HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-01-22, Page 711 r• EP,tu IY. s is e tt. Ll if .1 p :e e- lt els b. re Or ra es Ln ed h. at G's ke nt tri S1' hy e1 to is lid In, ed. rill tw, 1st. ;ht for srd dy, the. to Lith to )we oor gist and We her hed Lim ted the ;hat •two I Y As t a leir Miss 1ie9 ige- 1098 ink ode ared ; *on 4.4 -) v TEMPERANCE COLUMN, legalized traffic in alcoholics • and opium; the establishment of a publish. ing house in Chicago whip!. seeds out over 100,000,000 pages annually.I the founding of a National Temperance .hospital. and the erection of a Women's Temperance Temple, posting l over $1,000,000, which is one of the 1 finest buildings In the city of Chicago, and whose rentals are intended to serve as a source of income by which to carry on the temperance work of women. '.!',here are 10,000 local so- cieties in the United States, with a following of 600,000 members anal ad- herents. Few organizations can show such a record at the end of seventeen ,the saloons. of Chicago responsible fol^• years of work, coepuceee BY NNE Y. W. 0. T. U. VUpptese, Tlie road to proriperity goes directizr past the saloons without stopping, When a:saloon ,keeper gets hold a money over the -bar lit becomes like the custower—tight. The presiding,judgp of tine of the Chicago courts said to an inter -Ocean interviewer; You may ransack the ,pigeon -holes all over the city and country, and look over such annual ,reports air are trade .up, yet they will ,not tell half the truth. Not only are ithe cost of .police force, fifteen justice .courts, the oountyajail, a great portiere CONSUMPTION CURED. , An old phyaiofan, retired from practice, having of Joliet, the long murder trials, the, ,had placed In his hands by an East India missionary :the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for ,the coroner's office, the .morgue. the pours; 'speedy and pArmanent cure of consumpt�n, 13ton- ohitie, Catarrh, Asthma and alt throat and Lung houae,the reform achool,the madhouse,; Nervous.Debil'ty and allNervous Comiptalnts,r adiar but go anywhere you' please and you shaving tested its wonderful ourativo powers in .thousands of ` oases, ho hoe telt ft his duty to makeds will find almost invariably that whiz • mown to his enffering fellows. Actuated by this anotiye and a desire to relieve human sutie10'1'6 inc• i ati t d P f hat o .to alt who da are 1 dila Icy is the root of all evil. The ar l sen rap 0 o g , e t, recipe, in German, Frenolt or' English, with full gambling houses of the city and the 'direetiohs for preparing and using. Sent by. wail by Addressing with stamp, eu ming this paper. W. ♦. bad houses of the city are the direct Nod's 82e Fewer' Block itochester, N, Y. outgrowth and the boo n.companions of 'Mother Taught Ser." . drink. Of all the thousands of pros- in the Rural New• Fortier of January titutes of Chicago, the downfall of 3rd, Mary Mann, after describing her almost everyone can be traced to success as a housekeeper, accounts for drunkenness. ability by saying : I think it is all in • Poverty and drunkenness 1 Which the bringing up ; mother taught us causes the other i A general opinion girls to rise early and have our work prevails that poverty is the cause of well planned and done, as far as pos.- drunkenness rather than drunkenness .Bible, in the forenoon. Then, too. the cause of poverty. Let us see. If having been taught to think our home poverty is the cause of drunkenness, the dearest spot on earth, we had little wealth roust cause sobriety. But we desire for the back door morning cos- $nd rick drunkards as well as drunk- sips or indeed, for so called gatidings. ards wko are popr, and a natiun's 1 believe she truly says that was the drink bill invariably' increases as na- keynote to her success. Said an in+s tional prosperity becomes greater. timate friend of mine to me, a short Drtiukenness in the first place causes time ago: Whatever you do, teach waste of money—and waste of money your children to pick up and put away is onecause of poverty.. Drunkerthess their things and to keep them in order means waste of time, and waste of The hardest thing I have to time means waste of money—another contend with is disorderliness. My cause of poverty. Drtrnkenness means - mother always picked up, hung up and unreliability, hence lose et confidence* put away for us instead of teacuing 1088 of opportunity to make money- •us to do it for ourselves,; and now, another cause of poverty.Drunkenness when I have children of my own, so means shiftlessness, recklessness, vice, muob work and so many cares, 1 have crime, disease, insanity --each of them daily to fight myself and those around a -cause of poverty ; and the poverty me to keep things int any kind of order. caused by drunkenness will drag the I often think how much more time I drunkard lower than the most abject might have for myself 'and for my poverty without • it. Drunkenness children, if I had been taught to put things in their places when I was a girl. Mother taught us. All, yes, that is the keynote of our success or failure '$n life. If mothers could realize that what they are teaching their Iittle ones today will decide not only their future but also that of their children's child- ren ; if they could realize that they are educating heads, hearts and hands for years of capability, usefulness and happiness, or for years of inability, dissatisfaction and disappointment that are to 'extend through all eternity, could they look lightly or deprecating- ly upon their duties 1 Would they pine for a broader or a higher. sphere 2_ Geraldine Germane. ADVICE To MoTnERs.—Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at onco and get a bottle of " lairs. WInslow'a Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething.Its value is incalcul- able. It wilt relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery,and Diarrhma, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to tho whole system. "Mrs. Vin. scow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best emale physicians and nurses in the United States, and isfor sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle, Be sure and ask for "MRs. WINSLOW'8 SOOT1tuNn SUM. ,.nd take no other Riad shall clothe the man with rags. Judgment has been • given by the Supreme , Court of Pennsylvania to the effect, that a saloonkeeper who sells liquor to a drunkard is respon- sible'for what the man does . while in- toxicated. The trial was over a man who died from pneumonia contracted while lying drunk in a wet ditch,'and the saloonkeeper set up the defeuoe that the dead 'flan drank his liquor valuntarily. The court reasoned : The contention that,the voluntarily taking of liquor by the deceased while intoxicated and being at the time of known intemperate habits was such contributory negligence upon his part as would prevent a recovery by the plaintiff will not bear examination. Such a ru!ing would practically des- troy the act of Assembly. Every drunkard not only takes liquor volun tarily, but whenever he can get it, and because of his weakness the law makes the saloon -keeper responsible for sell•• ing to such persons. Ile had not the will power to resist the temptation, and for this reason the sale to hitn is forbidden. This conviction was made under a special law of the Quaker State, witch is now trying the effect of high license and vigorous restraint on the traffic. Damages will be given the„ widow of the drunkard which will serve to soften tho blow where it fell heaviest. 'What we are Doing. A review of the work which 11ten acdornplished by the Woman's Christian Tetuperance Uuioe include§ the'introdttatian of scientific temper - mice education in all the States, into all the rrovinogs of Canada, and in great centeta throughout the world;. a petition 'circulated in evey civilized itattou for the tows! suppression of the *We off the fittele. hi. _,:din. •;. ce=— ' _ •.y.... .-iie•r... - has • Arljrat or Sunday ;Schools. Sunday schools are proDeely as old as Citrittti,nuy, For Ensebius says that, 1 ht Aeststle John regulatly taught the scriptures and dace ine of the ehurcu t young men and children on the Sabbath day It is quite like°ly that, to a li'cnired (ixteut at, 1• est, Sun- day ivatrw tint. •'f the children and. youth was Reef up thronvh be uuddlf, ages.: but Qv greatest impulse glen the Sunday „4Ihttul was Ili, the tste,,ea Cardinal &lem it; o, who, u1 kllili.. in 1580, or.•anizcv.t a aystetn of.Srynialtty ine;ruetiorr ctrl put ltunser:•us 801t'L is in op -ration, :.Ahout Litt middle of the next century Rev J :•epb Alli•iu•- es - tunnelled 811.1411. eultuuie if* Eng• cud, and t,p" W'•eu tf.• yi nrs 1760 atl'I sores of Sutttlay schools ..erre , billed to venous parts of England bud Suothrnd by Rev David Blt'tr and Rev, r1'heopuilu•i Ltridsa' . Robert 11,1i;.Ntlt of Uloue.Kter, has usually eni y.,u'the credit of being, the founder of Huntley schools, but it is a'oredit to which heis not entitled, for his schools were' itot established In Gloucester Mail the year 1780. 1i, moat of the early English Sunday sonnols established by the ge r.lemen tnentionea nired t.. oilers wet,' smphyeti to gi+'e instructions in re,ulintz; WIIting tar d cipneiim,: whale th•' catechlaLn and religious training Bedroom Carpets, There is an excellent way of laying bedroorn carpets in houses where rugs are not the rule. Fasten stnall, strong hooks in the baseboard, close to the floor,and on the edge of the carpet sew corresponding rings. Slip the ringa over the hooks, and the carpet is securely laid. Ot course a few tacks must be put where the carpet crosses a doorway, but these are quickly re,. moved. By this method which is em - played in the sleeping rooms of natty hotels, a carpet may frequently he taken up, thorcughly shaken up and replaced, without much more labor than would be required to sweep it 0, 1'. R. TIMk1 TA13x,lt. Trains arrive and depart as fellows: CRAVING ARRn•ING /5:33N5. a. m ...... ....For Termite ..........5:35a.lu 1i:Vf."m , " 2:00 p. w For Teeswater 2'00 p.ui 10:56 p,111 " 10:65 ' aR.Et. Tr, ' 'RT.TI•TT# ,R'X' A, 0, sTRATIIoE,E, A0ENT, WINOUTAM. Through tickets to all points In America—North. West,1'aciflo Coast, oto,, via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. x,owost freight rates to all pointe —TIME TADLE.' LEAVI1 WlNOIIAM. ARRIyE AT WINOt1A14. 6:30 a,m.Torouto,Quelph,Pahneraton, &o, 3:31 p.m. 11:10 ,t " 10:30 '• 3:45 p,m. " " Clinton •' 7:45 " .. Palmerston, Mixed 10:35 a.m, 0:45 am London, &o 11:00 " 7:65 p.rn Kincardine, &o .. .,., 0:30 a.m. 11:10 " 7:10 p.m 3:30 p,m. 11;10 a.m 3:40 p.,n. 10"10 " J©SlPE COWAN, CLERIC 9'1n DIV, Comm, Co. Hullos, AUCTIONEER, ISSUER, OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Co3niIssIONEII IN H. 0, ,T., ,ETC. WI8OxETER, , ONT. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. MOLA"UOntIN & HAVOII flavins purchasedthe Custom Business of Messrs McCormick & Co, wish to intimate that they have opened out in the shap two doors south of T A Mills Store, Wingham. Boots and Shoes made to order from the Bes Stock on short notice. Repairing neatly and promptly done. The patronage of the public solicited, and all work guaranteed. MoLAUCHLIN & HAUGH BANK OF HAMILTON, WINGHAM. were considered at; not .nore l.0 tl• r. :int Capital, $1,200,000. • Rest, $600,000. than instruction in the rie,n' ISI a '.1 an President—Joni STUART. Eu i't tt rduca(lnu. Suuday was ueosen vfee•Preetdent—A. G. RANaAY. as betttg the west tavnrable dsy for those .vbn attended, ' iltt:e Tile first pup' r; .•t I1r' iirtiotey ,,n•.,, v., re dr, n :rout 11,,. Clt•i, i-. t, : •.og ps•„alt. Good Deeds Done. T'111 k^t'ci deed& ]one -by chi,t family ljuinleut, B.at'y:t Oil, duriu•; the thirty yearn held lu ever-tut:reaigi,g o-. public, would • .til: volurnt•'. here eitutrierate all its g,."1 O that. It (',.1• be • : hsert or a ' ., cold:. •o: •t.' bo'':, r' ail r out surto: • Th•+ Hun, to: t: you 111ti1,4, t11;t:1' air +'r .... my tuiser• Et• r•1 •- q' 11•1!1(1 George—You •I,li• E sign)- Nei', . . English spavin Tiuiu:but• ..,•••.. • .. • ., calloused Lumps and L'4:uti„t : • .0 •,•• . • Spavin. Stilints, Ring 1Soae, dv. • Sore and Swollen Throat. Cons et.• ,• u• use of one bottle. Warranted the nos -' , f Blemish Cureever known.. Sola u. „ DIRECTORS IONE PROCTOR, CCAS. GURNEY, GEO ROAM!, A. T Woon, A. B. Lint (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. to 1.SDeposits Savings 08,331 ndlupwardsrec iviedandainterest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold d• 13. WILLSON, AGENT. w MEYER ee DICKINSON, •tl Solicitors. le t• ,t or .d 114, oy ut 'n. fREENMAN'em,= -.�:- :WORM POWDERS Are pleasant to take. Contain their oum.i Purgative. Is ei saiS, sure and effietual destroyerofworm's tu Children or Adults. la'd THE PEOPLE'S (OE PENNA. MINE OWNED/ CANADIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONE oa COAL CO'Y. 1 Coal in Car lots sold direct to consumers. No intermediate profits, Write for Prices. Special Attention Given to Ste. tics and Clubs. F ;r!'S” ?'!!*`1'�"'S'.t141"..Es Ar14 lt ff `�`, ANt 1U ofstr ncan't 1'antiferm bat all may have 1'obuat health, strong nerves and clear minds. 0nr tt atinellt mattes Ruch h 11. The methoda aro 0• rot ue>olusively,mid Where anything Is left to build uvontheV,y l�Or0i -L'O 33 cushy. qutcicty, permanently roster - cd. weakness, Ner. voitertesn, uebiliryy. Alla all the train of 8v11s from early errors orlater exreb8e5 rho result 01 overwork. Meknesa.wot• rv, Ole.. fmnVer cure Van Strength. develop. Ment an tone given to every ergau a7114 /soviet' of the burlyy' Simple, 7rnn•,•riiatt_ fro natt(ra ttt h irntroeu nent j'e°.eemit) k. ani WANTED, 200 CORDS OF WOOD. Call and see our stock oh : WHIPS, - BRUSHES, CURRY COMBS, ' SLEIGH BELLS, Ste. horse clothing of ali kinds. HARNESS, double and single, light or heavy, made to order in the latest styles and of the best material. Trunks, Valises, hand Bags, &c. in stock and wil bo sold as cheapias the cheapeat. Repairing neatly and promptly done on short notice, The patronage of the public solicited, and antis faction in work and mat.xial guaranteed. SHOP—One door north of Canadian Express Mice.. AMBLER. N. B. HALSTED 8180 3;3 4SA.i\TMC--Ell Josephine Street - Winghr J. A. IIA nt MoTI J, • - Mount Forest. peol Deposits Received and in allowed, Money Advanced to Farmer* Business Men, On long or short time, on eutiorsn:i or collateral security, Sale notes bo at a fair valuation, Money l'ellij ttt It parts of Canada at.reasonrtb.e efts';,!, Special ,Attention Given to lecting Accounts and Notes Agents in Canada• -Tito Merohant:3• of Canada. Office Il:ours—From,9 a. 10. to 5 p. nl. A. E. SMITn, Agent West Hirai VQg1in LZil1 We tvishto lnfarnn the public that we have th Woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and will t season give special attention to CUSTOM WOR in all its branches, and will keep in stock a plass of flrst•olass goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns &c.,, &c., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash ore 1 {change for wool. Customers from a distance can have their ro home with them the same day. - 6a'liighest market price in cash for Merehatitab Wool. Il\ GL1 S & CO'Y., Winghaur Scientific American Agency for ATENTS CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS PESKON PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. For information and free Handbook Write to MUNN A co, 361 BROADWAY, NEW YOR. Oldest bureau fE.' or securing patents In America. Every vatent taken out by us fs brought before the public by* notice given free of charge in the $zxentific ,mexxe n Largest circulation of any scientific! paper'n the me,opbenyuttik1intelligent withot.Weely.5300a year; cute six months. Address MUNN dt O. T•IISLI8ENne. 361 Broadtray. New York. $1,000.00 REWARD Offered for any Machine that Will do as great range of work, and do it as easily and as well as can be.donu on the Pavis V..rtical Fee Sewing Machine. This offer has been before the public for the past ten years. it has tot been clainterl, proving that the Davis Vertical Feed is the "Best on Earth." intending purchasers will make a ntistike if they don't see this - machinebeforebuying. Guaranteed for ten ears hytlte manufac- turers and myself. The first Davis Sewing Machine was made in' 1560 in Watertown, N. Y. The new factory is located at Dayton, Ohio, and is the most complete Sewing Machine factory in the United States, its canaeitr being 400 machines per day. It has over 4 acres of floor spate. FARM IMPLEMENTS. STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT 'PULPEIIS and everything in the implement line, from the best makers, always in stock. RE'.A.IRS_ I make it a special point to keep always a full stock on hand. NEEDLES for all kinds of sewing machines, also the best 031 and repairs. Agent for the Massey -Harris Co. Ltd, of Toroonto, Brnntfetd and Wecdatetk, . iti f t, ;: `, • V rght•n•. Cant A Blessing to Every. Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. Those reni0diev. Tett.: stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the boot Ittedicina. -tor Family use, .i . ILMS •irlty the blood, correct an disorders of the LIVED, 14ToM.1CIT, 1(TI:;vEYS AND BOWELS and •:r invaluable to:.11 complaints Weldental to females often ages. Ts the Only reliable remedy for lel leg4 ,Mires, ulcers, r:nl aid wounds. FOR SRODOCtttlIM, SOW.; 'i1moATS, C01:UttS, r't)t,1t11, Rtll'T, R1;h:i'MATISM, (4L:U)t't,Alt t<\V15LLINOS AND ALL SEM IllASES 13'3.1.5 NVenders EQUAL. bl manitts, u ed otdi'Iat :9, :se* ()stove'. Latif: t, Oxford Street,-Lbtrden.