, and Baird, of Stanley, poor house, re appointed on Board of County 1 The couueil then adjourned to meat at 9 o'clock'Ihursday.—Godench Star. • 'ilnetat Association, asking cc operation Treasurer --(`40..1 d, Moved by Mr to secure the es,t ettion of the Ter. Bowers, seconded by Mr Medd, that setts Land System to county rnumci• W A Wilson be re -appoint, d A ce::Knr —Carried. Mow el Ile I1r Lowers., Riities' .3ecowled by 41t '}'odd, that John All the foreg:.ing were referred to Webster lie * Auditor—Curried, The the Special Cvnttnittee, Reeve appointed J 13 Weatlierlieed as Thtr report of thejnilor was read and other Auditor, On motion c.f blr'tpl.rn referred to jll'ti and Court Howie ConteGipson and Todd. the members of the council were appointed road come is- mittee. it reported 19 prisoners ;near• siouers Moved by Mr Todd, seconded ceratecl .at present --One female and 18 by Jnr Bowers, that a by-law confirm, melee three of the. latter insane, one ins th shove appotnttneuta be pre. dangerously so. Three of these prix. Pared and ei( ned—carried 11e•DKr' Bower8, (xibsnit and i4tt'dd were: op- eners are committed for larceny, one pointed members of the Board of !for tape, three tit+•acting trial, and the Health, with Dr Cape, as medical rens cuing 11 vngrttutrl. '1 he ages of adviser. The Clet'l:'R bond was pre. seated and accepted. Tho Trettanrer'fi bond was referred to Messrs rt next and Bowers to report on fet 110N session. !loved by Messrs ilow•erR and Gibson, that a cheek he issned`in favor of the Clerk for 837 25, atuf,unt of election expenses—Carried, The Clerk reporte•l having registered 47 births, 16 deaths fund 11 marriaiies walls of the Maitland bridge, Goderich during 183E Moved by Mr 'ItmverD, as may be foand necessary, was referred seconded by Mr tTadd,that the Collector to Road sad Bridge Committee. A mo- be given until 1 abrurary fat for ra- r tion by McPherson and Cruickshank to , turning roll—Carried. Moved by t a Racehave the Council assume the aeo bridge' Gibson, seconded by Mr Medd', that a in Lower Wingham,received the same cheekalafor the amount ofh Collector's 'e salary be issued and held by the reference. Treasurer until the return of the roll The report of County Commissioner _carried. 'fhe following check were Ansley, of his doings since last October, issued : Andrew Stewart, work 1•n W was referred to same committee. B. $18.50 ; James Thompson, work Ten tenders for the erection of bridge on W 8, $8 , John looreh«•n, brushing asked for by the county engineer wore con 8, $5 ; Jos Beck, culvert, S B, referred to same committee. $8,30 ; John Gillis, 47 yards gravel, The Selectins Committee presented $3.29 ; Wart it Co, ballot bsx and the list of Standing Committees for the express, $3.85 ; Jae Bryan, printing year, which was adopted. to date, $21 25 ; R K 14liller, regi -- A, number of accounts were road and tratinn fees, $7.40. Moved by Mr referred to the Finance Committee. Medd, seconded by Mr Gilson, that The reports of PS I's Tom and Robb Council now adjourn to meet on were referred to Education Committee Saturday, Feburary 13th—Carried. R. K. Macedon, Clerk. these vagrauts ranee from 50 to 85 years, three tot+lily nufit, to earn a living, but the rete tinder ab a to pro- vide for theuisei t es. The remainder of the report relates to .upplies and demile of the jail management. A motion by Holt and Beck to instruct the county, engineer to extend the wing as were also two communications. A request from the Prisoner's Aid As- sociation for the usual grant was referred to the Executive Committee. Letters and statistics from the Goder- icb, Clinton and Seaforth Collegiate In- stitutes, were read alad referred to the Executive Committee. Tho same refer- , ence was made of two letters from the respective Teachers Associations, and a letter from J A Morton, of Wingham. On motion of .11 Y McLean and F Anderson a grant of x300 was made to be divided between the several duly organ- ized township and horticultural societies. Council then adjourned to meet at 3 o'clock. 3 o'ozock r M. The council then resumed. The clerk was instructed to procure a copy of the Ontario Statutes for the present year for each reeve and deputy to be the property of the municipality. A motion by Messrs Beck and Gritfin to instruct the county engineer to iexamine Graham's bridge on the northern gravel road, and report thereon at the June meeting, was carried. Moved by 11r hroudfoot, seconded by Mr McIntosh, that the council appropiate the suer of $8,000 for the eurpose of erecting a County House of Refuge. Referred to the Executive Committee. The same reference was made of the fol- lowing motion by Messrs Stewart and Gir- th) ; That as the assessment of the town., ships is nearly n;uo times greater than the assessment of the towns and villages in the county, and as towns and villages contrib- ute the greater portiou of the indigents, it would be an injustice for the townships to contribute pro rata with the towns and villages for the erection and support of a tnfnera of school tete hers for the ant year. ioiu,cil then adjourned until 10 a :ednesday. SECOND DAT --WEDNESDAY. ouucil resumed at 10 o'clock, all e members present except Mr Man, g• - !lie following communications were ad and referred to the respective Inittits : rein the County Council of Elgin, ig cO. operation in petitioning the lenient for improvement and more gent regulations in the shipping' to on ocean steamers. ota the County Council of Grey, / co operation in petitioning the t.(.cpt truer to abolish the law al - the union of High and Public I bi•ards, - the County Council of Oxford, Itc••op. ration in securing the re-. section 80, chapter 50, Ontario ISMO, relating to the con. fuel sod maintenance of bridges or more in lem„th. (Denude Land Law Amend. A General Overcome. DRAB $fns, --I suffered from general ae..knees and debility and nay system was completely run down and I found B. 13 B. the best medicine I ever tried. I would sot be without it for a great deal. ;Mss NELLIE AltMMsrnoNG, Durnblaue P. O., Ont. West Wawanosh. The Council met on January 180. .Present --Aleft Stuart, Reeve; John .B twers,Deputylteeve ; Thomas Todd, Jetties Gibson and Robert Medd, coun- cillors, 'These took the necessary declarations. The mina(ra of fast meeting were read ani approve{ The Treasurer's renort for December, show- ing receipts $4939 43 and expenditure $4881.13, was read and tiled 1I,ived by M r I odd, seconded by Mr Bowers, that the salaries fol• officials for the current year be ; ,,t'lerk, 13120e Trete* 1'orer, $80 t Assessor $60; Auditors, $6 each ; Road 1Oetnurisst,ners, $2 per day—Carried,• Move.' by Mr Todd, seconded by Mr Stuart, that R X Miller be re.appotnted Clerk Moved by Mr Diedrl, in ainendment,l that John llcekingbnttnn, he app.liuted Clerk. The motion was carried. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physlofan, retired front practiee, hating had placed in his hands by an East India missionary tho formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, Bron- chitis, Catarrh, Asthma end Rll throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nen nus Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, ho has fait it his duty to snake it known to his snffering follows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire It, this recipe, ht German, French or English, with full directious for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. MOYRS 82e Pryers Block Rochester, N, Y. My speech at the meeting last night was my maiden effort, said the young orator, proudly. Yes. cynically replied his friend : I noticed it was something of a miss. ' Iinig1its of Labor, The Knights of Labor aim to protect their members against financial diffioulties, etc, Hagyard's Yellow Oil protects all who use it from the effects of eold end expos- ure. such as rheumatism, neuralgia, Gage, sore throat and all inilarnmatory pain. Nothini; compares with it as a pain. cure for man and beast. Make friends with your creditors if you can, but never make It' creditor of your friend. AS7l 9ADR. TAFT's ASTPIMALENE never G g' ® ®faib ;send your address, and we will mail dA Yt Fres trial bottio DR. TAFTBROS ROCHDCR,N YfefierallElk . Canadian Dept. 1b0 Adelaide FIEE St. W., TORONTO,_ CANADA. THE MISSES WATSON 'INSTRUCTION given on Piano, Organ and Violin. Also in Harmony Residence on corner of Josephine and Patrick streets wingham. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES HOW S SN HAVE A Eu i ;-. Education, P. •T L will see re the ea • legue of the, Ftp : '.' ITY sunluess cella e, Z\TID0IT CO' T. cr 100 students in attends o. • VIf. Weatetvelt, erinoi @ /9\4C € AM FLOURING MILLS. The undersigned wish to tender their best thanh9 for the liberal patronage given to our arm during everalyears prior to the burning of our mill by in cendfarism, During the twit season we bane re meddelled the town mill to the latest approved sys- tem of Hungarian }feller Process mil ling. We be Bove wecan now give better accommodation than evorbeforc. We offer • Pair Returns, QUALITY SECOND '1'0 NONE IN THIS SECTION. And by close personal attent::,n to the business hope to be again favi.red with a trial by all old friends and many now ones. Yours most respectfully, EIUTTON & CARR, Prompt Dispatch, wingham 11111, flet 40, 1b80. ALLAN LINE • ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail rernIarl% Prim PORTLAND ANO HALIFAX To LIVER- PO0 L via Londunderry. DURING TIM wINTEIt MONTHS. Cabin, 340 as,d ttpwarde. Second Cabin, 595. Steerage at low rates. No Cattle Carried. Se.A.ATJI.,II OF P pr t ALLAN LINE LINE. E. j STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK & GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, S40 and upwards. Second Cabin, 525. Steerage at low rates. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HENRY DAVIS. \INGHAM, WHOA, THERE! Call and see our stock of SLEIGH BELLS, BLANKETS,, WHIPS, ;Tl,ti 7) BS, BRUSHES, &0. HARNESS, double and single, light or heavy, made to order, in the latest styles and of the best matetial. TRUNKS, VALISES, HAND BAGS, dm., in stook and will be sold cheap. REPAIRING NEATLY' AND PROMPTLY DONE The patronage of the publIo solicited, and satisfac on in work and material guaranteed, at' -Shop—One door south of Geo. E. King's store. C. $NECH'.1• L' L. Wingham, November 0, 1801 CROSSCUT SAWS We have in,. stock Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 per cent. with THEL AD.C•T privilege ,of pitying at. the end of any year. Notes +', and accounts collected. RO$T. 111eINDO Grimm—Beaver Block. Wingham, Ont. THE SILVER STAR, SAVE YOUR MONEY and those wishing to make a Christmas present can be satisfied acid well paid by calling and purchasing any of the fol- lowing: DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES ANI) FANCY CUODS9 COM»R1SING DRESSING CASES, Leather, Plush wild Oxidized Goods. Also, a good assortment_of, PURSES OF ALL KINDS, BRUSHES LIKEWISE, and an extra assortment of E"Don't forget the place, 2 doors !south et Poet Med Moved by Mr Gibson, seconded by Mr A. 1L. ltAMVMIIrTON, Medd, that J G Ward be resappointe+.e Iyrugglst, Wielghalll btaZitinganitr,iives --IS PUSL SHED— EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. —AT 'rug -- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINI. STREET WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, Subsoriptionprico, $1 per year,itu ativnuce ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 yr. 6100. 1 8 mo. 1 1 me. Olaf! Column , 400 00 835 00 1 520 00^ to 00 Halt " 35 00 20 00 12 00 fr 5 00 fyluartOr " 20 00 12 00 I 7 00 I 4 00 one Inch _ 5 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 Local and other mita advertisements, Se. per lino for liret insertion, and 8c. per lino foreach subsequent luscrtion. Locni notices 10e. per lino for first Insertion, and 50, per lino for each subsequent inaertics . No local notice will bo charged less than 25e. Advertisements 01Lost, Found,Strayed Situations,. and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 51 per month Mouses and Ftums for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines, 51 for hast month, 50e. por subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Sl a ill radstes, for longer advertisements, or for • longer perio Advertisements without specific directions, will bo inserted till forbid and charged accordingiy. Tran• sitory advertisements must be paid In auvanco Changes for contract advertisements must bo in the office by Wednesday noon, in order to .appear that week It, ELLIOTT Phoimn Toit AND PUDLISIIRR T )R. MACDONALD, 9J JOSEPIIINE STREET, WINOIIAo, • - ONTARIO.' T]jj 13, TOWLER, 21,D.0,M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Iluron— ORice at "Ton POARMA0r " . Wingham, Ont Onus Horns —9 to 12. a. m., 1 to 0, p, ru., or at Residence, Diagonal Street - TAR. J. A. MELDRUM, if Ironer Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune, %VWNOIXAM - ONT I1. YANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Eto., Etc Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest, No commission charged, Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Block Mumma!, ONT J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &m, Wingham Ontario `tvi EYER & D1CKfisSON, 44' H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. I E. L. DICKINSON, S. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, De., lite., So !loiters for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. 51oney (private funds) loaned on mortgage 50enrity at 5;f per cent. Money invested for private person, upon the bust mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for kale in Manitoba anu the North- west. Office—Kent's Block '%ingham. DENTISTRY.-- J S. JEROME, WINOIiAa, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of tht bcstnutterial I Yl as cheap as they 0011 be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Eleetrlc- ' ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAUS NOTIOR. I will extract teeth for 25 cents - each. OFFICE : In the ileaver Block, opposite ,i tine Brunswick House. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Mum:WI, • ONTARIO THE LANCE TOOTH, IjOBERTOVNNENGHAM, , 1 THE NICKEL STEEL, b • INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, THE FOREST EEACTTY GUELPH. D DEAN Jlt., Wi , THE LA -ROSE PRIDE ±• • LICENSE AUCTIONEER—FOR THE COU, OI` HURON. THE IMPROVED CHAMPION. Sales attended 111 any part "'the Co. argue ALSO A very fine assortment of Moderate. r 011N CURItIE,/VIl1oit.1ar, LICENSED At'f,` R'NLrstt Eon 1IIL DAINTY 05' All or tela at the TIMES Office promptly attend. tea reasonftble. AMES IUvNDERSUIV, LICRNSRU AUUTtOAREIl 1oa CorNTIRs MORON ANTI Blreis. All sales attended to pktmptiy and on the Mertes Notice. Charges Moderate and , ,ttistaetion Guaranteed, . A. CLINE & CO, All necessary araungth tints eau be inane at rte STONEBLOCK, FOR SALE, Lot No. G and the E, i/,,, of Lat No. 7, llth Con. :'urnberry--150 acres; D0 acres cleared; -'well fenced; frame house and other buildings; good orchard; cheap, on time. Apply to M. C. CAMERON, O WM. lrrcpll +'RSON, Qlenfarrow P. O. TINRS' office WINOIIAnt .. _....-..._... _ ._....OV»......_, BOLTON & 1# 11215; tt. 1, & b. L ' setim:vors D Cnit 11NaINI1 xis LISTOWEI. AND All Orders left at the rflkfe dive prompt attention 'r1 I'ATEftSON, a Nranilb A" -S DATUM? OV ERMITR DIVISION Cot MAbr. Lle5NOEi Villa:1t est the Taus pull re. T, ISM;elt 0r !tat OXT. r k) ,1 t f f. ' • i Went Huron (Clintei The regular Jac West Huron Fai held in Clintrin, c «,'.it'd. The speak(+ I Hobson, W J 1? Allan, R ;41oMitla Ilaunall and otl was oolnmellced c and was address'; ;llobt DIc1lillan, MoD Allan. The ed and practical, listened to, Mi splendid address ter feoding,showi it is to feel eattl any ether way. was not very wel of other attraotio was elected chair loss tho fartne attendiug, the Fa gaining by the The musical p was given by G zithers, and jut piece was receiv predated by tilos son addressed th tural depression, reasons why f as good returns a also spoke on "A world around us ferent ceuees of and the animal fruit, fur a fete position of differ the llolne and f their value and 1 Wilson also er told some f rets Britai,lt regardi: apple. On the secom. opened at 10 a After some routi son spoke on "S sus green caro advantages of or favored the gt fattetrini of 11th afternoon meet by Henry ?don the Prestrient. the testing of different mettle redness of tli spoke on "Farts of some ways best to use man of the same 1♦ .on the shippi markets, show good butter v Allan gave an for profit,nainin which were the grower... The followin for the ensui Pres ; Henry D Forrester, 2 Howell, Sec -`1 appointed were chie, Clinton ; Hallett ; H I Mr Tom, Go Norman Kern Anderson, Jno P Grierson, Wawanosh ; 'x Wawanosh ; 0 ton, Blyth; J Wingham. J Heatherington tors. MBAR SIRS LJ large boil :viand to use 13. ed the flrt,t bot and think B. 13 blood purifier. Jena A Wand Every stud and vertm k transposing 1 asoortainiug 1 tion. The fol readings of 0 poetical lines ed r The weary pl