The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-15, Page 7COMBINATION ALUMINUM Screen I' Doors and Windows Let Us Repair Your Broken Windows And Screens RUSSELL JERVIS 63 Albert St. — Clinton Phone 482-9390 [For COTTAGES and HOMES Admiral Refrigerators, like new 9 cubic feet, with deep freeze 2 Smaller Refrigerators for cottage 97 St. Patrick St. — Goderich — Dial 524-7616 PATTERSON'S USED FURNITURE Don't Miss Our Specials Every Weekend GROCERIES — FROZEN FOODS KEN FERGUSON Main Street BAYFIELD Phone 11 WATCH FOR OUR BARGAINS At The SIDEWALK SALE Fri. and Sat. of This Week LODGE FURNITURE 33 West St. — GODERICH — Tel: 524-7521 FLOWER FASHIONS POTTED PLANTS — CUT FLOWERS Opp. Post Office, Goderich, Phone Day or Nite 524-9674 Albion Lunch Room Opens Saturday The old bar has been revived and the spirit of good times is still very much alive at the Albion Hotel. Drop in and see what's cooking? (Bulletin Photo) Adults 25c Children Free cash BINGO prizes BAYFIELD LIONS CLUB FROLIC WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 Renovated Bar Now Serves As Snack Room The fine (nil kir at the Albion Hotel is still very much in evidence in the new- ly renovated building. The new owners, Mr. and Mrs. E. Robinson, have refinished the room and it now serves as the Snack Room for the charming old hotel. 0- Bayfield Briefs Mr .and Mrs. Jim Fisher and Frank, St. Agathe, were at their cottage last weekend. Norman Aitken, London, is spending a vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mts. George Aitken, Howard St. Mr. and Mrs. William Car- son and children are at their home on Lake-shore Road for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Par- ker, Kim and Charlie, London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Parker's father, Mr. J. Fras- er, Sr. Miss Jessie L. Metcalf has returned to her vilinge home after spending ten days in De- troit. Mrs. Adam Boyd, Graven- hurst, accompanied by her her grandsons, Billy, Simooe. and George Boyd is staying with Mrs. Boyd's sister, Mts. J. E. Howard this week. CHIVALRY: A male instinct which prompts a man to pro- tect a woman from every man but himself. PROGRESS: A state of hum- an development where a man pays a laundry for destroying his shirts and collars. Galbriath Radio & TV TV SERVICE PORTABLE RENTALS Electrohome and RCA Victor TELEVISION & STEREO Clinton — 482-3841 • YOUR MENU DREARY? Why not try some tasty, fresh-caught whitefish or perch for a refreshing change. Caught fresh doily. Sold pan-ready! SIDDALL'S FISHERIES "THEY DON'T COME ANY FRESHER" BAYFIELD HARBOR PHONE 29 PARADE from Post Office at 7:45 p.m with Bands, Floats, Costumes, Vehicles, Bicycles, etc. All Entries Welcome Prizes for Best RCAF BAND CONCERT at 8:00 p.m DRAW FOR $250 PRIZES at 11:00 p.m. I LARRY ALDHAM MEN'S SHOP SIDEWALK SPECIAL THUR. - FRI. - SAT. 500 — ARROW WHITE SHIRTS Long Sleeves — Sizes 14 to 17 Slightly Irnperfected Reg. $5.00-$6.00-$7.95 SALE $2.98 36 THE SQUARE GbDERICH Pioneer Park annual rummage sale was an outstanding success Tuesday evening when swarms of eager customers swamped the booths in Bayfield arena, seeking out the many and varied bargains. See news story elsewhere in this issue of The Bul- letin. (Bulletin photo) Did You Know Clinton Community Credit Union Limited 482-3467 Of all the places to save or borrow money, why should you pick the Credit Union? Members will tell you their Dollars make more Cents. Goderich Community Credit Union 524-7931 Wednesday, July 15, 1964—Bayfield Bulletin—Page 7