The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-15, Page 10BUSHY TALES by ART ELLIOTT aB • THIS CM ROASTS THE WORLD'S LARGEST HYDRAUUC LIFT ON A CANAL LINKING LAKE ONTARIO AND GEORGIAN RAY. 5Vnova • 001VINO H9110a01321313,1 Good ayes Ille.W1 yoodmemories Cav for your eyes .v,.9// finves. Mrs. Margaret Keys SUMMER FASHION SALE 20 % TO 50% SAVINGS • SPORTSWEAR • DRESSES • HATS • COATS • SUITS • SLIMS Sale Continues For A Limited Time (FASHION SHOPPE I THE SQUARE GODERICH Washing and Drying 24 Hours a Day DRY CLEANING Mon. to Fri. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. fur YEAR ROUND Fun! ti JENNY LIND CHOCOLATES 1 4 lb. Assorted Chocolates FREE with each 1 lb. box — $1.50 1 14 The Square Dial 524-7241 exall RIECK PHARMACY GODERICH DRUGS 1 WEST STREET LAUNDROMAT 54 WEST STREET — GODERICH DIAL 524-9953 See Us For Your FISHING and HUNTING NEEDS. OUTBOARDS -- BICYCLES -- TENTS CAMPING EQUIPMENT SPECIAL! RENTALS SPORTSMEN'S TRAYS, PLAQUES . . . Assorted Scenes and Colors. Ideal for Cottage Wall Decora- tion and Practical Too! Tents-9'x9' $5 wk. 9'x12' $10 wk. Lanterns $1.50 wk. Stoves $2.00 wk. Air Mattresses $1.50 & $2.00 wk. Coolers $2.50 wk. Spot tifif Sovrb .2itaGly 80 King Street — CLINTON — 482-9622 Page 10—Bovfield Bulletin—Wednesday, July 15, 1964 Most hit-and-run drivers run straight into serious trouble for themselves, says the Ontario Safety League, because the majority are apprehended short- ly after the event. In the first quarter of 1964 there were 758 hit - and - run drivers of whom 530 were picked up by police by the time the reports were submitted. Only 17 of the 530 arrested were women. Even a column of this type has to take notice of comp- laints. It has been put to us that Bushy Tales lacks sex. For those who don't know the score about the bush, may we say it has been left out because that's the way we found it. The birds and bees carry on as usual, and the squirrels seem to have a lot of fun in the Spring, and the • moose calves appear reg- ularly, but as far as the aver- age prospector is concerned, sex is something you hear about on the radio. Up in the brand new town- site of Mattagami, Que., about three years ago, your corres- pondent was driving a Land Rover along the clay mud road heading toward the village when hailed down by a group of Crees. This was the neighborly thing to do. Two winsome young women got into the front seat and several young bucks crowded into the back. Along the gravel mad, quite set up with having a couple of pretty young Indian maidens with me, I put my arm around -TELEVISION- We now have a large number of recondition- ed guaranteed 17" Portables & Table Models suitable for cottage or home . . . FOR SALE OR RENT. -MERRILL TV- 215 Victoria Street 482-7021 — Clinton BROWNIE'S DRIYEIN CLINTON Show starts at dusk Come as late as 11:00 p.m. and see complete show. Thursday and Friday July 16-17 THAT AMAZING DOLPHIN "FLIPPER" Chuck Connors Luke Halpin Colour Cartoon Saturday and Monday July 18-20 ACADEMY AWARD SHOW 3 OSCARS " U D " Paul Newman Patricia Neal Melvyn Douglas ( \dull Entertainment) Cartoon Tuesday and Wednesday July 21-22 'What Ever Happened To Baby Jane' Bette Davis Joan Crawford (Adult Entertainment) Cartoon the waist of the nearest one and said (jokingly, of course) "How about coming down to my camp and be my girl?" There was quite a comfort- able camp there on the Bell River, actually, and I suppose through brown eyes it looked like at least an average prop- osition. The young girl, school- ed by the missionaries at Moos- onee, hung her head modestly and did whatever Indian girls do instead of blushing and mutely shook her head. I turned to the back seat where the girl's brother sat and laughingly inquired: "What do I have to do now?" Said he, quite seriously: "You have to ask her three times"' A couple of weeks later the same two girls were down at the camp peeling potatoes, washing dishes and serving grub to the Crees (their broth- ers nd cousins) who were cut- ting line for me. After lunch when the boys had gone back to the axe work, I sat down at the table with the girls who were intently scanning the col- ored section of The Star Week- ly, looking at the colored fash- ion pictures with great interest. Again, I put my arm around the nearest girl and giving her a little squeeze, I inquired: "How about being my girl?" She nudged the other girl with her elbow, giggled and an- nounced loudly: "He try to do love to me!" At which I left in a hurry and cut a mile of line hardly stopping even to have a smoke. So much for sex. B & G MARINE GODERICH — 524-7262 A Complete Line of QUALITY BOATS BOAT, MOTOR, TRAILER RENTAL SERVICE Special 12-ft. Aluminum Boats -- reg. $249 Now $199.50 The funeral of Mrs. Margaret M. Keys, widow of Rev. Dr. .1. Melvin Keys, formerly of Mc- Killop Township, who died at the Sunset Haven Home for Senior Citizens in Welland, On- tario on June 19, 1964, was held on June 22, 1964, at 4 p.m. from the Bonthron Funeral Home in Hensall. Rev. M. Mor- rison of the Varna United Ch- urch officiated. Mrs. Keys is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Ross K. (Mild- red) Orr of St. Catherines; two sisters, Mrs. John (Norma) Byermann and Mrs. Jake (Lil- lian) Broome both of Seaforth. two brothers, Mr. Charles Ross of Searsport, Maine, and Mr. Malcolm F. Ross of Rochester, Michigan. She is also survived by three granddaughters. Pallbearers for the funeral were William McAsh, Bernard, John and Arnold Keys of Var- na, Ernest Talbot of Kippen and Neil Moore of Kitchener. Interment took place at Bay- field Cemetery. Tip For Dog Owners Canadians taking dogs into the United States must produce a current certificate of vac- cination against rabies and should consult a veterinarian at least one month before the planned crossing. Dogs may be brought into this country from the U.S. on a certificate signed by a veterinarian licensed in Canada or the U.S. attesting that the animal has been vac- cinated against rabies during the preceding 12 months. Protect Yourself The Department of National Health and Welfare says sun- light has a definite aging effect on the skin, causing dryness and wrinkling. Protect yourself this sum- mer by using a good suntan lotion, or wear a hat, cover your shoulders, and be sure to wear proper sunglasses to pro- tect your eyes from the darw,- ern of glare. CHT-SEEING QUIZ I. 6.° 91~ COMING NEXT: "TAKE HER, SHE'S MINE"