HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-01-22, Page 4• WILLIAMS, MIST. —AND --- DR 4R c GIS . OT. C. N.W. TELEGRAPH CO. app, Brunswick House, Wingharn, - - Ont His fattier, Edward McOlean, settled to Goderich. toivnahip,. where, with his now aged companiels,.he still lives William was the second eon of a large fatuity, and was married in U1864 to Anti Jane, daughter of the late James Elliott, also of Goderich township, whom he leaves,. with but one dough'. ter, Frances Amelia, wife of Rev I 13 Wallwin, Bluevale. In 1867 he came to the town of •Goderieh, where be spent twenty-five years of business life equalled in activity and business acumen by but few His oeoupation was that of a cattle deafer, and as such he was known throughout the Whole country, winning by his success _and great enterprise the title . "The Cattle King of the West," Of late �f, ���,,jj ff}t n t 1 bons °years, however, snores of hien now �C;r Ile i`ri�t �l'xlli E cover the same ground of which once FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1892. Bluevale. 'At a sooial on Tuesday evening; clan. 19th, at tate residence of air Thos Jenkins, a superb black fut coat v as_presented to Rev I B Wallwin, pastor of the Methodist church, and iso a very beautiful hanging lamp for Mrs Wallwin, together with the bil- lowing address: TO THE any. 1, B. WALLWIN, Dear. BRQTHEit,—We, members of the . different ` Congregations under your charge, find it a pleasure to spend a social evening with you, our esteens- •e i pastor, upon tilts occasion. The Conference year, your third with. us, !, is more than half spent, and painfully cxonscii,as of the swift flight of time, we are reminded of the taet that the relations so congenial and helpful, existing between us as pastor and peo plc, must soon terminate. We have 'noticed with just pride and gratitude to God she progress ofs your work and labor of love in•'our midst,—a subs stauttal monument of which exists,e and shah perpetuate the remems tisanes of your zeal for God's cause in this place, in the forth of a beautiftil alifiee—the Zion which is beautiful for situation, and, we trust. shall be - cense the joy of many Out of this Lou, we pray, God tray shine Wt; make use of the ' present ops portcnity to manifest in a tangible, though, alight manner, our high ap' predation of your invaluable services, and bee you to accept of this fur ooat as a reminder of the loving remem brance,in which we shall ever hold you Itis also our earnest wish and . dl+tire that. you accept this hanging lamp in behalf of airs Wallwin, as a small token of our esteem and love Kir her as a faithful co-worker with you'in the Lord's vineyard. We pray that the remaining por- t%on of your term with us, will prove eventful for good and God, and that when : the time of our temporary • separation shall arrive, we shell often thereafter have the pleasure of renew- , ing associations which have been so pieasaut and profitable. And events nay we hope, through the mercy of (god, to share together a long and h.leseecl eternity "Where Congregations n5'er break up ' Signed on behalf of the Congre- gations at Bluevale, Ebenezer and J"ohuston's by JOSEPH LEECH, THOS. H1GGINS, ROBT. LEATItORN,, EDWARD BOSMAN, 'WM JAS. JOHNSToN. January 10th, 1892. Mr Wallwin was taken who1lyc by surprise, but in fitting terms thanked the donors, both in his own and Mrs allwin's behalf, for their magnificent gtl'ts and their kind expressions of regard; he would retain both as very preuinus 'to him. After tl►e presentation, .Mr Thos Jenkins moved, seconded by Mr Thos Higgins, that we tender to Mrs Wall• win enr sincere and heartfelt sympathy lit her great bereavement and loss in the death of her father, Mr William dleOlean, of Godericli,. '1.'bose present stood in assent to the motion. Mr Wallwin said he very earnestly tI nked hie friends for their thought.. fu .remembrance of Mrs Wallwin, not only in her'relation to themselves, but a.eo in her owls personal sorrow and • relationship. We dip the following obituary trent the.Godertch S,g.al.of last week: .v tine of the best-known and best-rs4 •g sliected citizens of Goderich, passed b *Wayon Saturday morning lest, Jan ftli, in the person of Mr William Mc. t Clean. He bad been seriously ill for -,8 about a year, and bore hie affliction withthe same wonderful fortitnde wlitab he manifested thronghout alt 11 , 14e was born on the let of t 'la the enmity b. he had almost sole control. A few years ago lie met with very heavy financial losses, which, whilst they hampered, yet did not discourage or overthrow him, He set himself ar- duously to work to regain himself, which, however, he had. not beau able fully to do on account of ill health. He lived for seventeen years in his late residence on Nelson street, froin which the funeral took place on Mon- day last—one of the largest seen in the town oi' Goderich. He was a man who occupied a large place in the business circles of the town, as well as to the heart of all who knew him.. He was upright,hunest and generous. Truly his •place in his home and iu the community will he vacant: ` Miss Sadie J ��Viiliatna, . the evans gelid, will assist the pastor of the Methodist church in a, series of special meetings, beginning on Sunday next. She will preach on Sunday at 10 80 a ni and 7 p in and every eveuipg of the week at 7.30. Mr Peter McIntosh; of Buissevain, • Manitoba, is visiting in Bluevale and vicinity,—'A marriage took plane on Weduesday of last week, at the resi- deuoe of John Farrow, Esq , Bluevale. ln.,,this ease the contracting parties were Miss Melissa Farrow,sdaughter of Thomas Farrow, ex 111.. P., and Mr Leslie O'Connor, of Brussels, The knot was tied by the Rev A Y Hartley. After the wedding the happy couple left for Brussels.— Miss Eaphemia Duncan is visiting at het, father's, Mr William Duncan's.—Mr and Mrs Chas Scott and family, who have lived here for a number of years, left on Thurs- day for W'ailaceburg,' where they will !mike their home for the future Mr Scott will enter' extensively into the pork packing business. We have lost a good .citizen in Mr Scott, but wish him success in this enterprise.—Rev 1 B Wallwin and Mrs Wallwin were at Goderich lett week attending the funeral of Mr Wm MoOlean,.father of Mrs Wallwin —Mrs James Pomeroy and Master Ernest Pomeroy ware in Bluevale on Thursday bidding farewell to friends and acquaintances before leaving for Loudon.—Messrs Duff'& Stewart, of this place, purchased at a judicial sale in Brussels, on Saturday, the 16th, a bush fame, for the sum of $3,ii10. The farm is situated aliout five miles from Ethel and oontaius 100 acres, 80 of which are bush.—At the meeting of the Y P 0 A it was deoided to hold a social at Mr John McVittie's on Thursday, the 21st.—Mr Robert Duncan has been quite ill, but is now itnproving,—It 'iris decided sometime ago to have an election in the,Presirys terian church, for the purpose or elect- ing four more elders, and the following - is the result : John Mis aughton and.: R N Duff ties,George Aitcheson,John Burgess and Peter Campbell.—'lbe l financial report of the Presbyterian_1 Church shows that the subscriptions; amounted to $774 66, and there is a I surplus of`$102.59 after all debts have I been paid.—Mr and Mrs Hugh Ross, of this place, left -on Monday for 13rucefeld, to, attend the funeral of the late Mrs James floss—Mr and Mrs Evans, of Peel township,'are visiting at Mr Frank Scott's.- Miss Effie Mo. Kellar, of Belgrave, is visiting in Bluevale,—A lady and gentleman of this place, while returning from Bet. grave, en13unday, with a very spirited horse, frail a slight mishap, When a short way out of Belgrave, the horse did a little kicking. and. got mixed up with the cutter. While one held the horse the other ran to a neighboring house for assistance.; retnrning with the sad news that the house was acant. Upon receiving this intelli• mice, they concluded that the next est tliing to do was to throw the horse and while one held him down he other freed him front the cutter. oon they were on their way little the worse of their mishap -John Gannett moved en Monday to the house owned by John Walncislee.—Win Stews,rt, of his place, left on Monday for Forest, re he wit! act es head nester in wife, of Bluevale, drove to Blyth on 'week, battling with -La j trippo.•'e Saturday, returning on launday.---Wan Several cases ef,grip and:utliatnmatjup Thornton had a sand bee on Thursday are repurte,l.-:-.Airs Juno Bird, of and Robert Matthews followed. suit on Morris,,a abort disience front town, Saturday. -- Christopher Meat has died on Monday of this week and was purchased the farm belonging to airs buried on Wednesday, the interment Robert Johnston, for the sum of being made iu Brussels cemetery,--- $1,650.—The Bluevale Meese and Miss Ethel Creighton is spending a Butter Company held their annual few weeks in Galt, --Mies Mabel Jauk, meeting in the Foresters' Itatl,on Tues. son is away to Clit%rd,—A pleasant day afternoon. The attendance was time spent at a social held at• Mr very large. Several questions were Maunder's iu oouneotion with the discussed, atno, gst others the system Methodist church. --Miss Sadie Mo of paying the patrons for their milk Craokeu, of Wbighaln, is visit►u: according to its richness, Some were friends in town—A wedding this week in favor of this and some against it, illi town, thinking the teat the milk would he put to would not lie accurate enough. Melrose. Another proposition was that the It is our painful teak to el.ronicle whey should, ionised of being sold to toe death of Use Jas Marbhafl, which Samuel Snort, be taken home to the s,d ev'ut took place on Monday, 4th patrons by the milk drawers. This first. Die deceased's healtu, • for a proposition wets defeated, owing to the number of years, was in a very tit,- fact that when the patrons would get $f tie5fautory state, although nothing the whey it would be sour, which serious was anticipated ; so that,. her would render it almost worthless. unexpected demise was a painful cur. Another gnestton put to the meeting prise to her family and neighbors. was to reduce the number of directors the funeral was' deferred for a week. from five to three. This was also de- .lit order to give all the family an op feated The following will constitute pOrtugity to be present, having to the officers of the Company for the Dome some from the NorthwestTerri- ensuing year: Jno R hauler, President; torics, and some of them from Mani. John Burgess, Secretary; Win tosser, toba. Ther esteem in which the Treaturer ; Peter McLaren and Alex departed was held was manifested by nrcEwen, Auditors; Jas Elliot, Robt the vast procession that followed her MAxwell,W J Johnston and W lsbister, mortal remains on Monday to the Directors. Hoc► ThosBrtllnntyno Culross cemetery —La Grippie,has a promised to address the mesting and great number in its clutches at pre= I discuss several' interesting topics, but Iowing to sickness could not be t:resent, The total receipts for last year amouut led to $27,564 4o.—A concert is to be held in she Foresters' `tall, on Welces- iday,. the 27tu, under the. auspices of Court Douglas, 0 0 F •Frederick Abbott, Canada's great elocutionist, is Ito be present and give a good program The Wingbam Quartette Ulub will also be present. --tar moans, formerly of Turnberry, has moved into the • house owned by Mr•James Timmins, • recently vacated by ntr Chas Scott. Glenannan. "0 for a touch of the vanished hand, And a sound of the voice that is still." These .words contain• the. sentiment that might reasonably be expected trot<n the members of one of the e.•st known and most higbly respected families in our neighborhood. The fore going i3 in reference` to •Mrs Isaac Metcalf, who died suddenly,of puralys sis, after an illness of only three days' duration. Notwithstanding all that medical skill and friendly aid could devise she succumbed to the ravages of that monster death, on Saturday moruing,the 16th inst. •Her remains were interred in the W iugham ceme- tery, on Monday, the 18th, and the large concourse of friends and acquaint- ances present at the funeral testified to the esteem in which the deceased wits held in the community. The sorrowing husband and bereaved fam- ily have in this suddeu demise the entire sympathy of the neighborhood. --Du Tuesday morning, Mr and Mrs Appleby, left for Pickering,. having received the sad intelligence that Mrs Appleby's mother was in a dyingcon- dition.—Mrs Tom Aitkeus, who. for the past two, Weeks has been confined to her bed from a severe attack of bilious fever, is, we are glad to learn, rapidly recevering.—On Monday even- ing, the Glenannan singing society, numbering about 50 voices, under the leadership of Mr J Skilliug, of Tafel- water, gave a grand concert in the old Methodist church. The programine consisted of, solos, duets, anthems, choruses and instrumental selections The manner in which the various parts were rendered by the participants, reflected great credit upon themselves and testified in a marked degree to tile efficiency of the training they had re- ceived from• their iustructnr, Mr Skill• ing, during the gaurter just closed. Brussels. Rev D Miller spent last week in Toronto. He has not brought his family to Brussels yet.—W t-iabkirk, of Manitoba, is at present visiting at his.old home in Grey Township.. -Jas White, formerly of )Morris Toveri hip, arrived home last week from' 'the North West. He will spend about three months visiting in this vicinity. .-,The Farmer's Institute Meetings which were held here on Friday and Saturday of last week, were well at- tended, --The first horse fair of this season will be held on Thursday, February 4th.—Miss Kate Dutton, left on Monday of this week, to visit in Stratford an:I Woodstock.---•Gec Mc. Arter, of Harriston, spent a few days this week in the vicinity of Brussels. --'T A McLauchlin, left on Monday for Toronto whore he will attend the Normal "School. ---Mian Elsie Pelton is visiting at Tavistock this week.. -Miss Joanna Ireland, of Seafortlr, who has bean apsnding a month with friends ere, ,e n ba , : .i erk en �� nrd�a sant, ,and some are, pretty 'Biog.—Mr J Pickett is home again, after spend- ing a couple of weeka dowil east in tie neighborhood of • Oshawa.—Mr A rl'.eKi,uzie (shoemaker) is home from die west and Is attending 'school. -Mies Kate McKay, from Lon- don, : is visiting at her brothers Mr A Gabel• -11r 'and i11rs J - Porter, from near Godvricb, -are visiting at their son-in-law's, Mr R Marshall's. One evening lash week, on the way home -froin Winifliain,. a horse and rig parted company with the driver. Whether the horse felt dissatisfied with the way in which he was handled, or the driver s not being satisfied, with the style of ttie horse, deponent saith not; but something failed to connect —The Patrons are still roping in the natives, slut they did not. gilt any salt yet. They must either be : boring in the wrung; place or else have a very poor gimlet.—There was some sort of an excitenekt on the 4th concession, last week. , Rocking chairs and smooth- ing irons were mentioned in connection with it. East' Wawanosh. • A "sooial hop" was held at the res- idence of Mr Thos Linn, 10th con, on 'Thursday • evening of last week. The "old 'folks" were away on a visit to Detroit, so the young people took full possession of the premises and whirled their way through the "mystic mazes of the dance," keeping time to the music or Messrs Youug,Patton and Simpson on the violin, and Mr Alex. Rintoul,on the harmonica: Long will this evening be remembered by those present as one of the pleasures of life, and their only wish is that the '+old folks" may soon revisit Detroit.—The annual greeting of the members of the East Wawanosh Agricultural Society was held at Mr Gallagher's Hotel, Belgrave, on January, 14th .1S92. The Difectors presented their annual report and they have to• congratulate' the members on the pruspelous cons dition in which the So.;iety now stands Although the receipts at the gate were not su, good as in former years, ' owing to the unfavorable state of the weath- er, yet there was an increase in diem* bership subscriptions over last year of $42.00. After paying a large premium list their is a balance of 5134 00 in the Treasury; That popular, pushing and energetic -canvasser, Charles Proc- tor, sr, was elected President. Vice. 'resident, Jame Owens, and R Currin, sr, W Scott, It Stonehouse, J Anderson, jr, R Scott, Thos Bridges, Jas Harrison, R Corley, Mos Forties, Directors ; Auditors, Jas Prootot�`11`"nd Wm Wray; Si'oreta►•y, Finlay Ander- son • Treasurer, 0 McClelland. Nlr Wrn 0 and Miss Annie 13 Scott are visiting friends iii Halton. --A grand entertainment will be held in the union school house, section No 8, on Friday evening, Ian 29th.—A 'successful entertainment was held•in the school house on the 6th line, on Friday evening last, The weather being fine,there was a`good attendance, The proceeds at the very moderate fee of 10 cents, amobnted to over $9. The I programme, in which Messers 1} Me• Gill, 0 McClelland, D Anderson, S Taylor, N Taylor, and . Misses Ida Stewart, L McGill, Grace Taylor, and • soveral others, took part, was well appreciated by the audience. !Med entertainment was got up with the obtreet of oommren;oi. a Were itir. 411ifatofiit ll,tf�r� Abirts• 1891 Fall and Early G• Winter Trade, -1892, Everything considered, we have nog reason.to complain, of the volume of our trade this far, but owing to the unusual. ly large harvest of last season, ,together with the proved .of remunerative prices, we were tempted into heavier purchases of all lines of fall .and winter goods than ever before and in consequence of that we still have .an immeuse quantity of winter goods that must be cleared out at what they will brim, for we are deter - rained not to carry them 'over summer. So if you need any winter goods, better• come early and select what you want.' You will find our prides in all other linea very tempting; the feet is we have far more goods than we require and far less money than we need, hence., the sacrifi- ces we are ready to make, We keep everything in boots and Shoes, slippers, felt boots, overshoes, rubbers, &o,, very cheap. . The best value in tea's, sugars, syrups, can goods and general groceries pure and ; '•ir'esh, • GORPQN .84.1VInI•NTYRL. The Big Brown Anchor, (friday), evening for the purpose of ,y Organizing the same. •'. Teeswater: Miss ;:itlggie Kennedy has returned front her exiended visit to Detroit, -.- Knox oilmen rs. undergoing sr -stairs' at - present. The gallery seats are being re-arramn.o, so tut to wake them more comfortable far those who sit in that part of the cinirch.-Revival meetings were held in this village -last week by Mr (riles, the evangeLst.—The Me. ohanics' Institute intend holding an- other of their 10 Dent • concerts vett' anon.—A new dry goods store has been' opened out u, tuwe by a new firm ':. from Toronto, Messrs Carmichael do McTaggart -- Mr Reg Stephena has > bemired a si4uation in the Oanadlan Bank of Ciumerce, Strathroy. The stock will be ill d pre'ninin new. -1Ir and Mrs Heil. and dangloer, from Dakota, are s farting at air John Gor- don's. Mrs Bell is a sister of Mrs Gordon.----itr A L Zinger has left to . attend the Business Oollege, Loudon. Teeswater has Melly of her sons and daughters abroad clitniin,g in the lad- der of fame.—The concert under the - auspices of the ;Mechanics' Institute has been postponed to Monday, 25th, when Holyrood s cracked spellers wilt ,'spelt against Tees water.—The words for the spelling.are to be taken from last week's Weekly Globe. We would like to know if the Globe's way of spelling a wurd is to be taken as final ; if so we can -point out a number of words that are spelled two or three ways in the same column and some that<'are spelt entirely wrong.—The ice in the rink is' in excellent condition and the youths and maidens are.'enjoy- • ing it to their fullest gratifioatiou.— "Olio,"' of Holyrood,in the -News, seems to think that because Teeswater is so much. larger thanhis hamlet and is possessed withP such an ex- cellent school that therefore by a mathematical induction of his, Holyrood will stand -no show with Toeewater. We are informed that Holyrood does not want any pros fessionsl spellers and what they mean by "professional" we do not k•►iew;. if doctors and lawyers, we are quite wills ing to leave them off. We understand also. the teachers in the public 'school are not to take part, but nevertheless Holyrood are to have all the teachers they can 'scare up in the neighborhood. - So "Clio," draw it mild and keep up your courage for you are to. encounter no professional spellers. Your "rust tics" may be agreeably surprised. , C#o1'rie.. Rev Mr Wright is now nearly res covered from his recent serious illness. —Mr Frank Davidson, 0th concession Howiok, i, very sick at prent and has •Leen compelled to keep, to the house. Mr John Skilling, who hes been teach• lug singing in this village for the past term, has consented to stay another terra, through the earnest solicitation of his pupils, --Ur Levi McDermott, who has been connected with 1tic' Laughlin's drug and book store for the past two years, left last week to take a similar position in 13rigden. Before his departure his many friends in town gave an oyster supper its Itis honor at Allison's restauant, where a rY pleasalit tiers was spent bit songs, .aii..r x9114...11-. •r 1