Wingham Times, 1892-01-22, Page 1IN S,.
at this season of
a. Also, a large
for this
gr of
kage and
id up to J.A.N.
v farm, Lot 5.
r. Plans and
It my residence,
,is premises, Lot 30,
hiring the season, a
Alt, and also a large
vlth the privilege o
t ii)iACON.
th, I.
• u
WINO. ,F1'r%j\'r, QNB'. FJ1ID.AY, 'JANUARY 2 1892.
- ., .. " - _ Tit Perlfing"'is America's tarsus thr k that any al ock of ` `°"" . lea's
greatest suit and Confectionery, 1411 kinds, at -Oranges, 20 cents a dozen ; lemons, 25 this timely help so generously= bestow
Wtiiter:{�oocls.'if not selcl.before the orad i morls}7 usiee restauraet, cents a dozeu: Almerica =
Of 'uutiery, tall nit bA ao d thateigaedn, t,raK rx. Lo cents Considerable diseuesion then followed
.IneccnTda cet'.withallot 1 thoughts ;.we i••"'•`Ros;� Win McGregor, of the Baptist -Large quantities of wood and sett per ]b; at !tIIIrr'x. reference` to the financial u e i
hai'e made tip our� gine j'oit the church, gooupied the pulpit in the Meth°. logs are being brought into town, now-Eurns'annivQrsary will be celebrated
n r
benefit of it, tip
that You had dist chhroh last Sunday morning, while that the sleighing is excellent. in Lucknow by a grand ball. to bo hold in social and spiritual condition of the t,
the goods than that we would have to Rev S ;g�llery, B D, preached in the Ilap• , •
Caledonian hall, on Holiday evflning gregation, but at the baits of adjou
;; QUIT them over. Neff sed, A •ward -An int ansa. Toronto audience, aft wont, no definite action bad bees (eeif
to the wise is suilicient. "Come in and is church• ' ` next, the 21th instant.
lietenin or mato than two hours to'fbali upon, The meeting was closed by si+
see how far we will spread out a, dollar , -It is said that "shat parties" are. the Perki " c+ , -G'f R trains for Toronto and east ing the doxology,and pronouncing t
for Just now we're„going. a right swarf latest fad, A curtain is stretched across •• Go n ss rose en masse crying Go on , leave Wingham at E;.30 a m and 11.10 a na benediction. p g
trade in Ordered "Clothing, and we are the room, and the ladies, stand behind it, via W G c£ 13 Division, and at G 5 a m
doing it well a,d we want you to know and stink their feet under it so you eau -
The Young Peoples Association of and 3.4Er p m, via talrnton ar,d fxuelph. Ms.rnonraxCtrtrnatr,W):�arreu.•--.1 OVS S
it. Everybody leased; you'll be leased the Witlghaw Baptist church have issued Geod connections by all trains.
Y Y P pleased; see their shoes, Then you go along and lost', B v, Pastor. Services every Sabha
well be pleased, and the tailor :will be a neat little folder, containing the topics -Ort Monday last, Dr and Mrs Mao- at 11 a'in and 7
pleased, What more can any;'•dne' want? pick out a•pair of shoes, and the lady Who donald and . Mr and Mre Alex Ross 2 p m• Sabbath !lobar
The mere folks are finding ub out more is ixt them moat accompany you to supper for their prayer meetings during the Bible Class at L.30
' p m, General Pr ,
and more;' 'i'ho ; We sell, the _L. At r hearing"Eli li Perkins" give hie year 1892, attended the funeraj of the late efts Jas meeting aunty Wednesday evening at
Ross of Brucefieild°
Hats; the i3o`ots, the FurnishInlzs, the " ,r`• Clearing out all 'Winter Goods, We .s. o'clock, Young People's Prayer Meati'
Underwear, and if keenly cute women Mimi b• le lecture en Laughter„• - a start the dress goods at 8o, , ••-Mr Jas Mc$uxney, wife and brothers ever Thursday evening at 7.30 0.010
find it to their advantage to shop here, cler yman was heard to say, "I would.not Y y i,
„ Gno° E', Emu. in-law, left here, per G T R, for Las Sunday- Jnuuary 24th, Morning subjoe3
why shouldn't you, neon? There's no ha a missed that for a twenty dollar bill. -District Lodge No 24,10 G T, will Vegas, New Mexico, for the benefit of "The Wore abundant li#e•." +'senior su
reason why you shouldn't; every reason „Grip" offers prizes°oP'$30,$2p and X10, meet in the Temperance hall, 4Vkngh'am, Mr McBurney's heath. joct, "The nature awer+5f habit."
why you should.
and ohne Boots and Soodoes oodeBnets for the best short humorous article, story; on Tuesday next, for the purpose of -The Misses Hod aon and Keunedy bee = �,
p. poem, narrative or character• sketch sent transacting county buskiiessandtinything to iufartn the 'lad,ies of rWiugharxi and Tersanniaw.
man and the next.
aou'veet ofound dssome in before March 1, 1892, The prizes •will else that may be brought before the vicinity that they have started Drea mak• Mies 4'gpmsou of Dungannon;
• aid you? We say, good. We say, cheap.
be awarded not so flinch en Literary merit,° meeting, rug in iV1ra Goalican's old stand, and: would Miss We of, L4oknpw,. arils
If you jinni it different, tell us so. uponaptness of eon:- be glad to receive orders. They guarantee alae
as the humor and oto - Money to Lbap at low interest on Real
ate perfect fit and ganai %otic. They also Mr Jphn tin's,Lhis week "M s Sara
The sleighing is good and we are pie- oopt.. Professional Writers being debarred, Estate -Private funds only, aeb Prof D400dv's ..Tulles System of Perdue ••tva� visiting at Mr Tbee .inn'
pared to take anypquantity of goodgreen • there is a, fair field for all of a literary; turn- Un Town= -Dress anrl. Mantle cutting, • ' T.East Wawanosh, 'last week_ : Mr' Ale
wood, at market rico in exchange for Here is a chance for young writers to test -Anchor of Tao a Lodge, No 280,1 0 -Mrs Cookiean sou and daughter, and Fleming of Listowel, has been ,i;r Eo
.goods. P,r g , ,,,
Shop early in the day antl.expeet quick their abilities. See announcement in the G T, held their regular weekly meeting Miss Miller', of Lucknow, left for British for a few days this Week, ,
service and prompt delivery. We close "Grip." -� r
P P Y P an Tuesday evening. There were alarge Columbia, last week, being ticketed to :w4;i0he'
at seven • -For first-oiaes tailoring and oheali number present to witness the initiation ;•their destination by Mr A 0 Strathdee, Attention tq F'arntegents' fttrnishinge� try Webster & Co, of twelve new members,• Next Tuesda Per 0 T R, We understandthereare cu leRemember the pl'aon, only t�vaeloors north y "alifdtla Deftaof springat Cal ::
of the old stand and between Ross' Wok- evenings officers will be nominated for -W rBroeKenahirs baa a lot aP Oil"aliforniaDefiance"left files:
' i ''�` ''' ^• '� '��` store,aud Halstead: Scott's bank. , 4 the ensuing Aorta. Paintings; also,ia few 13eeru)ifnl drtatyped; Button. Carr just formed. The obje
-Alt the pretty girls are saving their , At: Dose's Carriage, Factor m' be . which he is selling ver�r ;cheap, I have e, is to get a stew kind of sprint: wheat in
Y a3' large stook of Moulding ori band, and I am trodueed in this section. It isbeing p r
love letters diligently now in hopes ta;acs, b st in tuff/ Call earlf nand rseoure making Picture frames ht order. Pho- out on shares. (No money Or note .,
ounaulate enough with which tc paper that Y tography in al! its. branehea:.from minim aired.). There, are two bushels in ea
�, tr . 3 ' „x ;w <sCG`� bedrooms. It is reallyquite the latoataue" year choice;. prices: away down. Stand hires to life size. Calk an'd `see what I have ba an an one can have the bagatfir
1"u ti+ tag. q Opposite the Exchange Hotel,Wingham. when in town, W F Bnoor. rrsuian cost,10 ce is each (cash); The heat
101E.10,, "� n � i� rt a most approved form of wall deaoratiou» Fsrtss, (DONOR GAxtoNAL Uarrriori Beaver Block, Wiugbam, stored a r A H Carr's`feed.
•& ,\ , They make the dado of the envelopes and:,
4 store, mr
eta """ ��-- t W>:rtotrAtrt.--W. H Watson, Pastor, Ser- - --Lost, between the Mechanics, Ipso- kat s are, so any one wishing to gar's
01LR d HISCOCKS, th geuerak decoration of the letter sheets vices each Sunday at 11 a; rtw and 7 p, m. tufa and the Beaver Sleek, on Wedues chs ge of seed had better call early as l
Direct � Importers. • Young men will please write only on one.. Sabbath School and Bible blase at 2,30, day evening, a yellow purse, containing yvi only last a short time.
The BEAR, January 14,1892 Sine of the letter page after this, as it goes Prayer Meeting • every Wednesday bilis and silver, Finder suitably
further, and use very black ink, as the'of+ at 7,30 p. m, Seats free, Strangers wel rewarded, W Lamm,
fent is m re artistic. come, Sunday, January 24th, Morning
-50 dozen Wool Bose -•Women and subject,' "No more trouble; but more -The Knights of Pythias, of thrstotvn,
,hisses. To char at about half •price. have secured the German Comedian Mr.
G4,"Jr, eve faith." ,To `young people,
f'An' early Harry Hart, and he will produce on
quarrel and its lessons, Evening subject,
l'lie annual mristin of the tiWingham• Thursdfiy' evening, January 28th, in the
"A strange chapter of the books."
In 1kfDd�+pen�1 iitx{�sly, uponekiala r Hbrtieuitural Society sins: held in Mr 0 e town hall, with the assistance of local
and life
d�y: - the latter sIti7ifltl al vsiys IferteWs Thutkday evening, 12r,1s.. o :-Oysters, oysters.: By the 'dish, qua•, tLtnlent, the,grand ol•' comely, "Rip Van
include) a practical knowledge of -busi- iiietant. After some tiiscussioe as to the at pint. 10 cents a:lass,oru cIntl
nte aglatrs, Winkle." All students of lfteratiire are
nese, such as can be obtained by spend- affairs of the ociety, the following ofiiceia familiar with Irving's 'tale of Rip Van
ins a term in the '
„ wore eteeted far the ensuing year W Winkle,. and his good Dame Gretchen°
t g day that Mrs Jas Ross of Brumfield,
The version which Mr Hart plays is that
CENTRAL 3US ESS COLLEGE, a3, vine President , T A Mills, p DioTuaoo, had suddenly passed to the tsoria beyond of the famous American actor, Joe Jef-
STRA'i'FORD, ONT. S Y uhtlt, J A 12oiton,IiEiliott,Directars, d b attack of ferson,. In speaking of Mr Hart, the
Bruce Herald says: "Mr Hart,as. a German
donald• and a si ter-inof Mr Alex comedian,has long ago made a reputation 758
was appointed SeoretaryTreastirer. fter to be, proud of. His acting in "Rip" i' The secretary's reportshpwed the dui +'
Ross, of this town. She leaves asorrow natural and graceful; his dialect perfect, bei of entries tithe leeslitt fair, in t ,
the transaction of some other bust ss, the =r
beard ah'ottrned, ,ing husband an family of eight, the
J Scenery has been " secured for the different elaes6kee se-Ve been as follows
youngest being only six weeks old, to ' of the94,
° W. Ii SHAW , -Mr W J- Johnston has opened a new, and , no Horses, cattie;'55 sheep, 73; tiwitl,
SHAW, mourn the koss of a loving wife and `a
a Principal. , custom tailoring establishment, one door time ,nor expense will be spared 25; .poultry, 131: cletrry4itorluoty�,5; gtai;as.
north of D Sutherland's stave and tin kind mother. to make this the dramatic event and seeds. 45i; roots rttd honed crops 1041;
shop, and is now..prepaced to give the oiti--•Watoh out next week for ehea con... . °
zona of Vaughan! and syrrouudin country• feetioner and fav pof the season. The price of admission orobard and semen, N1° lmpleteents :sell
LOCAL NEWS s g y fancy candfes,at the Eclipse has been placed at 15 and 25 cents: Re- mauufactt,res 2r}, Ellie arts; G3; ladies' `.
satisfaction in every thing that may be Restaurant. T O SrAntrvo.
intrusted to his care.'•Coatmakers wanted served seatplan at Williams' drtig store. work, 218• mis,,ellaueous, 105, beteg a, total
-Cash for good butter and eggs at R A at once. -The Patrons of Industry of the noun- of 1255. The amount offered i0J
i i+aham's, Market Grocery, Having opened a custom tailoring es.
-Rev Sampson Nicholls, of Cornwa , ty of Huron held their annual meeting tablishmeut in this town, one dolor north Inas $498;15, and the wenn etiwarded was
18'92 •is leap year, and the old bachelor England, conducted the services of the in the town hall, .Clinton, on Jan 13th. of D Sutherland's stove and tinsbop,,I beg(,383.00. After the a�doptionof the reportp,
ootootifr"wno will not tone t %Tien re) osed to
p proposed Winghatst Congregational church, an There Were delegatespresentf>•om about to announce that 'I,guarantee every suit the election of officers was proceeded with 1
a ust buv.the refected lady a+silk dress. Sunday last, both morning and evening. fifty associations, Various matters in that leaves my shop to be a perfect fit and as_fnllows: • Chas Henderson, President,
iMeyer'sConnection with to society were discuss- warrant them to be 'built by superior
� -Try ;MRoyal Spice for horses The rev, gentleman is a clear, logical y workmen, only. Give us a call. fiatiefac- Gee..Moffatt, '4iee-President, . Belot Max.
an cattle, at C N Gara�•rv's Grocery. 'reasoner, and a fluent speaker, at times . ed, amongst others the' advisability of tion guaranteed'. Charges es cheap as the well, A. Tipliug, Jelin Di:nent,:,ld... anili
oat D McClelland and bride, of Rib, in his discourse becoming quite eloquent. starti i an official paper for thePatrons. cheapest. Coatmakers Dune. Et Elliott, Jahn Elston, .Witt..7is1}i=steit;<<�''
ware`s audio apart of their honey- We learn that be is soon to be installed The High School tax question was dis- W J Jonseroe. lifcGrogan and W 1:0.'a lac l3ireetare; ; as'
p g yb ., y a' J
moon visiting relatives in Wingham. Mrs as pastor of the Listowel Congregational oilseed, but no aetiun take Else follows -The annual meeting of the Presby- Henderson,tied R' W Ileetings, Militate...,
McClelland is a daughter of Mr Jahn Har. church. ing officerswere appointed f hecfrr terien church, Winghatn, was held in the At a meetip4of'tiie Directors, stibsorquen'k.,
b rn, of this town, term: Jas E Gaunt,. St Helens,Prosi. ant; lecture room of the church, on. Tuesday ly hew, Mr ;John itederson was. appoint
--Eno EAU Aarrrnxns.-Mr J 7 Daly, of A T Bean, Dashwood,' Viee•President, sight, Jan 19th, There was a fair tit+- Seeretary��."reasurer for. the encurng year
Rush- 's restanra served
pposite D Sutherland's, at J:7 Daly Co,'of this city, has returned Jas H Gardiner,Lticknow, Secretary; W. tendance of the members presout ,,,'J lie After emeleadissussion :.US tb trio proeari
Jose lune street, from Euro,e where he has established
A 4Jilson, Lucknow, Tress; J Currie, meeting was opened by devotions user• ofsull xl�fe grounds#<a6Ob'lactety %k s;
- is said that Mr John Swartz; bf important ag: +cies with prominent busi• Wingham, Sentinel. oises, led by the pastor Rev H 'I4i"citluftr purposes, the fottct . e
news firms in London, Eng; Glasgow, -special
Bayfield, has purchased- the Exchange A s notal line of ,5e) ChoVint. Ser rte, after which Mr D M Gordon was named a§ t itlrytt
Scotland ; lief st and Dublin, Ireland, iu p r Soros, tiViugham a
hotel, in this town, acid will te9,ke posses- 'connection with the branch of this firm's They go at 2uc, G. E. Km, called to the chart, and the business of t meeting, to : �'
sion on the first of March next. the meeting proceeded in regular order.' the tong, park.
liminess here, o advertising farms for -Quite an excitement was caused on The Seceotatry, tuft G lllolntyre,presented tall fair : alesst
treat confidently
nelieve to thet peothe ple le of sale, The Trims re Messrs peeves & Josephine street, en Sunday evening .a full report of the year's business. Mr lfitg,1)1of#at , an
greatestg p P Kington, Messrs W ae Arthur & Kelso, last„ shortly after eight o'clock b a Alex Ross, Treasurer, road a financial theu adjopt+
Wingham will be "Eli Perkins"' lecture and Messrs Wm :Mau - ornery &Sou. Theyy g y
are to establish atonal 5 th ughon. couple from Blue®ale with a horse and report of the year, showin mons other
in the town hall, on the eveningof Tues -cutter, Eiith the man and woman were important matters that- regi is t
day, Feb 2nd, land, Scotland and Irol nil, and aro also to p r p ya ,Por
in such a state from the effects of liquor from all sources for the year hSti • ivo�, 2
a delph, vishing crsonalto §t e a n tiro a Co, advertise farms for sal' in newspapers in that they could not control the. horse, 2,ic3Ci.12 the total nxpondittirii i'o ilia ' %coli
Y, , order to secure this name of old countryand be ran awe but was caught tit the e'tom
r advertise g farms and rms for sailing, tenant farmers and oth rs with means , y' g s, nd torted . $2109.40 mid .balance oil tale
tee, and for 1 nook money, an see them Queens hotel, and a young, man got into hand $488,72. Managers were .(,loon
in �'Si"iue;ham, t the Qua 's Hotel, any wishing to better their 1 •sitioo, and to the cutter to drtoothointoxicated couple
time on Wedu dIV, Januar 27th,• place in their bands his fit ns "Canadian replace thos4�Pretiring, And iMria Rodin ors li{'1P8;
Parte , home. The, horse being frightened, re-elected Troastuer, Mr l+'riorrr3 bac n snitt� Nei *1�1,s
-Tlie wemthe• duritfg the plat tveekhas Patm Advertiser,' This e talogue gives started dower Josephine street tit a lively ,leadershipr g:l►,
+�bsea vary cold, %fill slight scow falls iinw , the pttrtleulars, prions, eta, , f farms ad-
resigned the ssr of the e f + hire
and again. On Tuesday evening, the trier, vertised for sale and shdws th < '.hctogeaphs pace, and when hi front of the Bruns Secretary wag instructed to ad f'
urometer toll to 19 below zero, which is the of many of the farm , houses and barns, wick house, the cutter Barrio in contact a leader at once. Messrs Gra
which nhou d attract end draw =itaros, • with a telegraph pole and, the occu•pants Cline, executors of the estate of tlid
lowest that has been registered in this 1 were tumbled out and the cutter badly
• section this year.' The sleighing is air1,ltat partioula • y old country fan . s. Other r smashed it . The horse was itau •lit Walter Sloan,informed the meeting' tlyp. i
can be desire an
farmers who flava printed, natter of a relieblo nal re, show P1{ they were now proposed to "htintl cot tbi `"
after running a shprt distance, none the + N n. v,
wood and saw ogs to 'teane are taking ad- ing t e` superior advantage o Ni eatern + the Trustees of the .church the tutu*,
worse. Some one must have broken thetli� a:ire tarp
vantage of it, . and, business 10 town is 0nta is as ati agtieultural county is to be . two thousand one hundred and thirty t. itinete u Conon
lively in every xespect, cls circulated by them. --Guelph temerry, `law, in furnishing those people with ($2,130) dollars, being the endowment s t a•if ,red est
liquor on the Sabbath dey, and the bequeathed by the late r Sloan to the yavng J+1,;f„tn ru
attention of the rA erase of the
is far it. 1 • know star
go to W It Wallace, watchmaker and t -All winter' Maedi ' going at clearing called to this infraction of the Orp ; lfuil<diwg fund of tho chortle, Dee14 grafi- Sliilelett , will nut
feweler, next door to past allied, psi•. G. L, lirVci's, 'Act. e l• s' u ware inanifteted P the tooting for l novo fails,
-Word was received in town on Fri-
Brockensltire, President;.. W B To .ler,last, Ross,
of a as La Grippe, fol-
13 Willson and J A Cline, Auditors. At a lowed by congestion of the lungs. The
meeting of the Directors, Mr J A Morton deceased was a sister of Mrs Dr Mac
This school is now one of the leading
ones in the Dominion.
Students may enter at anytime.
Write for parttpulars to
Tarnberry Agricultural Soeiotp.
he annual meeting of the Turnber y
Agricultural Society was held in the Park
House, Wingham, on Thursday, the 14fii;
instant commencing at 1 o'elooir p rp•
Thorn was a fair attendance of ritembees.
The Auditors' Report was read, showing
that the
Receipts and loaf ince from previous -
year amounted o.. , , 5734 110
.TRE DreDt nue s wL.AZn:-
Prizes, etc... Rr, ,1383 f,0.
Rent, lighting, tic 35 Q9
Working expenses, sec't's salary 100 7
Miscellaneous expenses. , ,., , 1.IDI
Leaving a balance on hand of.... 261 67
Alder ono •� ��.
v , case. Bo . +i
lilt eboar4#s401111
eloma 1,1i•:l oil pi
ing a ipscit #tiP
''i tees, 'Wing#ttti.
1st, 1$91.
-1f your wateu ay' clock needs repairing, • v 4•'
V 'file
,:c•li ll�+