The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-29, Page 4Antique Show Set For Aug. 3 to 8 At Coliseum The 6th annual Western On- tario Antique Show, sponsored by the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Stratford, will be held in the Coliseum in the Strat- ford Fairgrounds. The show is open each day from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. from Monday, August 3rd to Satur- day, August 8th. This is the only antique show in Canada which runs more than 3 3 :2 days. Eighteen leading Ontario dealers will be exhibiting and all items are for sale. There will be a lunchroom on the premises. Admission is 50 cents. Service Projects For the past 10 years our main project has been the building and operating of three liov-rental apartment buildings for senior citizens. We have now adopted a new project -- a workshop for retarded child- ren. Village Visitors Mrs. W. W. Gurney, of Winghain. Mrs. Howard Hei- beim of Kitchener, Mrs. J. Ed- mund Kaufman of Kitchener, Mrs. Walter Schmidt of Detroit, Mrs. Hugh Part.low of Willow- dale, and Miss Winnif red Ash- plant of London, all of whom are spending the summer at Kincardine Beach. were guests of Miss Hodgins and Miss Mac- donald at "Stonehaven". GIFTS 524-6290 CANADIAN HANDICRAFTS Goderich North on Mill Rd. off Hwy. 8 • • I • WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER 166 The Square Goderich FINE CHINA — GIFTS REPAIRS 6th Annual Western Ontario antique *bow 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Lunch Room Mon., Aug. 3 to Sat., Aug. 8 Fairgrounds, Stratford . . . PRIMITIVES . . . PINE FURNITURE . . . ART GLASS — CHINA — BRASS . . . LAMPS — JEWELLERY Tbe Vine 'Room antiques glut, :Iftlsinger 101 West Al CsOrleii314C31)-- Phone 324-7775 A COMPLETE LINE OF GIFTWARE Lamps — Appliances — Fixtures 52 The Square Goderich Colonial Qlraft '4,1!onse Every visitor to our store is welcome to a FREE DRAW SLIP on one good quality Lawn Barbecue No purchase is necessary. Just ask for your draw slip—you may be the lucky winner when the draw is made August 1st. Good Luck! HOVEY'S GENERAL STORE Main St. BAYFIELD Tel.: 10 • • FREE LAWN BARBECUE! HAND CRAFTED, ORIGINAL CANADIAN JEWELLERY BY Hedy Hill See These Unique and Fascinating Bracelets, Eearrings, Necklaces, Rings and Pins in the "Gift Corner" at Galbraith's RADIO & TV 1 Rottenbury St. — CLINTON — 482-3841 eMlIg *teed CHINA - GUNS - PINE FURNITURE REPAIRING and REFINISHING FURNITURE 45 Waterloo St. — GODERICH — Tel: 524-8717 SWIMMING FISHING PICNICS PIPER'S DAM Reasonable Rates Open 10:00 a.m. Closed at Dusk N. on Mill Rd. off Hwy. 8 — GODERICH — Ph. 524-6290 Where To Find Antiques, Unusual Gifts • FURNITURE -- CANADIAN PINE CHINA -- GLASS Agnes Middleton 104 TRAFALGAR ST., GODERICH Block North of Cooderham Playground — Phone 524-8829 • Set Up Shop At an antique show antique dealers "set up shop" and sell their merchandise. This gives 1 a person interested in antiques an opportunity to visit 10 shops under a single roof. The sponsoring group provid- es the location and physical set up as well as advertising the show. They have nothing to do with the merchandise or the selling of it. The sponsoring group raises its money from the door admissions. PHOTOGRAPHY • LI 0 • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • ADVERTISING • CONSTRUCTION O q 0 ART ELLIOTT 32 EAST ST.. GODERICH 524-8562 W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone 524-8132 DAY or NIGHT Agent for 24-Hour FILM DEVELOPING THE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS LAURA SECORD CANDIES Enjoy the Cool Summertime Assortment CAMPBELL 'S 168 The Square — GODERICH — 524-7532 PATTERSON'S USED FURNITURE For COTTAGES and HOMES Admiral Refrigerators, like new 9 cubic feet, with deep freeze 2 Smaller Refrigerators for cottage 97 St. Patrick St. — Goderich — Dial 524-7616 Page 4—Boyfield Bulletin—Wednesday, July 29, 1964 SEE SUMMER CLEAR-OUTS CHESTERFIELD SPECIAL LODGE FURNITURE 33 WEST ST. — GODERICH — 524-7521 • EMILY CORY A ntiques 235 Huron Rd — GODERICH — Phone 524-3424 I • • 11illage Boyfield, Ontario Next Door To The Library • China • Hand Weav;ngs • Linens • Estate Jewellery • Silver • Gifts Zhe