The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-08, Page 1Last Saturday, Vicky Cluff and Fletcher Mc- Laughlin exchanged marriage vows at Bayfield's Trinity Church. Mrs. Helen Cluff of Bay field is the mother of the bride, and the parents of the groom are Mr. and Mrs. Albert McLaughlin of Calgary, Alberta. The lovely reception was held at the home of Mrs. Cluff. The couple will enjoy a honeymoon in Bermuda. (Bulletin Photo) Mclaughlintluff Wedding Held In Trinity Anglican Church Here Bayfield Branch Historical Society Could a branch of the newly formed Huron County Historical Society be formed in Bayfield? Brig. F. A. Clift raised the point at the society's second executive meeting in Goderich, June 29. Suggested branches in Bayfield, Grand Bend and The alertness of four young other areas, he asked: "Would it add to our mem- folk, Michael MacTaggart, Judy bers, and increase activity in ideas?" MacKenzie, James and Bob WI Active Brig. Clift. "They would have Suggested At County Meeting QUICK ACTION AVERTS FIRE Otir tgallfirth Bultrtitt CURRY'S TAXI GODERICH — Phone 524-7305 TAX I Phone Clinton 482-9012 or 482-9036 10c COPY BAYFIELD, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1964 10e COPY VOL. 1 — No. 5 On Saturday, July 4, the marriage of Sharon Victoria Cluff and Alfred Fletcher Mc- Laughlin was solemnized at a ceremony in Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, with Rev. E. J. B. Harrison officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Cliff and the late Jack Cluff, Bayfield, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. McLaughlin, Calgary, Alta. The bride who was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. A. F. Scotchmer, Bayfield, chose an original floor-length gown of white Italian linen with matching jacket with venetian lace inserts and train falling from the shoulders; her should- er-length veil of illusion net was held by a headdress of lace and pearls and she carried a white Bible crested with red roses. Attendants The maid of honour was Miss Jacqueline Cluff, sister of the bride and the bridesmaids were Miss Jeannie Etue. Goderich, and Miss Jane Lawrance, Lon- don. 'they were gowned alike in floor-length pink Italian lin- en dresses with white sleeveless lace jackets and matching pink COMING EVENTS FUMING EVENT — Don't miss the Annual Rummage Sale for Pioneer Park, Tuesday, July 14 at 8 p.m. at the Arena. Prizes, Commission Counter. Bring your wallet and a sense of humor. picture hats and shoes and car- ried crescents of red and pink roses with white stephanotis. Jerry Kendal, Welland, at- tended as groomsman, and the guests were ushered by Doug. Biggar, Kingston; Doug. Turn- er and John Botsfond, both of Toronto, and Jeff McLaughlin, Calgary, brother of the groom. Mrs. Donald Johnston played traditional wedding music and accompanied Mr. Budd Boyes, Goderich, -who sang "Because" and "My Prayer." Reception The reception which was cat- ered to by The Little Inn, was held at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Jack Quit', who received the guests attired (Continued on Page Five) Bayfield Scout Troop were represented at Huron District Camporee last weekend by Troop Leader Neil Bellchamber and Scouts Carl Humphries and Robbie MacVean. Near Crediton The Camporee site was Black Creek, near Crediton and about 80 boys and 15 leaders attend- ed under the supervision of Camp Leader, Glen Northcott, Exeter and District Commis- sioner Jack Gallant, Bayfield. Place Second The Bayfield boys were at- Cameron, averted a fire in the Jowett Cottage area about 6:00 p.m., July 1st. Seeing considerable smoke along the lane and in the field, they investigated and found it issuing from a window and along the eaves of No. 7 cot- tage. They reported it to Mrs. Poth who called the fire de- partment. However, its services were not required and F/L Doug Soper, vacationing near- by, was able to enter the very hot, smoky kitchen, loosen a burning saucepan from the stove, and toss it outside. A few minutes more and the kitchen walls would have been in flames — so much credit is due to those four who raised the alarm in time for preven- tive action. RUMMAGE SALE SET FOR TUESDAY The 17th annual rummage sale in aid of Pioneer Park takes place Tuesday, July 14 in the Bayfield arena at 8 p.m. The treasures which have changed hands over the years are too numerous to possibly count, but we doubt if anyone ever came away from a sale without something to remernItes it by. One patron spoke to the treasurer a year ago and said, "Here is two dollars—I find I cannot use any of your mer- chandise tonight, but I've had so much fun, I'd like to pay for the entertainment," says the convener who reports a record collection of goods promised, an Interesting group of worthwhile things for the sale on "commis- sion table and the "next to new shop", and an overwhelm- ing response from the business people in the form of two dol- lar merchandise IOU's to be given as gifts throughout the evening, just for the pleasure of giving something for noth- ing. 'ached to Brucefield No. 1 Pat- rol, which placed second in competition with the other nine patrols. On Sunday evening the boys and their leaders went by bus to Zurich where they paraded to the Roman Catholic and Lutheran (churches. Thanks go to our District Commissioner, Camp Chief Northcott and to our Scout- master, Charles Dungey, with- out whom our boys would have been denied this wonderful weekend. Mrs. Wes. Bradnock, Auburn, pointed out that Women's In- stitutes all have historical com- mittees gathering material. There is no WI at Bayfield, commented the secretary, Mrs. Otto Popp, Dungannon. "The association would not be against it, I gather," said Children Blamed - For Bayfield Fire A fire accurred on Saturday afternoon at Bayfield Hardware and Lumber Yard. Firemen said it appeared young children had obtained a box of matches and were ex- perimenting in a space beneath the warehouse at the rear of the store. A pile of dried leaves sup- plied kindling and the abund- ance 01 noke resulted in a call for the Bayfield Volunteer Fire Brigade. The blaze was extinguished before any serious damage re- sulted. to be formally recognized eventually. In writing the con- stitution this should be recog- nized. The institute doesn't. al- low men to join." Form Committee A committee to frame a con- stitution and bylaws was ap- pointed as follows: Magistrate Glen Hays, Brig. Clift, Mrs. Ben Homan, Colborne; Mrs. W. D. Mack, Crediton (presi- dent) and the secretary. An executive meeting will be held in September to prepare for the first general meeting of the society, probably in Oct Brig. Clift and Mr. Hays are a conunittee to request permis- sion of county council for use of the county crest on member- ship cards ,etc. Bayfield was represented also at the meeting by Mrs. Leroy Poth. 0 Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Makin:: were her sister, Mrs. J. B. Melehan, Elizabeth and Christopher of Columbus, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ars- cott and 'three children, Kin- cardine, also spent last week with them. Bayfield Scouts Are Represented At Huron District Camporee Outing New Baptist Pastor And Wife Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Eaton are just beginning to get back to the norm of life; they had moved recently from Lindsay to Bayfield to take over the duties of the Bayfield Baptist Church. Pastor Eaton last Sunday gave his first sermon. Despite the hustle and bustle of moving, Rev. Mr. Eaton has set scheduled already. Every Friday evening will be Family Night; this will include a get-together of the adult, youth group, and children meetings. This Sunday, his morning service will include a talk on the topic of "Lets Go On", forgetting the past and looking ahead and doing something about it. The evening sermon is called "The Real Christian Life".