HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-01-22, Page 5A DROP �a arca o' d ' -n, P ICUS! DID YOU IIE/A IT Pi 0 ILI T (St; S 1.\T A.RE CLEARING A.RING OUT TIdE e( a-, ?rim ha, Suririgos �ved Y.1 31} fo r is.the Time .to get BOOTS and SHOS at your own ori ce ..We have not got time to specify, but call and se -e for yourselves. We must make room for Spring importations. We are Still Busy Making up to Order the Most Nobby Suits to be found That's the -Verdict of ourmost particular customers. We accept their decision.. est of Toniiito1 GENT'S FLTR:NISHINGS OF ALL KINDS IN sir c .COMPLETELY SLAUGHTERED IN RICES. t►7 1. V�.LVL "'y $LIDER,S S..L: ER,V-�L OD_ N. B.—We must respectfully request the payment of all accounts at once. Belgrave. sir Wilkes Russell returned to Detroit to resume: his studies, Anotner of those pleasant events which generally brightens a home took place at the residence of sir Robert Armstrong, en`Wedne%sd'tiy, the, 20tb of •Jati, when a goodly number ' of relatives and . friends.; assembled to witness the marriage of miss Mary, second daughter of aft Robert Arm- strong, to or Jaynes Atkinson, of . .Daenta. .After a wedding dinner had' been partaken of, they 9.11 drove to the station, where the happy couple took the train for an extended torr through Eastern Ontario. The happy couple have the best washes' of their many 'friends entering into the new path of life and may their future be crowned with prosperity.—Mr Robert Irvine, who for seine time past has been sick from .a severe atta.k of inflamm•ation,ie recovering. Turnberry. The bouncil of the township of Turnberry was held in Saults' hall, Tiluevale, Monday, January 18, 1892. The members of council met according to statute, viz : William McPherson, Reeve ; William Chruickshank, Dep- uty. Reeve ; John Diluent, George Harris and 'William Mundell, Ooun- eillors. The Reeve in the iehair..' The 'minutes qf lust and especial meetings were' read, approved and signed. Moved by Mr Ditxert, seconded by Mr Harris, that Alex YleEwen be ap pointed Auditor for the current year _Carried. The Reeve appointed Douglas Fraser, auditor for the cur, rent year, A by law was passed mak lees the above appointments. Moved ',from eoneestion of the heels ---Thi; number of those who were employed Andrew Reid, $2 75, repairing north boundary Wm Messer, 30 cents, ace count indigent ; Richard Johnston, $2,75, account indigent ; Wm Brads ley, &6e, account indigent.; Duff & Ste hart, $4.25,account indigent ; Mrs Stewart, $4,' •accoant indigent; : R Sri„ lev, $4, account indigent ; Win Anderson, $5, account itxdigent ; Win McPherson, $10, account mortgages ; Juhn Burgess, $2.50, account mort- gages; Peter McLaren, '$7, account mortgages, Johii Brtty, $ 250, account repairing stirape'r; John Bnrgess, $14.50, account election; Torn R Mr Pupae intends to have it refitted Powell. $8, account election ; - A G for his own use.—Mr Thos Downey, McDonald, $8, account 'election ; who has been confined to the house George. Scott, $8, account election. .tor some time past with inflammatory Moved by Mr Diment, seconded by r4eeumatiam, is'able to be around agaii.. Mr Mundell, that this meeting do now -=The annual meeting of the Women's adjourn to meet,in$aults' hall, Blue Presbyterian Foreign Missionary As - vale, on Monday, February l5th,1892 sociation, under the auspices of the Joxrt BURGESS, Dlerk. EI•.uron Presbytery, was held in the ;1Presbyterian church yesterday.— Lower Wingham.• • finder power of a decree from . the < Mrs Robert Currie, of Fargo, and Court of Chancery, the Kidd hardware children,.are Visiting at the parental store' was sold on Tuesday of .last home at present and rnnewit g old week to Mr Buck, of 13ranttord, "for acquaintances.—Mr Andrew Willson $3,050. Mr . Buck- has secured a is also home from Manitoba. --Mrs: bargain. in this property. Win Cruickshank has returnee home from Peterboro, where she had been ! Listowel. ' spending Christmas with her friends.1 Mr R J Dilworth, of Tet-hnto, has -Rev Mr Nicholls• preached- in the procured a situation in this town as Lower Town school house on Sunday hook -keeper and Secretary `treasurer,, nftern,on.--Miss ,Carrie and Miss for the Listowel Furniture Co. ---This Lizzie Lamont,of Ripley, and Mr John I towel. has become very lively since we Taylor were down attending the ' Have plenty of good sleigh g.—Mrs funeral of Eve Ltamont, J T Barker's little son, Ward, had the Some of those who were under the misfortune to fail and break his arm, influence of influenta are convalescent. one day lately, while returning from —Miss Maggie Morrison, we are sehoo!. - The new factory, is now under pleased to say, is on the mend,—Mr full swing rind tete number of hands Nettertiold, sr,"is seriously ill, sufferings employed is iticeeaeuig daily. Quite a J. J. HOMUTH dc. SON. - . , _...-. •roc,-t^^e---_._>a�.,.;_v._ waayegive Iter` plays in. The atter= of task week, Constable i11cl,s.,d, NOTICE_� . aance.upon this occasion was rather truant officer, had two boys in the slim, but he may be .seep of a full I IoCksnp•—Mitchell Bros entn llelleed Flnro ntlli»eettntihtt Cour iHouBe,he Godei9 h, !muse it she visits .Seaforrh again. liner' operations in their sawmill, lest Moue Tuesday, January 26th, at 8 o'clock p tn. wardrobe was a most gorgeous one,wireeahl LANE• being from,, the cerebrated 'Worth of day. They have already a large stock Co. Clogs Lasers.—On Wednesday of lair" ween, ± of logs ou hand.—Mr W E 1Vlahring M.r -O Wednesday of Iasi McKillop, has disposed of the Luolcuow Hotel to HOLSTEIN BULLS FOI SALE. 1Vlessrs Phihps•tiE McDonald, who have delivered to a buyer, of this town, a taken possession.—.Mr i4idDi.armi,f, of The undersigned has for sale on Lot 10. Con. two year old ewe which weighed 285Langley,7 e,41trrc•, four ni nthghhred ihnlston hulls, ran l3 C is visiting friends he re l,t; from 9 to 18 menthe ala. The shoes mentione leis"-14ir 0 W Past has purchased , g the stern recently "oocupied by Mr John Beattie, and which was badly Blvth- darnan•ed by the late fire, for $2,3Q0. Mrs T J Carter is .now recovernig from her recent ileless..ill A H (inety ex•echool tenoher, left the fore part or FRIENDSHIP & Co., this week for tile Ottawa Nortna! by Mr Dement, seconded by Mr Mune fines stock of Mr S D Wellwood was doll, that John S McTavish, be ap- disposed of by public auction on wow, pointed assessor torthe current year nesday.* Mr John Carrie wielded the at the.same salary as last year and that hammer with the efficacy of au expert. a by-law be passed making the said--1VIr.Joe Kerr, who was suffering last appointment—Carried. Moved by week from •a severe attack of quinsy, 1VIr Diment, seconded by Mr Mundell, has recovered good health again.—Mrs that a by law be passed appointing the. Thhn Melon is laid up with La Grippe. members of this council Road *loos —Mr John green will go to Goderieh missioners for the current year—Car. next week .us a delegate to the County ried. Moved by 'Mr Cruickshank, Council to- see what 'they will do 4sec,. nded by Mr Harris, that a bylaw tonards repaying the damage of be passed appointing James Elliot, lowering the value of the' property on Malcolm Lamont and Rout Douglas, the south side of the river here hy members of the -Local Board of Health, removing the Graham bridge from its and thatDrT'owler, of the town of former. place. We think, Mr Green Wiugham, be appointed Medical should get a good hearing, as when Health officer, for the cement year they pnrehased - their rand the bridge see' . byr1. 'tis . c Carried, b2oved Mr a1 1i1 dispute was a very ,shore crit to the ended by Cruickshank, that 11r Dim town, awl be doilbt the land is worth iuent see that Mr 'Billingsley is- leas on account ofthe inconvenience supplied with the actual necessaries' causi;d by moving the bridge. So itis of life until next mooting of council--•- only right that something should be Carrie L. A delegation of ratepayers done to colnpr.nsate thein for their from Lower Wingham waited on the 1088. council in .respect to foot bridge in Lower Wingleltin, on the site of the lSeator'th. old'Grahatll bridge,—No action taken Miss Camille Townsend, the talent. In the platter„ The following accounts ed young actress, appeared in Cardnei's were passed noel orders on treasurer Ball, on Monday, Tuesday and Weds issued: John Powell, $2,repairing nesday evenings of last week. Miss °givert; Robert Elliott. $6.50, print Townsend is a bare aetress, and 1 , jam" 11141t $4.50, priat+h `, m tsteg i. by the Hess fide have returned to town and are being given employe ment. —Eli Pericles, the American humorist, will lecture in this town on Febuttry 4th —Rev .A E Henderson, of Cobourg, pee/idled in the Methodist church, last Sunday, both morni,ig and evening.—Mr l'i'fts 'Youttg is gos !ng iuto the manufacture of buggies in earnest. Tile other day he recetwed a car load of axles, springs and the iron work for fifty buggies, which will be completed for next season's trade.t— Mr John Campbell is recovering from bis severe attack of La Grippe. -Mr phos Atrderson,who has been confined to his bed for a couple- of weekses is now recovering.—The new council' for 1892 held their first meeting Monday last, LtiCflriowD'. Mr E McLennan, of . Chicago, bas been in this village attempting to arrange for a tug-efswar tournament, to be held in the Caledonian Balt, some time soon, If he is successful, three large purses will be offered .as prizes and teams from sinless, Wing, hash, l3tpley, Kintail, ICincardiue and Luckuow are expeete'd to compete, The truant bylaw is being rigorously en1ff)red in this village 0 animals are all wee marked and registered in th Canadian Herd Rook. They will be solid cheap an on easy terms to suit lritvehasers. - JAS EL.LIOT, Bre: der of Holstein Cattle, 131nevale, Ont school.—Mr Vin Pitrr, a former res: having leased the shop, owned by Mr 11 Leinmos fora term of years, beg to notify the public that tire, dent of this place,butnow of Cehfornia, are In aposition to turn oat first class is rel,ewing acquaintances in town — . The fireln'•u hell their annual eupp'r Carriages, Waggons, - at the Cnnifnerioai Hotel last Friday Cutters, � uight.—Mr Herb Symonds, of Bnff• , , trf friends hare, aim, Is xpelldUig a fe,v days '8 Nlth on shodrtht esttheft notice.manuOrtfactly uthore. best quality of .mater. - int use We are prepared to sell :leper cent. cheaper than The BLACKSMITHING carried on as usual. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.. Horse -Shoeing a Special*. In the Matter of JOHN EDWARD HAMIL- TON DINSLEY, of ' the Town of • Wing - ham, in the County of Huron, Jeweller, the cheapest in town. . FRIENDSHIP c CO. an Insolvent. -- ADiIIISTBATDD'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the above named John Edward Ramat:in, Dinsley has made an assignment to mo under the provisions of the Revised Statutes of Ontario,1887, chapter 124, and amending Acts, of all his estate and,eifects, in tenet for the benefit of his creditors. A meeting of the creditors of the said Jofir Ed- ward Hamilton Mosley is hereby convened and will be held at the law ()Bice of It Vanatone, In the `Darn of Wingham, on ItdONDAY, the llth day of January, 181)2, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, fors the appoint• mont of Inspectors and the giving of directions with reference to the disposal of the said estate. 111 creditors of the said John Edward Hamilton ()Insley are hereby • notified to file their claims with m3 Solicitor, 1e, Vanetote, Winghatn, duly verified hy affidavit and also stating the nature and value of the security (if any) held by them, on or Were the 22r d day of January, A p„ 1891. Dated at Wingham, this 31st day of Dceomber, A. D., 1801, ROB'r, iHILL, Assigneo,Winghant. It VANSTONL, Solicitor for Assignee, Wingham, Ont, The Cod That Helps to Cure The " Cold. The disagreeable taste of the COD LIVER OiL is dissipated in Mw SCO1!T'S LSH °from Cott Liver i)itl With HYPOPHOSPHITIES corn x.xxas A.xis� sto. The pitied suffering teem CONStilY PTION. iSitONVAI'ltl+4, COLI), Olt WAi 'UNG »1011s SF,A, taken the remedy ail be would take milk. A per. et emnletnti, *Site A t'Nfatdarful ilenh p�yrof r. SY no fir. Art .YJ . 7ithe. 6'©0.,A.W4 Pursuant to the Revised statutes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 110, ts, c.tion So, the creditors of Thomas }ratings, late of the Township of ruanleerry. in tete County of Hnren and Pym itice ni Ontario, yeoman, who died on or about the sled day of October, A, I), 1801, are required to send to J. A. Morton, of the Toivn of Wie, lrun, in tlteCnuntyof Ifuron,Solioitdr for the under.i_ned, AiI,h,istr.tor of tho.aid de- ceased, on or btt'crethe 31st day of December, A. D. 1801, their names. ,ddre;ses and descriptions; the full particulars of their plaints ; a stutemen t of their aeeotnts and the nature of tate securities; (if any) held by them; and notiv- i‘; hereby gi)or that the. aid Administrator will iii i etliattly after the last mentioned day proceed to distribute the :.,eta cf the said decit to d among tla:t maths entith.1 thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shalt then have had notice, DAVID IIY. HASTINGS, Adaniaist,ator. J. A. MORTON, Solicitor for Estate, wing/mai, 24th November, 1891. �, • Jr '$i'nhi,� � icy tFtl M. D. At. A„ L, C. P. S. 0., 21L C. I'. S. M., TORON110, Jonathan I3ushaict, Listowel, e:',y:, : • "After spending all my money and prop. erty to no perposo on medical 11100. for what they terme,_i a hopeless ewer ei con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair cored me," Mrs, Mary Perking, Wendhon t•, ititys: "When hen all others i'ttiletl, 131. Sinclair cured 111e Of fits.., W. Mei )i nnld, Lakctield, sad it : "I3r. Sinclair "red me of Catarrh." Geo, R,twed,131,sti eaytl P,. Sin- clair mired Ing of heart disease and tlgo,e ry, when int others failed." 1)ieeases of private nature brought Oil by folly Jar. Sinclair certainly suet's .CONSULTATION FREE. i)lt. SI CLAIR g1I1 bo ret the Q FEN'S HOTEL, Wi