HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-09-10, Page 2Lack Of Leaders May Force Close Of Brownie Pack BAYFIELD—A special meet- ing of the Ladies Auxiliary to Guides and Brownies was held on Tuesday, Sept. 1 at the home of Mrs. Robert MacVean, to discuss the problems arising from the lack of leaders. Mrs. Robert Maloney con- sented to continue as Guide Captain for 1964-65, but the Brownie Pack will be forced to disband forthwith unless two public-spirited ladies are willing to offer their services as Brown Owl and Tawny Owl. As Brownies, the young girls learn many skills and crafts and what is more important, they begin the ability to work together in friendly competi- tion and develop qualities in- valuable to happiness in later years. Interested persons may con- Bayfield Personals Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith and Janet of London, were at their summer cottage on Sarnia Rd. over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt and children, JoAnne, Karen, Jeffrey and Ronald of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burt and children, Janice and Dianne of St. Catharines a n d Mr. and Mrs. Otto van Rennenkampff and Peter of Toronto, were at their summer home on Sarnia Road over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker of London were at their home, "Wheel Inn", over the holiday. With them were their family, Dr. and Mrs. Moore Hislop and Julie of Royal Oak, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Chris Klaudi of Wood- stock and Mrs. Baker's sister, Mrs. Andy Mackey of Oakville. tact Mrs. Fred Weston or Mrs. Arnold Makins. Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Property Manageemnt Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH INCREASE YOUR ESTATE UP TO $2,000.00 LIFE INSURANCE At no cost to you, no medical required. To find out how much you can have See Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. 482-3467 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST Goderich The Square 524-7661 AMBULANCE STILES FUNERAL HOME Goderich 524-8142 524-8504 • AM. — In Color "THE RAVEN 11 Adult Entertainment "WHAT A WAY TO GO BAYFIELD-CLINTON GOLF COURSE 1V., Miles North of Bayfield on Highway 21 Beautiful 9-Hole Course • Driving Range • Fully Equipped Pro Shop Daily Fee $1 25 — Sat., Sun,, Holidays $1 50 Snack Bar AT PARK THE SQUARE—GODERICH THE Showtimes 7:30 8, 9:30 p.m. NOW—THUR., FRI., SAT.—September 10-11-12 Tony Randall, Barbara Edin and John Ericson Fantasy, Drama, Mystery, Comedy, in a Technicolor tale of a one-man travelling circus. "7 FACES OF DR. LAO" MON., TUES., WED. — September 14-15-16 (Adult Entertainment) Vincent Price, Hazel Court and Boris Karloff Edgar Allan Poe's classic produces some terrifying fun! SIX NIGHTS — STARTING THURS., SEPT. 17 SHIRLEY MacLAINE, Paul Newman, Robert Mitchum Dean Martin, Gene Kelly and Robert Cummings In a new and convulsive play on matri-comedy — In Color Special program arranged for the Saturday matinee ti K. Page 2—Bayfield Bulletin—Thursday, Sept. 10, 1964 EDITORIAL By ART ELLIOTT Breathing Spell Comes Labor Day weekend and the receding tail lights of the last tourist Monday night and a collec- tive sigh of relief seems to emanate from every nook and cranny of old Bayfield. The tourist operators, restaurant keepers and storekeepers seem to heave a sigh and take a well- earned rest from their efforts at making hay while the summer sun shines. This is only to be expected after a concerted push for three months. After all it is only human nature. However, it will be the shrewd operator who will keep his lights on and be very much at the service of the public as long as the public is about. The rush is over, but the need for turning an honest dollar con- tinues, and they will be harder to come by as the Fall wears on. This means an extra effort, but it will lx' well repaid. One of the best efforts we can think of is to go after our own local market through the columns of The Bayfield Bulletin. All of our local subscribers, and there are plenty now, must still eat, clothe themselves, buy gasoline and seek amusement. They will go where they are invited. Be hospitable. Tell your story in these columns and bank the plus dollars against the long hard winter. Sound Idea It is good to see that the Centennial project undertaken by Bayfield Lions has been approved by Stanley Township, and an application has been for- warded to the appropriate authorities in order to obtain the grants for which it is eligible. it is noteworthy that the project consists of a substantial addition to the arena at the fair grounds, now to be known as Centennial Park. This will include long-needed facilities and will be at the service of the public not only of Bayfield but of the entire surround- ing community. It is difficult to think of a project which would be of more service to more people in the long run. It appears to have been a wise decision which we believe the Lions Club will find a popular one. Obviously, the cost of the project, only to be met partially by grants, will be a big undertaking for the club, and they will need every bit of support they can get from the community at large. It is to be hoped it will be forth- coming in full measure. Pr Vagirth Taultrfitt Published Every Thursday at Boyfield, Ontario by ART ELLIOTT Editor and Publisher AUDREY BELLCHAMBER Social Editor Subscription Rotes: Canada U.S.A. 34.00 per Annum $5.00 per Annum Advertising Rates on Request P.O. Box 94 Phone 96 • ONE-STOP SERVICE NOc WESTLAKE'S GARAGE JACK MERNER, Proprietor Highway 21 BAYFIELD 50-R-2 Please Report Missed Papers A number of complaints office in a round about way have filtered into the Bulletin that some subscribers have not been receiving their copies reg- ularly. It is earnestly request- ed that such subscribers com- municate either directly by mail or telephone with this of- fice or with the Social Editor, Mrs .Audrey Bellchamber, so matters can be fully rectified. It is only in this way that t he standing mailing list. The Bulletin is pleased to ,•orrections may be made to welcome the following addition- t subscribers: W. R. Elliott Bayfield 11-64 John B. Carson, 625 Niddlewood Dr. London, Ont. 10-65 M. A. Lavallee Box 302 Bayfield 10-65 Miss Ruth Hayman Bayfield, Ont. 10-65 Mrs. R. G. Hunter 28 Glengrove Ave W. Toronto 12, Ont. 6-65 Mel Graham Brucefield, Ont. 10-65 Mrs. F. D. Hendrick 475 Pilgrim Rd. Birmingham Michigan 48009. 10-G5 Fete Bride-Elect Helen Grainger Mrs. Russell Grainger enter- tained on Sept. 5 at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Helen, whose marriage to Mr. Wayne Horner takes place on Saturday, Sept. 12. Receiving the guests with her were the bride-elect and Mrs. Harold Homer, mother of the groom. Mrs. Eugene Bender, Misses Gwen McBride, Norman Geig- er and Mona Schade displayed the trousseau in the afternoon and Margaret Homer, Elaine Deichert, Mary Erb and Mona Schade showed it in the even- ing. Misses Shirley Keys and Phyllis Grainger served tea in the afternoon and evening. In charge of the register were Elva Keys and Cathryn Grainger. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Gladwin Westlake, Mrs. Bert Dunn, Mrs. Jack Scotch- mer, Mrs. John Keys, Mrs. Ar- dell Grainger, Mrs. Jack Ryan and Mrs. Clarence Schade. 113 FOR ALL 1•1EDS GET EXPERT INSTALLATION FROM SPECIALISTS B. R. ROBINSON FLOORING CONTRACTOR 61 Hamilton St., Goderich Phone 524-8831