HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-01-22, Page 3into the tune that day, they would have seer delighns such as they have never yet even imagined.. Billy would 'not have recogeiz ,"himeelf in the stout boy, walking easily and strong, straightened limbs, and Judy would 'have found herself touch improved by her training in Miss. Erroll's Bobbole. En the meantiu,e,with Mrs. Ruggles, theydid not regard the district visitor's Mistake as one to be regretted deeply S. ELGAR BENET. ITOLLOwAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS.— Shortness of Breath, Ooughe, and Oolds. — Thousands of testimonials can be produced to prove the power possessed by these corrective remedies In cases of asthma, incipient consump- tion and all disorders of the chest and lungs. The Ointment, well rubbed upon the chest and ' back, penetrating the akin,is absorbed and carried direct ly to the lungs, where, in immediate contact with the whole . mass of, cir- culating blood, it neutralises or expels those impurities, which are the foun- dation of consumption, asthma, bron- chitis, pueuronitt, and similar coin plaints., On the appearance of the first, consumptive symptoms the back and .chest of the patient should be fomented with warns brine, dried with a' coarse cloth, and Holloway's Ointment then rubbed in. Its ab- sorption will subdue advanding symptoms, and baffle this. 'formidable foe. The World's Largest Collard. In the wild districts between Hans and Haiku, in Honolulu, during July and August the most beautiful and largest apple ocher& in the world can be seen. The wilderness of Koolan,ae • the districts is called, contains a forest of native wild ' apple trees, countless in number, stretching from the sea.far up the .mountain sides. The,trees very from fatty tet fifty feet in height, and in the harveet season, from July to September, are loaded down ' with fruit, some white but mostly red. A person standing in the midst of this orchard can look around him for miles, up the mountain and toward the road. and the only thing in view will be ono vast grove of ape ple trees literally red with ripe• and ripening fruit, the branches of the trees bending to the ground with the eounteorts harvest. The crop of this extensive apple orchard which nature planted in the solioary waste would $11 a fleet of ten steamers. The tn. chard stretches of a country from five to ten miles wide by twenty miles long, and many of the largest trees bear at least fifty barrels apiece. The fruit is delicious for table use and will appease both thirst and hunger, but ar yet no one has taken the trouble to i Self eaerau tfmg. i otna7i, Putting aside the moral effect ou the younger members of a family brought up to regard their mother as a machine run.for the family service, does the woman who so gives herself; 4.i for the well-being of her family really ft", 1$ j j accomplish all she desires? If she To General Morello nts- and Boot and ,Shoe Stores, NV 0 without pause or slackening SZay�, lnaounection with in Loather Business 1 reap 1n and day out does she always feel q"rlstock oP r satisfied, with admiring on -lookers, SheeakrsI Hodiogs thatit is the noblest way to spend her health and Strei gth'1 If She renounced and can supply the' trade at lowest prices with all recreation and higher life for her HEATON AND 'PENINSULAR self and gives up all communion of BUTTON FASTENERS .k SETS, mind and spirit with her husband and children, is the reward adequate that DE SSIIT - is paid to, them in a better kept house, 10, le AND 2o0. SIZES. a more bountifully supplied larder or HAMAWAYS, E'HITdIORE'S, handsomer clothes 2 ZANONI, ECLIPSE, If over -fatigue causes her to become %4 gross lots at gross prices. petulant or complaining, is not the atmosphere of home more greatly in. COTTON, all lengths, jured than the added cleaning and RIFLE, „ „ 000kipg can repair f If she is too worn LEATHER, Single Tact Horsehide, 'LEATHER,'Double Tag Horsehide,out to give sympathy and helpta. hs'GENUINE PORPOISE, children's joys andsorrows what do ENGLISH LEATHER LACES the finer Clothes and furniture obtained avail ? And if, as sometimes happens, L_A_CTS= SHOE LE A.THE'U, outraged nature gives way, and others Domestic and French, at the very lowest must step into the breach, do their Prices. Oen avork and the played -out woman's as well, and take charge of her into the bargain, what has she gained by her extreme efforts that she has not lost by the break down 1 A Prompt Result. DEAR Szns,—Two years ago 1 was very ill with jauudiee and tried many medicines which did me no good until I was advised to try B. B. B.. when, after using half a bottle, I was effectually cured. CaAnLoTTa MORTON, Elphinatone, Mau. MISS MURPHY Has received a large and choice stock of ' FALL C-OODS comprising Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, &c Mantle Cloths, Brocades, &c. LATEST NOVELTIES IN ''VERY DE- PARTMENT: MISS FARR, of Petrolia, alt experienced city milliner, has taken the position of head milliner and every effort will be used to please cus- tomers. MANTLES MADE ON THE PRE- MISES. A CALL, SOLICITED. Store opposite the Queen's Hotel. MISS E. MURPHY. make any commercial use of the ap. Me San i„,14,nlymado pies. When ripe they • will not keep more than a week, but they make exs. cellent jelly and jam, and simply for the lack of a little American enter- prise millions of barrels of apples are permitted . annually to fall to the ground and rot. Itch, Maine and Scratches of every kind on ` human or animals, cured in 80 minutes by Wool. ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. . The roan, who will not believe what he cannot understand is a very doubt- ful person to deal with, ASTHMADR, TAFT'S ASTNMALENE never CUREDfails; send ycuraddrees, and we will mail fres trial bottle DR. 'TAFT BROS. ROOMER, N. Y.FREE Canadian D0 t. 186 Adelaide St. %V., Tom:into, CANADA. The smile of some people doesn't last long. It is a little ray of sunshine On an ice►burg.. Per Influenza or "La Gripre" Wilson's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry ie a sure and safe remedy. There is no better medi- cine for the cure of Influenzti', Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Croup and kindred diseases. Get the ganuiue in white wrappers. I expect to figure 'a rood deal in Wllshington this year, remarked the Egan with a large forehead. Indeed ? said the other, 'Yes ; I alit 'estir of mathematics, „ Culloden clippings. GetresetrAe,—In 1888 I was severely af- iltieted with gravel of the kidneys from 'which I suffered great pain. I was re, oonlnl ended to take Burdock Blood flitter+, which 1 did, finding great relief, and after tatting 4 bottles can truly say t am cared and have not since beeu troubled. 1 highly retronitnend it. Penna VVIIRT, i'ulloden, P. O. Ont, See our stock of now and desirable HARNESS LEATHER, Best brands always on hand, in oak or hemlock tannage. GENUINE JACQUOT'S FRENCH BLACKING, AT REDUCED PRICES. Your patronage respectfully solicited. You will save freight, time and probably a percentage. Set the example of dealing at liome. W. J. CHAPMAN, WINGHAM TANNERY. WILL CURE OR. RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA .DROPSY INDIGESTIA, 'FLUTTEi iNG JAUNDICE OF THE ,HEART, ERYSIPELA ' '2 • ACIDITY OF SALT RHEI, ' THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEY STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. MILBURN & CO., EtoprTORGTPl'o. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. ALEX. SAUNDERS, LATEST METHODS : Particular attentio4 paid to BOOTS and,SHOES, Sanitation and Ventilation. y Overshoes, Rubbers, &c., For old and,young, at prices which defy competitio fully prepared. Plans and Specifications tare - Great Variety, Groat Bargains, Repairing Promptly Attend- Gi'eat Opportunity. ed to. , • Having purchased the business lately owned by Mr D McCo, miek next to the Bank of Hamilton, and added to the already large stock, wish to inform the people of Wingham and surrounding country that I am in a position to furnish thein with anything in the Boot and Shoe line at astonishingly low prices ORDERED WORK A SPECIALTY. Your patronage kindly solicited, Don't forget the stand—Two doors north of the Vostomce JOHN .MARTIN. Beautify Your Homes JAS. H. FRIEND, Late of Hamilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, F'RESCOER, At. \Srouidtake this opportunity of informing the citizens 1 of Wingham and surrounding country that having had largooxperioneo in city work, he is prepared to do Alabastining, Ifalsomining and Wall Papering in the latest approved styles of plain and decorative wotk, Churches, Halls or other public, or private, buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and designs at moderato rates. Graining in •Walnut.Oak, Bird's Eyo Mti plo,.kc., a Specialty; All orders entrnsted to my We Motto with neatness and despatch. Ordsrslrft at ,%1. now'1loo'istore will receives prompt attetlttoa, .l'AS. II. k'1tIEN1). , Wingbam, April +3rd, Three Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. Correspondence • Solicited. ZETLA.NL SAWMILL TAIDIFFIW 1 WHERE 00 YOU LIVE Ralf eoCounty tTeyposition of one Township fromante.T now overcome this difficulty by consulting the. COOPER MA OP T1IE COUNTY OF HURON, Which has been long needed and looked for The size is four feet by five feet mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring are used, which retakes it very distinct and effective, THE SCHOOL SECTION NEEDS ONE, THE FARMER NEEDS ONE, THE BUSINESS MAN NEEDS .ONE.. PRICE, $3.50. Published by W. COOPER & CO., Clinton, Ontario, . Booksellers and Stationers. School Globes and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices and our traveler will call on you. FOR' THE BEST VALUE -IN ORDERED CLOTHING, ;i - GO TO- WEBSTER'S HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, OLLARS, • t i h ; Sc. Cheap for- KAS , AT' -- WE13S 3 E1 'L. I WINGHAM MANUFACTURERS OF ROOT PUIPERS, Four and Six Knife, the best, in the Market., Would invite the attention of farmers and those requiring the same that we are selling these at bottom prices. General Machine Repairing AS USUAL. CASTINGS in BRASS or IRON, • TO, ORDER. All those indebted to us by book account or note, kindly call and settle at once. Wingham, December 2nd, 1891. JAS. INMTT LIRAS' & CO. The Ppu1ar o Store IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Ohristmas Presents! GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of CVinghatn. 1tTOrders byhnall promptly attended to. GrOftGE TIIOIISON, winch= P. 0.. DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS or ALL, KINDS IN CHILI:alt ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT'HARM THE MOST DttLiodivr CHILI) .c A large stock of Christmas Goods has just been received, suitable for all parties,. old or young, consisting of TOYS, PHOTO ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS, WRITING DESKS, TOILET SETS, PLUSH GOODS, CHINA VASES, XMAS CARDS, LADIES' COMPANIONS (in plush and wood„ VIOLINS, MOUTH ORGANS, CELLULOID MOUTH ORGANS, TOY ROOKS, 11A�.1) SLEIGHS, PORRIDGE SETS, BLANK BOOKS, BIBLES, FANCY MIRRORS (hand painted). A large number of the CHRISTMAS NUMBERS of Dominion Illustrated, Saturday Night and Christmas numbers of other Magazines and Newspapers, both Canadian and Old Country. A larcre assortment of A.N.N`i ALS Consisting of Leisure Hours, Sunday at Holme, Boys' Own, &c;, ,t.c, I have ri larger stood this year than ever before and desire the public to gall and see it before purchasing elsewhere, as it is no trouble to show goods. PRICES AS LOW AS TEM LOW1LST. Remember the 1'laoe--130 Josephine street, Winghain, ALEX. ROS.