The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-29, Page 6Let's Subscribe To ate 7c6atifielb for the forthcoming year and help make it possible to maintain a need- ed service in the best interests of our fine little community. AN OPEN LETTER TO OUR READERS . , • On behalf of the Management and the loyal staff members who have worked so long and hard to make The Bayfield Bulletin a useful service to the community, may we say our sincere thanks for the heartwarming welcome we have been accorded in our few weeks on the job. In this our seventh issue, we are pleased to announce that The Bulletin will continue to be published on, a year 'round basis and, we are confident, become a bigger and better newspaper at the service .Q/ not only Bayfield, but the region at large. Our achievements here been small and our errors have been many, owing to the struggle involved in getting the little publication off the ground. The people of Bay- field, Goderich and Clinton and everywhere in between have made this possible by their support and co-operation. The Clinton News-Record has been most helpful and done the best possible job for us under, at times, very trying circumstances. Please fill out the subscription form below and vote for our continuation at your service. It will be appreciated. Yours Sincerely. ART ELLIOTT, Editor and Publisher Yes, We Want A Permanent Local Paper! We are enclosing $4.00 for One Year - ($5.00 to U.S.A.) $2.00 for Six Months - ($2.50 to U.S.A.) $1.00 for Three Months ($1.25 to U.S A ) MEMO (Your Comments And Suggestions For Improvement of The Bulletin are always welcome. Jot them down here:) NAME STREET CITY or TOWN PROVINCE or STATE (Please Include Postal Zone if any) THANK YOU, ART ELLIOTT, Editor and Publisher.