HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-01-15, Page 10H. I1iIF;TN,II OOroraannla.
Miss C Scott, of Ripley, was visiting
friends in town ,on Tuesday .T'eeswater
News: hiss 7': Watson, of Wingham, le
spending a few days tit QIr W Watson's ,.
Mr Wm Armour and wife, of Mildmay,
formerly Ise Wingham, are spending a
couple of weeks with frientls i* totvu
and viotnity., Miss Strachan, of Essex,
is a guest of Mrs E 0 Clarke, this week
Miss Sample, of Brussels, is visaing
at Mr Jas McLauohlin's... Messrs John
Lillieo and'1Ienry Baxter, of Blenheim
township, were visiting friends in town,
this week..Mr Louis Thomson; son of
y1r Geo Thomson, is home from Melita,
if anitoba, where he has been for the past
Pew months, • IITr Jacob Large, of Listo-
wel, contractor for the woodwork of :11r
El W 0 Meyer's briok block, was in town
In Wednesday.
it is no idle speech when wo claim that
et Sills, Dress Goods and Print Depart-
' meats are pre •eminent in Winghatu; and
it is no idle) boast to say it will continue
so. Our plans and scope for it are to -day
• laid ou a wider, larger, better basis than
ever before, which makes it more than
ever headgntirters. This moans a great
deal more than simply a few goods hastily
bought and cheaply marked to attract
trade. It moans a six mouths' before
hard work. It means every center, tor -
elms and domestic, has been explored.
It means what the purchasing power of
cash can do as applied to large Iota of
I merchandise. It means that only goods
of standard and rsliable makes a
Curling Mason. •
The annual curling match betweon the
P and the Vi
qualities will bo sold for less than the President, Sextus Kent, of the Wingham
simply sale goods by some houses. That's curling club, was played in the skating
rink on Wednesday afternoon and re-
sulted in favor of the Vice President, arise'
the following serves to show;;
• lEsaid an Jo Inglist, John , oa-
what it means.
Our Tweed and Gents' Furnishings
Departments. With a higher aim, with
a, muoh wider range ot qualities, with its
space more than doubled, and with prices
lower than have yet been. seen; lower
than last year's prices, lower than our
competitors oan or care,to ' cope with,
and with more advanced -the most ad-
vanced ideas, at
i cOlingipm Elmo
FRIDAY,. J AW U ARY 15, 1892.
--Tiro Turubsrry Agricultural So-
ciety field their annual meeting at the,
Park =Hotel, on Thursday. A full
report next week.
-A another of the Canadian Paci-
fic Railroad officials visited bWinghatn
on Wednesday iu their oflioial car and
spent the day in exampling their prop=
erty and the amouut of business done
• -W I'' Broctrensltire has a lot of Oil
Paintingst also.a few Beautiful Artotypee
winch he is Relhl,',{ very cheap. I have a
large stock ot Moulding on hand, and I am
making Picture. Frames' to order. Pho-
tography in
ho-tographyin all its branches from minia-
tures to"life size. Call and see what I have
when: in town. W F Bnocna.;s>rnn.
Beaver 13look, Wiughatn. -
The success of this Great Cough Cure is
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pus.
hive guarantee, a test th t no other cure can sur.
eesstully stand. 'That it inay become known,
the Proprietors, at an enormous ozpense, are
placing' a Sample Pottle free into every home
B,.. " .i�,J1 .L �," 8,
a the Cough,
Sed Throat,o anti Bronchitis,
Canada. If you have. r WALLACE.
a Cough, Sore or lironchitil use it, for�' 19 .
it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, .
or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief
is sue. If you dread that insidious disease As it has been say custom in the past of giving Special Bargains at this season of
Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for the year, I will continua to do so
SHILOH'S CURE, Trico Io cts„ ggo as, and
'pI m.. lif your bungs are sore or Back lame l �'
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price as cis. the' pe Days,
In Ladies' and Gentlemen's .
1Iuntoxn-In Blyth, en December 30th, the trite
of Mr 81 II Ilaminond ; a daughter.
Donaarr-rn Clinton, on Deo 81st, the wire of
Mayor Doherty ; a son.
MoIsrrae-On tho 4th Inst, at the Huron Oentral
stock farm, Mullett, the wife of Mr James biclnty,e,
manager ; a son.
Caarusta•. In East Wawanosh, on the 2nd inst,the
wife of Mr J W Campbell ; a daughter.
Wilmot -In Clinton. oath. 0th inst, the wife of
Mr Charles Wilson ; a son..
MaCommnnv -In Lnlcetet, on Jan 1st, the wife of
Mr R McConnell; a daughter.
WILeoN-In Fargp, Dakota, U S, on the 28th Dec,
1801, the wife of Sir Stewart Wilson ; a son.
ARMBTaona-(ioO0IISLLOw-At tho residence of the
bride's father, on theist host, by, Rev J Maleolm, Mr
John Armstrong, of Culross, to Miss Etite, daughter
o it Jas Goodfellow, Culross.
oss.MMARsa-DUNQAN-In • Bluevale, on Dec 30th,
by Rot. A Y mammy, Mr Frederick Ro>ie-Marsh, of
Wood took, to Miss Mary Duncan, daughter of Sir
J Duffield,
John Dinsley, A Mitchell, •
John Hanna,
John Neelands, C Willson,
Jno.Inglis, skip..12 S Kent,. skip ..I6
Sutherland, Chas Knechtel, a
E L Dickinson, W H Macdonald,
R Vanstone, Ed Dinsley, Robt Duncan of Bluorale.
Jae Inglis, skip ..9 F Paterson, skip..
lVssT-UOt oAN -In Bluevale, on Deo 30th, by Rev
- Isabella Doman, daughter of Mr Robert Duncan, of
71�'� A Y'Hartle • Mr Thos West of Amaranth, to Miss
fit Bluevale. a
Fam-•DF,wda-At the residence of Mr Melville, JEWELRY, BROOCHES, EARRINGS, CUFF BUT'.'ON=S, SOARP PINS,
L itdo b 'o til 0th Ja b tl o Re A $tetra t BRACELETei, AND LADIES' AND GENTLIIMEN'S CHAINS "t;F ALL FUNDS.
of the leading companies-Waltham,Elgin, Ilampton and Columbus. Also, a largo
assortment of
Always'on hand. A large assortment of
Violins; Accordeoiis, Mouth Organs,
Musical Instruments of all kinds,
SIvra[e and Novelties for Christmas Presents,
A. large assortment of all li irids of 4
o sot ,.in a , S i v. ,
• s.augh and Grow vat. , bfr Jamesd'air, jr, of Clinto, to Miss Jessie Dewar,
Toronto Grip, the great London'Punch d Wp eoNhter � SANiileaso c- Atl tf the late Archibadhe reaidenoe of the
of Canada,' says, 'through its editor and, bride's mother, in Mullett, on the 80th alt, by Rev
artist, J W BeG ou h as foliowsL "Tile WFCampbell, .Mr Robert Watson, ,:to Miss Sarah
g K ,1 Sanderson, daughter of Mr W Sanderson, all of
audience in V M 0 A Hall who heard Eli nett
KSNHAUN-PORTER: -In the Salvation Army Bar•
Perking enjoyed one of the behest and risme, Lansing, Mich, January 7th, 1802, hyMajor
raciest discourses eeerdelivertid in 'Toronto. Cozens, p 0, assisted by other officers, MrWnt R toves
Kinsman, formerly of Wingham, to Miss Edith Belle
Perkins is no -mere laugh -maker ; _ be is a Porter; of Lansing.
thinker, and moreover a• man. whose boast' f DIED. •
1�P! (�taa,-In Wingham, on the 11th instant, Cha, les
is beating healthfully. His talk was •pen s , Colbourne Carr, son of Mr -John Carr, aged 25 years
eine wisdom, -and almost every instant the 'and 0 months
/LeuoaT-In turnbnrry, on the 10th instant. Eva,
audience would explode. with laughter. It+" eldest daughter of Mr Maleolm Lamont, aged 6years,
was brainy from first to last, Henceforth PALusa-ln Morris, at theresidence of bfr Robert
Eli Perkins will be'a strong curd in To- . Shortroed, ou the 288th nit, William Henry Palmer,
l ed s4
0" Remember the Plane -One door south of the Post Office, Wingham.
•• 11 months and 19 days.
-Mr S Gracey, being determined
thatWinhant shall not be behind any -
town west If Terme() in regard to an
undertaker's outfit; has recently pur-
ehased a splendid black team of horses
For his hearse,. They -were purchased
near Paisley. • • •
-A change of advertisement for
Messrs J J Hoinush & Son was re-
ceived too late tot this issue, bat it
will appear next week. They are
offering their whole stock at greatly
reduced prices, to make room for
spring importations. •
-Agents wanted in every part of On-
tario to canvas for Jig s of subscribers for
the Canadian Horticulturist. This maga-
zine is published tzlonthly by the Ontarib
Fruit Growers'' Association, and contains
'articles written on fruit growing and gar.-
Bening by leading. Canadian fruit growers
and gardeners,' *together with numerous
illustrations and beautiful colored plates of
fruits and flowers. Agents sending in club
lists may have either a liberal commission
or in place of monl3y a choice for each new
subscriber from the following list of trees
or plants, which will be sent free by mail :
Moore's Diamond Grape, the Idaho Pear,
Woolverton Strawberry, Gipsy Girl (Bus.
Sian) Apple, two plants Columbine, Hall
Japan floneysnokle,two Chrysanthemums,
two English 'Violets, a year's numbers of
the journal. Address L. WooLvsR'roN,
Editor, Grimsby.
-Last week we repeived the most hand-
some catalogue of seeds, bulbs, plants,
etc, ever sent out in America, from the
well known Canadian firm of The Steele
Bros Co. Toronto. The immense business
sucoees of this enterprising house is won',
derfui. They attribute it to the high grade
of seeds they supply -coupled with busi-
nese energy and Care. For '02 they offer
Catnpb!�It's white chaff wheat, a great
yielder, Early G.ithland, and Golden Giant
oats, three new potatoes, and the vvouder-
ful T'rizetaker onion, besides an endless
array of novelties in flowers, Stanley's
Wash Tub. SpiderLilies, Mr Plant,Sword
rem, etc. They reeks a special offer to
mail two Chinese Sacred Lilies (to :plant
in water now), value 411 cents, and their
peat new catalogue, with 4*i7 illustrations,
*saliva 20 cents, all for only 2a" cents. F'ar.
rues, gardenefs and amateu4rs''rtlionid all
amid for them at once.
route, for not one humorist in a thousand 1 a Dat�na eIn Culross, en tho 4th inst, William Dever,
can talk for two hours and leave the audi• a •ed 05 years.
]ttAlisoL-1ncuirass on the-¢ inst, Annieblar••
enae shouting 4,0o on l Go on !" And this shall, -:wire of Mr James Marshall, 'aged 03 years and
is what happened that evening. Come
7 darn'
back to Torouto again." Eli Perkins has
been secured at considerable expense to ( WINGHAU MABKETS,
WSNOMM, January 14, 1802
give the above lecture on Tuesdlty evening, 1 Corrected Ly P. •Deans, Produce Dealer/
Feb 2nd, in Wiu barn own THall. Flour per 100 lbs, • . • 0,S 2'50 to 2 50
�' Fall Wheat poi bushel, • • 38 to 88
( Spring " 88 to, 88
A New Guide to Japan and China. ; BatleBarley
89 to 30
• 30 to 50
NVESTWARD TO TER FAR ,EAST IS the name Yeas 58 to 58
Butteg tub 58
of a neatly and tastefully `fashioned little - do polis, 15 to 15 , , y r• �, .
guide book, published by the .General Pal'- a i°ora ed,. •1 50 0 1 75 rl ;16<(% � Tom ; �v �` n
seuger Department of the Ce.naclian Pacific Kay penton, 0 �0 to 10 so
Potatoes, 5 to 26
Railway for the. convenience of'those who Dessed Hogs, per cwt • 5 00 to 650
are makin or who intend to make, the Chicicenps, peps pair•26 to 30
g, Ducks, er air 40 to 60
new and fashionable trip across the Amori- Turkeys, per 111 8 to 9
oan Continent,. and on to Japan and China. nesse, per Ib • 6 to 0
The dress of the book is "pretty and dis-
tinctly Japanese, and the matter within -Rev. John Burton, B D, of Toron
is written by one who evidently is familiar to, will lecture in the Cougregational r
with the places mentioned,and the customs church,. \'Viva I%#stn, on Wednesday All intending • purchasers. of stovesfor this
and observances described, and who writes evening, the 270 January, at 8 o'clock.•
with a kindly appreciation of the people Subject," Westminister Abbey." Silver winter will save money by buying from
roves, '° toves
and pleasures of Japan, as well as with an'collection,•
artist's love for the beatuiful in nature. -Wingham this year is unsurpassed
The book contains all that information as ,a pork market by any other town
doncerning the daily wants of a traveller in the county. Within the past. week,
which tourists find so useful, as ehl ae a 'Mr Geo McKenzie has shipped six ear
vocabulary in English;and Japanese of the loads, :eompribing over 125,000 lbs.
principal words and phrases in use when This is only the shipment of one buyer
shopping, sightseeing, &c. The guide oan ih town. Mr Thus •Gregory is also
be proeured gratuitously on application to buying ou the market • and has -,pur
any of the agents of•the Canadian Pacific chased fuidy as much during the gm -
Railway. son as Mr McKenzie •
PoptLar ooh Store
Having 'bought a very large variety of
S rT - -
to choose from
hristinas res rit
Every stove guarenteed against breakage and
A large tteck of Christtnas Goods'has just been received,` suitable for tt11. parties, . to give -complete satisfaction.
old or young, consisting of •
• LADIES' COMPANIONS (in plash and wood), VIOLINS,
MO (ITH ORGANS. CELLULOID MOUTH ORGANS, Wingbam, October 8th, 1801.
.•' • M tREORS (lia+ta painted).
A large number of the NIIIRISTMA'S liWUMBETtS of Dominion Illustrated,
Saturday Night and Christmas numbers of either Magazines and Newspapers, both
Canadian and Old Country.
A large assortment of 'ANNtTALS,
Consisting of Leisure Hours, Sunday at lIolne, Boys' Own, &o., &c.
1 haute a larger stood this ,year than ever before and desire the public to call and
see it, before purchasing elsewhere, us it is no trouble to show goods.
sOrR,emember the Place ---100 JoaspMne street, Wingham,
ALE „ . SS.
s,R s`Ir
3 +
A Stone Chopper has been started in
llastings & Ritchie's Cider Mill, in .tho
Town of Wingham. CHOPP/NG done
at reasonable rates, and satisfaction
g'uaranteetl. Patronage solioited.
• M. 8t J. ELLIOTT,
strayed trete my plaro (Gluevato Road), on 5fon.
day, December 14th, 1801, a two. ye51 old red and
AWO ny persohotter.
ah inn eueh infoemail
tion nae will 'bathed in.
her recovery ani be liberally rewarded.
° MRQ1; MAW. .
wisktu tn, December ls, x501, Butcher,
'.Fenders will be received no to JAN.
20th, 1892, for the ERECTION .OP A.
BRICK ITOUSE, on my farm, Lot 5,
Concession 7, Turnberry. Plans and
specifications eau be seen at my residence.
The undersigns.
Concession 10, Bast
thoroughbred BERK.
Tsaete-$1 at time
returning, it nevem
Nast Wawaites
ill ke
Ori his p1iremises, Lot 3e,
oeh, tinting the season, a
N BOAR, and also'a largo
I)ocontber filth,
with the prlvllegoo